Exemplo n.º 1
  * easier to program for a list of keys passed in and returned, than the overloaded interface 
  * of the normal get method.
 protected function getMulti(array $request)
     $map = array();
     $shards = array();
     foreach ($request as $k) {
         $shard = $this->shard($k);
         $hash = spl_object_hash($shard);
         $shards[$hash] = $shard;
         if (!isset($map[$hash])) {
             $map[$hash] = array();
         $map[$hash][] = $k;
     $rows = array();
     $rows = array_fill_keys($request, NULL);
     foreach ($map as $hash => $keys) {
         $shard = $shards[$hash];
         foreach ($shard->get($keys) as $k => $v) {
             $rows[$k] = $v;
     foreach ($rows as $k => $v) {
         if ($v === NULL) {
     return $rows;
 * Memoizes callbacks and returns their value instead of calling them
 * @param callable $callback Callable closure or function
 * @param array $arguments Arguments
 * @param array|string $key Optional memoize key to override the auto calculated hash
 * @return mixed
function memoize($callback, array $arguments = array(), $key = null)
    static $storage = array();
    if ($callback === null) {
        $storage = array();
        return null;
    InvalidArgumentException::assertCallback($callback, __FUNCTION__, 1);
    static $keyGenerator = null;
    if (!$keyGenerator) {
        $keyGenerator = function ($value) use(&$keyGenerator) {
            $type = gettype($value);
            if ($type === 'array') {
                $key = join(':', map($value, $keyGenerator));
            } elseif ($type === 'object') {
                $key = get_class($value) . ':' . spl_object_hash($value);
            } else {
                $key = (string) $value;
            return $key;
    if ($key === null) {
        $key = $keyGenerator(array_merge(array($callback), $arguments));
    } else {
        $key = $keyGenerator($key);
    if (!isset($storage[$key]) && !array_key_exists($key, $storage)) {
        $storage[$key] = call_user_func_array($callback, $arguments);
    return $storage[$key];
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @param \stdClass $object
 function it_wraps_non_token_arguments_into_ExactValueToken($object)
     $this->beConstructedWith(array(42, 'zet', $object));
     $class = get_class($object->getWrappedObject());
     $hash = spl_object_hash($object->getWrappedObject());
     $this->__toString()->shouldReturn("exact(42), exact(\"zet\"), exact({$class}:{$hash} Object (\n    'objectProphecy' => Prophecy\\Prophecy\\ObjectProphecy Object (*Prophecy*)\n))");
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Connects the TeamSpeak3_Transport_Abstract object and performs initial actions on the remote
  * server.
  * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Exception
  * @return void
 public function syn()
     TeamSpeak3_Helper_Signal::getInstance()->emit("filetransferConnected", $this);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Stringifies any provided value.
  * @param mixed $value        	
  * @param boolean $exportObject        	
  * @return string
 public function stringify($value, $exportObject = true)
     if (is_array($value)) {
         if (range(0, count($value) - 1) === array_keys($value)) {
             return '[' . implode(', ', array_map(array($this, __FUNCTION__), $value)) . ']';
         $stringify = array($this, __FUNCTION__);
         return '[' . implode(', ', array_map(function ($item, $key) use($stringify) {
             return (is_integer($key) ? $key : '"' . $key . '"') . ' => ' . call_user_func($stringify, $item);
         }, $value, array_keys($value))) . ']';
     if (is_resource($value)) {
         return get_resource_type($value) . ':' . $value;
     if (is_object($value)) {
         return $exportObject ? ExportUtil::export($value) : sprintf('%s:%s', get_class($value), spl_object_hash($value));
     if (true === $value || false === $value) {
         return $value ? 'true' : 'false';
     if (is_string($value)) {
         $str = sprintf('"%s"', str_replace("\n", '\\n', $value));
         if (50 <= strlen($str)) {
             return substr($str, 0, 50) . '"...';
         return $str;
     if (null === $value) {
         return 'null';
     return (string) $value;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function detachShared(SharedEventManagerInterface $events)
     foreach ($this->listeners[\spl_object_hash($events)] as $listener) {
         $events->detach($this->identity, $listener);
     return __METHOD__;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Creates a string hash for a value
  * @param mixed  $value The value
  * @param string $algo  The hash algorithm
  * @return string
 public static function hash($value, string $algo = 'fnv1a32') : string
     $type = gettype($value);
     switch ($type) {
         case 'object':
             if (Validate::isEquatable($value)) {
