Exemplo n.º 1
$blog_types = array(__('Standard', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "standard", __('Timeline', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "timeline", __('Bold', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "bold", __('Mini', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "mini", __('Masonry', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "masonry");
if (spb_get_theme_name() == "atelier") {
    $blog_types = array(__('Standard', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "standard", __('Bold', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "bold", __('Mini', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "mini", __('Masonry', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "masonry");
if (spb_get_theme_name() == "uplift") {
    $blog_types = array(__('Standard', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "standard", __('Timeline', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "timeline", __('Masonry', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "masonry");
$blog_types = apply_filters('spb_blog_display_types', $blog_types);
   ================================================== */
$params = array(array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Widget title", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "title", "value" => "", "description" => __("Heading text. Leave it empty if not needed.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "dropdown", "heading" => __("Blog type", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "blog_type", "value" => $blog_types, "std" => "masonry", "description" => __("Select the display type for the blog.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Masonry gutters", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "gutters", "value" => array(__('Yes', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes", __('No', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "required" => array("blog_type", "=", "masonry"), "description" => __("Select if you'd like spacing between the items, or not (Masonry type only).", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "dropdown", "heading" => __("Masonry Columns", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "columns", "value" => array("5", "4", "3", "2", "1"), "std" => "4", "required" => array("blog_type", "=", "masonry"), "description" => __("How many blog masonry columns to display. NOTE: Only for the masonry blog type, and not when fullwidth mode is selected, as this is adaptive.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Full Width", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "fullwidth", "std" => "no", "value" => array(__('Yes', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes", __('No', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "description" => __("Select if you'd like the asset to be full width (edge to edge). NOTE: only possible on pages without sidebars.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Number of items", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "item_count", "value" => "5", "description" => __("The number of blog items to show per page.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "select-multiple", "heading" => __("Blog category", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "category", "value" => sf_get_category_list('category'), "description" => __("Choose the category for the blog items.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Posts offset", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "offset", "value" => "0", "description" => __("The offset for the start of the posts that are displayed, e.g. enter 5 here to start from the 5th post.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "dropdown", "heading" => __("Order by", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "order_by", "std" => "date", "value" => array(__('None', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "none", __('ID', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "ID", __('Title', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "title", __('Date', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "date", __('Random', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "rand"), "description" => __("Select how you'd like the items to be ordered.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "dropdown", "heading" => __("Order", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "order", "std" => "DESC", "value" => array(__("Ascending", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "ASC", __("Descending", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "DESC"), "description" => __("Select if you'd like the items to be ordered in ascending or descending order.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Show title text", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "show_title", "std" => "yes", "value" => array(__("Yes", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes", __("No", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "description" => __("Show the item title text.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Show item excerpt", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "show_excerpt", "std" => "yes", "value" => array(__("Yes", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes", __("No", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "required" => array("blog_type", "!=", "bold"), "description" => __("Show the item excerpt text.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Show item details", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "show_details", "std" => "yes", "value" => array(__("Yes", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes", __("No", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "description" => __("Show the item details.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Excerpt Length", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "excerpt_length", "value" => "20", "required" => array("blog_type", "!=", "bold"), "description" => __("The length of the excerpt for the posts.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "dropdown", "heading" => __("Content Output", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "content_output", "value" => array(__("Excerpt", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "excerpt", __("Full Content", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "full_content"), "required" => array("blog_type", "!=", "bold"), "description" => __("Choose whether to display the excerpt or the full content for the post. Full content is not available for the masonry or bold view types.