* @copyright Copyright 2003-2005, Fabio De Pascale * @copyright Copyright 2006-2012, Gjergj Sheldija */ $inizio = microtime(); define('ROOTDIR', '..'); require ROOTDIR . "/include/manage/mgmt_funs.php"; require ROOTDIR . "/include/manage/mgmt_start.php"; if (!access_allowed(USER_BIT_ACCOUNTING)) { $command = 'access_denied'; } switch ($command) { case 'access_denied': echo access_denied_admin(); break; case "show": show_receipt($start_id); break; case "delete": if (isset($_GET['deleteconfirm'])) { $deleteconfirm = $_GET['deleteconfirm']; } elseif (isset($_POST['deleteconfirm'])) { $deleteconfirm = $_POST['deleteconfirm']; } if ($deleteconfirm) { $delete = $_SESSION["delete"]; unset($_SESSION["delete"]); delete_receipt_rows($delete); delete_log_rows($delete); } else { if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { $delete = $_GET['delete'];
public function get_form() { if ($this->charge_status != null) { require_once plugin_dir_path(dirname(__FILE__)) . 'lib/form-helpers/post-show-receipt.php'; show_receipt($this->thank_you, $this->charge_status); } elseif ($this->page_status == "new") { require_once plugin_dir_path(dirname(__FILE__)) . 'lib/make-form.php'; $form = new Form_Form($this); echo $form->make(); } else { throw new Exception("Unexpected load scenario. Try reload the page."); } }
<?php require "../settings.php"; $OUTPUT = show_receipt($_GET); require "../tmpl-print.php"; function show_receipt($_GET) { extract($_GET); if (!isset($recid) or strlen($recid) < 1) { return "<li class='err'>Invalid use of module. Invalid Receipt ID.</li>"; } db_connect(); $get_rec = "SELECT * FROM cashbook WHERE cashid = '{$recid}' LIMIT 1"; $run_rec = db_exec($get_rec) or errDie("Unable to get receipt information."); if (pg_numrows($run_rec) < 1) { return "<li class='err'>Receipt information not found.</li>"; } else { $cash_arr = pg_fetch_array($run_rec); #get customer information $get_cust = "SELECT accno,surname,paddr1 FROM customers WHERE cusnum = '{$cash_arr['cusnum']}' LIMIT 1"; $run_cust = db_exec($get_cust) or errDie("Unable to get customer information."); if (pg_numrows($run_cust) < 1) { $cus_addr = ""; $cus_accno = ""; } else { $cus_arr = pg_fetch_array($run_cust); $cus_addr = $cus_arr['paddr1']; $cus_accno = $cus_arr['accno']; } $inv_ids = explode("|", $cash_arr['rinvids']); $inv_amts = explode("|", $cash_arr['amounts']);