                 $string = sprintf('e_%s', $value->hashValue());
             } else {
                 $string = sprintf('o_%s', spl_object_hash($value));
         case 'string':
             $string = sprintf('s_%s', $value);
         case 'integer':
             $string = sprintf('i_%d', $value);
         case 'double':
             $string = sprintf('f_%.14F', $value);
         case 'boolean':
             $string = sprintf('b_%d', (int) $value);
         case 'resource':
             $string = sprintf('r_%d', (int) $value);
         case 'array':
             $string = sprintf('a_%s', serialize($value));
             $string = '0';
     return hash($algo, $string);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function endTest(\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test, $time)
     if (!in_array(spl_object_hash($test), $this->unsuccessfulTests)) {
         $this->fire(Events::TEST_SUCCESS, new TestEvent($test));
     $this->dispatcher->dispatch(Events::TEST_END, new TestEvent($test, $time));
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @param Contact $entity
  * @param array $options
  * @return \Devture\Component\Form\Validator\ViolationsList
 public function validate($entity, array $options = array())
     $violations = parent::validate($entity, $options);
     $name = $entity->getName();
     if (strlen($name) < 3 || !preg_match("/^[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-\\.]+\$/", $name)) {
         $violations->add('name', 'Invalid name.');
     } else {
         try {
             $ent = $this->repository->findOneBy(array('name' => $name));
             if (spl_object_hash($ent) !== spl_object_hash($entity)) {
                 $violations->add('name', 'The name is already in use.');
         } catch (NotFound $e) {
     if (!$entity->getTimePeriod() instanceof TimePeriod) {
         $violations->add('timePeriod', 'The time period is not valid.');
     if (!$entity->getServiceNotificationCommand() instanceof Command) {
         $violations->add('serviceNotificationCommand', 'The service notification command is not valid.');
     if ($this->isEmpty($entity->getEmail()) && count($entity->getAddresses()) === 0) {
         $violations->add('__other__', 'An email address or other addresses need to be entered.');
     foreach ($entity->getAddresses() as $slot => $address) {
         $slot = (int) $slot;
         if ($slot < 1 || $slot > Contact::ADDRESS_SLOTS_COUNT) {
             $violations->add('addresses', 'Slot %slot% is not allowed.', array('%slot%' => $slot));
     return $violations;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Returns a string representing the supplied value's identity.
  * @param mixed $value
  * @return string
 public static function hash($value)
     $typeIdentifier = gettype($value)[0];
     switch ($typeIdentifier) {
         case 's':
             return 's' . (strlen($value) > 32 ? md5($value) : $value);
         case 'i':
         case 'b':
         case 'd':
         case 'r':
         case 'u':
             //unknown type
             return $typeIdentifier . $value;
         case 'N':
             return 'N';
         case 'o':
             return 'o' . spl_object_hash($value);
         case 'a':
             return self::arrayHash($value);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function valuesProvider()
     $obj2 = new \stdClass();
     $obj2->foo = 'bar';
     $obj3 = (object) array(1, 2, "Test\r\n", 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
     $obj = new \stdClass();
     // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
     $obj->null = null;
     // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
     $obj->boolean = true;
     $obj->integer = 1;
     $obj->double = 1.2;
     $obj->string = '1';
     $obj->text = "this\nis\na\nvery\nvery\nvery\nvery\nvery\nvery\rlong\n\rtext";
     $obj->object = $obj2;
     $obj->objectagain = $obj2;
     $obj->array = array('foo' => 'bar');
     $obj->array2 = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
     $obj->array3 = array($obj, $obj2, $obj3);
     $obj->self = $obj;
     $storage = new \SplObjectStorage();
     $storage->foo = $obj2;
     return array(array($obj, spl_object_hash($obj)), array($obj2, spl_object_hash($obj2)), array($obj3, spl_object_hash($obj3)), array($storage, spl_object_hash($storage)), array($obj->array, 0), array($obj->array2, 0), array($obj->array3, 0));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function testPartialApplication()
     $callback = new Callback('\\Fatso\\Tests\\Util\\CallbackContainer::concat');
     $new = $callback->partial('abcd');
     $this->assertEquals('abcdEF', $new('EF'));
     $this->assertNotEquals(spl_object_hash($callback), spl_object_hash($new));
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Connects the TeamSpeak3_Transport_Abstract object and performs initial actions on the remote
  * server.
