/** * User login function * @param object */ function login_user($data) { $chk = sql_data("users", "email='" . $data->email . "' and password='******'"); if ($chk) { $_SESSION['logged'] = 1; $_SESSION['name'] = $chk['username']; $_SESSION['uid'] = $chk['id']; echo success_json('Success!'); } }
/** * AlQuran Login File * @author Shahriar * @version 1.0.1 */ session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['logged'])) { header('location: index?page=dashboard'); } if (isset($_POST['login'])) { require 'config/connect.php'; require 'config/db.php'; $user = md5($_POST['username']); $pass = md5($_POST['password']); $found = sql_data("q_admin", "uname='" . $user . "' and upass='******'"); if ($found) { date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Dhaka'); $args = array('ulogin' => date('d/m/Y h:i:s') . " " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $chk = update_data('q_admin', $args, "uname='" . $user . "'"); if ($chk) { $_SESSION['logged'] = 1; header('location: index?page=dashboard'); } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>
<?php /** * AlQuran Hadith API for Apps * @author Shahriar * @version 1.0.1 */ header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8'); // if (isset($_POST['api'])) { $var = sql_data('q_admin'); if (md5($_POST['api']) == $var['uapi']) { // $json = array(); $json['data'] = array(); if (isset($_POST['page'])) { $page = $_POST['page']; } else { $page = 0; } $page_start = $page * 10; if (isset($_POST['lang']) && $_POST['lang'] != '') { $select = $_POST['lang']; $other = getHadithList($select, $page_start); // Select language $json['data'] = json_decode($other); $json['page_remain'] = totalHadithPage($select) - $page - 1; } else { $hadith = getHadithList('', $page_start); $json['data'] = json_decode($hadith); // Select All
<?php include "common.php"; include $Path_Include . "db.php"; include $Path_Include . "lib.php"; $page_id = $_REQUEST["page_id"]; $template_editable_id = $_REQUEST["template_editable_id"]; $sql = "select * from pageas_editable_content where page_id={$page_id} and template_editable_id={$template_editable_id}"; print $sql; $data = sql_data($sql); if ($_REQUEST["input_text_field_edit"] != "") { if ($data["id"]) { $sql = "update pageas_editable_content set content='" . $_REQUEST["input_text_field_edit"] . "' where id=" . $data["id"]; } else { $sql = "insert into pageas_editable_content(page_id,template_editable_id,content) values \n\t\t\t('" . $_REQUEST["page_id"] . "','" . $_REQUEST["template_editable_id"] . "','" . $_REQUEST["input_text_field_edit"] . "')"; } } else { if ($data["id"]) { $sql = "update pageas_editable_content set content='" . $_REQUEST["input_text_area_edit"] . "' where id=" . $data["id"]; } else { $sql = "insert into pageas_editable_content(page_id,template_editable_id,content) values \n\t\t\t('" . $_REQUEST["page_id"] . "','" . $_REQUEST["template_editable_id"] . "','" . $_REQUEST["input_text_area_edit"] . "')"; } } print $sql; $page_id = sql_insert($sql);
<?php /** * CricBD post view API for Apps * @author Shahriar * @version 1.0.1 */ header('Content-Type: application/json;'); // if (isset($_POST['api_key'])) { $var = sql_data('forum_user', "api_key='" . $_POST['api_key'] . "'"); if ($var) { // if (isset($_POST['post_id'])) { $postId = (int) $_POST['post_id']; $chk = single_post($postId); $uid = (int) $var['uid']; if ($chk) { $json = array(); $json['message'] = "Posts found!"; $json['success'] = 1; $json['data'] = json_decode($chk, true); $arr = json_decode($json['data'][0]['post_like']); if (in_array($uid, $arr)) { $json['data'][0]['liked'] = 1; } else { $json['data'][0]['liked'] = 0; } $json['data'][0]['post_like'] = count($arr); $com = post_comment($postId); $json['data'][0]['comments'] = json_decode($com, true);
<?php /** * CricBD register API for Apps * @author Shahriar * @version 1.0.1 */ header('Content-Type: application/json;'); // if (isset($_POST['device_id'])) { $var = sql_data('forum_user', "device_id='" . $_POST['device_id'] . "'"); if (!$var) { // $api_key = md5($_POST['device_id']); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Dhaka'); $json = array(); $args = array('device_id' => $_POST['device_id'], 'social_id' => isset($_POST['social_id']) ? $_POST['social_id'] : 0, 'image' => isset($_POST['image']) ? $_POST['image'] : 'uploads/user.png', 'name' => isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '', 'password' => md5($_POST['password']), 'api_key' => $api_key, 'join_date' => date('d-m-Y')); $chk = insert_data('forum_user', $args); if ($chk) { $json['message'] = "Successfully Registered!"; $json['success'] = 1; $json['api_key'] = $api_key; echo json_encode($json); } else { echo err_json('Registration Failed!'); } // } else { echo err_json('Device Already Registered.'); } } else {
$sql = "select * FROM `pages` where id=" . $_REQUEST["pageID"]; $data = sql_data($sql); $sql_template = "select * FROM `template` where id=" . $data["template_id"]; $data_template = sql_data($sql_template); $template_contents = $data_template["source"]; $sql = "select * from template_editable_contents where template_id=" . $data["template_id"] . " order by id"; //print $sql; $result = sql_query($sql); $edit_counter = 1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $sql_type = "select * from editable_type where id=" . $row["type_id"]; $data_type = sql_data($sql_type); $display_editable_area = $data_type["display_editable_area"]; $template_contents = str_replace("<%--template_editable_contents.id=" . $row["id"] . "--%>", $display_editable_area, $template_contents); $sql_page_content = "select * from pageas_editable_content where page_id=" . $_REQUEST["pageID"] . " and template_editable_id=" . $row["id"]; $data_page_content = sql_data($sql_page_content); if ($data_page_content["content"]) { $template_contents = str_replace('<span id="show_textedit_counter"></span>', '<span id="show_textedit_counter">' . $data_page_content["content"] . '</span>', $template_contents); $template_contents = str_replace('<span id="show_textareaedit_counter"></span>', '<span id="show_textareaedit_counter">' . $data_page_content["content"] . '</span>', $template_contents); } $template_contents = str_replace("edit_counter", $edit_counter, $template_contents); $template_contents = str_replace("template_editable_content.id", $row["id"], $template_contents); $edit_counter++; } print $template_contents; //print str_replace("edit_counter","12",$template_contents); //print $data["source"]; ?> </div>