Exemplo n.º 1
<div class="project-listing">
  <ul class="description">
    <li class="panels" >
    echo link_to(image_tag($position->getThumbnail()), '@show_project_team?project=' . $project->getSlug() . '#position_' . $position->getUuid());
    <li class="panels" style="width:80%;">
    echo link_to(short_string($position->getTitle(), 55), '@show_project_team?project=' . $project->getSlug() . '#position_' . $position->getUuid());
    echo short_string($position->getQualifications(), 100);
<br />
    echo link_to(__('More'), '@show_project_team?project=' . $project->getSlug() . '#position_' . $position->getUuid());
echo link_to(__("View more open positions..."), '@show_project_team?project=' . $project->getSlug(), array('class' => 'big-blue-link'));
Exemplo n.º 2
			if ($wo["progress"] == 2)
					$style = "background: #f0f0ff";	

			$data[0] = "<a href='index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/workorders/wo&operation=view&id=".

			$data[2] = "<a href='index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/workorders/wo&operation=view&id=".
				$wo['id']."'>".short_string ($wo['name'],45)."</a>";

			if ($wo["id_task"] != 0){

				$id_project = get_db_value ("id_project", "ttask", "id", $wo["id_task"]);
				$project_title = short_string (get_db_value ("name", "tproject", "id", $id_project), 35);
				$task_title = short_string (get_db_value ("name", "ttask", "id", $wo["id_task"]), 35);
				$buffer = "<br><span style='font-size: 9px'>" . $project_title . " / " . $task_title . "</span>";
				$data[2] .= $buffer;

			$data[3] = print_priority_flag_image ($wo["priority"], true);
			$data[4] = translate_wo_status($wo["progress"]);
			if ($wo["assigned_user"] == $config["id_user"]) {
				$data[5] = '<a href="index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/workorders/wo&owner='.$wo["assigned_user"].'">'.__("Me").'</a>';
			else {
				$data[5] = '<a href="index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/workorders/wo&owner='.$wo["assigned_user"].'">'.$wo["assigned_user"].'</a>';
Exemplo n.º 3
 //Tweets the cancellation if all of the settings are configured
 if (get_config('cancelcourse', 'sendtweet')) {
     //is the tweeting option selected?
     if (get_config('cancelcourse', 'ckey') && get_config('cancelcourse', 'csecret') && get_config('cancelcourse', 'utoken') && get_config('cancelcourse', 'usecret')) {
         //setup the message body and shorten the strings as needed
         if (get_config('cancelcourse', 'includeshortname')) {
             $shortname = ' : ' . short_string($COURSE->shortname, 10);
         if (get_config('cancelcourse', 'includefullname')) {
             $fullname = ' ' . short_string($COURSE->fullname, 69);
         if (get_config('cancelcourse', 'includeprofname') && $profname != 'none') {
             $name = ' (' . short_string($profname, 25) . ')';
         $subjecttwitter = short_string(short_string($subject, 130 - strlen($shortname . $fullname . $name)), 75);
         //send the tweet and report results
         if (send_tweet(get_config('cancelcourse', 'ckey'), get_config('cancelcourse', 'csecret'), get_config('cancelcourse', 'utoken'), get_config('cancelcourse', 'usecret'), $subjecttwitter . $shortname . $fullname . $name)) {
             echo '<div class="box generalbox" style="background-color: #73c376; font-weight: bold;"><p>' . get_string('tweetsuccess', 'block_cancelcourse') . '</p></div>';
             $tweet_success = true;
         } else {
             $tweet_success = false;
             echo print_error('tweetfailed', 'block_cancelcourse');
             //either the configuration is wrong, or the twitter API is returning an error.
     } else {
         echo print_error('twittermessage_configerror', 'block_cancelcourse');
 } else {
     $tweet_success = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
    if ($position->isFilled()) {
        echo "Filled by:";
    } else {
        echo "Apply:";
    echo __('Tags');
  			<ul style="float:left;">
    echo link_to(short_string($position->getProject()->getTitle()), '@show_project_main?project=' . $position->getProject()->getSlug());
    echo format_date($position->getCreatedAt());
    if ($position->isFilled()) {
        echo link_to($position->getUser()->getProfile(), '@show_user?user='******'Available (' . link_to('Apply', 'project/applyForm?position=' . $position->getUuid()) . ')';
    } elseif (!$position->isFilled() && $sf_user->isAuthenticated() && $position->isApplicant($sf_user->getId())) {
        echo 'Available (Application Received)';
    } elseif (!$sf_user->isAuthenticated()) {
        echo "Login to apply";
Exemplo n.º 5
        if ($count == $max) {
       <td colspan="3">
        if ($type == 'tasks') {
            $url = '@show_task?project=' . $task->getProject()->getSlug() . '&task=' . $task->getUuid() . '&tab=tasks';
        } else {
            $url = '@show_todo?user='******'&todo=' . $task->getSlug();
        echo link_to(short_string($task->getName(), 25), $url, array('title' => strip_tags($task->getDescription())));
       <td>Due <?php 
        echo format_date($task->getFinish());
       <td class="task-status-<?php 
        echo $task->getStatusInWords();
Exemplo n.º 6
echo $profile->getFirstName();
foreach ($profile->getHistory() as $event) {
		  <div class="colored-news-entry">
		    <div class="news-item-header">
    echo image_tag($event->getsfGuardUser()->getProfile()->getThumbnail());
    echo $event->getTitle();
    			<h4>team_member_1 on <?php 
    echo format_datetime($event->getCreatedAt());

