/** * User command for betting on the coin toss game in the casino * * @param bet int The amount of money to bet on the coin toss game * @return Array * * @note * If the player bets within ~1% of the maximum bet, they will receive a reward item */ public function bet() { $player = new Player(self_char_id()); $bet = intval(in('bet')); $negative = $bet < 0; set_setting('bet', max(0, $bet)); $pageParts = ['reminder-max-bet']; if ($negative) { $pageParts = ['result-cheat']; $player->vo->health = subtractHealth($player->id(), 99); } else { if ($bet > $player->vo->gold) { $pageParts = ['result-no-gold']; } else { if ($bet > 0 && $bet <= self::MAX_BET) { if (rand(0, 1) === 1) { $pageParts = ['result-win']; $player->vo->gold = add_gold($player->id(), $bet); if ($bet >= round(self::MAX_BET * 0.99)) { // within about 1% of the max bet & you win, you get a reward item. add_item($player->id(), self::REWARD, 1); } } else { $player->vo->gold = subtract_gold($player->id(), $bet); $pageParts = ['result-lose']; } } } } // End of not cheating check. return $this->render(['pageParts' => $pageParts, 'player' => $player, 'bet' => get_setting('bet')]); }
function remove_enemy($enemy_id) { if (!is_numeric($enemy_id)) { throw new Exception('Enemy id to remove must be present to succeed.'); } $enemy_list = get_setting('enemy_list'); if (isset($enemy_list[$enemy_id])) { unset($enemy_list[$enemy_id]); } set_setting('enemy_list', $enemy_list); }
public function gerenciar() { if ($this->input->post('salvardados')) { if (is_admin(TRUE)) { $settings = elements(array('nome_site', 'url_logomarca', 'email_adm'), $this->input->post()); foreach ($settings as $nome_config => $valor_config) { set_setting($nome_config, $valor_config); } set_msg('msgok', 'Configurações atualizadas com sucesso', 'sucesso'); redirect('settings/gerenciar'); } else { redirect('settings/gerenciar'); } } set_tema('titulo', 'Configuração do sistema'); set_tema('conteudo', load_modulo('settings', 'gerenciar')); load_template(); }
public function gerenciar() { if ($this->input->post('cadastrar')) { if (stats_user(TRUE)) { $settings = elements(array('nome_site', 'url_logomarca', 'email_adm'), $this->input->post()); foreach ($settings as $nome_config => $valor_config) { set_setting($nome_config, $valor_config); } set_msg('msgok', 'Configurações atualizadas com sucesso', ''); redirect('settings/gerenciar'); } else { redirect('settings/gerenciar'); } } set_tema('footerinc', load_js(array('data-table', 'table')), FALSE); set_tema('titulo', 'Configurações do sistema'); set_tema('conteudo', load_modulo($this->view . 'gerenciar')); load_template(); }
/** * Command for current user to purchase a quantity of a specific item * * @param quantity int The quantity of the item to purchase * @param item string The identity of the item to purchase * @return Array */ public function buy() { $in_quantity = in('quantity'); $in_item = in('item'); $gold = get_gold($this->sessionData['char_id']); $current_item_cost = 0; $no_funny_business = false; // Pull the item info from the database $item_costs = item_for_sale_costs(); $item = getItemByID(item_id_from_display_name($in_item)); $quantity = whichever(positive_int($in_quantity), $this->sessionData['quantity_setting'], 1); $item_text = null; if ($item instanceof Item) { $item_text = $quantity > 1 ? $item->getPluralName() : $item->getName(); $purchaseOrder = new PurchaseOrder(); // Determine the quantity from input, or settings, or as a fallback, default of 1. $purchaseOrder->quantity = $quantity; $purchaseOrder->item = $item; $potential_cost = isset($item_costs[$purchaseOrder->item->identity()]['item_cost']) ? $item_costs[$purchaseOrder->item->identity()]['item_cost'] : null; $current_item_cost = first_value($potential_cost, 0); $current_item_cost = $current_item_cost * $purchaseOrder->quantity; if (!$this->sessionData['char_id'] || !$purchaseOrder->item || $purchaseOrder->quantity < 1) { $no_funny_business = true; } else { if ($gold >= $current_item_cost) { // Has enough gold. try { add_item($this->sessionData['char_id'], $purchaseOrder->item->identity(), $purchaseOrder->quantity); subtract_gold($this->sessionData['char_id'], $current_item_cost); } catch (Exception $e) { $invalid_item = $e->getMessage(); error_log('Invalid Item attempted :' . $invalid_item); $no_funny_business = true; } } } } set_setting('items_quantity', $quantity); $parts = array('current_item_cost' => $current_item_cost, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'item_text' => $item_text, 'no_funny_business' => $no_funny_business, 'view_part' => 'buy'); return $this->render($parts); }
