Exemplo n.º 1
function ssfa_fileup($atts)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('name' => false, 'base' => '1', 'sub' => false, 'style' => 'silver-bullet', 'iconcolor' => 'classic', 'width' => '100', 'perpx' => '%', 'align' => 'none', 'filetypes' => false, 'filegroups' => false, 'action' => 'permit', 'showto' => false, 'hidefrom' => false, 'single' => false, 'maxsize' => 10, 'maxsizetype' => 'm', 'uploadlabel' => 'File Up ➚', 'fixedlocation' => false), $atts));
    if (SSFA_JAVASCRIPT === 'footer') {
        $GLOBALS['ssfa_add_scripts'] = true;
    if (SSFA_STYLESHEET === 'footer') {
        $GLOBALS['ssfa_add_styles'] = true;
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    $logged_in = is_user_logged_in();
    // Visibility Permissions
    $showtothese = true;
    if ($hidefrom) {
        if (!$logged_in) {
            $showtothese = false;
        $hidelevels = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $hidefrom);
        foreach ($hidelevels as $hlevel) {
            if (current_user_can($hlevel)) {
                $showtothese = false;
    if ($showto) {
        $showtothese = false;
        $showlevels = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $showto);
        foreach ($showlevels as $slevel) {
            if (current_user_can($slevel)) {
                $showtothese = true;
    if (!$showtothese) {
    // Build Initial Directory
    $fa_userid = $logged_in ? get_current_user_id() : 'fa-nulldirectory';
    $fa_username = $logged_in ? strtolower($current_user->user_login) : 'fa-nulldirectory';
    $fa_firstlast = $logged_in ? strtolower($current_user->user_firstname . $current_user->user_lastname) : 'fa-nulldirectory';
    $fa_userrole = $logged_in ? strtolower(ssfa_currentrole()) : 'fa-nulldirectory';
    $base = $base === '1' ? SSFA_BASE1 : ($base === '2' ? SSFA_BASE2 : ($base === '3' ? SSFA_BASE3 : ($base === '4' ? SSFA_BASE4 : ($base === '5' ? SSFA_BASE5 : SSFA_BASE1))));
    $base = trim($base, '/');
    $base = trim($base, '/');
    $sub = $sub ? trim($sub, '/') : false;
    $dir = $sub ? $base . '/' . $sub : $base;
    $playback = false;
    include SSFA_INCLUDES . 'private-content.php';
    $dir = str_replace('//', '/', "{$dir}");
    $debugpath = $GLOBALS['ssfa_abspath'] . $dir;
    $dir = SSFA_ROOT === 'siteurl' ? $dir : ($GLOBALS['ssfa_install'] ? $GLOBALS['ssfa_install'] . $dir : $dir);
    if ($private_content == true && !is_dir("{$dir}")) {
        return null;
    $start = "{$dir}";
    $ss = explode('/', $start);
    $ss = end($ss);
    $fixed = $start;
    $fixed = SSFA_ROOT === 'siteurl' ? $fixed : ($GLOBALS['ssfa_install'] ? ssfa_replace_first($GLOBALS["ssfa_install"], '', $fixed) : $fixed);
    $fixed = $fixedlocation ? $fixed : null;
    $path = '<input type="hidden" id="ssfa-upnomenclature" value="' . $fixed . '" />';
    $ssh = '<input type="hidden" id="ssfa-upwhymenclature" value="' . $ss . '" />';
    $sh = '<input type="hidden" id="ssfa-upyesmenclature" value="' . $start . '" />';
    // File Type Permissions
    $types = array();
    if ($filetypes) {
        $filetypes = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $filetypes);
        foreach ($filetypes as $type) {
            $types[] = strtolower(str_replace(array('.', ',', ' '), '', $type));
    if ($filegroups) {
        $groups = preg_split('/(, |,)/', strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $filegroups)));
        foreach ($GLOBALS['ssfa_filegroups'] as $group => $discard) {
            if (in_array($group, $groups)) {
                $types = array_merge($types, $GLOBALS['ssfa_' . $group]);
    if (count($types) > 0) {
        $types = array_unique($types);
        $filetypes = '["' . implode('", "', $types) . '"]';
    } else {
        $filetypes = false;
    $action = $action === 'prohibit' ? $action : 'permit';
    $permitted = ($filetypes || $filegroups) && $action === 'permit' ? $filetypes : 'false';
    $prohibited = ($filetypes || $filegroups) && $action === 'prohibit' ? $filetypes : 'false';
    // Configure Settings
    $uid = rand(0, 9999);
    $name = $name ? $name : "ssfa-meta-container-{$uid}";
    $width = is_numeric(preg_replace('[\\D]', '', $width)) ? preg_replace('[\\D]', '', $width) : '100';
    $perpx = $perpx === 'px' ? 'px' : '%';
    $width = "width:{$width}{$perpx};";
    $float = $align === 'left' ? ' float:left;' : ($align === 'right' ? ' float:right;' : null);
    $margin = $width !== 'width:100%;' ? $align === 'right' ? ' margin-left:15px;' : ' margin-right:15px;' : null;
