function get_content(&$arguments, $properties) { global $objbo; $indexarray = $objbo->getIndex(False, !@$arguments['sub_cats'], True); $subcatname = $catname = ''; foreach ($indexarray as $temppage) { if ($catname != $temppage['catname'] && $temppage['catdepth'] == 1) { if ($catname != '') { $content .= "\n</div>\n<br />"; } $content .= "\n" . '<div style="position: relative; left: ' . max($temppage['catdepth'] * 15 - 30, 0) . 'px;">'; $catname = $temppage['catname']; $content .= "\n\t<b>{$temppage['catlink']}</b><br />"; $subcatname = ''; } if ($temppage['catdepth'] == 1) { // dont show no pages availible in Production mode, just ignore it if ($GLOBALS['sitemgr_info']['mode'] == 'Edit' || $temppage['page_id'] && $temppage['pagelink'] != lang('No pages available')) { $content .= "\n\t · {$temppage['pagelink']}<br />"; } } elseif ($subcatname != $temppage['catname'] && $temppage['catdepth'] == 2) { $content .= "\n\t · " . str_replace('</a>', ' ...</a>', $temppage[catlink]) . '<br />'; $subcatname = $temppage['catname']; } } if (count($indexarray)) { $content .= "\n</div>"; if (!$arguments['no_full_index']) { $content .= "\n" . '<br /><i><a href="' . sitemgr_link2('/index.php', 'index=1') . '"><font size="1">(' . lang('View full index') . ')</font></a></i>'; } } else { $content = lang('You do not have access to any content on this site.'); } return $content; }
function get_content(&$arguments, $properties) { global $objbo; global $page; $category_id = $arguments['category_id']; if ($category_id) { $cat = $objbo->getcatwrapper($category_id); if ($cat) { $page->title = lang('Category') . ' ' . $cat->name; $page->subtitle = '<i>' . $cat->description . '</i>'; $content = '<b><a href="' . sitemgr_link2('/index.php', 'toc=1') . '">' . lang('Up to table of contents') . '</a></b>'; if ($cat->depth > 1) { $content .= ' | <b><a href="' . sitemgr_link2('/index.php', 'category_id=' . $cat->parent) . '">' . lang('Up to parent') . '</a></b>'; } $children = $objbo->getCatLinks((int) $category_id, false); if (count($children)) { $content .= '<br/><br/><b>' . lang('Subcategories') . ':</b><br/>'; foreach ($children as $cat_id => $child) { $content .= '<br/> · <b>' . $child['link'] . '</b> ' . $objbo->getEditIconsCat($cat_id) . ' – ' . $child['description']; } } $content .= '<br/><br/><b>' . lang('Pages') . ':</b><br/>'; $links = $objbo->getPageLinks($category_id, true); if (count($links) > 0) { foreach ($links as $page_id => $pg) { $content .= "\n<br/>" . ' · ' . $pg['link'] . ' ' . $objbo->getEditIconsPage($page_id, $cat_id); if (!empty($pg['subtitle'])) { $content .= ' – <i>' . $pg['subtitle'] . '</i>'; } $content .= ''; } } else { $content .= '<li>' . lang('There are no pages in this section') . '</li>'; } } else { $content = lang('There was an error accessing the requested page. Either you do not have permission to view this page, or the page does not exist.'); } } else { $content = '<b>' . lang('Choose a category') . ':</b><br/>'; $links = $objbo->getCatLinks(); if (count($links) > 0) { foreach ($links as $cat_id => $cat) { $buffer = str_pad('', $cat['depth'] * 24, ' ') . '· '; if (!$cat['depth']) { $buffer = '<br/>' . $buffer; } $content .= "\n" . $buffer . $cat['link'] . ' ' . $objbo->getEditIconsCat($cat_id) . ' — <i>' . $cat['description'] . '</i><br/>'; } } else { $content .= lang('There are no sections available to you.'); } } return $content; }