function get_channel() { global $_G; if (!class_exists('SpContentGetallclassRequest')) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'top/request/SpContentGetallclassRequest.php'; } $req = new SpContentGetallclassRequest(); $req->setSiteKey($_G['setting'][sitekey]); $resp = $_G['TOP']->execute($req); top_check_error($resp, $this->show_error); $value = $this->parse($resp); if (is_array($value) && count($value) > 0) { $rs = implode(',', $value); if (!isset($_G['setting']['uz_type'])) { insert_setting('uz_type', $rs); } else { set_setting('uz_type', $rs); } loadcache('setting', 'update'); } return $value; }
} //print 'document.getElementById("res").innerHTML="ok";'; if (isset($_POST['tt5'])) { switch ($_POST['tt5']) { case '1': set_setting('tt', 'prevedt'); print "document.getElementById('div_tt').innerHTML='" . js_escape(obj_reload('tt')) . "';"; print "document.getElementById('tt').focus();"; exit; case '2': set_setting('tt', 'krossafcheg'); print "document.getElementById('div_tt').innerHTML='" . js_escape(obj_reload('tt')) . "';"; print "document.getElementById('tt').focus();"; exit; case '3': set_setting('tt', 'test'); print "document.getElementById('div_tt').innerHTML='" . js_escape(obj_reload('tt')) . "';"; print "document.getElementById('tt').focus();"; exit; } } exit; } $idcounter = isset($_SESSION['idcounter']) ? intval($_SESSION['idcounter']) : 0; class dom_node { public $parentnode = NULL, $nodes = array(), $id = 0; public $container = ''; function __construct($name) { global $idcounter;
} if (!is_object($item)) { error_log('Invalid item identifier (' . (is_string($item_in) ? $item_in : 'non-string') . ') sent to page from ' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '(no referrer)') . '.'); redirect(WEB_ROOT . 'inventory.php?error=noitem'); } $item_count = item_count($user_id, $item); // Check whether use on self is occurring. $self_use = $selfTarget || $target_id === $user_id; if ($self_use) { $target = $username; $targetObj = $player; } else { if ($target_id) { $targetObj = new Player($target_id); $target = $targetObj->name(); set_setting("last_item_used", $item_in); // Save last item used. } } $starting_turns = $player->vo->turns; $username_turns = $starting_turns; $username_level = $player->vo->level; if ($targetObj instanceof Player && $targetObj->id()) { $targets_turns = $targetObj->vo->turns; $targets_level = $targetObj->vo->level; $target_hp = $targetObj->vo->health; } else { $targets_turns = $targets_level = $target_hp = null; } $max_power_increase = 10; $level_difference = $targets_level - $username_level;
* Authentication file */ require "auth-admin.php"; /** * XHTML functions */ include "../functions/functions.xhtml.php"; /** * CKEditor */ include "../include/ckeditor/ckeditor.php"; global $db; $CKEditor = new CKEditor(); $CKEditor->basePath = "../include/ckeditor/"; if (isset($_POST['information'])) { set_setting("information", $_POST['information']); } xhtml_head(T_("Set centre information"), true, array("../include/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css", "../css/custom.css"), array("../js/window.js")); ?> <form action="" method="post" class="panel-body"> <!-- <label for="information"><?php //echo T_("Set centre information: "); ?> </label> --> <?php echo $CKEditor->editor("information", get_setting("information")); ?> <br/><input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="update" value="<?php echo T_("Update centre information"); ?> "/>
