public function maxLenght($max_lenght) { if (!is_null($max_lenght)) { if ($max_lenght < min_results()) { $max_lenght = show_text(); } } return $max_lenght; }
public function limit_text($limit, $max) { if ('on' == $limit) { if (empty($max) || $max < min_results()) { $max = show_text(); //default lenght } } else { $max = null; } return $max; }
function show_graph() { require_once "../inc/"; db_init(); $xaxis = $_GET['xaxis']; $yaxis = $_GET['yaxis']; $granularity = $_GET['granularity']; $active = $_GET['active']; $inactive = $_GET['inactive']; $show_text = $_GET['show_text']; if (!$active && !$inactive) { echo "You must select at least one of (active, inactive)"; exit; } $fields = ', user.create_time'; if ($xaxis == 'active' || !$active || !$inactive) { $query = "select {$fields}, max(rpc_time) as max_rpc_time from host, user where group by userid"; } else { $query = 'select $fields from user'; } $result = mysql_query($query); $yarr = array(); $now = time(); $maxind = 0; $active_thresh = time() - 30 * 86400; while ($user = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $val = $now - $user->max_rpc_time; if (!$active) { if ($user->max_rpc_time > $active_thresh) { continue; } } if (!$inactive) { if ($user->max_rpc_time < $active_thresh) { continue; } } $life = $user->max_rpc_time - $user->create_time; $ind = $life / $granularity; $ind = (int) $ind; $yarr[$ind]++; if ($ind > $maxind) { $maxind = $ind; } } $xarr = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= $maxind; $i++) { $xarr[$i] = $i; if (is_null($yarr[$i])) { $yarr[$i] = 0; } } if ($show_text) { show_text($xarr, $yarr); } else { draw_graph($xarr, $yarr); } }
if (!validate_path($path)) { die(msg('error', $DLG['invalid_dir'] . " <b>({$dir}{$file})</b>")); } $info = swampy_pathinfo($path); switch ($info['extension']) { case "jpeg": case "jpg": case "gif": case "png": case "bmp": die(show_image($dir . $file)); break; case "txt": case "php": case "js": die(show_text($path)); break; case "html": case "htm": die(show_html($dir . $file)); break; default: die(msg('alert', $DLG['not_supported_format'])); break; } function show_image($src) { return "<img src='/{$src}'/>"; } function show_text($path) {
/** * @brief display unit resources * @global type $tool_content * @global type $langUnknownResType * @global type $is_editor * @param type $info * @return type */ function show_resource($info) { global $tool_content, $langUnknownResType, $is_editor; if ($info->visible == 0 and !$is_editor) { return; } switch ($info->type) { case 'doc': $tool_content .= show_doc($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id); break; case 'text': $tool_content .= show_text($info->comments, $info->id, $info->visible); break; case 'description': $tool_content .= show_description($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'lp': $tool_content .= show_lp($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id); break; case 'video': case 'videolink': $tool_content .= show_video($info->type, $info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'videolinkcategory': $tool_content .= show_videocat($info->type, $info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'exercise': $tool_content .= show_exercise($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'work': $tool_content .= show_work($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'topic': case 'forum': $tool_content .= show_forum($info->type, $info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'wiki': $tool_content .= show_wiki($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'poll': $tool_content .= show_poll($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'link': $tool_content .= show_link($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'linkcategory': $tool_content .= show_linkcat($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'ebook': $tool_content .= show_ebook($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'section': $tool_content .= show_ebook_section($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; case 'subsection': $tool_content .= show_ebook_subsection($info->title, $info->comments, $info->id, $info->res_id, $info->visible); break; default: $tool_content .= $langUnknownResType; } }
