Exemplo n.º 1
function sp_admin_bar_do_upgrade_check()
    if (!sp_is_plugin_active('admin-bar/sp-admin-bar-plugin.php')) {
    $options = sp_get_option('spAdminBar');
    $db = $options['dbversion'];
    if (empty($db)) {
        $db = 0;
    # quick bail check
    if ($db == SPABDBVERSION) {
    # apply upgrades as needed
    if ($db < 1) {
        # empty since plugin did not used db on initial release
    if ($db < 2) {
        # set autoload flag to true for autoupdates
        $meta = sp_get_sfmeta('autoupdate', 'admin');
        if (!empty($meta[0])) {
            sp_update_sfmeta('autoupdate', 'admin', $meta[0]['meta_value'], $meta[0]['meta_id'], 1);
    if ($db < 3) {
        # permission for bypassing akismet checks
        sp_add_auth('bypass_akismet', __('Can bypass akismet check on posts', 'spab'), 1, 0, 0, 0, 3);
    # save data
    $options['dbversion'] = SPABDBVERSION;
    sp_update_option('spAdminBar', $options);
Exemplo n.º 2
function sp_akismet($newpost)
    global $spThisUser;
    if (sp_get_auth('bypass_akismet', $newpost['forumid'])) {
        return $newpost;
    if (function_exists('akismet_http_post') == false) {
        return $newpost;
    $akismet = sp_get_option('spAkismet');
    if (empty($akismet) || $akismet == 1) {
        return $newpost;
    $spam = sp_check_akismet($newpost);
    if (true == $spam) {
        if ($akismet == 2) {
            $newpost['poststatus'] = 2;
        if ($akismet == 3) {
            sp_notify(1, __('This post has been identified as spam and has been rejected', 'spab'));
    return $newpost;
Exemplo n.º 3
function spa_get_messages_data()
    $sfcomps = array();
    # custom message for posts
    $sfpostmsg = array();
    $sfpostmsg = sp_get_option('sfpostmsg');
    $sflogin = array();
    $sflogin = sp_get_option('sflogin');
    $sfcomps['sfpostmsgtext'] = sp_filter_text_edit($sfpostmsg['sfpostmsgtext']);
    $sfcomps['sfpostmsgtopic'] = $sfpostmsg['sfpostmsgtopic'];
    $sfcomps['sfpostmsgpost'] = $sfpostmsg['sfpostmsgpost'];
    # custom editor message
    $sfcomps['sfeditormsg'] = sp_filter_text_edit(sp_get_option('sfeditormsg'));
    $sneakpeek = sp_get_sfmeta('sneakpeek', 'message');
    $adminview = sp_get_sfmeta('adminview', 'message');
    $userview = sp_get_sfmeta('userview', 'message');
    $sfcomps['sfsneakpeek'] = '';
    $sfcomps['sfadminview'] = '';
    $sfcomps['sfuserview'] = '';
    if (!empty($sneakpeek[0])) {
        $sfcomps['sfsneakpeek'] = sp_filter_text_edit($sneakpeek[0]['meta_value']);
    if (!empty($adminview[0])) {
        $sfcomps['sfadminview'] = sp_filter_text_edit($adminview[0]['meta_value']);
    if (!empty($userview[0])) {
        $sfcomps['sfuserview'] = sp_filter_text_edit($userview[0]['meta_value']);
    $sfcomps['sfsneakredirect'] = sp_filter_url_display($sflogin['sfsneakredirect']);
    return $sfcomps;
Exemplo n.º 4
function spa_save_admins_your_options_data()
    global $spThisUser;
    check_admin_referer('my-admin_options', 'my-admin_options');
    # admin settings group
    $sfadminoptions = '';
    $sfadminoptions['sfnotify'] = isset($_POST['sfnotify']);
    $sfadminoptions['bypasslogout'] = isset($_POST['bypasslogout']);
    $sfadminoptions['notify-edited'] = isset($_POST['notify-edited']);
    $sfadminoptions = apply_filters('sph_admin_your_options_change', $sfadminoptions);
    sp_update_member_item($spThisUser->ID, 'admin_options', $sfadminoptions);
    $mess = spa_text('Your admin options have been updated');
