Exemplo n.º 1
function upd_do_query($query, $no_log = false)
    global $update_tables, $db_prefix;
    if (!$no_log) {
        upd_log_message("Performing query '{$query}'");
    if (!(strpos($query, '{{') === false)) {
        foreach ($update_tables as $tableName => $cork) {
            $query = str_replace("{{{$tableName}}}", $db_prefix . $tableName, $query);
    $result = __db_query($query) or die('Query error for ' . $query . ': ' . db_error());
    return $result;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function warning($message, $title = 'System Message', $log_code = 300, $dump = false)
     global $link, $user, $lang, $sys_log_disabled;
     require SN_ROOT_PHYSICAL . 'config.' . PHP_EX;
     if (!$link) {
         //      $link = mysql_connect($dbsettings['server'], $dbsettings['user'], $dbsettings['pass']);
         //      mysql_query('/*!40101 SET NAMES \'utf8\' */');
         //      mysql_select_db($dbsettings['name']);
     $error_backtrace = $this->dump($dump, false);
     if (!$sys_log_disabled) {
         $query = "INSERT INTO `{{logs}}` SET\n        `log_time` = '" . time() . "', `log_code` = '" . db_escape($log_code) . "', `log_sender` = '" . db_escape($user['id']) . "',\n        `log_username` = '" . db_escape($user['user_name']) . "', `log_title` = '" . db_escape($title) . "',  `log_text` = '" . db_escape($message) . "',\n        `log_page` = '" . db_escape(strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], SN_ROOT_RELATIVE) === false ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] : substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], strlen(SN_ROOT_RELATIVE))) . "'" . ($error_backtrace ? ", `log_dump` = '" . db_escape(serialize($error_backtrace)) . "'" : '') . ";";
     } else {
         print "<hr>User ID {$user['id']} made log entry with code {$log_code} titled '{$title}' with text '{$message}' on page {$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}";
Exemplo n.º 3
function doquery($query, $table = '', $fetch = false, $skip_query_check = false)
    global $numqueries, $link, $debug, $sn_cache, $config, $db_prefix;
    if (!is_string($table)) {
        $fetch = $table;
    if (!$link) {
    $query = trim($query);
    $skip_query_check or security_query_check_bad_words($query);
    $sql = $query;
    if (strpos($sql, '{{') !== false) {
        foreach ($sn_cache->tables as $tableName) {
            $sql = str_replace("{{{$tableName}}}", $db_prefix . $tableName, $sql);
    if ($config->debug) {
        $arr = debug_backtrace();
        $file = end(explode('/', $arr[0]['file']));
        $line = $arr[0]['line'];
        $debug->add("<tr><th>Query {$numqueries}: </th><th>{$query}</th><th>{$file}({$line})</th><th>{$table}</th><th>{$fetch}</th></tr>");
    if (defined('DEBUG_SQL_COMMENT')) {
        $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
        $sql_comment = $debug->compact_backtrace($backtrace, defined('DEBUG_SQL_COMMENT_LONG'));
        //    pdump($backtrace[0]);
        //    pdump($backtrace[1]);
        //    print("<hr/>");
        //    foreach($backtrace as $a_trace)
        //    {
        //      if(!in_array($a_trace['function'], array('doquery', 'db_query', 'db_get_record_list'))) break;
        //    }
        //    // $a_trace = $backtrace[1]['function'] == 'db_query' ? $backtrace[2] : $backtrace[1];
        //    $function =
        //      ($a_trace['type']
        //        ? ($a_trace['type'] == '->'
        //          ? "({$a_trace['class']})" . get_class($a_trace['object'])
        //          : $a_trace['class']
        //        ) . $a_trace['type']
        //        : ''
        //      ) . $a_trace['function'] . '()';
        //    $file = str_replace(SN_ROOT_PHYSICAL, '', str_replace('\\', '/', $a_trace['file']));
        //    $transaction_id = classSupernova::db_transaction_check(false) ? classSupernova::$transaction_id : classSupernova::$transaction_id++;
        //    $sql = "/* {$function} '{$file}' Line {$a_trace['line']} tID {$transaction_id} */ " . $sql;
        $sql_commented = '/* ' . implode("<br />", $sql_comment) . '<br /> */ ' . preg_replace("/\\s+/", ' ', $sql);
        if (defined('DEBUG_SQL_ONLINE')) {
            $debug->warning($sql_commented, 'SQL Debug', LOG_DEBUG_SQL);
        if (defined('DEBUG_SQL_ERROR')) {
            array_unshift($sql_comment, preg_replace("/\\s+/", ' ', $sql));
            // $debug->add_to_array($sql_comment . preg_replace("/\s+/", ' ', $sql));
        $sql = $sql_commented;
    $sqlquery = __db_query($sql) or $debug->error(db_error() . "<br />{$sql}<br />", 'SQL Error');
    return $fetch ? db_fetch($sqlquery) : $sqlquery;
Exemplo n.º 4
// По нормальным делам это должна быть загрузка модулей и лишь затем инициализация - что бы минимизировать размер процесса в памяти
foreach ($load_order as $loaded_module_name => $load_order) {
    if ($load_order < 0) {
    $sn_module_list[$sn_module[$loaded_module_name]->manifest['package']][$loaded_module_name] =& $sn_module[$loaded_module_name];
// Скрипач не нужон
// А теперь проверяем - поддерживают ли у нас загруженный код такую страницу
if (!isset($sn_data['pages'][$sn_page_name])) {
    $sn_page_name = '';
global $lang;
$lang = new classLocale(DEFAULT_LANG, $config->server_locale_log_usage);
if ($config->server_updater_check_auto && $config->server_updater_check_last + $config->server_updater_check_period <= SN_TIME_NOW) {
    include SN_ROOT_PHYSICAL . 'ajax_version_check' . DOT_PHP_EX;
