
include_once $root . "/include/tagesuebersichtHelper.inc.php";
include_once $root . "/templates/constants.inc.php";
$ansicht = TAGESANSICHT;
<table border="0" class="<?php 
    <td colspan="2"> 
showDay($tag, $monat, $jahr, $vermieter_id, $mietobjekt_id, MODUS_WEBINTERFACE);
  <tr valign="middle"> 
$newTag1 = $tag - 1;
$mon = $monat;
$jah = $jahr;
if ($newTag1 < 1) {
    $newTag1 = getNumberOfDaysOfMonth($mon - 1, $jahr);
    $mon = $mon - 1;
if ($mon < 1) {
    $mon = 12;
    $jah = $jah - 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
    $cTime = mktime(12, 0, 0, $m, $sDow + $i, $y);
    //current time
    $cDate = date("Y-m-d", $cTime);
    //current date
    if (strpos($days, date("N", $cTime)) !== false) {
        $dayBg = '';
        $curSeq = 0;
        if (!empty($evtList[$cDate])) {
            //check day background should be set
            foreach ($evtList[$cDate] as $evt) {
                if ($evt['dbg'] and $evt['seq'] > $curSeq) {
                    $dayBg = " background:{$evt['cbg']};";
                    $curSeq = $evt['seq'];
        $dow = "<td class='dCol " . (date("N", $cTime) > 5 ? 'we0' : 'wd0');
        //week end or week day
        if ($cDate == date("Y-m-d")) {
            $dow .= ' today';
        } elseif (isset($_SESSION['nD']) and $cDate == $_SESSION['nD']) {
            $dow .= ' slday';
        $dow .= "'";
        echo $dow . " style='width:{$cWidth};{$dayBg}'>\n";
        showDay(date("Y-m-d", $cTime));
        echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n</div>\n";

include_once $root . "/include/tagesuebersichtHelper.inc.php";
include_once $root . "/templates/constants.inc.php";
<table border="0" class="<?php 

    <td colspan="2"> 
showDay($tag, $monat, $jahr, $gastro_id, $mietobjekt_id, MODUS_BELEGUNGSPLAN);
  <tr valign="middle"> 
$newTag1 = $tag - 1;
$mon = $monat;
$jah = $jahr;
if ($newTag1 < 1) {
    $newTag1 = getNumberOfDaysOfMonth($mon - 1, $jahr);
    $mon = $mon - 1;
if ($mon < 1) {
    $mon = 12;
    $jah = $jah - 1;

include_once $root . "/include/tagesuebersichtHelper.inc.php";
include_once $root . "/templates/constants.inc.php";
<table border="0" class="<?php 

    <td colspan="2"> 
showDay($tag, $monat, $jahr, $vermieter_id, $mietobjekt_id, MODUS_BELEGUNGSPLAN);
  <tr valign="middle"> 
$newTag1 = $tag - 1;
$mon = $monat;
$jah = $jahr;
if ($newTag1 < 1) {
    $newTag1 = getNumberOfDaysOfMonth($mon - 1, $jahr);
    $mon = $mon - 1;
if ($mon < 1) {
    $mon = 12;
    $jah = $jah - 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <name>Day View</name>
        <author>Dana C. Hutchins</author>
        <description>Shows a day on one screen.</description>
include "modules/day_week_functions.php";
include "includes/header.php";

$thisday = $y . "-" . $m . "-" . $a;
$nextday = $next["day"]["y"] . "-" . $next["day"]["m"] . "-" . $next["day"]["a"];
grab($thisday, $nextday, $c);
echo "<div class=\"frame\">\n";
echo '<div class="cal_top"><a href="', $PHP_SELF, '?o=', $o, '&w=', $w, '&c=', $c, '&m=', $prev["day"]["m"], '&a=', $prev["day"]["a"], '&y=', $prev["day"]["y"], '">&lt;</a> ', date('l, F j, Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $a, $y)), ' <a href="', $PHP_SELF, '?o=', $o, '&w=', $w, '&c=', $c, '&m=', $next["day"]["m"], '&a=', $next["day"]["a"], '&y=', $next["day"]["y"], '">&gt;</a></div>' . "\n";
echo "<table class=\"day\"><tr>";
echo "<td><table class=\"day\"><tr>";
echo "<td width=\"100%\" class=\"single_day\">\n";
showDay($y, $m, $a, "Events");
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr></table></td></tr></table>";
echo "</div>\n";
include "includes/footer.php";
Exemplo n.º 6
        <name>Week View</name>
        <author>Dana C. Hutchins</author>
        <description>Shows a week on one screen.</description>
include "modules/day_week_functions.php";
include "includes/header.php";