  * @throws TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Exception
  * @return void
 public function syn()
     \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\Signal::getInstance()->emit("filetransferConnected", $this);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function testPersistObjects()
     $collection = new Collection($this->cursor, true);
     // collect object hashes from first iterate / hydrate
     $hashes = [];
     foreach ($collection as $item) {
         $hashes[] = spl_object_hash($item);
     //iterate the same collection again and we should get the same exact objects back
     $secondaryHashes = [];
     foreach ($collection as $item) {
         $secondaryHashes[] = spl_object_hash($item);
     $this->assertEquals(count($hashes), count($secondaryHashes), 'got different number of items during second iteration of collection');
     for ($c = 0; $c < count($hashes); $c++) {
         $this->assertEquals($hashes[$c], $secondaryHashes[$c], 'got different object hashes the second time around');
     // now test that NOT persisting objects results in new objects each time iterated
     $collection = new Collection($this->cursor);
     // collect object hashes from first iterate / hydrate
     $hashes = [];
     foreach ($collection as $item) {
         $hashes[] = spl_object_hash($item);
     //iterate the same collection again and we should get the NEW objects back
     $secondaryHashes = [];
     foreach ($collection as $item) {
         $secondaryHashes[] = spl_object_hash($item);
     $this->assertEquals(count($hashes), count($secondaryHashes), 'got different number of items during second iteration of collection');
     for ($c = 0; $c < count($hashes); $c++) {
         $this->assertNotEquals($hashes[$c], $secondaryHashes[$c], 'got same object hashes the second time around');
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function testInitServiceEvent()
     $this->assertEquals('blah blah blah', Dummy::saySomething());
     $this->appPkg->addEventListener(Event\Type\System\InitService::toType(), function ($event) {
         $pkgName = $event->getCurrentNode()->getComposerName();
         if ($event->getShortClassName() == 'Dummy') {
             return function () use($pkgName) {
                 $this->pkgName = $pkgName;
                 $this->sentence = 'I hope it will work';
     $ext = $this->appPkg->getExtensions()[0];
     $this->assertEquals(spl_object_hash($ext), spl_object_hash($this->appPkg->getChildNodes()[0]));
     // this event handler would not be triggered
     $ext->addEventListener(Event\Type\System\InitService::toType(), function ($event) {
         $pkgName = $event->getCurrentNode()->getComposerName();
         if ($event->getShortClassName() == 'Dummy') {
             return function () use($pkgName) {
                 $this->pkgName = $pkgName;
                 $this->sentence = "Wanna sleep";
     // fire event by creating a service instance
     $dummy = Dummy::create();
     $this->assertEquals('I hope it will work', $dummy->saySomething());
     $this->assertEquals('phpcrystal/phpcrystaltest', $dummy->getPackageName());
  * Persists node in given position strategy
 protected function persistAs($node, $child = null, $position = Nested::FIRST_CHILD)
     $em = $this->getEntityManager();
     $wrapped = new EntityWrapper($node, $em);
     $meta = $this->getClassMetadata();
     $config = $this->listener->getConfiguration($em, $meta->name);
     $siblingInPosition = null;
     if ($child !== null) {
         switch ($position) {
             case Nested::PREV_SIBLING:
             case Nested::NEXT_SIBLING:
                 $sibling = new EntityWrapper($child, $em);
                 $newParent = $sibling->getPropertyValue($config['parent']);
                 if (null === $newParent && isset($config['root'])) {
                     throw new UnexpectedValueException("Cannot persist sibling for a root node, tree operation is not possible");
                 $siblingInPosition = $child;
                 $child = $newParent;
         $wrapped->setPropertyValue($config['parent'], $child);
     $wrapped->setPropertyValue($config['left'], 0);
     // simulate changeset
     $oid = spl_object_hash($node);
     $this->listener->getStrategy($em, $meta->name)->setNodePosition($oid, $position, $siblingInPosition);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Test that attaching a log writer adds it to the array of log writers
  * @TODO Is this test too specific?
  * @test
  * @covers Kohana_Log::attach
 public function test_attach_attaches_log_writer_and_returns_this()
     $logger = new Kohana_Log();
     $writer = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('Kohana_Log_Writer');
     $this->assertSame($logger, $logger->attach($writer));
     $this->assertAttributeSame(array(spl_object_hash($writer) => array('object' => $writer, 'types' => NULL)), '_writers', $logger);
  * @return null|string
 public function getAggregateRootId($object)
     if (!is_object($object)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     return $this->aggregateRootIds[spl_object_hash($object)] ?? null;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Test the cache can be bootstrapped when using the redis driver.
