Exemplo n.º 1
function get_state_html_by_id($id)
    $mid = intval(app_config('mid'));
    $html = NULL;
    $votes = array();
    $state = app_config('model_state');
    $keys = array();
    if ($state) {
        $app = explode('|', $state);
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($app as $v) {
            $v = trim($v);
            if ($v) {
                $keys[] = " `text` = '{$v}' ";
    if ($keys) {
        $first = trim($app[0]);
        $data = lazy_get_data("select `text` , count(*) as c from `u2_vote` where(" . join('or', $keys) . ") and `tid` = '{$id}' and `mid` = '{$mid}' group by `text` ");
        if ($data) {
            $html .= '<h5 class="w2">谁' . $first . '这' . app_config('model_name') . '</h5><br/>';
            foreach ($data as $v) {
                if ($v['text'] == $first) {
                    $uids = lazy_get_vars("select `uid` from `u2_vote` where `text` = '{$first}' and `tid` = '{$id}' and `mid` = '{$mid}' limit 3 ");
                    $names = get_name_by_uids($uids);
                    foreach ($uids as $v) {
                        $html .= '<div class="app_user_div"><center><a href="/user/space/' . $v . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . show_user_icon('normal', $v) . '" class="icon" /><br/>' . $names[$v]['u2_nickname'] . '</a></center></div>';
                    $html .= '<br clear="all"/>';
                    if ($v['c'] > 3) {
                        $html .= '<a href="/app/native/' . $GLOBALS['app'] . '/votepeople/' . $id . '/' . urlencode($first) . '"> > 还有' . ($v['c'] - 3) . '人' . $first . '</a><br/>';
                } else {
                    $html .= '<a href="/app/native/' . $GLOBALS['app'] . '/votepeople/' . $id . '/' . urlencode($v['text']) . '"> > ' . $v['c'] . '人' . $v['text'] . '</a><br/>';
    return $html;
Exemplo n.º 2
            $CI =& get_instance();
            $CI->load->model('Invite_model', 'invite', TRUE);
            $invites = lazy_get_data("select id , u2_invite_code  from u2_invite where  u2_uid = '" . format_uid() . "' and u2_is_use = '0' and  u2_is_copied = '0' ");
        } else {
            die('你还差' . $limit . '个邀请码来进行此操作,请购买邀请码后操作');
    $title = _sess('u2_nickname') . '(' . _sess('u2_email') . ')邀请您加入 - ' . c('site_name');
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($emails as $v) {
        $icode = $invites[$i]['u2_invite_code'];
        $copyid[] = $invites[$i]['id'];
        $message = '<TABLE>
			<TD valign="top" style="padding:10px;"><img src="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . show_user_icon('big') . '" style="border:1px solid #c8c8c8;padding:1px;"></TD>
			<TD valign="top" style="padding:10px;">
				<p><strong>亲爱的朋友,我是' . _sess('u2_nickname') . '~</strong></p>
				最近我加入了 ' . c('site_name') . ' ,每天在这里种仙豆养宠物,感觉还不错哦.你也来和我一起玩,顺便帮我挣点银币吧,呵呵.<br/>

				<a href="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/gate/index/' . $icode . '">http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/gate/index/' . $icode . '</a>
        		$message = '<TABLE><TR><TD valign="top"><img src="http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].show_user_icon('big').'" style="border:1px solid #c8c8c8;padding:1px;"></TD><TD valign="top" style="padding:10px;"><b>你好我是'._sess('u2_nickname').'我在'.c('site_name').'上建立了个人主页,请你也加入并成为我的好友。</b><br/><br/>请点击以下链接,接受好友邀请:<br/><a href="http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/gate/index/'.$icode.'">http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/gate/index/'.$icode.'</a></TD></TR></TABLE>';*/
Exemplo n.º 3
 function uploadpic($action = NULL)
     $data = NULL;
     if ($action == 'save') {
         if (isset($_FILES['picfile']['size']) && $_FILES['picfile']['size'] > 0) {
             $this->icon->path = $_FILES['picfile']['tmp_name'];
             $this->icon->size = 16;
             $this->icon->dest = get_user_icon_path('small');
             $this->icon->size = 48;
             $this->icon->dest = get_user_icon_path();
             $this->icon->size = 100;
             $this->icon->dest = get_user_icon_path('big');
             $time = time();
             $source_image = ROOT . 'static/data/hash/user_icon/' . myhash() . $time . '.gif';
             copy(get_user_icon_path('small'), ROOT . 'static/data/hash/user_icon/' . myhash() . $time . '_small.gif');
             copy(get_user_icon_path(), ROOT . 'static/data/hash/user_icon/' . myhash() . $time . '_normal.gif');
             copy(get_user_icon_path('big'), ROOT . 'static/data/hash/user_icon/' . myhash() . $time . '_big.gif');