    # do we update moderator options as well?
    if ($spThisUser->admin && isset($_POST['setmods'])) {
        $mods = sp_get_option('spModStats');
        if ($mods) {
            foreach ($mods as $mod) {
                sp_update_member_item($mod['user_id'], 'admin_options', $sfadminoptions);
            $mess .= '<br />' . spa_text('Your moderators options have been updated');
    return $mess;
function sp_do_sp_ForumHomeLinkTag($args = '')
    #check if forum displayed
    if (sp_abort_display_forum()) {
    $defs = array('beforeLink' => '', 'afterLink' => '', 'echo' => 1);
    $a = wp_parse_args($args, $defs);
    $a = apply_filters('sph_ForumHomeLinkTag_args', $a);
    extract($a, EXTR_SKIP);
    # sanitize before use
    $beforeLink = sp_filter_title_display($beforeLink);
    $afterLink = sp_filter_title_display($afterLink);
    $echo = (int) $echo;
    if (!empty($beforeLink)) {
        $beforeLink = trim($beforeLink) . ' ';
    if (!empty($afterLink)) {
        $afterLink = ' ' . trim($afterLink);
    $pid = sp_get_option('sfpage');
    $title = spdb_table(SFWPPOSTS, "ID={$pid}", 'post_title');
    $out .= '<span>' . $beforeLink . '<a href="' . get_permalink($pid) . '">' . $title . '</a>' . $afterLink . '</span>';
    $out = apply_filters('sph_ForumHomeLinkTag', $out);
    if ($echo) {
        echo $out;
    } else {
        return $out;
Exemplo n.º 6
function sp_rebuild_schema($start, $end)
    global $tables, $wpdb;
    # prepare the one exception!
    $opTable = $wpdb->prefix . 'sfoptions';
    $opKey = 'option_id';
    $t = sp_get_option('installed_tables');
    for ($x = $start; $x < $end + 1; $x++) {
        if ($t[$x]) {
            # get list of indexes
            $data = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW INDEXES FROM {$t[$x]}");
            if ($data) {
                foreach ($data as $item) {
                    if ($item->Key_name != 'PRIMARY' && ($t[$x] != $opTable && $item->Key_name != $opKey)) {
                        # remove current index
                        spdb_query('ALTER TABLE ' . $t[$x] . " DROP INDEX {$item->Key_name}");
            # grab list of table actions
            $actions = $tables[$t[$x]];
            if ($actions) {
                foreach ($actions as $sql) {
                    # add back index
Exemplo n.º 7
 function wp_new_user_notification($user_id, $notify = '')
     $user = new WP_User($user_id);
     $sflogin = sp_get_option('sflogin');
     $eol = "\r\n";
     $user_login = $user->user_login;
     $user_email = $user->user_email;
     $message = '';
     $message .= sp_text_noesc('New user registration on your website') . ': ' . get_option('blogname') . $eol . $eol;
     $message .= sp_text_noesc('Username') . ': ' . $user_login . $eol;
     $message .= sp_text_noesc('E-mail') . ': ' . $user_email . $eol;
     $message .= sp_text_noesc('Registration IP') . ': ' . sp_get_ip() . $eol;
     $address = apply_filters('sph_admin_new_user_email_addrress', get_option('admin_email'), $user_id);
     $subject = apply_filters('sph_admin_new_user_email_subject', get_option('blogname') . ' ' . sp_text_noesc('New User Registration'), $user_id);
     $msg = apply_filters('sph_admin_new_user_email_msg', $message, $user_id);
     sp_send_email($address, $subject, $msg);
     if ('admin' === $notify || empty($notify)) {
     # Generate something random for a password reset key.
     $key = wp_generate_password(20, false);
     /** This action is documented in wp-login.php */
     do_action('retrieve_password_key', $user_login, $key);
     # Now insert the key, hashed, into the DB.
     if (empty($wp_hasher)) {
         require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-phpass.php';
         $wp_hasher = new PasswordHash(8, true);
     $hashed = time() . ':' . $wp_hasher->HashPassword($key);
     global $wpdb;
     $wpdb->update($wpdb->users, array('user_activation_key' => $hashed), array('user_login' => $user_login));
     $mailoptions = sp_get_option('sfnewusermail');
     $subject = stripslashes($mailoptions['sfnewusersubject']);
     $body = stripslashes($mailoptions['sfnewusertext']);
     if (empty($subject) || empty($body)) {
         $subject = get_option('blogname') . ' ' . sp_text_noesc('Your username') . $eol . $eol;
         $body = sp_text_noesc('Username') . ': ' . $user_login . $eol;
         $body .= sp_text_noesc('Login URL') . ': ' . $sflogin['sfloginemailurl'] . $eol;
         $body .= sp_text_noesc('Password Reset URL') . ': ' . network_site_url("wp-login.php?action=rp&key={$key}&login="******"wp-login.php?action=rp&key={$key}&login="******"wp-login.php?action=rp&key={$key}&login=" . rawurlencode($user_login), 'login'), $body);