    $inlinestyle = $width . $float . $margin;
    $multiple = $single ? '' : ' multiple=multiple';
    $addfiles = $single ? '+ Add File' : '+ Add Files';
    // Configure Max File Size Setting
    $max_file_size = trim(preg_replace('[\\D]', '', $maxsize));
    $max_size_type = trim(strtolower($maxsizetype));
    $max_file_size = is_numeric($max_file_size) ? $max_file_size : 10;
    $max_size_type = in_array($max_size_type, array('k', 'm', 'g')) ? $max_size_type : 'm';
    $ms = $max_file_size . $max_size_type;
    $ms = ssfa_phpini(false, true, false, $ms);
    $pms = ssfa_phpini('post_max_size');
    $ums = ssfa_phpini('upload_max_filesize');
    $maxsize = $pms < $ms ? $pms : $ms;
    $maxsize = $ums < $maxsize ? $ums : $maxsize;
    // Initialize Settings
    $fixedsetting = $fixedlocation ? '"' . $fixed . '"' : 'false';
    $initialize = '
	<script type="text/javascript">
		new FileUp({
			form_id: "ssfa_fileup_form", 
			uid: ' . $uid . ',
			container: "' . $name . '",
			table: "' . $style . '",
			iconcolor: "' . $iconcolor . '",
			maxsize: ' . $maxsize . ',
			permitted: ' . $permitted . ',
			prohibited: ' . $prohibited . ',
			fixed: ' . $fixedsetting . ',
			loading: "' . SSFA_IMAGES_URL . 'ajax.gif"
    // Form Output
    if (!is_dir($debugpath)) {
        return current_user_can('administrator') ? 'File Up Admin Notice: The initial directory specified does not exist:<br>' . $debugpath : null;
    $dropdown = $fixedlocation ? null : '<div id="ssfa-fileup-path-container" style="display:inline-block; float:left;">' . '<div id="ssfa-fileup-directories-select-container">' . '<label for="ssfa-fileup-directories-select" style="display:block!important; margin-bottom:5px!important;">Destination Directory</label>' . '<select name="ssfa-fileup-directories-select" id="ssfa-fileup-directories-select" class="chozed-select ssfa-fileup-directories-select" data-placeholder="&nbsp;">' . '<option></option>' . '<option value="' . $start . '">' . $ss . '</option>' . '</select>' . '<br>' . '<div id="ssfa-fileup-action-path" style="margin-top:5px; min-height:25px;">' . '<img id="ssfa-fileup-action-ajax-loading" src="' . SSFA_IMAGES_URL . 'ajax.gif" ' . 'style="width:15px; margin:0 0 0 5px!important; box-shadow:none!important; display:none;">' . '</div>' . '</div>' . '</div>';
    $form = '<div class="ssfa_fileup_container" style="' . $inlinestyle . '">' . '<form name="ssfa_fileup_form" id="ssfa_fileup_form" action="javascript:void(0);" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . $path . $ssh . $sh . $dropdown . '<div class="ssfa_fileup_buttons_container" style="text-align:right;">' . '<span class="ssfa_fileup_wrapper" style="text-align:left;">' . '<input type="file" name="ssfa_fileup_files[]" id="ssfa_fileup_files" class="ssfa_hidden_browse"' . $multiple . ' />' . '<span class="ssfa_add_files">' . $addfiles . '</span>' . '<span id="ssfa_submit_upload">' . $uploadlabel . '</span>' . '</span>' . '</div>' . '</form>' . '<div class="ssfa_fileup_files_container"></div>' . '<span id="ssfa_rf" style="display:none;"></span>' . '</div>';
    return do_shortcode($initialize . $form);
    echo '<option value="' . $role . '">' . $role . '</option>';
echo '</select>';
<h4>Max Size and Max Size Type</h4>
The maximum allowed file size for each individual uploaded file. Enter an integer (e.g., 20), and specify MB, KB, or GB from the dropdown. If left blank, the default will be 10MB. Note that the system will also check the post_max_size and upload_max_filesize settings from your php.ini file, and if either is smaller than the size you specify here, that one will override your specification. Here are your current php.ini settings for your reference:<br /><br />
post_max_size: <?php 
echo ssfa_phpini('post_max_size', false, 'Not Set');
 <br />
upload_max_filesize: <?php 
echo ssfa_phpini('upload_max_filesize', false, 'Not Set');
<h4>Unique Name</h4>
Required if in use with a corresponding iFrame shortcode, otherwise optional. Assign a unique name. One word, no spaces. You will assign the same unique name to the corresponding File Away iFrame shortcode. This will (1) enable the iframe to scroll to the top of the table when a new page is clicked, and (2) allow for easier reference when multiple iframed tables are on the same page.  
<h4>Unique Name</h4>
Completely optional. Assign a unique name. One word, no spaces. If no name is assigned, a random unique name will be generated on each pageload.