Exemplo n.º 1
 * Интеграция в карту сайта ссылок на категории.
 * @param object &$treeitem Объект дерева карты сайта.
 * @param string $section Полный строковой идентификатор раздела.
 * @param integer $id=0 Идентификатор родительской категории.
function shoplite_createMap_Categories(&$treeitem, $section, $id = 0)
    A::$DB->query("SELECT * FROM {$section}_categories WHERE idker={$id} AND active='Y' ORDER BY sort");
    while ($row = A::$DB->fetchRow()) {
        $treeitem->items[$row['id']] = new SiteMap_Box($row['name'], shoplite_createCategoryLink($row['id'], $section));
        shoplite_createMap_Categories($treeitem->items[$row['id']], $section, $row['id']);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Формирование данных доступных в шаблоне страницы результатов поиска.
 function ResultPage()
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['sort'])) {
         A_Session::set(SECTION . '_rsort', $_REQUEST['sort']);
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['rows'])) {
         A_Session::set(SECTION . '_rrows', $_REQUEST['rows']);
     $sort = escape_order_string(A_Session::get(SECTION . '_rsort', !empty(A::$OPTIONS['mysort']) ? A::$OPTIONS['mysort'] : A::$OPTIONS['sort']));
     $rows = (int) A_Session::get(SECTION . '_rrows', A::$OPTIONS['rrows']);
     $this->Assign("rows", $rows);
     $this->Assign("sort", $sort);
     $_GET['filter'] = 1;
     $fields = array('name' => 'string', 'content' => 'string', 'tags' => 'string', 'art' => 'string', 'date' => 'int', 'price' => 'int', 'favorite' => 'bool', 'new' => 'bool');
     $where = $this->frontfilter('', $fields);
     if (!empty($_GET['idcat'])) {
         if (is_array($_GET['idcat'])) {
             $where2 = array();
             foreach ($_GET['idcat'] as $idcat) {
                 if ($idcats = $this->childCategories((int) $idcat)) {
                     $where2[] = "(idcat IN(" . implode(",", $idcats) . ") OR idcat1 IN(" . implode(",", $idcats) . ") OR idcat2 IN(" . implode(",", $idcats) . "))";
             $where .= " AND (" . implode(" OR ", $where2) . ")";
         } elseif (empty($this->idcat)) {
             if ($this->category = A::$DB->getRowById($_GET['idcat'], SECTION . "_categories")) {
                 A::goUrl(shoplite_createCategoryLink($this->category['id'], SECTION) . 'result.html?' . getenv('QUERY_STRING'));
     if ($this->category) {
         $this->category['link'] = shoplite_createCategoryLink($this->category['id'], SECTION);
         if (A::$OPTIONS['usetags']) {
             $this->category['tags'] = A_SearchEngine::getInstance()->convertTags($this->category['tags']);
         $this->category = A::$OBSERVER->Modifier('fcategory_prepareValues', SECTION, $this->category);
         $this->Assign("category", $this->category);
         if ($idcats = $this->childCategories($this->idcat)) {
             $where .= " AND (idcat IN(" . implode(",", $idcats) . ") OR idcat1 IN(" . implode(",", $idcats) . ") OR idcat2 IN(" . implode(",", $idcats) . "))";
     $items = array();
     $pager = new A_Pager($rows);
     $pager->query("SELECT *,svote/cvote AS vote  FROM " . SECTION . "_catalog WHERE active='Y'{$where} ORDER BY {$sort}");
     while ($row = $pager->fetchRow()) {
         $row['link'] = shoplite_createItemLink($row['id'], SECTION);
         $row['tobasketlink'] = getSectionLink(SECTION) . "?action=addbasket&id=" . $row['id'];
         $row['tocomparelink'] = getSectionLink(SECTION) . "?action=addcompare&id=" . $row['id'];
         $row['category'] = getTreePath(SECTION . "_categories", $row['idcat']);
         $row['vote'] = round($row['vote'], 2);
         $row['available'] = $row['iscount'] > 0;
         if (A::$OPTIONS['useimages']) {
             $row['images'] = A::$DB->getAll("SELECT * FROM " . DOMAIN . "_images WHERE idsec=? AND iditem=? ORDER BY sort", array(SECTION_ID, $row['id']));
             $row['idimg'] = isset($row['images'][0]['id']) ? $row['images'][0]['id'] : 0;
         if (A::$OPTIONS['usefiles']) {
             $row['files'] = A::$DB->getAll("SELECT * FROM " . DOMAIN . "_files WHERE idsec=? AND iditem=? ORDER BY sort", array(SECTION_ID, $row['id']));
             foreach ($row['files'] as $i => $data) {
                 $row['files'][$i]['link'] = (LANG == DEFAULTLANG ? "" : "/" . LANG) . "/getfile/" . $data['id'] . "/" . $data['name'];
                 $row['files'][$i]['size'] = sizestring($data['size']);
             $row['idfile'] = isset($row['files'][0]['id']) ? $row['files'][0]['id'] : 0;
         if (A::$OPTIONS['modprices']) {
             $mprices = !empty($row['mprices']) ? unserialize($row['mprices']) : array();
             $row['mprices'] = array();
             foreach ($mprices as $i => $mp) {
                 $row['mprices'][] = array('id' => $i, 'name' => $mp['name'], 'price' => $mp['price']);
         if (A::$OPTIONS['usetags']) {
             $row['tags'] = A_SearchEngine::getInstance()->convertTags($row['tags']);
         prepareValues(SECTION, $row);
         $row = A::$OBSERVER->Modifier('shoplite_prepareValues', SECTION, $row);
         $items[] = $row;
     $this->Assign("items", $items);
     $this->Assign("items_pager", $pager);
     $data = $pars = array();
     foreach ($_GET as $field => $value) {
         if (!empty($value)) {
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 $p = array();
                 foreach ($value as $val) {
                     $p[] = "{$field}[]=" . (int) $val;
                 $pars[$field] = implode("&", $p);
                 $data[$field] = implode(",", $value);
             } else {
                 $pars[$field] = "{$field}=" . urlencode($value);
                 $data[$field] = $value;
     prepareValues(SECTION, $data);
     $filters = array();
     A::$DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . DOMAIN . "_fields WHERE item='" . SECTION . "' ORDER BY sort");
     while ($row = A::$DB->fetchRow()) {
         if (!empty($data[$row['field']])) {
             $filters[] = array('field' => $row['field'], 'caption' => $row['name_' . A::$LANG], 'value' => $data[$row['field']], 'link' => getSectionLink(SECTION) . "result.html?" . $pars[$row['field']]);
     $this->Assign("filters", $filters);
     $this->AddNavigation(SECTION_NAME, getSectionLink(SECTION));
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Формирование данных доступных в шаблоне.
