Exemplo n.º 1
        if ($timestamp_l != "" && $timestamp_h != "")
		    $sql= "SELECT * FROM tworkunit, tworkunit_task WHERE tworkunit.id_user = '******' AND timestamp >= '$timestamp_l' AND timestamp <= '$timestamp_h' AND tworkunit_task.id_task = $id_task AND tworkunit_task.id_workunit = tworkunit.id ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
		    $sql= "SELECT * FROM tworkunit, tworkunit_task WHERE tworkunit.id_user = '******' AND tworkunit_task.id_task = $id_task AND tworkunit_task.id_workunit = tworkunit.id ORDER BY timestamp DESC";

$sql = safe_output ($sql);

$alldata = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
foreach ($alldata as $row){ 
	if ($row["id"] != -1)
        show_workunit_user ($row['id'], 1, true, true, $id_user, $timestamp_h, $timestamp_l);
		show_workunit_user ($row['id'], 0, true, true, $id_user, $timestamp_h, $timestamp_l);

echo '<div id="show_multiple_edit">';

echo '<h2>'.__('Massive operations over selected items').'</h2>';

$table = new StdClass;
$table->class = 'search-table-button';
$table->width = '100%';
$table->data = array ();
$table->colspan = array ();

// Profile or role
if (dame_admin ($config['id_user'])) {
	$table->data[0][0] = combo_roles (false, 'id_profile', __('Role'), true, true, '', true);
Exemplo n.º 2
		echo '<h2>'.__('Workunit resume') . "</h2>";
		echo '<h4>' . $project_name.' - ' . __('All tasks');
		echo integria_help ("task_workunit", true);
		echo '<ul class="ui-tabs-nav"><li class="ui-tabs">';
		echo "<a href='index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/projects/task_workunit&id_project=$id_project&pure=0' title='".__("Back to view")."'><img src='images/go-previous.png'></a>";
		echo '</li>';
		echo '</ul>';
		echo '</h4>';

$workunits = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
if ($workunits) {
	foreach ($workunits as $workunit) {
		show_workunit_user ($workunit['id']);

echo '<div id="show_multiple_edit">';

echo '<h4>'.__('Massive operations over selected items').'</h4>';
$table = new StdClass;
$table->class = 'search-table-button';
$table->width = '100%';
$table->data = array ();
$table->colspan = array ();

// Profile or role
if (dame_admin ($config['id_user'])) {
	$table->data[0][0] = combo_roles (false, 'id_profile', __('Role'), true, true, '', true);
Exemplo n.º 3
if ($report_image) {
    echo "&nbsp;" . $report_image;
echo "<div id='button-bar-title'>";
echo "<ul>";
echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="index.php?sec=users&sec2=operation/user_report/report_annual&id_user='******'&year=' . $year . '">' . print_image("images/go-previous.png", true, array("title" => __("Back to incident"))) . "</a>";
echo '</li>';
echo "</ul>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</h1>";
if (empty($wus)) {
    echo '<h4>' . __('No data to show') . '</h4>';
} else {
    foreach ($wus as $workunit) {
        show_workunit_user($workunit['id'], 0, false);
    echo '</div>';

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready (function () {

	$(".lock_workunit").click (function () {
		var img = this;
		id = this.id.split ("-").pop ();
		values = Array ();
		values.push ({name: "page", value: "operation/users/user_spare_workunit"});
		values.push ({name: "operation", value: "lock"});
Exemplo n.º 4
    } else {
        if ($timestamp_l != "" && $timestamp_h != "") {
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM tworkunit, tworkunit_task WHERE tworkunit.id_user = '******' AND timestamp >= '{$timestamp_l}' AND timestamp <= '{$timestamp_h}' AND tworkunit_task.id_task = {$id_task} AND tworkunit_task.id_workunit = tworkunit.id ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
        } else {
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM tworkunit, tworkunit_task WHERE tworkunit.id_user = '******' AND tworkunit_task.id_task = {$id_task} AND tworkunit_task.id_workunit = tworkunit.id ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
$sql = safe_output($sql);
$alldata = get_db_all_rows_sql($sql);
foreach ($alldata as $row) {
    if ($row["id"] != -1) {
        show_workunit_user($row['id'], 1);
    } else {
echo '<div id="show_multiple_edit">';
echo '<br><h2>' . __('Massive operations over selected items') . '</h2>';
$table = new StdClass();
$table->class = 'search-table-button';
$table->width = '99%';
$table->data = array();
$table->colspan = array();
// Profile or role
if (dame_admin($config['id_user'])) {
    $table->data[0][0] = combo_roles(false, 'id_profile', __('Role'), true, true, '', true);
} else {
    $table->data[0][0] = combo_user_task_profile($id_task, 'id_profile', $id_profile, false, true, true);