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Show read more link", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "show_read_more", "value" => array(__("Yes", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes", __("No", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "description" => __("Show a read more link below the excerpt. NOTE: Not used in Bold or Masonry types.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "section_tab", "param_name" => "social_options_tab", "heading" => __("Social Integration", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Social Integration", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "social_integration", "std" => "no", "value" => array(__("Yes", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes", __("No", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "description" => __("Enable social integration within the blog posts (only on Masonry blog types). NOTE: This will only integrate Twitter/Instagram posts to the first page of your blog, and won't be included in any further pages, or content loaded via infinite scroll or AJAX. It therefore works best when you show a high number of blog posts on a single page, and pagination MUST be set to none.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Twitter Username", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "twitter_username", "value" => "", "required" => array("social_integration", "=", "yes"), "description" => __("Enter your twitter username here to include tweets in the blog grid. Ensure you have the Twitter oAuth plugin installed and your details added.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Number of Instagram items", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "insta_item_count", "value" => "", "required" => array("social_integration", "=", "yes"), "description" => __("The number of instagram items to show. If you haven't already, you'll need to set up your Instagram account in Swift Framework > Instagram Auth.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Number of Tweets", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "tweet_item_count", "value" => "", "required" => array("social_integration", "=", "yes"), "description" => __("The number of tweets to show.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "section_tab", "param_name" => "aux_options_tab", "heading" => __("Aux", 'swift-framework-plugin')), $params[] = array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Filter", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "blog_filter", "std" => "yes", "value" => array(__('No', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no", __('Yes', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "description" => __("Show the blog category filter above the items.", 'swift-framework-plugin')));
if (spb_get_theme_name() == "uplift") {
    $params[] = array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Basic Filter", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "basic_blog_filter", "std" => "no", "value" => array(__('No', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no", __('Yes', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "required" => array("blog_filter", "=", "yes"), "description" => __("Set the blog filter to be basic, simply a category filter.", 'swift-framework-plugin'));
$params[] = array("type" => "dropdown", "heading" => __("Pagination", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "pagination", "value" => array(__("Infinite scroll", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "infinite-scroll", __("Load more (AJAX)", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "load-more", __("Standard", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "standard", __("None", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "none"), "description" => __("Show pagination.", 'swift-framework-plugin'));
if (spb_get_theme_name() == "atelier") {
    $params[] = array("type" => "section_tab", "param_name" => "styling_options_tab", "heading" => __("Styling", 'swift-framework-plugin'));
    $params[] = array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Alt Styling", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "alt_styling", "value" => array(__('No', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no", __('Yes', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "description" => __("Select 'Yes' if you'd like the standard blog item content to be boxed.", 'swift-framework-plugin'));
if (spb_get_theme_name() == "joyn") {
    $params[] = array("type" => "section_tab", "param_name" => "styling_options_tab", "heading" => __("Styling", 'swift-framework-plugin'));
    $params[] = array("type" => "dropdown", "heading" => __("Thumbnail Hover Style", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "hover_style", "value" => array(__('Default', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "default", __('Standard', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "gallery-standard", __('Gallery Alt', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "gallery-alt-one"), "description" => __("Choose the thumbnail hover style for the asset. If set to 'Default', then this uses the thumbnail type set in the theme options.", 'swift-framework-plugin'));
$params[] = array("type" => "section_tab", "param_name" => "advanced_options_tab", "heading" => __("Advanced", 'swift-framework-plugin'));
$params[] = array("type" => "dropdown", "heading" => __("Post Type Override", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "post_type", "value" => spb_get_post_types(), "description" => __("If you'd like to override the post type for which the content is of this asset is made up of, then you can select it here.", 'swift-framework-plugin'));
$params[] = array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Extra class", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "el_class", "value" => "", "description" => __("If you wish to style this particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file.", 'swift-framework-plugin'));
   ================================================== */
SPBMap::map('spb_blog', array("name" => __("Blog", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "base" => "spb_blog", "class" => "spb_blog spb_tab_media", "icon" => "icon-blog", "params" => $params));
Exemplo n.º 2
        $output .= "\n\t\t\t" . $items;
        $output .= "\n\t\t" . '</div>';
        $output .= "\n\t" . '</div> ' . $this->endBlockComment($width);
        if ($fullwidth == "yes" && $sidebars == "no-sidebars") {
            $output = $this->startRow($el_position, '', true) . $output . $this->endRow($el_position, '', true);
        } else {
            $output = $this->startRow($el_position) . $output . $this->endRow($el_position);
        global $sf_include_isotope, $sf_include_carousel;
        $sf_include_isotope = true;
        if ($carousel == "yes") {
            $sf_include_carousel = true;
        return $output;