         $body = str_replace('%NEWLINE%', $eol, $body);
     str_replace('<br />', $eol, $body);
     $address = apply_filters('sph_user_new_user_email_addrress', $user_email, $user_id);
     $subject = apply_filters('sph_user_new_user_email_subject', get_option('blogname') . ' ' . sp_text_noesc('New User Registration'), $user_id);
     $msg = apply_filters('sph_user_new_user_email_msg', $body, $user_id, $user_pass);
     sp_send_email($user_email, $subject, $msg);
function sp_url($link = '')
    $url = sp_get_option('sfpermalink');
    if (!empty($link)) {
        $url = trailingslashit($url) . $link;
    $url = user_trailingslashit($url);
    return esc_url($url);
function sp_captcha_admin_options_form()
    $captcha = sp_get_option('spCaptcha');
    spa_paint_open_fieldset(__('Captcha on User Registration', 'sp-cap'), true, 'captcha');
    spa_paint_checkbox(__('Add Captcha form to WP registration/signup form', 'sp-cap'), 'registration', $captcha['registration']);
Exemplo n.º 10
function spa_get_inspector_data()
    global $spThisUser;
    $ins = array();
    $ins = sp_get_option('spInspect');
    $i = $spThisUser->ID;
    if (empty($ins) || !array_key_exists($i, $ins)) {
        $ins[$i] = array('con_spVars' => 0, 'con_spGlobals' => 0, 'con_spThisUser' => 0, 'con_spDevice' => 0, 'gv_spGroupView' => 0, 'gv_spThisGroup' => 0, 'gv_spThisForum' => 0, 'gv_spThisForumSubs' => 0, 'fv_spForumView' => 0, 'fv_spThisForum' => 0, 'fv_spThisForumSubs' => 0, 'fv_spThisSubForum' => 0, 'fv_spThisTopic' => 0, 'tv_spTopicView' => 0, 'tv_spThisTopic' => 0, 'tv_spThisPost' => 0, 'tv_spThisPostUser' => 0, 'mv_spMembersList' => 0, 'mv_spThisMemberGroup' => 0, 'mv_spThisMember' => 0, 'tlv_spTopicListView' => 0, 'tlv_spThisListTopic' => 0, 'plv_spPostListView' => 0, 'plv_spThisListPost' => 0, 'pro_spProfileUser' => 0, 'q_spGroupView' => 0, 'q_spGroupViewStats' => 0, 'q_spForumView' => 0, 'q_spForumViewStats' => 0, 'q_spTopicView' => 0, 'q_spMembersView' => 0, 'q_spTopicListView' => 0, 'q_spTopicListViewNew' => 0, 'q_spTopicListViewFirst' => 0, 'q_spPostListView' => 0, 'q_spSearchView' => 0);
    return $ins[$i];
function sp_captcha_do_install()
    $captcha = sp_get_option('spCaptcha');
    if (empty($captcha)) {
        $captcha['registration'] = true;
        $captcha['dbversion'] = SPCAPTCHADBVERSION;
        sp_update_option('spCaptcha', $captcha);
    # add a new permission into the auths table
    sp_add_auth('bypass_captcha', __('Can bypass the post captcha check', 'sp-cap'), 1, 0, 0, 0, 6);
function spa_get_mapping_data()
    # get default usergroups
    $sfoptions = array();
    $value = sp_get_sfmeta('default usergroup', 'sfmembers');
    $sfoptions['sfdefgroup'] = $value[0]['meta_value'];
    $value = sp_get_sfmeta('default usergroup', 'sfguests');
    $sfoptions['sfguestsgroup'] = $value[0]['meta_value'];
    $sfmemberopts = sp_get_option('sfmemberopts');
    $sfoptions['sfsinglemembership'] = $sfmemberopts['sfsinglemembership'];
    return $sfoptions;
function spa_toolbox_toolbox_form()
<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    	spjAjaxForm('sftoolboxform', '');
    $sfoptions = spa_get_toolbox_data();
    $ahahURL = SFHOMEURL . 'index.php?sp_ahah=toolbox-loader&amp;sfnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('forum-ahah') . '&amp;saveform=toolbox';
	<form action="<?php 
    echo $ahahURL;
" method="post" id="sftoolboxform" name="sftoolbox">
    echo sp_create_nonce('forum-adminform_toolbox');
    #== TOOLBOX Tab ============================================================
    spa_paint_open_tab(spa_text('Toolbox') . ' - ' . spa_text('Toolbox'));
    spa_paint_open_fieldset(spa_text('Current Version/Build'), false);
    $version = spa_text('Version:') . '&nbsp;<strong>' . sp_get_option('sfversion') . '</strong>';
    $build = spa_text('Build:  ') . '&nbsp;<strong>' . sp_get_option('sfbuild') . '</strong>';
    echo $version . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $build;
    spa_paint_open_fieldset(spa_text('Modify Build Number'), true, 'modify-build-number');
    echo '<div class="sfoptionerror">' . spa_text('WARNING: This value should not be changed unless requested by the Simple:Press team in the support forum as it may cause the install/upgrade script to be re-run.') . '</div>';
    spa_paint_input(spa_text('Build number'), "sfbuild", sp_get_option('sfbuild'), false, false);
    spa_paint_checkbox(spa_text('Force upgrade to build number'), "sfforceupgrade", $sfoptions['sfforceupgrade']);
	<div class="sfform-submit-bar">
	<input type="submit" class="button-primary" id="saveit" name="saveit" value="<?php 
    spa_etext('Update Toolbox');
" />
Exemplo n.º 14