  * @covers Molovo\Amnesia\Cache::bootstrap
  * @covers Molovo\Amnesia\Cache\Instance::__construct
  * @covers Molovo\Amnesia\Driver\File::__construct
  * @covers Molovo\Amnesia\Cache::instance
 public function testBootstrap()
     $name = 'file_driver_test';
     $config = [$name => ['driver' => 'file', 'store_path' => dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/_data/cache/store']];
     if (!is_dir($config[$name]['store_path'])) {
         // This is a test cache, so just let anyone write to it
         // to avoid having to deal with permissions issues
         mkdir($config[$name]['store_path'], 0777, true);
     $instance = Cache::instance($name);
     // Test that the driver has been instantiated correctly
     $property = new \ReflectionProperty(Instance::class, 'driver');
     $driver = $property->getValue($instance);
     // Call a second time to test retrieval from cache
     $cached_instance = Cache::instance($name);
     // Compare hashes of the two instances to ensure they are
     // the same object
     $hash1 = spl_object_hash($instance);
     $hash2 = spl_object_hash($cached_instance);
     // Store the instance so we can use it in other tests
     static::$instance = $instance;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public function testGlobalFunctionIsASingelton()
     $obj1 = AssetManager();
     $obj2 = AssetManager();
     $this->assertEquals(spl_object_hash($obj1), spl_object_hash($obj2));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function getCreateQuery($object)
     $propertyValues = [];
     $extraLabels = [];
     $removeLabels = [];
     foreach ($this->classMetadata->getPropertiesMetadata() as $field => $meta) {
         $propertyValues[$field] = $meta->getValue($object);
     foreach ($this->classMetadata->getLabeledProperties() as $labeledProperty) {
         if ($labeledProperty->isLabelSet($object)) {
             $extraLabels[] = $labeledProperty->getLabelName();
         } else {
             $removeLabels[] = $labeledProperty->getLabelName();
     $query = sprintf('CREATE (n:%s) SET n += {properties}', $this->classMetadata->getLabel());
     if (!empty($extraLabels)) {
         foreach ($extraLabels as $label) {
             $query .= ' SET n:' . $label;
     if (!empty($removeLabels)) {
         foreach ($removeLabels as $label) {
             $query .= ' REMOVE n:' . $label;
     $query .= ' RETURN id(n) as id';
     return Statement::create($query, ['properties' => $propertyValues], spl_object_hash($object));
Exemplo n.º 22
 public function testReadOnly()
     $this->markTestIncomplete('To be fixed.');
     $servCheck = ServerCheck::getInstance();
     $allServerParams = $servCheck->getAllServerParams();
     $upload = $servCheck->getUploadParams();
     $mysql_params = $servCheck->getMysqlParams();
     $this->assertEquals($servCheck->getUploadParams(), $allServerParams->getUpload());
     $this->assertEquals($upload, $allServerParams->getUpload());
     $this->assertNotEquals(spl_object_hash($upload), $allServerParams->getUpload());
     $this->assertNotEquals(spl_object_hash($upload), $servCheck->getUploadParams());
     $allServerParams->field_test_not_existent = "kkk";
     echo $allServerParams->field_test_not_existent;
     $upload->field_test_not_existent = "kkk";
     echo $upload->field_test_not_existent;
     $mysql_params->field_test_not_existent = "kkk";
     echo $mysql_params->field_test_not_existent;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function testSPLObjectHashCollisionOnReplacingEmbeddedDoc()
     $usedHashes = array();
     $owner = new GH1017Document();
     $maxTries = 10;
     // Keep replacing the embedded object
     // until the same object hash is returned
     for ($i = 0; $i < $maxTries; $i++) {
         $owner->embedded = new GH1017EmbeddedDocument();
         $oid = spl_object_hash($owner->embedded);
         if (in_array($oid, $usedHashes)) {
             // Collision found, let's test state of embedded doc
             $this->assertEquals(UnitOfWork::STATE_NEW, $this->uow->getDocumentState($owner->embedded), 'A newly created object should be treated as NEW by UOW');
         $usedHashes[] = $oid;
     // At the time of writing this test,
     // collision was always found when $i == 2
     $this->markTestSkipped('No object hash collision ' . 'encountered after ' . $maxTries . 'tries');
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function detach(EventCollection $events)
     foreach ($this->handles[\spl_object_hash($events)] as $handle) {
     return __METHOD__;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * @param ActiveRecord $record
 public function addUploaded(ActiveRecord $record)
     $hash = spl_object_hash($record);
     if (!isset($this->uploaded[$hash])) {
