Exemplo n.º 1

*   stats.php - WikiWW statistics page
*   PHP by: Jacob I. Torrey
*   Design by: Jacob I. Torrey
include 'lib/misc.inc.php';
include 'lib/classes.class.php';
include 'lib/cache.lib.php';
$c = new Cache();
print statichtmlheader();
	<div id="title">
		<h1>Wiki Wide Web Statistics</h1>
	<div id="central">
print menu();
	<p class="indent">Below are some statistics generated about Wiki Wide Web:</p>
			<li>Number of users: 
$db = new DB();
$db->query("SELECT count(uid) FROM user;");
$num = $db->fetchRow();
Exemplo n.º 2
    print "<description>" . ucfirst($_GET['username']) . "'s Wiki Wide Web Feed</description>\r\n";
    print "<language>en-us</language>\r\n";
    $db = new DB();
    $db->query("SELECT diff.did, site.address, diff.comment, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(diff.time) FROM diff, site WHERE diff.uid = '{$u->uid}' AND site.sid = diff.sid ORDER BY diff.time DESC LIMIT " . NUMITEMS . ";");
    while ($row = $db->fetchRow()) {
        print "<item>\r\n";
        print "<title>Diff #{$row[0]} - {$row[2]}</title>\r\n";
        print "<link>{$row[1]}</link>\r\n";
        print "<description>" . ucfirst($_GET['username']) . " modified {$row[1]} on " . date(DATE_RFC822, $row[3]) . "</description>\r\n";
        print "<pubDate>" . date(DATE_RFC822, $row[3]) . "</pubDate>\r\n";
        print "</item>\r\n";
    print '</channel></rss>';
} else {
    print statichtmlheader() . "\r\n";
    <style type="text/css">
       h1 {
	 text-align: center;
  a {
  color: black;
  font-weight: bold;
      <link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="/rss/user/<?php 
    print $_GET['username'];
" />
Exemplo n.º 3

require 'lib/misc.inc.php';
require 'lib/classes.class.php';
print statichtmlheader() . "\r\n<body id=\"edit\">";
if (!isset($_GET['address'])) {
    print 'Sorry, you need to enter an address to edit</body></html>';
$s = new Site($_GET['address']);
if (!$s->loaded) {
if ($s->lock) {
    print "Sorry, this page is locked</body></html>";
<h1 class="center">Edit this page</h1>
if (isset($_SESSION['userdata'])) {
    $source = WikiWideWebize($s, getSource($_GET['address']));

<form action="/doedit" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="address" value="<?php 
    print $_GET['address'];
" />
<textarea rows="15" cols="80" name="source"><?php 
    print $source;
Exemplo n.º 4

Wiki Wide Web tools
Author: Jacob Torrey
require '../lib/classes.class.php';
require '../lib/misc.inc.php';
print statichtmlheader() . "<body>\r\n";
if (isset($_SESSION['userdata'])) {
    $u = unserialize($_SESSION['userdata']);
    if ($u->admin) {
        print "<a href=\"newnews.php\">Add a news article</a><br />\r\n";
        print "<a href=\"clean.php\">Clean the DB</a.<br />\r\n";
print "<a href=\"wikiwideweb/wikiwideweb.xpi\">Wiki Wide Development Extension</a><br />\r\n";
print "</body></html>";