function caiji() { global $_G; if ($_GET['onsubmit'] && check()) { $field = ''; if ($_GET[field] && count($_GET[field]) > 0) { $f = array(); foreach ($_GET[field] as $k => $v) { $f[] = $k; } if ($f && count($f) > 0) { $field = implode(',', $f); } } if (!isset($_G['setting']['filter_field'])) { insert_setting('filter_field', $field); } else { set_setting('filter_field', $field); } insert_setting(); cpmsg('修改成功', 'success', 'm=admin&a=caiji'); return false; } $field = array('picurl' => array('key' => 'picurl', 'name' => '主图', 'check' => 0), 'title' => array('key' => 'title', 'name' => '标题', 'check' => 0), 'num' => array('key' => 'num', 'name' => '库存数量', 'check' => 0), 'yh_price' => array('key' => 'yh_price', 'name' => '优惠价', 'check' => 0), 'sum' => array('key' => 'sum', 'name' => '销量', 'check' => 0), 'views' => array('key' => 'views', 'name' => '收藏', 'check' => 0), 'message' => array('key' => 'message', 'name' => '详情', 'check' => 0)); if ($_G['setting']['filter_field']) { foreach ($_G['setting']['filter_field'] as $k => $v) { $field[$v]['check'] = 1; } } $this->add(array('field' => $field)); $this->show(); }
function gezi() { global $_G; if ($_GET['onsubmit'] && check()) { $arr = array(); foreach ($_POST[picurl] as $k => $v) { $tmp = array(); $tmp['picurl'] = $_POST[picurl][$k]; $tmp['url'] = $_POST[url][$k]; $tmp['title'] = $_POST[title][$k]; if ($_FILES['file' . $k]) { $pic = upload($_FILES['file' . $k]); if ($pic) { $tmp['picurl'] = $pic; } } if (!$tmp['picurl'] && $tmp['url']) { continue; } $arr[] = $tmp; } $arr = serialize($arr); if (isset($_G['setting']['app_gezi'])) { set_setting('app_gezi', $arr); } else { insert_setting('app_gezi', $arr); } loadcache('setting', 'update'); cpmsg('修改成功', 'success', 'm=apps&a=gezi'); return false; } if ($_G[setting]['app_gezi']) { $hdp = dunserialize($_G[setting]['app_gezi']); } else { $hdp = array(array('picurl' => '', 'url' => '')); } $size = 6; $this->add(array('hdp' => $hdp, 'size' => $size)); $this->show('apps/gezi'); }
* XHTML functions */ include "../functions/functions.xhtml.php"; if (isset($_GET['watch'])) { //start watching process start_process(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/systemsortprocess.php"), 2); } $p = is_process_running(2); if ($p) { if (isset($_GET['kill'])) { if ($_GET['kill'] == "force") { end_process($p); } else { kill_process($p); } set_setting('systemsort', false); } xhtml_head(T_("Monitor system wide case sorting"), true, array("../include/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css", "../css/custom.css"), false, false, false, true); print "<h2>" . T_("Running process:") . " {$p}</h2>"; if (is_process_killed($p)) { print "<h3>" . T_("Kill signal sent: Please wait...") . "</h3>"; print "<p><a href='?kill=force'>" . T_("Process is already closed (eg. server was rebooted) - click here to confirm") . "</a></p>"; } else { print "<p><a href='?kill=kill'>" . T_("Kill the running process") . "</a></p>"; } $d = process_get_data($p); if ($d !== false) { xhtml_table($d, array('process_log_id', 'datetime', 'data'), array(T_("Log id"), T_("Date"), T_("Log entry"))); } } else { xhtml_head(T_("Monitor system wide case sorting"), true, array("../include/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css", "../css/custom.css"));
function insert_setting($name, $value) { global $_G; if (!$name && !$value) { foreach ($_GET['postdb'] as $k => $v) { if (isset($_G['setting'][$k]) || array_key_exists($k, $_G['setting'])) { set_setting($k, $v); } else { insert_setting($k, $v); } } } else { if (isset($_G['setting'][$name]) || array_key_exists($name, $_G['setting'])) { set_setting($name, $value); } else { DB::insert('setting', array('name' => $name, 'value' => $value), true); } } loadcache('setting', 'update'); }