         $this->uploaded[$hash] = ['record' => $record];
Exemplo n.º 26
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function extractSubmittedData(FormInterface $form)
     $data = array('submitted_data' => array('norm' => $this->valueExporter->exportValue($form->getNormData())), 'errors' => array());
     if ($form->getViewData() !== $form->getNormData()) {
         $data['submitted_data']['view'] = $this->valueExporter->exportValue($form->getViewData());
     if ($form->getData() !== $form->getNormData()) {
         $data['submitted_data']['model'] = $this->valueExporter->exportValue($form->getData());
     foreach ($form->getErrors() as $error) {
         $errorData = array('message' => $error->getMessage(), 'origin' => is_object($error->getOrigin()) ? spl_object_hash($error->getOrigin()) : null, 'trace' => array());
         $cause = $error->getCause();
         while (null !== $cause) {
             if ($cause instanceof ConstraintViolationInterface) {
                 $errorData['trace'][] = array('class' => $this->valueExporter->exportValue(get_class($cause)), 'root' => $this->valueExporter->exportValue($cause->getRoot()), 'path' => $this->valueExporter->exportValue($cause->getPropertyPath()), 'value' => $this->valueExporter->exportValue($cause->getInvalidValue()));
                 $cause = method_exists($cause, 'getCause') ? $cause->getCause() : null;
             if ($cause instanceof \Exception) {
                 $errorData['trace'][] = array('class' => $this->valueExporter->exportValue(get_class($cause)), 'message' => $this->valueExporter->exportValue($cause->getMessage()));
                 $cause = $cause->getPrevious();
             $errorData['trace'][] = $cause;
         $data['errors'][] = $errorData;
     $data['synchronized'] = $this->valueExporter->exportValue($form->isSynchronized());
     return $data;
  * @param object $entity
  * @param bool   $isFullData
  * @param bool   $isPersistNew
  * @param mixed|array|null $itemData
  * @param array $searchContext
  * @return null|object
 protected function processEntity($entity, $isFullData = false, $isPersistNew = false, $itemData = null, array $searchContext = array())
     $oid = spl_object_hash($entity);
     if (isset($this->cachedEntities[$oid])) {
         return $entity;
     // find and cache existing or new entity
     $existingEntity = $this->findExistingEntity($entity, $searchContext);
     if ($existingEntity) {
         $existingOid = spl_object_hash($existingEntity);
         if (isset($this->cachedEntities[$existingOid])) {
             return $existingEntity;
         $this->cachedEntities[$existingOid] = $existingEntity;
     } else {
         // if can't find entity and new entity can't be persisted
         if (!$isPersistNew) {
             return null;
         $this->cachedEntities[$oid] = $entity;
     // update relations
     if ($isFullData) {
         $this->updateRelations($entity, $itemData);
     // import entity fields
     if ($existingEntity) {
         if ($isFullData) {
             $this->importExistingEntity($entity, $existingEntity, $itemData);
         $entity = $existingEntity;
     return $entity;
  * @param object $entity
  * @param string $field
  * @param string $locale
  * @param mixed $fieldData
  * @throws \Bigfoot\Bundle\CoreBundle\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
 public function translate($entity, $field, $locale, $fieldData)
     $em = $this->em;
     $meta = $em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity));
     $listener = $this->getTranslatableListener();
     $persistDefaultLocaleTransInEntity = $listener->getPersistDefaultLocaleTranslation();
     if (is_object($entity)) {
         $entityClass = $entity instanceof Proxy ? get_parent_class($entity) : get_class($entity);
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Argument 1 passed to TranslationRepository::translate must be an object');
     $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($entityClass);
     $entityTranslationClass = $this->isPersonnalTranslationRecursive($reflectionClass)->class;
     if ($locale === $listener->getTranslatableLocale($entity, $meta)) {
         $meta->getReflectionProperty($field)->setValue($entity, $fieldData);
     } elseif (!$persistDefaultLocaleTransInEntity && $locale === $listener->getDefaultLocale()) {
         $trans = new $entityTranslationClass($locale, $field, $fieldData);
         $listener->setTranslationInDefaultLocale(spl_object_hash($entity), $field, $trans);
     } else {
         $translationClassRepository = $this->em->getRepository($entityTranslationClass);
         $meta = $em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity));
         $identifier = $meta->getSingleIdentifierFieldName();