function sp_akismet_admin_options_form()
    $spAkismet = sp_get_option('spAkismet');
    spa_paint_open_fieldset(__('Akismet', 'spab'), true, 'akismet');
    if (function_exists('akismet_http_post')) {
        $values = array(__('Do not use Akismet', 'spab'), __('Place Akismet marked spam posts into moderation', 'spab'), __('Do not save Akismet marked spam posts', 'spab'));
        spa_paint_radiogroup(__('Select Akismet Option', 'spab'), 'spAkismet', $values, $spAkismet, '', false, true);
    } else {
        _e('Akismet is not currently active on this site', 'spab');
function spa_themes_css_form()
    $css = '';
    $id = 0;
    # get current theme
    $curTheme = sp_get_option('sp_current_theme');
    $rec = sp_get_sfmeta('css', $curTheme['theme']);
    if ($rec) {
        $css = $rec[0]['meta_value'];
        $id = $rec[0]['meta_id'];
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
	spjAjaxForm('speditcss', '');
    $ahahURL = SFHOMEURL . 'index.php?sp_ahah=themes-loader&amp;sfnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('forum-ahah') . '&amp;saveform=css';
	<form action="<?php 
    echo $ahahURL;
" method="post" id="speditcss" name="speditcss">
    echo sp_create_nonce('forum-adminform_css-editor');
    spa_paint_open_tab(spa_text('CSS Editor') . ' - ' . spa_text('Custom Simple:Press Theme CSS'), true);
    spa_paint_open_fieldset(spa_text('CSS Editor'), true, 'css-editor');
    echo '<div>';
    echo '<textarea rows="25" name="spnewcontent" id="spnewcontent" tabindex="1">' . $css . '</textarea>';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="metaId" value="' . $id . '" />';
    echo '</div>';
    	<div class="sfform-submit-bar">
    	   <input type="submit" class="button-primary" id="saveit" name="saveit" value="<?php 
    spa_etext('Update CSS');
" />
    echo '</form>';
function sp_update_users_newposts()
    global $spThisUser;
    # Check the users checktime against the last post timestamp to see if we need to do this
    $checkTime = spdb_zone_mysql_checkdate($spThisUser->checktime);
    $postTime = sp_get_option('poststamp');
    if (strtotime($checkTime) > strtotime($postTime) && !isset($_GET['mark-read'])) {
    # so there must have been a new post since the last page load for this user
    $newPostList = $spThisUser->newposts;
    if (empty($newPostList['topics'])) {
        # clean it up to be on the safe side
        $newPostList = array();
        $newPostList['topics'] = array();
        $newPostList['forums'] = array();
    # create new holding array and new checktime (now)
    $addPostList = array();
    $addPostList['topics'] = array();
    $addPostList['forums'] = array();
    $newCheckTime = sp_apply_timezone(time(), 'mysql');
    # Use the current checktime for any new posts since users session began
    $records = spdb_select('set', "SELECT DISTINCT topic_id, forum_id FROM " . SFPOSTS . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   WHERE post_status = 0 AND post_date > '" . $checkTime . "' AND user_id != " . $spThisUser->ID . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   ORDER BY post_id DESC LIMIT " . $spThisUser->unreadposts . ";", ARRAY_A);
    if ($records) {
        foreach ($records as $r) {
            if (sp_get_auth('view_forum', $r['forum_id']) && !in_array($r['topic_id'], $newPostList['topics'])) {
                $addPostList['topics'][] = $r['topic_id'];
                $addPostList['forums'][] = $r['forum_id'];
    $addPostList = apply_filters('sph_new_post_list', $addPostList, $newPostList);
    # now merge the arrays and truncate if necessary
    $newPostList['topics'] = array_merge($addPostList['topics'], $newPostList['topics']);
    $newPostList['forums'] = array_merge($addPostList['forums'], $newPostList['forums']);
    if (count($newPostList['topics']) > $spThisUser->unreadposts) {
        array_splice($newPostList['topics'], $spThisUser->unreadposts);
        array_splice($newPostList['forums'], $spThisUser->unreadposts);
    # update sfmembers - do it here to ensure both are updated together
    spdb_query("UPDATE " . SFMEMBERS . " SET newposts='" . serialize($newPostList) . "', checktime='" . $newCheckTime . "' WHERE user_id=" . $spThisUser->ID);
    $spThisUser->newpostlist = true;
    $spThisUser->checktime = $newCheckTime;
    $spThisUser->newposts = $newPostList;
Exemplo n.º 17
function sp_logout_redirect()
    global $spThisUser;
    $sflogin = sp_get_option('sflogin');
    if (!empty($sflogin['sflogouturl'])) {
        $sfadminoptions = sp_get_member_item($spThisUser->ID, 'admin_options');
        if ($spThisUser->moderator && $sfadminoptions['bypasslogout']) {
