)</a><br /> <div class="klear"></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (isset($D->p->post_attached['image'])) { ?> <div class="attachment"> <span class="imgtxt"><?php echo $this->lang('singlepost_atch_image'); ?> (<?php echo show_filesize($D->p->post_attached['image']->filesize); ?> , <?php echo $D->p->post_attached['image']->size_original[0]; ?> x<?php echo $D->p->post_attached['image']->size_original[1]; ?> px):</span> <div class="klear"></div> <a href="<?php echo $C->SITE_URL; ?> getfile/pid:<?php echo $D->p->post_tmp_id; ?>
if (db_check_larare($_SESSION['sendMe']['id'])) { // lärar-view ?> <h2>Att rätta</h2> <?php $sql = "SELECT id, namn FROM kurs WHERE skapad_av='" . $_SESSION['sendMe']['id'] . "' ORDER BY namn"; $q = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($q) > 0) { echo "<table border=1 style='width: 100%'>\n"; while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($q)) { echo "<tr><th colspan='6' style='width: 100%; background-color: #ccc; text-align: left'><strong>" . $r['namn'] . "</strong></th></tr>"; $s = "SELECT * FROM uppgifter WHERE kurs_id='" . $r['id'] . "' AND rattad='0' ORDER BY inlamnad DESC"; $qu = mysql_query($s); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qu)) { $file_url = $row['inlamnad'] . "-" . $row['name_orig']; printf("<tr><td><img src='icons/%s.gif' style='width: 20px'/></td><td><a href='showfile.php?file=%s'>%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td align='right'><a href='getfile.php?file=%s'><img src='icons/download.gif' title='H�mta' alt='H�mta' style='border: 0; width: 20px' /></a></td></tr>", file_to_icon($row['file_type']), $file_url, $row['name_orig'], db_get_user_name($row['user_id']), show_filesize($row['file_size']), show_date($row['inlamnad']), $file_url); } } echo "</table>\n"; } else { echo "<p>Du har inga kurser upplagda än.</p>"; } ?> <?php } else { // elev-view ?> <h2>Dina inlämnade uppgifter</h2> <h2>Dina rättade uppgifter</h2>
getfile/pid:<?php echo $D->p->post_tmp_id; ?> /tp:image/<?php echo htmlspecialchars($D->att->title); ?> " target="_top"> <?php echo $D->att->size_original[0]; ?> x<?php echo $D->att->size_original[1]; ?> px, <?php echo show_filesize($D->att->filesize); ?> </a> <!-- · <a href="<?php echo $C->SITE_URL; ?> getfile/pid:<?php echo $D->p->post_tmp_id; ?> /tp:image/<?php echo htmlspecialchars($D->att->title); ?> " target="_top"><?php echo $this->lang('post_atchimg_ftr_dwnld');
function table_att_ratta($id) { $ret = ""; $id = db_clean($id); $sql = "SELECT id, namn FROM kurs WHERE skapad_av='" . $id . "' AND active='1' ORDER BY namn"; $q = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($q) > 0) { $ret .= "<table border=0 style='width: 100%'>\n"; while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($q)) { $s = "SELECT * FROM uppgifter WHERE kurs_id='" . $r['id'] . "' AND rattad='0' ORDER BY inlamnad DESC"; $qu = mysql_query($s); if (mysql_num_rows($qu) > 0) { $ret .= "<tr><th colspan='6' style='width: 100%; background-color: #ccc; text-align: left'><strong>" . $r['namn'] . "</strong></th></tr>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qu)) { $file_url = $row['inlamnad'] . "-" . $row['name_orig']; $ret .= sprintf("<tr><td><img src='icons/%s.gif' style='width: 20px'/></td><td><a href='showfile.php?file=%s'>%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td class='right'>%s</td><td class='right'>%s</td><td class='right'><a href='getfile.php?file=%s'><img src='icons/download.gif' title='Hämta' alt='Hämta' style='border: 0; width: 20px' /></a></td></tr>", file_to_icon($row['file_type']), $file_url, $row['name_orig'], db_get_user_name($row['user_id']), show_filesize($row['file_size']), show_date($row['inlamnad']), $file_url); } } } $ret .= "</table>\n"; } else { $ret .= "<p>Du har inga kurser upplagda än.</p>"; } return $ret; }