function get_content(&$arguments, $properties) { global $page; if ($page->cat_id == CURRENT_SITE_ID || !$page->cat_id) { return ''; } $catlinks = $GLOBALS['objbo']->getCatLinks((int) $page->cat_id, False, True); $pagelinks = $GLOBALS['objbo']->getPageLinks($page->cat_id, False, True); $category = $GLOBALS['objbo']->getcatwrapper($page->cat_id); $this->block->title = $category->name; $parent = $category->parent; unset($category); $content = ''; if ($parent && $parent != CURRENT_SITE_ID && !$arguments['suppress_parent']) { $parentcat = $GLOBALS['objbo']->getcatwrapper($parent); $content .= "\n<b>" . lang('Parent Section:') . '</b><br/> · <a href="' . sitemgr_link2('/index.php', 'category_id=' . $parent) . '" title="' . $parentcat->description . '">' . $parentcat->name . '</a><br/><br/>'; unset($parentcat); } if (count($catlinks)) { $content .= "\n<b>" . lang('Subsections:') . '</b><br/>'; foreach ($catlinks as $catlink) { $content .= "\n" . ' · ' . $catlink['link'] . '<br/>'; } $content .= '<br/>'; } if (count($pagelinks) > 1 || count($pagelinks) > 0 && $content) { $content .= "\n<b>" . lang('Pages:') . '</b>'; if (!$arguments['suppress_show_all']) { $content .= ' (<a href="' . sitemgr_link2('/index.php', 'category_id=' . $page->cat_id) . '"><i>' . lang('show all') . '</i></a>)'; } $content .= "<br/>\n"; foreach ($pagelinks as $pagelink_id => $pagelink) { if ($page->id && $page->id == $pagelink_id) { if (!$arguments['suppress_current_page']) { $content .= ' <b>>' . $pagelink['link'] . '<</b><br/>'; } } else { $content .= ' · ' . $pagelink['link'] . '<br/>'; } } } return $content; }
function replace_var($vars) { $var = $vars[1]; if (substr($var, 0, 9) == '?sitemgr:') { $params = explode(',', substr($var, 9)); switch (count($params)) { case 0: $val = ''; break; case 1: $val = sitemgr_link2('', $params[0]); break; case 2: $val = sitemgr_link2($params[0], $params[1]); break; default: $val = $var; } } elseif (substr($var, 0, 7) == '?phpgw:') { $params = explode(',', substr($var, 7)); switch (count($params)) { case 0: $val = ''; break; case 1: $val = phpgw_link('', $params[0]); break; case 2: $val = phpgw_link($params[0], $params[1]); break; default: $val = $var; } } elseif (substr($var, 0, 1) == '?') { $val = sitemgr_link2('/index.php', substr($var, 1)); } elseif ($var == 'news') { $ui = new ui(); $val = $ui->get_news(); unset($ui); } elseif (substr($var, 0, 6) == 'block-') { if (file_exists('blocks/' . $var . '.php')) { $title = ereg_replace('_', ' ', substr($var, 6)); include 'blocks/' . $var . '.php'; } else { $title = lang('Block not found.'); $content = lang('Contact the administrator.'); } add_theme_var('block_title', $title); add_theme_var('block_content', $content); if (function_exists('themecenterbox')) { $val = themecenterbox($title, $content); } else { $val = parse_theme_vars(implode("", file('templates/' . $GLOBALS['sitemgr_info']['themesel'] . '/centerblock.tpl'))); } } else { /* Check for reserved vars first, otherwise get from the global theme_vars */ switch (strtolower($var)) { case 'opentable': $val = OpenTable(); break; case 'opentable2': $val = OpenTable2(); break; case 'closetable': $val = CloseTable(); break; case 'closetable2': $val = CloseTable2(); break; default: $val = $GLOBALS['theme_vars'][$var]; } } return $val; }