<?php define('ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); //系统程序根路径, 必须定义, 用于防翻墙 require ROOT . 'includes/core.guest.php'; //加载核心文件 if (!$_CFG['Actived']) { shut_down($langs['shutdown']); } //ajax留言操作 $ajax = intval($_GET['ajax']); if ($ajax == 1) { require ROOT . 'includes/functions.comment.php'; //加载留言需要的函数 $DB = new Mysql($dbusername, $dbpassword, $dbname, $servername, false, false); //不显示mysql错误 $ajax = array('s' => 0, 'i' => 0); $json = new JSON(); $act = ForceStringFrom('act'); if ($act == 'vvc') { $ajax['s'] = createVVC(); die($json->encode($ajax)); } elseif ($act == 'get') { getVVC(); die; } $key = ForceStringFrom('key'); $code = ForceStringFrom('code'); $decode = authcode($code, 'DECODE', $key); if ($decode != md5(WEBSITE_KEY . $_CFG['KillRobotCode'])) { die($json->encode($ajax));
3/18/10 log corrections made 7/28/10 Added inclusion of startup.inc.php for checking of network status and setting of file name variables to support no-maps versions of scripts. 8/15/10 added dupe prevention, per JG email 8/27/10 fmp call added 12/1/10 $patient get_text added, FIP change 3/15/11 changed stylesheet.php to stylesheet.php 5/26/11 added intrusion detection 7/27/11 fix multiple selects per KB email */ error_reporting(E_ALL); // 10/1/08 @session_start(); require_once 'incs/functions.inc.php'; do_login(basename(__FILE__)); if (isset($_REQUEST['ticket_id']) && strlen(trim($_REQUEST['ticket_id'])) > 6) { shut_down(); } // 5/26/11 //require_once($_SESSION['fmp']); // 8/27/10 //$istest = true; if ($istest) { print "GET<br />\n"; dump($_GET); print "POST<br />\n"; dump($_POST); } $evenodd = array("even", "odd"); // CLASS names for alternating table row colors $get_action = array_key_exists("action", $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : "new"; switch ($get_action) { case "add":