    echo short_string($event->getText(), 90);
Exemplo n.º 7
        <li id="entry-3">
echo link_to_function('General', visual_effect('toggle_blind', 'subentry-3', array('duration' => '0.5')), array('class' => 'header'));
            <ul id="subentry-3" style="display: none">
foreach ($project->getTags() as $tag) {
    echo link_to_remote(icon_tag('comment_edit') . ' ' . short_string($tag->getTitle(), 30), array('url' => 'files/fileBrowser?type=positions&id=' . $tag->getUuid(), 'update' => array('success' => 'resources'), 'loading' => "Element.show('loader')", 'complete' => "Element.hide('loader');" . visual_effect('highlight', 'resources')));

<div class="resource-manager-panel2" id="resources" style="height: 200px; width:65%;">
    <table style="width:100%;">
Exemplo n.º 8

$content = "";
//$content .= "<ul>";
foreach ($messages->getResults() as $message) {
    if ($message->isNew()) {
        $strong_o = "<strong>";
        $strong_c = "</strong>";
    } else {
        $strong_o = '';
        $strong_c = '';
    $content .= "<span>" . $strong_o . link_to(short_string($message->getSfGuardUserRelatedBySenderId()->getProfile() . ' - ' . $message->getSubject(), 33), 'messages/view?message=' . $message->getUuid()) . $strong_c . "</span><br />";
//$content .= "</ul>";
$panel = array();
$panel['id'] = 'panel-recent-messages';
$panel['class'] = 'panel-holder panel-size-1 float-right clear-both';
$panel['title'] = link_to(ucwords(__('Recent Messages')), 'messages/showUserMailbox?');
$panel['content'] = $content;
echo output_panel($panel);
Exemplo n.º 9
      	<ul class="description">
                      <li class="panels" >
            // TODO: The "live" directory below should be automagically put in, need to lookup the correct methods for that
            echo link_to('<img alt="Noproject" src="/live/' . sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir_name') . '/' . sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir_name') . '/thumbnails/small/noproject.png"/>', '@show_project_application?id=' . $project->getUuid());
      		<li class="panels" style="width:55%;">
            echo link_to(short_string($project->getTitle(), 55), '@show_project_application?id=' . $project->getUuid());
            echo short_string($project->getDescription(), 100);
<br />
            echo link_to('Delete Application', '@remove_project_application?id=' . $project->getUuid(), 'post=true&confirm=Are you sure you want to delete the application "' . $project->getTitle() . '"?');
 | <?php 
            echo link_to('Get some help on this application', '@flag_project_application_for_help?id=' . $project->getUuid());
 | <?php 
            echo link_to('Preview', '@create_project_preview?id=' . $project->getUuid());