            $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] = esc_url(wp_login_url());
        } else {
            $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] = $sflogin['sflogouturl'];
    $redirect = isset($_REQUEST['redirect_to']) ? $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] : '';
    $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] = apply_filters('sph_logout_redirect', $redirect);
Exemplo n.º 18
 function wp_new_user_notification($user_id, $user_pass = '')
     $user = new WP_User($user_id);
     $sflogin = sp_get_option('sflogin');
     $eol = "\r\n";
     $user_login = $user->user_login;
     $user_email = $user->user_email;
     $message = '';
     $message .= sp_text_noesc('New user registration on your website') . ': ' . get_option('blogname') . $eol . $eol;
     $message .= sp_text_noesc('Username') . ': ' . $user_login . $eol;
     $message .= sp_text_noesc('E-mail') . ': ' . $user_email . $eol;
     $message .= sp_text_noesc('Registration IP') . ': ' . sp_get_ip() . $eol;
     $address = apply_filters('sph_admin_new_user_email_addrress', get_option('admin_email'), $user_id);
     $subject = apply_filters('sph_admin_new_user_email_subject', get_option('blogname') . ' ' . sp_text_noesc('New User Registration'), $user_id);
     $msg = apply_filters('sph_admin_new_user_email_msg', $message, $user_id);
     sp_send_email($address, $subject, $msg);
     if (empty($user_pass)) {
     $mailoptions = sp_get_option('sfnewusermail');
     $subject = stripslashes($mailoptions['sfnewusersubject']);
     $body = stripslashes($mailoptions['sfnewusertext']);
     if (empty($subject) || empty($body)) {
         $subject = get_option('blogname') . ' ' . sp_text_noesc('Your username and password') . $eol . $eol;
         $body = sp_text_noesc('Username') . ': ' . $user_login . $eol;
         $body .= sp_text_noesc('Password') . ': ' . $user_pass . $eol . $eol;
         $body .= $sflogin['sfloginemailurl'] . $eol;
     } else {
         $blogname = get_bloginfo('name');
         $subject = str_replace('%USERNAME%', $user_login, $subject);
         $subject = str_replace('%PASSWORD%', $user_pass, $subject);
         $subject = str_replace('%BLOGNAME%', $blogname, $subject);
         $subject = str_replace('%SITEURL%', sp_url(), $subject);
         $subject = str_replace('%LOGINURL%', $sflogin['sfloginemailurl'], $subject);
         $body = str_replace('%USERNAME%', $user_login, $body);
         $body = str_replace('%PASSWORD%', $user_pass, $body);
         $body = str_replace('%BLOGNAME%', $blogname, $body);
         $body = str_replace('%SITEURL%', sp_url(), $body);
         $body = str_replace('%LOGINURL%', $sflogin['sfloginemailurl'], $body);
         $body = str_replace('%NEWLINE%', $eol, $body);
     str_replace('<br />', $eol, $body);
     $address = apply_filters('sph_user_new_user_email_addrress', $user_email, $user_id);
     $subject = apply_filters('sph_user_new_user_email_subject', get_option('blogname') . ' ' . sp_text_noesc('New User Registration'), $user_id);
     $msg = apply_filters('sph_user_new_user_email_msg', $body, $user_id, $user_pass);
     sp_send_email($user_email, $subject, $msg);
function sp_featured_do_install()
    $options = sp_get_option('featured');
    if (empty($options)) {
        $options['dbversion'] = SPFEATUREDDBVERSION;
        sp_update_option('featured', $options);
    # set up our sfmeta if needed
    $check = sp_get_sfmeta('featured', 'topics');
    if (empty($check)) {
        sp_add_sfmeta('featured', 'topics', array(), true);
    $check = sp_get_sfmeta('featured', 'posts');
    if (empty($check)) {
        sp_add_sfmeta('featured', 'posts', array(), true);
Exemplo n.º 20
function sp_render_inline_login_form($a)
    global $spGlobals, $spDevice;
    extract($a, EXTR_SKIP);
    $user_login = '';
    $user_pass = '';
    $using_cookie = false;
    $sflogin = sp_get_option('sflogin');
    $redirect_to = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    $out = '';
    # Add a close button if using a mobile phone
    if ($spDevice == 'mobile') {
        $out .= "<div class='spRight'>";
        $out .= "<a id='spPanelClose' href='#' onclick='spjResetMobileMenu();'></a>";
        $out .= "</div>";
    do_action('sph_login_head', 'sploginform');
    $message = '';
    $message = apply_filters('sf_filter_login_message', $message);
    if (!empty($message)) {
        $out .= $message . "\n";
    $out .= "<fieldset class='{$controlFieldset}'>\n";
    $out .= "<form name='loginform' id='loginform' class='{$tagClass}' action='" . site_url('wp-login.php', 'login_post') . "' method='post'>\n";
    $sfrpx = sp_get_option('sfrpx');
    if ($sfrpx['sfrpxenable']) {
