function reactor_do_title_logo() { $description_text = get_description_text(); $description_font_size = get_description_font_size($description_text); $options = get_option('my_option_name'); ?> <!-- Caixa amb el nom del centre --> <div class='box-title hide-for-small'> <div class='box-content'> <div> <a style="font-size:<?php echo reactor_option('tamany_font_nom'); ?> " href="<?php echo home_url(); ?> "> <?php echo nl2br(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Logo i nom per mobils --> <div class='box-titlemobile show-for-small'> <div class="box-titlemobile-inner row"> <div class="box-titlemobile-logo"> <img src="<?php echo reactor_option('logo_image'); ?> "> </div> <div class="box-titlemobile-schoolName"> <a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?> "> <span><?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> </span> </a><br> <?php $addr = explode(" ", reactor_option("cpCentre"), 2); ?> <span id="schoolCity"><?php echo $addr[1]; ?> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Caixa amb la descripció del centre --> <div class='box-description hide-for-small'> <div class='box-content'> <div> <span style="font-size:<?php echo $description_font_size; ?> "> <?php echo nl2br($description_text); ?> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Imatge/Carrusel --> <div class='box-image hide-for-small'> <?php if (reactor_option('imatge_capcalera')) { ?> <div class='box-content'> <div class='CoverImage FlexEmbed FlexEmbed--3by1' style="background-image:url(<?php echo reactor_option('imatge_capcalera'); ?> )"> </div> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class='box-content-slider'> <?php do_action('slideshow_deploy', reactor_option('carrusel')); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- Graella d'icones --> <div id="box-grid" class='box-grid'> <div class='box-content-grid'> <div id="icon-email" class="topicons show-for-small"> <a href="mailto:<?php echo reactor_option('emailCentre'); ?> " class="dashicons dashicons-email"></a> <span class="text_icon">Correu</span> </div> <div id="icon-maps" class="topicons show-for-small"> <a title="Mapa" href="<?php echo reactor_option('googleMaps'); ?> " class="dashicons dashicons-location-alt"></a> <span class="text_icon">Mapa</span> </div> <div id="icon-phone" class="topicons show-for-small"> <a title="Trucar" href="tel:<?php echo reactor_option('telCentre'); ?> " class="dashicons dashicons-phone"></a> <span class="text_icon"><?php echo reactor_option('telCentre'); ?> </span> </div> <div id="icon-11"> <a title="<?php echo $options['title_icon11']; ?> " href="<?php echo $options['link_icon11']; ?> " class="dashicons dashicons-<?php echo $options['icon11']; ?> " <?php echo set_target($options['link_icon11']); ?> > <span style="font-size:<?php echo get_icon_font_size($options['title_icon11']); ?> " class="text_icon"><?php echo $options['title_icon11']; ?> </span> </a> </div> <div id="icon-12"> <a class="dashicons dashicons-<?php echo $options['icon12']; ?> " title="<?php echo $options['title_icon12']; ?> " href="<?php echo $options['link_icon12']; ?> " <?php echo set_target($options['link_icon12']); ?> > <span style="font-size:<?php echo get_icon_font_size($options['title_icon12']); ?> " class="text_icon"><?php echo $options['title_icon12']; ?> </span> </a> </div> <div id="icon-13"> <a class="dashicons dashicons-search" title="CERCA" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick='cerca_toggle();'> <span class="text_icon">cerca</span> </a> </div> <div id="search-panel"> <form role="search" method="get" class="search-form" action="<?php echo get_home_url(); ?> "> <input type="search" class="search-field" placeholder="Cerca i pulsa enter…" value="" name="s" title="Cerca:"> <input type="submit" style="position: absolute; left: -9999px; width: 1px; height: 1px;"> </form> </div> <div id="icon-21"> <a class="dashicons dashicons-<?php echo $options['icon21']; ?> " title="<?php echo $options['title_icon21']; ?> " href="<?php echo $options['link_icon21']; ?> " <?php echo set_target($options['link_icon21']); ?> > <span style="font-size:<?php echo get_icon_font_size($options['title_icon21']); ?> " class="text_icon"><?php echo $options['title_icon21']; ?> </span> </a> </div> <div id="icon-22"> <a class="dashicons dashicons-<?php echo $options['icon22']; ?> " title="<?php echo $options['title_icon22']; ?> " href="<?php echo $options['link_icon22']; ?> " <?php echo set_target($options['link_icon22']); ?> > <span style="font-size:<?php echo get_icon_font_size($options['title_icon22']); ?> " class="text_icon"><?php echo $options['title_icon22']; ?> </span> </a> </div> <div id="icon-23"> <a class="dashicons dashicons-menu" title="MENU" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick='menu_toggle();'> <span class="text_icon">menú</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> <?php }
/** * Inserts a bit of javascript to show the trackbacks on this entry, without * leaving the current page. */ function snippet_inlinetrackbacklink() { global $db, $Cfg, $Weblogs, $Current_weblog, $Paths; $link = make_filelink($db->entry['code'], '', 'track'); $trackcount = $db->entry['trackcount']; /* // special case: If comments are disabled, and there are no // comments, just return an empty string.. if ( ($commcount == 0) && ($db->entry['allow_comments'] == 0) ) { return ""; } */ $text = array($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['trackbacks_text_0'], $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['trackbacks_text_1'], $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['trackbacks_text_2']); $text = $text[min(2, $trackcount)]; $trackcount = lang('numbers', $trackcount); $trackcount = str_replace("%num%", $trackcount, $text); $trackcount = str_replace("%n%", $db->entry['trackcount'], $trackcount); $tracknames = $db->entry['tracknames']; if ($trackcount == "") { $trackcount = "(undefined)"; } $target = set_target('', 'target="_self"'); $output = sprintf("<scr" . "ipt type='text/javascript'>var pivot_url='%s';</scr" . "ipt>", $Paths['pivot_url']); $output .= sprintf("<a href='%s' ", $link); $output .= sprintf("onclick=\"openComments('%s', this); return false\"", $db->entry['code']); $output .= sprintf(" title=\"%s\" %s>%s</a>", $tracknames, $target, $trackcount); return $output; }
/** * Load the translation table that is used to convert textual emoticons * to their graphical counterpart * * @return void */ function init_emoticons() { global $emot, $emot_path, $Paths, $emoticon_window, $emoticon_window_width, $emoticon_window_height; if (!defined('_EMOTICONS_INCLUDED')) { define('_EMOTICONS_INCLUDED', 1); if (file_exists($Paths['extensions_path'] . "emoticons/")) { include $Paths['extensions_path'] . "emoticons/"; $path = fixpath(sprintf("%semoticons/%s", $Paths['extensions_url'], $emoticon_images)); $align = set_target("", " align='middle'"); foreach ($emot as $emot_code => $emot_file) { $emot[$emot_code] = sprintf("<img src='%s%s' alt='%s'%s/>", $path, $emot_file, addslashes($emot_code), $align); } } } }