Exemplo n.º 1
function saveUploadedFile($file, $target, $exttype = '', $imgtype = '', $rename = 0, $maxsize = 0)
    // imgtype can be all exif_imagetype supported by your PHP install
    // see http://www.php.net/exif_imagetype
    $file_status = array('status' => false, 'error' => '', 'name' => '', 'tmp_name' => '', 'size' => 0, 'path' => '', 'ext' => '', 'rename' => '', 'maxsize' => intval($maxsize), 'error_num' => 0, 'type' => '');
    if (!isset($_FILES[$file]) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'])) {
        $file_status['error'] = 'Upload not defined';
        return $file_status;
    $file_status['name'] = sanitize_filename($_FILES[$file]['name']);
    $file_status['ext'] = which_ext($file_status['name']);
    $file_status['tmp_name'] = $_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'];
    $file_status['size'] = $_FILES[$file]['size'];
    $file_status['type'] = empty($_FILES[$file]['type']) || !is_mimetype_format($_FILES[$file]['type']) ? get_mimetype_by_extension($file_status['ext']) : $_FILES[$file]['type'];
    $file_status['path'] = $target;
    $file_status['rename'] = $file_status['name'];
    $file_status['maxsize'] = empty($file_status['maxsize']) ? $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['file_maxsize'] : $file_status['maxsize'];
    if (intval($file_status['size']) > $file_status['maxsize']) {
        $file_status['error'] = 'File is too large';
        $file_status['error_num'] = 400;
        return $file_status;
    if (empty($target)) {
        $file_status['error'] = 'Target directory not defined';
        $file_status['error_num'] = 412;
        return $file_status;
    if (!@_mkdir($target)) {
        $file_status['error'] = 'The target directory "' . $target . '" can not be found or generated';
        $file_status['error_num'] = 412;
        return $file_status;
    if ($_FILES[$file]['error']) {
        $file_status['error'] = $_FILES[$file]['error'];
        $file_status['error_num'] = 409;
        return $file_status;
    if ($imgtype) {
        $imgtype = convertStringToArray(strtolower($imgtype));
        if (count($imgtype)) {
            $data = @getimagesize($_FILES[$file]['tmp_name']);
            $exif_imagetype = array(1 => 'gif', 2 => 'jpeg', 2 => 'jpg', 3 => 'png', 4 => 'swf', 5 => 'psd', 6 => 'bmp', 7 => 'tif', 8 => 'tiff', 9 => 'jpc', 10 => 'jp2', 11 => 'jpx', 12 => 'jb2', 13 => 'swc', 14 => 'iff', 15 => 'wbmp', 16 => 'xbm');
            if (!$data && !$exttype) {
                $file_status['error'] = 'Format' . ($file_status['ext'] ? ' *.' . $file_status['ext'] : '') . ' not supported (';
                $allowed = array();
                foreach ($imgtype as $value) {
                    $allowed[] = '*.' . $exif_imagetype[$value];
                $file_status['error'] .= implode(', ', $allowed) . ')';
                $file_status['error_num'] = 415;
                return $file_status;
            } elseif ($data) {
                if (empty($exif_imagetype[$data[2]]) || !in_array($data[2], $imgtype)) {
                    $file_status['error'] = 'File type ';
                    $file_status['error'] .= empty($exif_imagetype[$data[2]]) ? $data[2] : $exif_imagetype[$data[2]];
                    $file_status['error'] .= ' is not supported for this upload (';
                    foreach ($imgtype as $imgt) {
                        $file_status['error'] .= empty($exif_imagetype[$imgt]) ? $imgt : $exif_imagetype[$imgt];
                        $file_status['error'] .= ', ';
                    $file_status['error'] = trim(trim($file_status['error']), ',');
                    $file_status['error'] .= ' only)';
                    $file_status['error_num'] = 415;
                    return $file_status;
                $file_status['image'] = $data;
                $exttype = '';
    if ($exttype) {
        $exttype = convertStringToArray(strtolower($exttype));
        if (!in_array($file_status['ext'], $exttype)) {
            $file_status['error'] = 'File type *.' . $file_status['ext'] . ' is not supported for this upload (*.' . implode(', *.', $exttype) . ' only)';
            $file_status['error_num'] = 415;
            return $file_status;
    if (!is_writable($target)) {
        $file_status['error'] = 'Target directory <b>' . str_replace(PHPWCMS_ROOT, '', $target) . '</b> is not writable';
        $file_status['error_num'] = 412;
        return $file_status;