if ($config->user_birthday_gift && SN_TIME_NOW > $config->user_birthday_celebrate + PERIOD_DAY) {
    require_once SN_ROOT_PHYSICAL . "includes/includes/user_birthday_celebrate" . DOT_PHP_EX;
if (!$config->var_online_user_count || $config->var_online_user_time + 30 < SN_TIME_NOW) {
    $config->db_saveItem('var_online_user_count', db_user_count(true));
    $config->db_saveItem('var_online_user_time', SN_TIME_NOW);
    if ($config->server_log_online) {
        doquery("INSERT IGNORE INTO {{log_users_online}} SET online_count = {$config->var_online_user_count};");
Exemplo n.º 5
function doquery($query, $table = '', $fetch = false)
    global $numqueries, $link, $debug, $user, $tableList, $sn_cache, $is_watching, $config, $dm_change_legit;
    if ($config->game_watchlist_array) {
        if (!$is_watching && in_array($user['id'], $config->game_watchlist_array)) {
            //      if(stripos($query, 'SELECT') !== 0)
            if (!preg_match('/^(select|commit|rollback|start transaction)/i', $query)) {
                $is_watching = true;
                $msg = "\$query = \"{$query}\"\n\rtable = '{$table}', fetch = '{$fetch}'";
                if (!empty($_POST)) {
                    $msg .= "\n\r" . dump($_POST, '$_POST');
                if (!empty($_GET)) {
                    $msg .= "\n\r" . dump($_GET, '$_GET');
                $debug->warning($msg, "Watching user {$user['id']}", 399, array('base_dump' => true));
                $is_watching = false;
    $badword = false;
    if (stripos($query, 'RUNCATE TABL') != FALSE && $table != 'logs') {
        $badword = true;
    } elseif (stripos($query, 'ROP TABL') != FALSE) {
        $badword = true;
    } elseif (stripos($query, 'ENAME TABL') != FALSE) {
        $badword = true;
    } elseif (stripos($query, 'REATE DATABAS') != FALSE) {
        $badword = true;
    } elseif (stripos($query, 'REATE TABL') != FALSE) {
        $badword = true;
    } elseif (stripos($query, 'ET PASSWOR') != FALSE) {
        $badword = true;
    } elseif (stripos($query, 'EOAD DAT') != FALSE) {
        $badword = true;
    } elseif (stripos($query, 'RPG_POINTS') != FALSE && stripos(trim($query), 'UPDATE ') === 0 && !$dm_change_legit) {
        $badword = true;
    } elseif (stripos($query, 'AUTHLEVEL') != FALSE && $user['authlevel'] < 3 && stripos($query, 'SELECT') !== 0) {
        $badword = true;
    if ($badword) {
        $message = 'Привет, я не знаю то, что Вы пробовали сделать, но команда, которую Вы только послали базе данных, не выглядела очень дружественной и она была заблокированна.<br /><br />Ваш IP, и другие данные переданны администрации сервера. Удачи!.';
        $report = "Hacking attempt (" . date("d.m.Y H:i:s") . " - [" . time() . "]):\n";
        $report .= ">Database Inforamation\n";
        $report .= "\tID - " . $user['id'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tUser - " . $user['username'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tAuth level - " . $user['authlevel'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tAdmin Notes - " . $user['adminNotes'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tCurrent Planet - " . $user['current_planet'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tUser IP - " . $user['user_lastip'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tUser IP at Reg - " . $user['ip_at_reg'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tUser Agent- " . $user['user_agent'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tCurrent Page - " . $user['current_page'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tRegister Time - " . $user['register_time'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\n";
        $report .= ">Query Information\n";
        $report .= "\tTable - " . $table . "\n";
        $report .= "\tQuery - " . $query . "\n";
        $report .= "\n";
        $report .= ">\$_SERVER Information\n";
        $report .= "\tIP - " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tHost Name - " . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tUser Agent - " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tRequest Method - " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tCame From - " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tPage is - " . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tUses Port - " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\tServer Protocol - " . $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . "\n";
        $report .= "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
        $fp = fopen(SN_ROOT_PHYSICAL . 'badqrys.txt', 'a');
        fwrite($fp, $report);
    $db_prefix = sn_db_connect($query);
    $sql = str_replace('{{table}}', $db_prefix . $table, $query);
    if (!(strpos($sql, '{{') === false)) {
        foreach ($sn_cache->tables as $tableName) {
            $sql = str_replace("{{{$tableName}}}", $db_prefix . $tableName, $sql);
    $sqlquery = mysql_query($sql) or $debug->error(mysql_error() . "<br />{$sql}<br />", 'SQL Error');
    if ($config->debug) {
        $arr = debug_backtrace();
        $file = end(explode('/', $arr[0]['file']));
        $line = $arr[0]['line'];
        $debug->add("<tr><th>Query {$numqueries}: </th><th>{$query}</th><th>{$file}({$line})</th><th>{$table}</th><th>{$fetch}</th></tr>");
    if ($fetch) {
        $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlquery);
        return $sqlrow;
    } else {
        return $sqlquery;