$thisweek = $now["week"]["y"][0] . "-" . $now["week"]["m"][0] . "-" . $now["week"]["a"][0];
$nextweek = $next["week"]["y"] . "-" . $next["week"]["m"] . "-" . $next["week"]["a"];
grab($thisweek, $nextweek, $c);
echo "<div class=\"frame\">\n";
echo '<div class="cal_top"><a href="', $PHP_SELF, '?o=', $o, '&w=', $w, '&c=', $c, '&m=', $prev["week"]["m"], '&a=', $prev["week"]["a"], '&y=', $prev["week"]["y"], '">&lt;</a> ', $lang["week_of"], date('F j, Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $now["week"]["m"][0], $now["week"]["a"][0], $now["week"]["y"][0])), ' <a href="', $PHP_SELF, '?o=', $o, '&w=', $w, '&c=', $c, '&m=', $next["week"]["m"], '&a=', $next["week"]["a"], '&y=', $next["week"]["y"], '">&gt;</a></div>' . "\n";
echo "<table class=\"day\"><tr>";
echo "<td><table class=\"day\"><tr>";
for ($we = 0; $we < 7; $we++) {
    echo "<td width=\"14%\" class=\"single_day\">\n";
    showDay($now["week"]["y"][$we], $now["week"]["m"][$we], $now["week"]["a"][$we]);
    echo "</td>";
echo "</tr></table></td></tr></table>";
echo "</div>\n";
include "includes/footer.php";
Exemplo n.º 7
$evtList = array();
$cD = $_SESSION['cD'];
$tcDate = mktime(12, 0, 0, substr($cD, 5, 2), substr($cD, 8, 2), substr($cD, 0, 4));
//Unix time of cD
$nextDay = date("Y-m-d", $tcDate + 86400);
$prevDay = date("Y-m-d", $tcDate - 86400);
/* display header*/
$header = "<span" . ($_SESSION['mobile'] ? '' : " class='viewHdr'") . '>' . makeD($cD, 5) . '</span>';
echo "<h4 class='floatC'><a class='noPrint' href='index.php?lc&amp;cD={$prevDay}'>&nbsp;&#9664;&nbsp;</a>{$header}<a class='noPrint' href='index.php?lc&amp;cD={$nextDay}'>&nbsp;&#9654;&nbsp;</a></h4>\n";
/* display day headers */
echo "<div" . ($_SESSION['mobile'] ? '' : " class='scrollBoxHead'") . ">\n\t<table class='grid'>\n\t<tr><th class='tCol'>{$xx['vws_time']}</th><th class='dCol'>{$xx['vws_events']}</th></tr>\n\t</table>\n</div>\n";
/* retrieve events */
retrieve($cD, $nextDay, 'guc');
/* display day */
echo "<div" . ($_SESSION['mobile'] ? '' : " class='scrollBoxDa'") . ">\n\t<table class='grid'>\n\t<tr>\n<td class='tCol tColBg'>\n";
echo "</td>";
$dayBg = '';
$curSeq = 0;
if (!empty($evtList[$cD])) {
    //check day background should be set
    foreach ($evtList[$cD] as $evt) {
        if ($evt['dbg'] and $evt['seq'] > $curSeq) {
            $dayBg = " style='background:{$evt['cbg']}'";
            $curSeq = $evt['seq'];
echo "<td class='dColBg'{$dayBg}>\n";
showDay($cD, $xx['vws_events']);
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</div>\n";