
 * @package Catch Themes
 * @subpackage Simple_Catch_Pro
 * @since Simple Catch Pro 1.0
 * Set the default values for all the settings. If no user-defined values
 * is available for any setting, these defaults will be used.
global $simplecatch_options_defaults;
$simplecatch_options_defaults = array('featured_logo_header' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/logo-head.png', 'remove_header_logo' => '0', 'remove_site_title' => '0', 'remove_site_description' => '0', 'featured_logo_footer' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/logo-foot.png', 'remove_footer_logo' => '0', 'fav_icon' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/favicon.ico', 'remove_fav_icon' => '1', 'web_clip' => '', 'color_scheme' => 'default', 'heading_color' => '#444444', 'meta_color' => '#999999', 'text_color' => '#555555', 'link_color' => '#000000', 'widget_heading_color' => '#666666', 'widget_text_color' => '#666666', 'reset_color' => '2', 'exclude_slider_post' => '0', 'front_page_category' => array(), 'sidebar_layout' => 'right-sidebar', 'reset_layout' => '2', 'slider_qty' => 3, 'select_slider_type' => 'image-slider', 'enable_slider' => 'enable-slider-homepage', 'featured_slider' => array(), 'featured_image_slider_image' => array(), 'featured_image_slider_link' => array(), 'featured_image_slider_title' => array(), 'featured_image_slider_content' => array(), 'remove_noise_effect' => '0', 'transition_effect' => 'fade', 'transition_delay' => 4, 'transition_duration' => 1, 'social_facebook' => '', 'social_twitter' => '', 'social_googleplus' => '', 'social_pinterest' => '', 'social_youtube' => '', 'social_vimeo' => '', 'social_linkedin' => '', 'social_slideshare' => '', 'social_foursquare' => '', 'social_flickr' => '', 'social_tumblr' => '', 'social_deviantart' => '', 'social_dribbble' => '', 'social_myspace' => '', 'social_wordpress' => '', 'social_rss' => '', 'social_delicious' => '', 'social_lastfm' => '', 'social_instagram' => '', 'social_github' => '', 'social_vkontakte' => '', 'social_myworld' => '', 'social_odnoklassniki' => '', 'social_goodreads' => '', 'social_skype' => '', 'social_soundcloud' => '', 'social_email' => '', 'custom_css' => '', 'google_verification' => '', 'yahoo_verification' => '', 'bing_verification' => '', 'analytic_header' => '', 'analytic_footer' => '', 'sidebar_layout' => 'right-sidebar', 'more_tag_text' => 'Continue Reading &rarr;', 'search_display_text' => 'Type KeyWord', 'search_button_text' => 'Search', 'excerpt_length' => 30, 'feed_url' => '', 'footer_code' => '<div class="copyright">[footer-image] Copyright &copy; [the-year] <span>[site-link]</span>. All Right Reserved.</div><div class="powered-by">Powered by: [wp-link] | Theme: [theme-link]</div>', 'reset_footer' => '2');
global $simplecatch_options_settings;
$simplecatch_options_settings = simplecatch_options_set_defaults($simplecatch_options_defaults);
function simplecatch_options_set_defaults($simplecatch_options_defaults)
    $simplecatch_options_settings = array_merge($simplecatch_options_defaults, (array) get_option('simplecatch_options', array()));
    return $simplecatch_options_settings;
 * Returns an array of color schemes registered
 * @since Simple Catch 3.0
function simplecatch_color_schemes()
    $options = array('default' => __('Default (Light)', 'simple-catch'), 'dark' => __('Dark', 'simple-catch'), 'brown' => __('Brown', 'simple-catch'));
    return apply_filters('simplecatch_color_schemes', $options);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Binds JS handlers to make Theme Customizer preview reload changes asynchronously for simplecatch.
 * And flushes out all transient data on preview
 * @since Simple Catch 1.6.3
function simplecatch_customize_preview()
    //Remove transients on preview
    global $simplecatch_options_defaults, $simplecatch_options_settings;
    $simplecatch_options_settings = simplecatch_options_set_defaults($simplecatch_options_defaults);