$private = true; $alive = true; $page_title = "Battle Status"; $quickstat = "player"; if ($error = init($private, $alive)) { display_error($error); die; } // TODO: Turn this page/system into a function to be rendered. // *** ********* GET VARS FROM POST - OR GET ************* *** $target = whichever(in('target'), in('attackee')); $duel = in('duel') ? true : NULL; $blaze = in('blaze') ? true : NULL; $deflect = in('deflect') ? true : NULL; $evade = in('evasion') ? true : NULL; set_setting('combat_toggles', array('duel' => $duel, 'blaze' => $blaze, 'deflect' => $deflect, 'evasion' => $evade)); // Save the combat toggled settings. $attacker_id = self_char_id(); $attacker_obj = new Player($attacker_id); $attacker = $attacker_obj->name(); $target_id = get_char_id($target); // Template vars. $stealthed_attack = $stealth_damage = $stealth_lost = $pre_battle_stats = $rounds = $combat_final_results = $killed_target = $attacker_died = $bounty_result = $rewarded_ki = $wrath_regain = false; // *** Attack System Initialization *** $killpoints = 0; // *** Starting state for killpoints. *** $attack_turns = 1; // *** Default cost, will go to zero if an error prevents combat. *** $required_turns = 0; $what = ""; // *** This will be the attack type string, e.g. "duel". ***
unlink('upgrade.php'); echo ' EXECUTED</li>'; } else { //echo $thisFileName;exit; $updateThis = fopen('../zipphp/' . $thisFileName, 'w'); fwrite($updateThis, $contents); fclose($updateThis); unset($contents); echo ' UPDATED</li>'; } } } echo '</ul>'; $updated = true; } else { echo '<p>Update ready. <a href="?doUpdate=true">» Install Now?</a></p>'; } break; } } if ($updated == true) { set_setting($advnce_version); echo '<p class="success">» CMS Updated to v' . $advnce_version . '</p>'; } else { if ($found != true) { echo '<p>» No update is available.</p>'; } } } else { echo '<p>Could not find latest realeases.</p>'; }
/** * Authentication file */ require "auth-admin.php"; /** * XHTML functions */ include "../functions/functions.xhtml.php"; if (isset($_POST['update'])) { set_setting("bosh_service", $_POST['bosh']); set_setting("supervisor_xmpp", $_POST['supervisor']); $enable = false; if (isset($_POST['enable'])) { $enable = true; } set_setting("chat_enabled", $enable); } xhtml_head(T_("Supervisor chat"), true, array("../include/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css", "../include/bootstrap-toggle/css/bootstrap-toggle.min.css", "../css/custom.css"), array("../include/jquery/jquery.min.js", "../include/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js", "../include/bootstrap-toggle/js/bootstrap-toggle.min.js", "../js/window.js")); print "<p class='well'>" . T_("Allow interviewers to chat with the supervisor over XMPP (Jabber). Required is a BOSH enabled XMPP/Jabber server. The operators and the supervisor will need XMPP/Jabber accounts.") . "</p>"; $e = get_setting("chat_enabled"); $checked = "checked='checked'"; if (empty($e)) { $checked = ""; } ?> <form action="" method="post" class="form-horizontal"> <div class="form-group form-inline"> <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="enable"><?php echo T_("Enable supervisor chat?"); ?>
static function init() { set_setting(); }
<?php require_once LIB_ROOT . 'control/lib_inventory.php'; $private = false; $alive = true; if ($error = init($private, $alive)) { display_error($error); } else { $work_multiplier = 30; $worked = $new_gold = $not_enough_energy = $use_second_description = null; $is_logged_in = is_logged_in(); $worked = intval(in('worked')); $recommended_to_work = 10; // Store or retrieve the last value of turns worked. if ($worked && is_numeric($worked)) { set_setting('turns_worked', $worked); $recommended_to_work = $worked; } else { $last_worked = get_setting('turns_worked'); $recommended_to_work = $last_worked ? $last_worked : 10; } // Work only if the work was requested, not just if the setting was set. if ($worked > 0) { $turns = get_turns($char_id); if ($worked > $turns) { $not_enough_energy = true; } else { $new_gold = $worked * $work_multiplier; // *** calc amount worked *** add_gold($char_id, $new_gold); $turns = subtractTurns($char_id, $worked);
/** * Disable system sort on shutdown * * @author Adam Zammit <*****@*****.**> * @since 2011-01-31 */ function disable_systemsort() { set_setting('systemsort', false); }
