Exemplo n.º 1
  * @param $masterCategoryKey
  * @param $masterEntityKey
  * @param $masterFieldKey
  * @param $embeddedCategoryKey
  * @param $embeddedEntityKey
  * @param $id
  * @param bool $creation
  * @return mixed
 private function save($masterCategoryKey, $masterEntityKey, $masterFieldKey, $embeddedCategoryKey, $embeddedEntityKey, $id, $creation = false)
     $data = Input::all();
     // Find Entity config (from sharp CMS config file)
     $entity = SharpCmsConfig::findEntity($embeddedCategoryKey, $embeddedEntityKey);
     try {
         // First : validation
         if ($entity->validator) {
             $validator = App::make($entity->validator);
             $validator->validate($data, !$creation ? $id : null);
         // Data is valid, we are going back to the master form. Let's restore the master form data...
         $masterInstanceData = sharp_decode_embedded_entity_data($data['masterInstanceData']);
         // ... add the embedded form data...
         $embeddedInstanceData = sharp_encode_embedded_entity_data(Input::except(["_method", "_token", "masterInstanceData", "masterInstanceId", "masterEntityLabel"]));
         if (strpos($masterFieldKey, ".") !== false) {
             // Embedded instance in part of a list item
             list($listKey, $itemId, $fieldKey) = explode(".", $masterFieldKey);
             $masterInstanceData[$listKey][$itemId][$fieldKey] = $embeddedInstanceData;
         } else {
             $masterInstanceData[$masterFieldKey] = $embeddedInstanceData;
         Session::flash('masterInstanceData', serialize($masterInstanceData));
         // ... and redirect back to the master entity form
         return $this->redirectToMaster($masterCategoryKey, $masterEntityKey, $data['masterInstanceId']);
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($e->getErrors());
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @return string
  * @throws \Dvlpp\Sharp\Exceptions\EntityConfigurationNotFoundException
 private function initValue()
     // First time we display the embed field. We have to valuate its __embed_data field,
     // in order to post the current value of the embedded object
     $embeddedEntityConfig = SharpCmsConfig::findEntity($this->field->entity_category, $this->field->entity);
     $std = [];
     foreach ($embeddedEntityConfig->data["form_fields"] as $fieldKey => $configField) {
         $std[$fieldKey] = $this->initValueFormField($fieldKey, $configField, $this->fieldValue);
     $std["__sharp_duplication"] = $this->instance->__sharp_duplication;
     // Add Id
     $std[$embeddedEntityConfig->id_attribute] = $this->fieldValue->{$embeddedEntityConfig->id_attribute};
     $initialVal = sharp_encode_embedded_entity_data($std);
     return $initialVal;