    $rename = convertStringToArray($rename);
    if (count($rename)) {
        $_temp_name = cut_ext($file_status['rename']);
        foreach ($rename as $value) {
            switch ($value) {
                case 1:
                    $_temp_name = str_replace(array(':', '/', "\\", ' '), array('-', '-', '-', '_'), phpwcms_remove_accents($_temp_name));
                    $_temp_name = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-z_\\-\\.]/i', '', $_temp_name);
                case 2:
                    $_temp_name = time() . '_' . $_temp_name;
                case 3:
                    $_temp_name = date('Ymd-His') . '_' . $_temp_name;
                case 4:
                    $_temp_name = date('Ymd') . '_' . $_temp_name;
                case 5:
                    $_temp_name = generic_string(6) . '_' . $_temp_name;
                case 6:
                    $_temp_name = md5($_temp_name . ($file_status['ext'] ? '.' . $file_status['ext'] : ''));
                case 7:
                    $_temp_name = shortHash($_temp_name . ($file_status['ext'] ? '.' . $file_status['ext'] : ''));
        $file_status['rename'] = $_temp_name . ($file_status['ext'] ? '.' . $file_status['ext'] : '');
    if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'], $target . $file_status['rename'])) {
        if (!copy($_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'], $target . $file_status['rename'])) {
            $file_status['error'] = 'Saving uploaded file <b>' . html($file_status['name']) . '</b> to <b>' . html(str_replace(PHPWCMS_ROOT, '', $target . $file_status['rename'])) . '</b> failed';
            $file_status['error_num'] = 412;
            return $file_status;
    @chmod($target . $file_status['rename'], 0644);
    $file_status['status'] = true;
    return $file_status;
 case 'application/octet-stream':
     $_userInfo['csv'] = csvFileToArray($_FILES['cvsfile']['tmp_name'], $_userInfo['delimeter']);
     if (is_array($_userInfo['csv'])) {
         $_userInfo['nonImported'] = array();
         $c = 1;
         $_userInfo['csvTime'] = time();
         foreach ($_userInfo['csv'] as $row) {
             if (!isset($row[1])) {
                 $row[1] = '';
             if (!empty($row[0]) && is_valid_email($row[0])) {
                 $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_address (";
                 $sql .= "address_email, address_name, address_key, address_subscription, address_verified, address_tstamp) VALUES (";
                 $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($row[0]) . "', ";
                 $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($row[1]) . "', ";
                 $sql .= "'" . aporeplace(shortHash($row[0] . time())) . "', ";
                 $sql .= "'" . ($_userInfo['subscribe_all'] ? '' : aporeplace(serialize($_userInfo['subscribe_select']))) . "', ";
                 $sql .= $_userInfo['subscribe_active'] . ", FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $_userInfo['csvTime'] . ") )";
                 $sql = _dbQuery($sql, 'INSERT');
                 if (empty($sql['INSERT_ID'])) {
                     $_userInfo['nonImported'][$c] = $row[0] . '; ' . $row[1] . ' (' . mysql_error() . ')';
             } else {
                 $_userInfo['nonImported'][$c] = $row[0] . '; ' . $row[1];
     $_userInfo['csvError'] = 'False MIME TYPE. Be sure to upload CSV file only.';
Exemplo n.º 3
         // now check if field name exists and build corresponding name value
         if (empty($POST_val[trim($form_value_nl)])) {
             $form_newletter_setting['name_field'] .= $form_value_nl;
         } else {
             $form_value_nl = trim($form_value_nl);
             $form_newletter_setting['name_field'] .= $POST_val[$form_value_nl];
     $form_newletter_setting['name_field'] = trim($form_newletter_setting['name_field']);
 if (empty($form_newletter_setting['name_field'])) {
     $form_newletter_setting['name_field'] = $form_newletter_setting['email_field'];
 $form_newletter_setting['hash'] = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', shortHash($form_newletter_setting['email_field'] . time()));
 // create SQL query to populate recipient into recipients db
 $form_newletter_setting['sql'] = 'INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_address ';
 $form_newletter_setting['sql'] .= '(address_key, address_email, address_name, address_verified, ';