         $translation = null;
         if ($entity && $this->propertyAccessor->getValue($entity, $identifier)) {
             $translation = $translationClassRepository->findOneBy(array('locale' => $locale, 'field' => $field, 'object' => $entity));
         if ($translation) {
         } elseif ($fieldData !== null) {
             $entity->addTranslation(new $entityTranslationClass($locale, $field, $fieldData));
Exemplo n.º 29
  * @param \PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult $result
 public function printResult(\PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult $result)
     if ($this->runner->shouldNotify()) {
     $testDox = trim(TestDox::get(spl_object_hash($result)));
     if (strlen($testDox)) {
         $this->write(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $testDox);
     if ($this->runner->shouldNotify()) {
         $output = ob_get_contents();
         echo $output;
         if ($result->failureCount() + $result->errorCount() + $result->skippedCount() + $result->notImplementedCount() == 0) {
             $notificationResult = Notification::RESULT_PASSED;
         } else {
             $notificationResult = Notification::RESULT_FAILED;
         $output = $this->removeAnsiEscapeCodesForColors($output);
         if (preg_match('/(OK \\(\\d+ tests?, \\d+ assertions?\\))/', $output, $matches)) {
             $notificationMessage = $matches[1];
         } elseif (preg_match('/(FAILURES!)\\s+(.*)/', $output, $matches)) {
             $notificationMessage = $matches[1] . PHP_EOL . $matches[2];
         } elseif (preg_match('/(OK, but incomplete,.*!)\\s+(.*)/', $output, $matches)) {
             $notificationMessage = $matches[1] . PHP_EOL . $matches[2];
         } elseif (preg_match('/(No tests executed!)/', $output, $matches)) {
             $notificationMessage = $matches[1];
         } else {
             $notificationMessage = '';
         $this->notification = new Notification($notificationResult, $notificationMessage);
Exemplo n.º 30
  * @param Request $request
  * @return Response
 public function __invoke(Request $request)
     $options = [];
     // Headers
     $headerLines = [];
     foreach ($request->getHeaders() as $name => $values) {
         $headerLines[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $name, implode(', ', $values));
     $options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = $headerLines;
     // Url
     $options[CURLOPT_URL] = (string) $request->getUri();
     switch ($request->getMethod()) {
         case 'HEAD':
             $options[CURLOPT_NOBODY] = true;
         case 'GET':
             $options[CURLOPT_HTTPGET] = true;
         case 'POST':
             $options[CURLOPT_POST] = true;
             $options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = (string) $request->getBody();
             // Don't duplicate the Content-Length header
             $request = $request->withoutHeader('Content-Length');
             $request = $request->withoutHeader('Transfer-Encoding');
         case 'PUT':
             // Write to memory/temp
             $file = fopen('php://temp/' . spl_object_hash($request), 'w+');
             $bytes = fwrite($file, (string) $request->getBody());
             $options[CURLOPT_PUT] = true;
             $options[CURLOPT_INFILE] = $file;
             $options[CURLOPT_INFILESIZE] = $bytes;
             $request = $request->withoutHeader('Content-Length');
             $options[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = $request->getMethod();
     // If the Expect header is not present, prevent curl from adding it
     if (!$request->hasHeader('Expect')) {
         $options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Expect:';
     // cURL sometimes adds a content-type by default. Prevent this.
     if (!$request->hasHeader('Content-Type')) {
         $options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Content-Type:';
     list($body, $headerLines) = $this->execute($options);
     $headerLines = preg_split("#\r\n#", $headerLines, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     $headers = [];
     // Extract the version and status from the first header
     preg_match('#HTTP/(\\d\\.\\d)\\s(\\d\\d\\d)\\s(.*)#', array_shift($headerLines), $matches);
     list($protocolVersion, $statusCode, $reasonPhrase) = $matches;
     foreach ($headerLines as $line) {
         list($name, $values) = preg_split('#\\s*:\\s*#', $line, 2, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         $headers[$name] = preg_split('#\\s*,\\s*#', $values, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     $response = new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response($statusCode, $headers, $body, $protocolVersion, $reasonPhrase);
     return $response;