        $out .= sp_rpx_loginform('spLoginForm', '100%', true);
    $out .= "<p><label for='log'>{$labelUserName}<br /><input type='text' class='{$controlInput}' tabindex='84' name='log' id='log' value='" . esc_attr($user_login) . "' size='11' /></label></p>\n";
    $out .= "<p><label for='login_password'>{$labelPassword}<br /><input type='password' class='{$controlInput}' tabindex='85' name='pwd' id='login_password' value='' size='11' /></label></p>\n";
    $out .= "<p><input type='checkbox' tabindex='86' id='rememberme' name='rememberme' value='forever' /><label for='rememberme'>{$labelRemember}</label></p>\n";
    $out .= do_action('login_form');
    $out .= "<p class='{$tagClass}'><input type='submit' class='{$controlSubmit}' name='submit' id='submit' value='{$labelSubmit}' tabindex='87' /></p>\n";
    $out .= "<input type='hidden' name='redirect_to' value='" . esc_attr($redirect_to) . "' />\n";
    $out .= "</form>\n";
    if (TRUE == get_option('users_can_register') && !$spGlobals['lockdown'] && $showRegister) {
        $out .= "<a class='{$controlLink}' href='{$registerLink}'>{$labelRegister}</a>\n";
        $out .= $separator;
    if ($showLostPass) {
        $out .= "<a class='{$controlLink}' href='{$passwordLink}'>{$labelLostPass}</a>\n";
    $out .= "</fieldset>\n";
    return $out;
Exemplo n.º 21
function sp_setup_globals()
    global $spGlobals, $current_user, $spBootCache, $spMeta, $spDevice;
    if ($spBootCache['globals'] == true) {
    # Main admin options
    $spGlobals['admin'] = sp_get_option('sfadminsettings');
    $spGlobals['lockdown'] = sp_get_option('sflockdown');
    $spGlobals['editor'] = 0;
    # Display array
    $spGlobals['display'] = sp_get_option('sfdisplay');
    # Current theme data
    $spGlobals['theme'] = sp_get_current_sp_theme();
    # if mobile device then force integrated editor toolbar to on
    if ($spDevice == 'mobile' || $spDevice == 'tablet') {
        $spGlobals['display']['editor']['toolbar'] = true;
        if ($spDevice == 'mobile') {
            $spGlobals['mobile-display'] = sp_get_option('sp_mobile_theme');
        } else {
            $spGlobals['mobile-display'] = sp_get_option('sp_tablet_theme');
    # Load up sfmeta
    $spMeta = spdb_table(SFMETA, 'autoload=1');
    if (!empty($spMeta)) {
        foreach ($spMeta as $s) {
            if (!empty($s)) {
                $spGlobals[$s->meta_type][$s->meta_key] = maybe_unserialize($s->meta_value);
    # create topic/post cache if found to be missing!
    if (!isset($spGlobals['topic_cache']['new']) || empty($spGlobals['topic_cache']['new'])) {
        $spGlobals['topic_cache']['new'] = sp_rebuild_topic_cache();
    # Pre-define a few others
    $spGlobals['canonicalurl'] = false;
    # set up array of disabled forums
    $spGlobals['disabled_forums'] = spdb_select('col', 'SELECT forum_id FROM ' . SFFORUMS . ' WHERE forum_disabled=1', ARRAY_A);
    $spBootCache['globals'] = true;
Exemplo n.º 22
function sp_admin_bar_do_install()
    global $spThisUser;
    $oldOptions = sp_get_option('sfadminsettings');
    $newOptions = sp_get_option('spAdminBar');
    if (!isset($oldOptions['sfqueue']) && empty($newOptions)) {
        $newOptions = array();
        $newOptions['dashboardposts'] = false;
        $newOptions['dbversion'] = SPABDBVERSION;
        sp_add_option('spAdminBar', $newOptions);
        $options = sp_get_member_item($spThisUser->ID, 'admin_options');
        $options['sfadminbar'] = true;
        sp_update_member_item($spThisUser->ID, 'admin_options', $options);
    } else {
        if (empty($newOptions)) {
            $newOptions = array();
            $newOptions['dashboardposts'] = $oldOptions['sfdashboardposts'];
            $newOptions['dbversion'] = SPABDBVERSION;
            sp_add_option('spAdminBar', $newOptions);
            $options = sp_get_member_item($spThisUser->ID, 'admin_options');
            $options['sfadminbar'] = true;
            sp_update_member_item($spThisUser->ID, 'admin_options', $options);
            sp_update_option('sfadminsettings', $oldOptions);
    # permission for bypassing akismet checks
    sp_add_auth('bypass_akismet', __('Can bypass akismet check on posts', 'spab'), 1, 0, 0, 0, 3);
    # create new Akismet setting
    $akismet = sp_get_option('spAkismet');
    if (empty($akismet)) {
        sp_add_option('spAkismet', 1);
    # get auto update running
    $autoup = array('spabupdate', 'sp_ahah=admin-bar-update&amp;target=newposts');
    sp_add_sfmeta('autoupdate', 'admin', $autoup, 1);
function sp_featured_do_upgrade_check()
    if (!sp_is_plugin_active('featured/sp-featured-plugin.php')) {
    $options = sp_get_option('featured');
    $db = $options['dbversion'];
    if (empty($db)) {
