Exemplo n.º 1
function setup_dialog()
    $dialog = new GtkDialog();
    $dialog->vbox->pack_start(new GtkLabel('Which platform are you using: '));
    $radio0 = setup_radio(null, 'radio button 0', '100');
    // note 1
    $radio1 = setup_radio($radio0, 'Windows', 'win');
    $radio2 = setup_radio($radio0, 'Mac', 'mac');
    $radio3 = setup_radio($radio0, 'Linux', 'linux');
    // pack them inside vbox
    $dialog->vbox->pack_start($radio1, 0, 0);
    // note 2
    $dialog->vbox->pack_start($radio2, 0, 0);
    // note 2
    $dialog->vbox->pack_start($radio3, 0, 0);
    // note 2
    $dialog->vbox->pack_start($hbox2 = new GtkHBox());
    $button_ok = GtkButton::new_from_stock(Gtk::STOCK_OK);
    $button_ok->set_size_request(87, 33);
    $hbox2->pack_start(new GtkLabel());
    $hbox2->pack_start($button_ok, 0);
    $button_ok->connect('clicked', 'on_ok_button', $dialog);
    $dialog->action_area->set_size_request(-1, 1);
    global $selected_radio, $selected_radio_value;
    $selected_radio = $selected_radio_value = '';
    global $response;
    $response->set_text("{$selected_radio} ({$selected_radio_value})");
    // note 5
Exemplo n.º 2
$window = new GtkWindow();
$window->set_size_request(400, 200);
$window->connect_simple('destroy', array('Gtk', 'main_quit'));
$window->add($vbox = new GtkVBox());
// display title
$title = new GtkLabel();
$title->set_markup('<span color="blue" font_desc="Times New Roman Italic 12">
    Button Group Demo</span>');
// setup grouped radio buttons
$radio1 = setup_radio(null, 'radio button 1', '101');
// note 1
$radio2 = setup_radio($radio1, 'radio button 2', '102');
// note 2
$radio3 = setup_radio($radio1, 'radio button 3', '103');
// pack them inside vbox
$vbox->pack_start($radio1, 0, 0);
$vbox->pack_start($radio2, 0, 0);
$vbox->pack_start($radio3, 0, 0);
// add a status area
$vbox->pack_start($status_area = new GtkLabel('Click a Button'));
// function to simplify the display of grouped radio buttons
function setup_radio($radio_button_grp, $button_label, $button_value)
    // note 3
    $radio = new GtkRadioButton($radio_button_grp, $button_label);
    $radio->connect('toggled', "on_toggle", $button_value);
    // note 4
    return $radio;