 function createData()
     static $useitems = array();
     if ($this->params['sort'] != 5) {
     $this->params['idcat'] = (int) $this->params['idcat'];
     $this->params['rows'] = (int) $this->params['rows'];
     if ($this->params['idcat']) {
         $catrow = A::$DB->getRowById($this->params['idcat'], "{$this->section}_categories");
         $catrow['link'] = shoplite_createCategoryLink($this->params['idcat'], $this->section);
         $this->Assign("category", $catrow);
     if ($this->section == SECTION && A::$MAINFRAME->iditem) {
         $useitems[] = A::$MAINFRAME->iditem;
     if (!empty($this->params['mysort'])) {
         $sort = $this->params['mysort'];
     } else {
         switch ($this->params['sort']) {
             case 1:
                 $sort = "name";
             case 2:
                 $sort = "price DESC";
             case 3:
                 $sort = "price";
             case 4:
                 $sort = "sort";
             case 5:
                 $sort = "RAND()";
     $where = array();
     if ($this->params['idcat']) {
         $idcat = $this->params['idcat'];
         $childcats = array($idcat);
         getTreeSubItems($this->section . "_categories", $idcat, $childcats);
         $where[] = "(idcat IN(" . implode(",", $childcats) . ") OR idcat1 IN(" . implode(",", $childcats) . ") OR idcat2 IN(" . implode(",", $childcats) . "))";
     switch ($this->params['filter']) {
         case 1:
             $where[] = "favorite='Y'";
         case 2:
             $where[] = "new='Y'";
     if (!empty($this->params['myfilter'])) {
         $where[] = $this->params['myfilter'];
     if ($useitems && !empty($this->params['nodouble'])) {
         $where[] = "NOT id IN(" . implode(',', $useitems) . ")";
     $sql = "\r\r\n\tSELECT * FROM {$this->section}_catalog\r\r\n\tWHERE active='Y'" . (!empty($where) ? " AND " . implode(" AND ", $where) : "") . "\r\r\n\tORDER BY {$sort}";
     if ($this->params['rows']) {
         A::$DB->queryLimit($sql, 0, $this->params['rows']);
     } else {
     $items = array();
     while ($row = A::$DB->fetchRow()) {
         if ($this->params['idcat'] == 0) {
             $row['category'] = getTreePath($this->section . "_categories", $row['idcat']);
         $row['link'] = shoplite_createItemLink($row['id'], $this->section);
         $row['tobasketlink'] = getSectionLink($this->section) . "?action=addbasket&id=" . $row['id'];
         $row['vote'] = $row['cvote'] > 0 ? round($row['svote'] / $row['cvote'], 2) : 0;
         $row['available'] = $row['iscount'] > 0;
         if ($this->options['useimages']) {
             $row['images'] = A::$DB->getAll("\r\r\n\t    SELECT * FROM " . getDomain($this->section) . "_images\r\r\n\t    WHERE idsec=? AND iditem=? ORDER BY sort", array($this->section_id, $row['id']));
             $row['idimg'] = isset($row['images'][0]['id']) ? $row['images'][0]['id'] : 0;
         if ($this->options['usefiles']) {
             $row['files'] = A::$DB->getAll("\r\r\n\t    SELECT * FROM " . getDomain($this->section) . "_files\r\r\n\t    WHERE idsec=? AND iditem=? ORDER BY sort", array($this->section_id, $row['id']));
             foreach ($row['files'] as $i => $data) {
                 $row['files'][$i]['link'] = (LANG == DEFAULTLANG ? "" : "/" . LANG) . "/getfile/" . $data['id'] . "/" . $data['name'];
                 $row['files'][$i]['size'] = sizestring($data['size']);
             $row['idfile'] = isset($row['files'][0]['id']) ? $row['files'][0]['id'] : 0;
         if ($this->options['modprices']) {
             $mprices = !empty($row['mprices']) ? unserialize($row['mprices']) : array();
             $row['mprices'] = array();
             foreach ($mprices as $i => $mp) {
                 $row['mprices'][] = array('id' => $i, 'name' => $mp['name'], 'price' => $mp['price']);
         if ($this->options['usetags']) {
             $row['tags'] = A_SearchEngine::getInstance()->convertTags($row['tags']);
         prepareValues($this->section, $row);
         $row = A::$OBSERVER->Modifier('shoplite_prepareValues', $this->section, $row);
         $useitems[] = $row['id'];
         $items[] = $row;
     $this->Assign("items", $items);
     $this->Assign("items_count", count($items));
     $this->Assign('valute', $this->options['valute']);