             move_uploaded_file($_FILES['picfile']['tmp_name'], $source_image);
             $title = '<a href="/user/space/' . format_uid() . '">' . _sess('u2_nickname') . '</a>更换了新头像';
             send_to_feed(format_uid(), 'system_user', $title, NULL, show_user_icon());
             info_page('<a href="/user/space">' . _text('user_uploadpic_success') . '</a>');
     $data['pics'] = $this->user->load_user_photos_by_uid();
     $this->view('uploadpic', $data);
Exemplo n.º 4
 function register()
     $nickname = z(v('nickname'));
     $email = z(v('email'));
     $psw1 = z(v('psw1'));
     $psw2 = z(v('psw2'));
     $icode = z(v('icode'));
     if (!$nickname || !$email || !$psw1) {
         die('<center style="font-size:12px;">用户名,E-mail,密码不能为空</center>');
     if ($psw1 != $psw2) {
         die('<center style="font-size:12px;">2次密码输入不一致</center>');
     $psw = $psw1;
     $this->load->model('User_model', 'user', TRUE);
     $invite = $this->user->check_invite_code($icode);
     if (!$invite) {
         die('<center style="font-size:12px;">邀请函防伪码已经使用过了</center>');
     if (!$this->user->register_save($email, $nickname, $psw)) {
         die('<center style="font-size:12px;">用户名或者email已被占用</center>');
     $user_info = $this->user->get_user_by_email($email);
     $title = '<a href="/user/space/' . $user_info['id'] . '">' . $user_info['u2_nickname'] . '</a>加入了' . c('site_name');
     send_to_feed($user_info['id'], 'system_user', $title);
     $invuid = $invite['u2_uid'];
     if ($invuid && ($olduser = $this->user->load_user_information_by_uid($invuid))) {
         $this->user->add_friend($invuid, $user_info['id']);
         $title = '<a href="/user/space/' . $user_info['id'] . '">' . $user_info['u2_nickname'] . '</a>和<a href="/user/space/' . $olduser['id'] . '">' . $olduser['u2_nickname'] . '</a>成为好友了';
         send_to_feed($user_info['id'], 'system_user', $title);
     $new_one = array();
     $new_one['u2_first_time'] = 1;
     $new_one['u2_inviter_uid'] = $olduser['id'];
     $new_one['u2_inviter_nickname'] = $olduser['u2_nickname'];
     $this->user->login_confirm($email, $psw, $new_one);
     if (isset($_FILES['picfile']['size']) && $_FILES['picfile']['size'] > 0) {
         $this->icon->path = $_FILES['picfile']['tmp_name'];
         $this->icon->size = 16;
         $this->icon->dest = get_user_icon_path('small');
         $this->icon->size = 48;
         $this->icon->dest = get_user_icon_path();
         $this->icon->size = 100;
         $this->icon->dest = get_user_icon_path('big');
         $time = time();
         $source_image = ROOT . 'static/data/hash/user_icon/' . myhash() . $time . '.gif';
         copy(get_user_icon_path('small'), ROOT . 'static/data/hash/user_icon/' . myhash() . $time . '_small.gif');
         copy(get_user_icon_path(), ROOT . 'static/data/hash/user_icon/' . myhash() . $time . '_normal.gif');
         copy(get_user_icon_path('big'), ROOT . 'static/data/hash/user_icon/' . myhash() . $time . '_big.gif');
         move_uploaded_file($_FILES['picfile']['tmp_name'], $source_image);
         $title = '<a href="/user/space/' . format_uid() . '">' . _sess('u2_nickname') . '</a>更换了新头像';
         send_to_feed(format_uid(), 'system_user', $title, NULL, show_user_icon());
     $uid = $user_info['id'];
     $place = $uid + 10000;
     // add the inviter's info
     //set_cookie( 'x123' , 'er' );
     // add money to user bank account
     // add money
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `app_ibank_account` ( `uid` , `g_count` , `gold_count` ) VALUES ( '" . $uid . "' , '" . intval(c('user_init_silver')) . "' , '" . intval(c('user_init_gold')) . "' ) ";
     // add cloth
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `app_ihome_shop` ( `uid` , `item_id` ) VALUES ( '" . $uid . "' , '844'  ) , ( '" . $uid . "' , '879' )";
     // add money to inviter
     $sql = "UPDATE `app_ibank_account` SET `g_count` = `g_count` + " . intval(c('user_invite_g')) . " WHERE `uid` = '" . intval($olduser['id']) . "' LIMIT 1 ";
     // header("Content-type: text/xml; charset=$charset");
     header("Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8");
     echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">window.parent.$("id_icon").setHTML(\'<img src="' . show_user_icon('', $user_info['id']) . '" class="icon"/><br/>' . $nickname . '\');window.parent.$("id_info").setHTML(\'NO. ' . $uid . '<br/>仙豆王国居民东区' . $place . '#\');</SCRIPT>';
     echo '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /></head><body><center style="font-size:12px;"><a href="/user/miniblog/" target="_parent">申请成功,赶快到你的小屋去看看吧</a></center></body></html>';