        $db = 0;
    # quick bail check
    # apply upgrades as needed
    # db version upgrades
    # save data
    $options['dbversion'] = SPFEATUREDDBVERSION;
    sp_update_option('featured', $options);
Exemplo n.º 24
function sp_rss_excerpt($text)
    $rssopt = sp_get_option('sfrss');
    $max = $rssopt['sfrsswords'];
    if ($max == 0) {
        return $text;
    $bits = explode(" ", $text);
    $text = '';
    $end = '';
    if (count($bits) < $max) {
        $max = count($bits);
    } else {
        $end = '...';
    $text = '';
    for ($x = 0; $x < $max; $x++) {
        $text .= $bits[$x] . ' ';
    return $text . $end;
Exemplo n.º 25
function sp_plugins_check_sp_version($plugin)
    global $spStatus;
    if ($plugin == 'simple-press/sp-control.php') {
        $msg = '';
        # get wp admin screen type
        $screen = get_current_screen();
        if (sp_get_option('sfuninstall')) {
            if (!$screen->is_network) {
                $msg = '<p style="color:red;">' . spa_text('Simple:Press is READY TO BE REMOVED. When you deactivate it ALL DATA WILL BE DELETED') . '</p>';
        } else {
            if ($spStatus == 'Upgrade') {
                if (!$screen->is_network) {
                    $msg = spa_text('Select the forum menu to complete the upgrade of your Simple:Press');
            } else {
                $xml = sp_load_version_xml();
                if (empty($xml)) {
                $installed_version = sp_get_option('sfversion');
                $installed_build = sp_get_option('sfbuild');
                if (empty($installed_build)) {
                if ($xml->core->build > $installed_build) {
                    $msg = spa_text('Latest version available') . ': <strong>' . $xml->core->version . ' ' . spa_text('Build') . ': ' . $xml->core->build . '</strong> - ' . $xml->core->message . '<br />';
                    $msg .= spa_text('For details and to download please visit') . ' ' . SFPLUGHOME . ' ' . spa_text('or');
                    $msg .= ' <a href="' . wp_nonce_url(self_admin_url('update-core.php?action=do-plugin-upgrade&amp;plugins=simple-press/sp-control.php'), 'upgrade-core') . '" title="" target="_parent">' . spa_text('update automatically') . '</a>';
        if ($msg) {
            echo '<tr class="plugin-update-tr"><td colspan="3" class="plugin-update colspanchange"><div class="update-message">' . $msg . '</div></td></tr>';
function sp_NoForumMessage($args = '', $deniedMessage = '', $definedMessage = '')
    global $spForumView;
    $defs = array('tagId' => 'spNoForumMessage', 'tagClass' => 'spMessage', 'echo' => 1, 'get' => 0);
    $a = wp_parse_args($args, $defs);
    $a = apply_filters('sph_NoForumMessage_args', $a);
    extract($a, EXTR_SKIP);
    # sanitize before use
    $tagId = esc_attr($tagId);
    $tagClass = esc_attr($tagClass);
    $echo = (int) $echo;
    $get = (int) $get;
    # is Access denied
    if ($spForumView->forumViewStatus == 'no access') {
        $m = sp_filter_title_display($deniedMessage);
    } elseif ($spForumView->forumViewStatus == 'no data') {
        $m = sp_filter_title_display($definedMessage);
    } elseif ($spForumView->forumViewStatus == 'sneak peek') {
        $sflogin = sp_get_option('sflogin');
        if (!empty($sflogin['sfsneakredirect'])) {
            sp_redirect(apply_filters('sph_sneak_redirect', $sflogin['sfsneakredirect']));
        } else {
            $sneakpeek = sp_get_sfmeta('sneakpeek', 'message');
            $m = $sneakpeek ? sp_filter_text_display($sneakpeek[0]['meta_value']) : '';
    } else {
    if ($get) {
        return $m;
    $out = "<div id='{$tagId}' class='{$tagClass}'>{$m}</div>\n";
    $out = apply_filters('sph_NoForumMessage', $out, $a);
    if ($echo) {
        echo $out;
    } else {
        return $out;
function spa_new_profile_setup()
    # set up tabs and menus
    sp_profile_add_menu(spa_text('Profile'), spa_text('Overview'), SF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-overview.php');
    sp_profile_add_menu(spa_text('Profile'), spa_text('Edit Profile'), SF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-profile.php');
    sp_profile_add_menu(spa_text('Profile'), spa_text('Edit Identities'), SF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-identities.php');
    sp_profile_add_menu(spa_text('Profile'), spa_text('Edit Avatar'), SF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-avatar.php');
    sp_profile_add_menu(spa_text('Profile'), spa_text('Edit Signature'), SF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-signature.php', 0, 1, 'use_signatures');
    sp_profile_add_menu(spa_text('Profile'), spa_text('Edit Photos'), SF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-photos.php');