$display_types = array(__('Standard', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "standard", __('Standard Row', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "standard-row", __('Bold', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "bold", __('Bold (Alt)', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "bright", __('Post List', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "list");
if (spb_get_theme_name() == "atelier") {
    $display_types = array(__('Standard', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "standard", __('Standard Row', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "standard-row", __('Post List', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "list");
if (sf_theme_supports('posts-showcase')) {
    $display_types = array(__('Standard', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "standard", __('Standard Row', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "standard-row", __('Post List', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "list", __('Post Showcase', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "showcase");
   ================================================== */
$params = array(array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Widget title", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "title", "value" => "", "description" => __("Heading text. Leave it empty if not needed.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "dropdown", "heading" => __("Display Type", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "display_type", "value" => $display_types, "description" => __("Choose the display type for the posts.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Carousel", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "carousel", "value" => array(__('No', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no", __('Yes', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "std" => "no", "required" => array("display_type", "or", "standard,bold,standard-row"), "description" => __("Enables carousel funcitonality in the asset.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "dropdown", "heading" => __("Columns", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "item_columns", "std" => '5', "value" => array(__('5', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "5", __('4', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "4", __('3', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "3", __('2', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "2", __('1', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "1"), "required" => array("display_type", "or", "standard,bold,standard-row"), "description" => __("Choose the amount of columns you would like for the asset.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Number of items", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "item_count", "value" => "4", "description" => __("The number of blog items to show per page.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "select-multiple", "heading" => __("Blog category", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "category", "value" => sf_get_category_list('category'), "description" => __("Choose the category for the blog items.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Posts offset", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "offset", "value" => "0", "description" => __("The offset for the start of the posts that are displayed, e.g. enter 5 here to start from the 5th post.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "dropdown", "heading" => __("Posts order", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "posts_order", "value" => array(__("Descending", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "DESC", __("Ascending", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "ASC"), "description" => __("The order of the posts.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Excerpt Length", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "excerpt_length", "value" => "20", "description" => __("The length of the excerpt for the posts.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Full Width", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "fullwidth", "value" => array(__('No', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no", __('Yes', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "description" => __("Select if you'd like the asset to be full width (edge to edge). NOTE: only possible on pages without sidebars.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Gutters", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "gutters", "value" => array(__('Yes', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes", __('No', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "description" => __("Select if you'd like spacing between the items, or not.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Blog Page Button", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "button_enabled", "value" => array(__('No', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no", __('Yes', 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes"), "buttonset_on" => "yes", "description" => __("Select if you'd like to include a button in the title bar to link through to all blog posts. The page is set in Theme Options > Custom Post Type Options, unless you have selected a category above, in which case it will link to that category.", 'swift-framework-plugin')), array("type" => "dropdown", "heading" => __("Post Type Override", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "post_type", "value" => spb_get_post_types(), "description" => __("If you'd like to override the post type for which the content is of this asset is made up of, then you can select it here.", 'swift-framework-plugin')));
$params[] = array("type" => "buttonset", "heading" => __("Include Pagination", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "pagination", "value" => array(__("Yes", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "yes", __("No", 'swift-framework-plugin') => "no"), "required" => array("display_type", "=", "showcase"), "description" => __("If you would like to include pagination on the showcase asset, then enable it here.", 'swift-framework-plugin'));
$params[] = array("type" => "textfield", "heading" => __("Extra class", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "param_name" => "el_class", "value" => "", "description" => __("If you wish to style this particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file.", 'swift-framework-plugin'));
   ================================================== */
SPBMap::map('spb_recent_posts', array("name" => __("Recent Posts", 'swift-framework-plugin'), "base" => "spb_recent_posts", "class" => "spb_recent_posts spb_tab_media", "icon" => "icon-recent-posts", "params" => $params));