 $form_newletter_setting['sql'] .= 'address_subscription, address_url1, address_url2) VALUES (';
 $form_newletter_setting['sql'] .= _dbEscape($form_newletter_setting['hash']) . ", ";
 $form_newletter_setting['sql'] .= _dbEscape($form_newletter_setting['email_field']) . ", ";
 $form_newletter_setting['sql'] .= _dbEscape($form_newletter_setting['name_field']) . ", ";
 $form_newletter_setting['sql'] .= (empty($form_newletter_setting['double_optin']) ? 1 : 0) . ", ";
 $form_newletter_setting['sql'] .= _dbEscape(serialize($form_newletter_setting['selection'])) . ", ";
 $form_newletter_setting['sql'] .= _dbEscape(empty($form_newletter_setting['url_subscribe']) ? '' : $form_newletter_setting['url_subscribe']) . ", ";
 $form_newletter_setting['sql'] .= _dbEscape(empty($form_newletter_setting['url_unsubscribe']) ? '' : $form_newletter_setting['url_unsubscribe']);
 $form_newletter_setting['sql'] .= ')';
 // save recipient in db and send verify message in case of double opt-in
 $form_newletter_setting['query_result'] = @_dbQuery($form_newletter_setting['sql'], 'INSERT');
 // now send opt-in email
Exemplo n.º 4
 $content["newsletter"]["success"] = 1;
 $content["newsletter"]["reffering_key"] = "";
 $check_sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_address WHERE address_email=" . _dbEscape($content["newsletter"]["email_address"]) . " LIMIT 1";
 if ($check_result = mysql_query($check_sql, $db)) {
     if ($check_row = mysql_fetch_array($check_result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
         $content["newsletter"]["reffering_key"] = $check_row["address_key"];
         $content["newsletter"]["reffering_id"] = $check_row["address_id"];
 if ($content["newsletter"]["reffering_key"]) {
     //if email exists in newsletter address list update entry
     $e_sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_address SET " . "address_name=" . _dbEscape($content["newsletter"]["email_name"]) . ", " . "address_verified=0, " . "address_subscription=" . _dbEscape(serialize($content["newsletter"]["email_subscription"])) . ", " . "address_url1=" . _dbEscape($content["newsletter"]["url1"]) . ", " . "address_url2=" . _dbEscape($content["newsletter"]["url2"]) . " " . "WHERE address_id=" . _dbEscape($content["newsletter"]["reffering_id"]);
     $content["newsletter"]["updated"] = 1;
 } else {
     $content["newsletter"]["reffering_key"] = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', shortHash($content["newsletter"]["email_address"] . time()));
     //if email not exists in newsletter address list insert entry
     $e_sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_address (" . "address_email, address_name, address_key, address_subscription, address_url1, address_url2) VALUES (" . _dbEscape($content["newsletter"]["email_address"]) . ", " . _dbEscape($content["newsletter"]["email_name"]) . ", " . _dbEscape($content["newsletter"]["reffering_key"]) . ", " . _dbEscape(serialize($content["newsletter"]["email_subscription"])) . ", " . _dbEscape($content["newsletter"]["url1"]) . ", " . _dbEscape($content["newsletter"]["url2"]) . ")";
     $content["newsletter"]["updated"] = 0;
 mysql_query($e_sql, $db);
 $content["newsletter"]["verify_link"] = PHPWCMS_URL . "verify.php?s=" . rawurlencode($content["newsletter"]["reffering_key"]);
 $content["newsletter"]["delete_link"] = PHPWCMS_URL . "verify.php?u=" . rawurlencode($content["newsletter"]["reffering_key"]);
 $content["newsletter"]["mailtext"] = $content["newsletter"]["updated"] ? $content["newsletter"]["change_text"] : $content["newsletter"]["reg_text"];
 $content["newsletter"]["mailtext"] = str_replace("{NEWSLETTER_NAME}", $content["newsletter"]["email_name"], $content["newsletter"]["mailtext"]);
 $content["newsletter"]["mailtext"] = str_replace("{NEWSLETTER_EMAIL}", $content["newsletter"]["email_address"], $content["newsletter"]["mailtext"]);
 $content["newsletter"]["mailtext"] = str_replace("{NEWSLETTER_VERIFY}", $content["newsletter"]["verify_link"], $content["newsletter"]["mailtext"]);
 $content["newsletter"]["mailtext"] = str_replace("{NEWSLETTER_DELETE}", $content["newsletter"]["delete_link"], $content["newsletter"]["mailtext"]);
 $content["newsletter"]["mailtext"] = replaceGlobalRT($content["newsletter"]["mailtext"]);
 $content['newsletter']['subject'] = returnTagContent($content["newsletter"]["mailtext"], 'SUBJECT');
 if (empty($content['newsletter']['subject']['tag'])) {
Exemplo n.º 5