echo OUT_PATH; ?> edit/<?php echo $to; ?> " title="修改本文章"><img src="<?php echo get_stuff('silk/page_edit.png'); ?> " alt="編輯"></a></span> <?php } ?> <div id="post-text"> <!-- Start of Post --> <?php echo show_text($row["post_content"]); ?> <!-- End of Post --> </div> <?php if (isset($mod_time) && isset($mod_who)) { ?> <span id="post-view-modified">本文章在 <?php echo $mod_time; ?> 由 <strong><?php echo $mod_who; ?> </strong> 做了最後一次修改</span> <?php }
" title ="<?php echo $author_nicename; ?> "> <div id="post-view-author" class="post-view-meta"><span>AUTHOR: </span><strong><?php echo $author_nicename; ?> </strong></div> <div id="post-view-title" class="post-view-meta"><span>TITLE: </span><strong><?php echo $title; ?> </strong></div> <div id="post-view-time" class="post-view-meta" title="From: <?php echo $ip; ?> "><span>TIME: </span><?php echo $row["post_date"]; ?> </div> <div id="post-view-actions" class="post-view-meta"><span>CATE: </span>未分類</div> </div> <div id="post-delete-body"> <div id="post-delete-text"> <?php echo indent_text(show_text($row["post_content"]), 6); ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php include load_template('footer');
<input type="hidden" name="hiddenField" id="hiddenField" /> <div id="left"><a href="../index2.php"><img src="../images/common/menu1.jpg" width="218" height="61" border="0" /></a><a href="index.html"><img src="../images/common/menu2.jpg" width="218" height="61" border="0" /></a><a href="../exam/index.html"><img src="../images/common/menu3.jpg" width="218" height="62" border="0" /></a><a href="../knowledge/index.php"><img src="../images/common/menu5.jpg" width="218" height="65" border="0" /></a></div> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegion" --> <div id="right_lesson"> <div class="header_font2" id="header2"> <?php show_lesson_header(); ?> </div> <div id="content_area"> <div id="content_text"> <?php show_text(); ?> </div> <div id="content_link"> <table width="725" border="0"> <tr> <td width="272" align="right"> <?php echo "<a href='detail.php?lesson=" . $_GET['lesson'] . "'><img src='../images/lesson/btn_video.jpg' width='80' height='25' border='0' /></a>"; ?> </td> <td width="34" align="right"> <?php show_back_button();
echo get_stuff('silk/comment_delete.png'); ?> " alt="刪除"></a> <?php } ?> </span> <span class="comment-item-author"><?php echo $list['comment_author']; ?> </span> </div> <div class="comment-item-content"> <!-- Start of Comment --> <?php echo show_text($list['comment_content']); ?> <!-- End of Comment --> </div> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php if ($total_items > $items_page) { $items_pages = page_list($current_page, $total_pages, 4, OUT_PATH . $ID . '?', 'comment_page', 'comment-list'); if ($current_page == 0) { $show_pages = '<a href="' . OUT_PATH . $ID . '#comment-list" title="分頁顯示回覆">分頁收合</a>'; } else { $show_pages = '<a href="' . OUT_PATH . $ID . '?comment_page=0#comment-list" title="顯示全部回覆">展開回覆</a>';
?> " alt="<?php echo $author_nicename; ?> "> <div class="comment-item-meta"> <span class="comment-item-ip"><img src="<?php echo get_stuff('silk/information.png'); ?> " title="<?php echo $modify . 'From ' . $ip; ?> " alt="info"></span> <span class="comment-item-date"><?php echo date('Y/m/d H:i', $time); ?> </span> <span class="comment-item-author"><?php echo $author; ?> </span> </div> <div id="comment-delete-text"> <?php echo indent_text(show_text($content), 7); ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php include load_template('footer');
function feed() { $many = 20; $board = ''; //wait for more fix $result = inget('`id`, `post_title`, `post_author`, `post_author_nicename`, `post_content`, `post_date`, `post_board`', 'posts', $board . 'ORDER BY `post_date` DESC LIMIT 0, ' . $many); $board = board_info(); $who = member_who(); $prefix = isSSL() ? 'https:' : 'http:'; $row = mysql_fetch_all($result); if ($row) { foreach ($row as $id => $list) { $row[$id]['post_board'] = $board[$list['post_board']]['name']; $row[$id]['post_board_nicename'] = $board[$list['post_board']]['nicename']; if ($list['post_author']) { $row[$id]['post_author'] = $who[$list['post_author']]['nicename']; } else { $row[$id]['post_author'] = $list['post_author_nicename']; } $row[$id]['post_content'] = html_transfer(show_text($list['post_content'])); } } header('Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8'); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n"; include load_template('feed'); }