    sp_profile_add_menu(spa_text('Profile'), spa_text('Account Settings'), SF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-account.php');
    sp_profile_add_menu(spa_text('Options'), spa_text('Edit Global Options'), SF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-global-options.php');
    sp_profile_add_menu(spa_text('Options'), spa_text('Edit Posting Options'), SF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-posting-options.php');
    sp_profile_add_menu(spa_text('Options'), spa_text('Edit Display Options'), SF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-display-options.php');
    sp_profile_add_menu(spa_text('Usergroups'), spa_text('Show Memberships'), SF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-memberships.php');
    sp_profile_add_menu(spa_text('Permissions'), spa_text('Show Permissions'), SF_PLUGIN_DIR . '/forum/profile/forms/sp-form-permissions.php');
    # overview message
    $spProfile = sp_get_option('sfprofile');
    if (empty($spProfile['sfprofiletext'])) {
        $spProfile['sfprofiletext'] = 'Welcome to the User Profile Overview Panel. From here you can view and update your profile and options as well as view your Usergroup Memberships and Permissions.';
        sp_update_option('sfprofile', $spProfile);
function sp_GroupHeaderRSSButton($args = '', $label = '', $toolTip = '')
    global $spThisUser, $spThisGroup;
    if (!$spThisGroup->group_rss_active) {
    $defs = array('tagId' => 'spGroupHeaderRSSButton%ID%', 'tagClass' => 'spLink', 'icon' => 'sp_Feed.png', 'iconClass' => 'spIcon', 'echo' => 1, 'get' => 0);
    $a = wp_parse_args($args, $defs);
    $a = apply_filters('sph_GroupHeaderRSSButton_args', $a);
    extract($a, EXTR_SKIP);
    # sanitize before use
    $tagId = esc_attr($tagId);
    $tagClass = esc_attr($tagClass);
    $icon = sanitize_file_name($icon);
    $iconClass = esc_attr($iconClass);
    $toolTip = esc_attr($toolTip);
    $echo = (int) $echo;
    $get = (int) $get;
    $tagId = str_ireplace('%ID%', $spThisGroup->group_id, $tagId);
    # Get or construct rss url
    if (empty($spThisGroup->rss)) {
        $rssOpt = sp_get_option('sfrss');
        if ($rssOpt['sfrssfeedkey'] && isset($spThisUser->feedkey)) {
            $rssUrl = sp_get_sfqurl(trailingslashit(sp_build_url('', '', 0, 0, 0, 1)) . user_trailingslashit($spThisUser->feedkey)) . 'group=' . $spThisGroup->group_id;
        } else {
            $sym = strpos(sp_url(), '?') ? '&' : '?';
            $rssUrl = trailingslashit(sp_build_url('', '', 0, 0, 0, 1)) . sp_add_get() . "group={$spThisGroup->group_id}";
    } else {
        $rssUrl = $spThisGroup->rss;
    if ($get) {
        return $rssUrl;
    $out = "<a class='{$tagClass} vtip' id='{$tagId}' title='{$toolTip}' rel='nofollow' href='{$rssUrl}'>";
    if (!empty($icon)) {
        $out .= "<img class='{$iconClass}' src='" . sp_find_icon(SPTHEMEICONSURL, $icon) . "' alt=''/>";
    if (!empty($label)) {
        $out .= sp_filter_title_display($label);
    $out .= "</a>\n";
    $out = apply_filters('sph_GroupHeaderRSSButton', $out, $a);
    if ($echo) {
        echo $out;
    } else {
        return $out;
function sp_rebuild_topic_cache()
    $size = sp_get_option('topic_cache');
    if (!isset($size) || $size == 0) {
        sp_add_option('topic_cache', 200);
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCTROW forum_id, topic_id, post_id, post_status\n\t\t\tFROM " . SFPOSTS . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY post_id DESC\n\t\t\tLIMIT {$size}";
    $topics = spdb_select('set', $sql, ARRAY_N);
    if ($topics) {
        sp_add_sfmeta('topic_cache', 'new', $topics, true);
    # Delete group level cache for good measure
    spdb_query("DELETE FROM " . SFCACHE . " WHERE cache_id LIKE '%*group'");
    return $topics;
function sp_delete_sp_theme($theme)
    $mobileTheme = sp_get_option('sp_mobile_theme');
    $tabletTheme = sp_get_option('sp_tablet_theme');
    $curTheme = sp_get_option('sp_current_theme');
    if ($curTheme['theme'] == $theme) {
        $mess = spa_text('Sorry, cannot delete the active theme');
    } else {
        if ($mobileTheme['theme'] == $theme) {
            $mess = spa_text('Sorry, cannot delete the active mobile theme');
        } else {
            if ($tabletTheme['theme'] == $theme) {
                $mess = spa_text('Sorry, cannot delete the active tablet theme');
            } else {
                sp_remove_dir(SPTHEMEBASEDIR . $theme);
                do_action('sph_delete_' . trim($theme));
                do_action('sph_deleted_sp_theme', trim($theme));
                $mess = spa_text('Theme deleted');
    return $mess;