      		<li class="panels" style="width:30%;border-left: 1px dotted #D8D8D8;padding-left:10px;">
      			<ul style="float:left;">
Exemplo n.º 10
  We're sorry, we couldn't find any users that match your criteria.
} else {
    foreach ($users->getResults() as $user) {

<div class="project-listing">
	<ul class="description">
                <li class="panels" >
        echo link_to(image_tag($user->getThumbnail('large')), '@show_user_profile?user='******'@show_user_profile?user='******'mail') . ' Message', '@compose_message?recipient=' . $user->getUuid());

		<li class="panels" style="width:30%;border-left: 1px dotted #D8D8D8;padding-left:10px;">
			<ul style="float:left;">
        echo __('School');
Exemplo n.º 11
Step 1. Select the position to review applications for
<div class="resource-manager-panel1" style="width:30%;float:left;">
    <div id="indicator" style="display: none"></div>
        <li id="entry-1">
echo link_to_function('Positions', visual_effect('toggle_blind', 'subentry-1', array('duration' => '0.5')), array('class' => 'header'));
            <ul id="subentry-1" style="">
foreach ($project->getPositions() as $position) {
    echo link_to_remote(icon_tag('users') . ' ' . short_string($position->getTitle(), 30), array('url' => 'applications/applicationBrowser?position=' . $position->getUuid(), 'update' => array('success' => 'resources'), 'loading' => "Element.show('loader')", 'complete' => "Element.hide('loader');" . visual_effect('highlight', 'resources')));

<div class="resource-manager-panel2" id="resources" style="height: 200px; width:65%;">
    Step 2. After selecting a position on the left, the applications will appear here.
<hr class="clear" />
<div class="resource-manager-application" id="details" style="border: 2px solid black; clear:both;margin-top:15px;">
Exemplo n.º 12
    if ($position->isFilled()) {
        echo "Filled by:";
    } else {
        echo "Apply:";
    echo __('Tags');
  			<ul style="float:left;">
    echo link_to(short_string($position->getProject()->getTitle()), 'project/show?slug=' . $position->getProject()->getSlug());
    echo format_date($position->getCreatedAt());
    if ($position->isFilled()) {
        echo link_to($position->getUser()->getProfile(), 'user/show?user='******'Available (' . link_to('Apply', 'project/applyForm?position=' . $position->getUuid()) . ')';
    } elseif (!$position->isFilled() && $sf_user->isAuthenticated() && $position->isApplicant($sf_user->getId())) {
        echo 'Available (Application Received)';
    } elseif (!$sf_user->isAuthenticated()) {
        echo "Login to apply";
Exemplo n.º 13
		echo '<table width="100%" class="listing">';

		echo "<th>".__('Title')."</th>";
		echo "<th>".__('Category')."</th>";
		echo "<th>".__('Product')."</th>";
		echo "<th>".__('Language')."</th>";
		echo "<th>".__('Timestamp')."</th>";
		if (give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "KW")) {
			echo "<th>".__('Action')."</th>";
		foreach ($result as $key=>$row) {
			echo "<tr>";
			// Name
			echo "<td valign='top'><a href='index.php?sec=kb&sec2=operation/kb/browse_data&view=".$row["id"]."'>".short_string($row["title"],220)."</a></td>";