        $sql .= "address_subscription\t= '" . aporeplace($_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_subscription']) . "' ";
        $sql .= 'WHERE ';
        if ($_userInfo['count']) {
            // update based on email address
            $sql .= "address_email='" . aporeplace($_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_email']) . "'";
        } else {
            // update based on email address
            $sql .= 'address_id=' . $_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_id'];
            $sql .= ' LIMIT 1';
        _dbQuery($sql, 'UPDATE');
    } else {
        // insert
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_address ';
        $sql .= '(address_key, address_email, address_name, address_verified, address_subscription) VALUES (';
        $sql .= "'" . aporeplace(shortHash($_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_email'] . time())) . "', ";
        $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_email']) . "', ";
        $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_name']) . "', ";
        $sql .= $_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_verified'] . ", ";
        $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_subscription']) . "')";
        $_userInfo['result'] = _dbQuery($sql, 'INSERT');
        if (!empty($_userInfo['result']['INSERT_ID'])) {
            $_userInfo['subscriber_id'] = $_userInfo['result']['INSERT_ID'];
            $_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_id'] = $_userInfo['result']['INSERT_ID'];
// in case data should be saved and closed then
if ($_userInfo['error']['email'] == 0 && (!empty($_POST['save']) || !empty($_userInfo['count']))) {
    $_userInfo['subscriber_data'] = false;
Exemplo n.º 6
function showServerIds()
    global $serverIdWhiteList;
    foreach ($serverIdWhiteList as $serverId) {
        echo "{$serverId} => " . shortHash($serverId) . " <br>\n";
 $plugin['data']['shop_pref_zone_base'] = clean_slweg($_POST['pref_zone_base']);
 // check if multiple emails
 foreach ($plugin['data']['shop_pref_email_to'] as $key => $value) {
     if (!is_valid_email($value)) {
 $plugin['data']['shop_pref_email_to'] = strtolower(implode(';', $plugin['data']['shop_pref_email_to']));
 if (!is_valid_email($plugin['data']['shop_pref_email_from'])) {
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_email_from'] = '';
 if (!is_valid_email($plugin['data']['shop_pref_email_paypal'])) {
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_email_paypal'] = '';
 if ($plugin['data']['shop_pref_api_access'] && $plugin['data']['shop_pref_api_key'] === '') {
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_api_key'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', shortHash(PHPWCMS_URL . $phpwcms['db_pass']));
 for ($x = 0; $x <= 4; $x++) {
     // Weight based
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['weight'] = clean_slweg($_POST['pref_shipping_weight'][$x]);
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['net'] = clean_slweg($_POST['pref_shipping_net'][$x]);
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['vat'] = clean_slweg($_POST['pref_shipping_vat'][$x]);
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['weight'] = str_replace($BLM['thousands_sep'], '', $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['weight']);
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['weight'] = round(str_replace($BLM['dec_point'], '.', $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['weight']), 3);
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['net'] = str_replace($BLM['thousands_sep'], '', $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['net']);
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['net'] = round(str_replace($BLM['dec_point'], '.', $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['net']), 3);
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['vat'] = str_replace($BLM['thousands_sep'], '', $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['vat']);
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['vat'] = round(str_replace($BLM['dec_point'], '.', $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['vat']), 2);
     // Price based
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['price'] = clean_slweg($_POST['pref_shipping_price'][$x]);
     $plugin['data']['shop_pref_shipping'][$x]['price_net'] = clean_slweg($_POST['pref_shipping_price_net'][$x]);