			// Category
			echo "<td class=f9>";
			$category_name = get_db_sql ("SELECT name FROM tkb_category  WHERE id = ".$row["id_category"]);
			$category_img = get_db_sql ("SELECT icon FROM tkb_category WHERE id = ".$row["id_category"]);
			if (!$category_img) {
				echo "";
			else {
				echo "<img title='$category_name' src='images/groups_small/". $category_img . "'>";
			// Product
			echo "<td class=f9>";
			$product_name = get_db_sql ("SELECT name FROM tkb_product WHERE id = ".$row["id_product"]);
			$product_img = get_db_sql ("SELECT icon FROM tkb_product WHERE id = ".$row["id_product"]);
Exemplo n.º 14
function getPluginSynopsis($params)
    $ParamPlugin = $params->getParam(0);
    $pluginName = short_string_decode($ParamPlugin->scalarval());
    require_once "lib/WikiPlugin.php";
    $w = new WikiPluginLoader();
    $synopsis = '';
    $p = $w->getPlugin($pluginName, false);
    // second arg?
    // trap php files which aren't WikiPlugin~s: wikiplugin + wikiplugin_cached only
    if (strtolower(substr(get_parent_class($p), 0, 10)) == 'wikiplugin') {
        $plugin_args = '';
        $desc = $p->getArgumentsDescription();
        $src = array("\n", '"', "'", '|', '[', ']', '\\');
        $replace = array('%0A', '%22', '%27', '%7C', '%5B', '%5D', '%5C');
        $desc = str_replace("<br />", ' ', $desc->asXML());
        if ($desc) {
            $plugin_args = '\\n' . str_replace($src, $replace, $desc);
        $synopsis = "<?plugin " . $pluginName . $plugin_args . "?>";
        // args?
    return new xmlrpcresp(short_string($synopsis));
Exemplo n.º 15

<h1>Recent Activity</h1>
foreach ($project->getHistory() as $event) {
  <div class="news-item-header">
    echo image_tag($event->getsfGuardUser()->getProfile()->getThumbnail());
    echo short_string($event->getTitle(), 50);
    echo __('By %1% %2% ago', array('%1%' => $event->getsfGuardUser()->getProfile()->getFullName(), '%2%' => distance_of_time_in_words($event->getCreatedAt('U'))));

    echo $event->getText();
Exemplo n.º 16
    echo $task->getStatusInWords();
    <td colspan="5">
    echo ucfirst($task->getPriorityInWords());
 Priority<br />
    echo short_string(strip_tags($task->getDescription()), 320);
    echo icon_tag('comment') . ' ' . $task->getNbComments() . ' Comments ', icon_tag('folder') . ' ' . get_nb_files('Task', $task->getId()) . ' Files ';
    if ($sf_user->isAuthenticated() && $project->hasPermission('create-task', $sf_user->getId())) {
        echo icon_tag('note_edit') . ' ' . link_to('Edit Task', 'tasks/edit?task=' . $task->getUuid()) . ' ' . icon_tag('note_remove') . ' ' . link_to('Delete Task', 'tasks/delete?task=' . $task->getUuid(), 'post=true&confirm=Are you sure you want to delete the task "' . $task->getName() . '"?');
Exemplo n.º 17
foreach ($article_subset as $article) {
    echo '<div class="article_block">';
    $article_id = intval($article["id"]);
    // Request categories related to the article
    $article_categories = get_article_categories($article_id);
    foreach ($article_categories as $category) {
        echo '<p class="label label-default category">' . $category["category"] . '</p>';
    echo '<h1 class="media-heading">' . $article["title"] . '</h1>';
    echo '<h4>' . $article["date"] . '</h4>';
    echo '<p>' . short_string($article["content"]) . '</p>';
    echo '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 18
    if ($counter == 3) {
    } else {
  <div class="project-listing">
    <ul class="description">
      <li class="panels" >
    echo link_to(image_tag($project->getThumbnail()), '@show_project?project=' . $project->getSlug());
      <li class="panels" style="width:80%;">
    echo link_to(short_string($project->getTitle(), 55), '@show_project?project=' . $project->getSlug());
    echo $project->getDescriptionBrief(100);


/* TThis is the full positions listing html code