$page = in('page', 1, 'non_negative_int'); $limit = 25; $offset = non_negative_int(($page - 1) * $limit); $delete = in('delete'); $informational = in('informational'); $type = in('type'); // Clan chat or normal messages. $type = restrict_to($type, array(0, 1)); $message_sent_to = null; // Names or name to display. $message_to = null; // strings clan or individual if sent to those respectively. if ($target_id) { $to = get_char_name($target_id); } set_setting('last_messaged', $to); switch (true) { case $command == 'clan' && $_POST: $messages_type = 'clan'; $current_tab = 'clan'; $type = 1; break; case $command == 'clan': $messages_type = 'clan'; $current_tab = 'clan'; $type = 1; break; case $command == 'personal' && $_POST: // Try to send $messages_type = 'personal'; $current_tab = 'messages';
} echo "</div>\n"; echo "<div align='center' style='margin-top:5px;'>\n" . makePageNav($_GET['rowstart'], 20, $rows, 3, FUSION_SELF . $aidlink . "&") . "\n</div>\n"; } else { echo "<div style='text-align:center'><br />\n" . $locale['SB_no_msgs'] . "<br /><br />\n</div>\n"; } closetable(); } } else { require_once INCLUDES . "infusions_include.php"; if (isset($_POST['sb_settings'])) { if (isset($_POST['visible_shouts']) && isnum($_POST['visible_shouts'])) { $setting = set_setting("visible_shouts", $_POST['visible_shouts'], "shoutbox_panel"); } if (isset($_POST['guest_shouts']) && ($_POST['guest_shouts'] == 1 || $_POST['guest_shouts'] == 0)) { $setting = set_setting("guest_shouts", $_POST['guest_shouts'], "shoutbox_panel"); } redirect(FUSION_SELF . $aidlink . "&page=settings&status=update_ok"); } if (isset($_POST['sb_delete_old']) && isset($_POST['num_days']) && isnum($_POST['num_days'])) { $deletetime = time() - $_POST['num_days'] * 86400; $numrows = dbcount("(shout_id)", DB_SHOUTBOX, "shout_datestamp < '" . $deletetime . "'"); $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM " . DB_SHOUTBOX . " WHERE shout_datestamp < '" . $deletetime . "'"); redirect(FUSION_SELF . $aidlink . "&page=settings&status=delall&numr={$numrows}"); } if (isset($_GET['status'])) { if ($_GET['status'] == "delall" && isset($_GET['numr']) && isnum($_GET['numr'])) { $message = number_format(intval($_GET['numr'])) . " " . $locale['SB_shouts_deleted']; } elseif ($_GET['status'] == "update_ok") { $message = $locale['SB_update_ok']; }
<?php import('session'); import('forms'); if (!is_admin()) { header('location: /users/logut'); exit; } if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { set_setting($key, $value); } $success[] = 'New settings saved!'; $system_settings = get_settings(); } $template = set_template('dashboard', 'parameters'); $link = THEME . 'template.php'; require_once $link;
public function update($cachename) { global $_G; $sys = true; //$syn = false,代表不写入缓存,每次都读取 if (strpos($cachename, '_cate') !== false) { $tmp = explode('_', $cachename); $cate = new cate($tmp[0], $tmp[0]); $cache_data = $cate->get_cate(); $this->set($cachename, $cache_data, true, 1); return $cache_data; } switch ($cachename) { case 'all_channel': $all_channel = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('channel') . " ORDER BY `sort` DESC,fid ASC ", 'fid'); $tmp = array(); foreach ($all_channel as $k => $v) { $v[org_url] = $v[url]; $v[url] = '/index.php?fid=' . $v[fid]; $tmp['k' . $k] = $v; } $cache_data = $tmp; break; case 'channels': $all_channel = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('channel') . " ORDER BY `sort` DESC,fid ASC ", 'fid'); $channel = array(); //一级 foreach ($all_channel as $k => $v) { if ($v[fup] == 0) { //$v[count] = getcount('goods'," AND fid = ".$v[fid]); $v[org_url] = $v[url]; $v[url] = '/index.php?fid=' . $v[fid]; $channel[$k] = $v; } } //二级 $tmps = $all_channel; foreach ($channel as $k => $v) { $sub = array(); $fid_in = array(); unset($tmps[$v[fid]]); foreach ($all_channel as $kk => $vv) { if ($vv['fup'] == $k) { //$vv[count] = getcount('goods'," AND fid = ".$vv[fid]); $vv[org_url] = $vv[url]; $vv[url] = '/index.php?fid=' . $vv[fid]; $sub[$kk] = $vv; //二级栏目 $fid_in2 = array(); unset($tmps[$vv[fid]]); foreach ($all_channel as $k3 => $v3) { if ($v3['fup'] == $kk) { $v3[org_url] = $v3[url]; $v3[url] = '/index.php?fid=' . $v3[fid]; //$v3[count] = getcount('goods'," AND fid = ".$v3[fid]); unset($tmps[$v3[fid]]); $sub[$kk]['sub'][$k3] = $v3; //三级栏目 $fid_in2[] = $v3['fid']; $fid_in[] = $v3['fid']; $sub[$kk]['sub'][$k3]['fid_in'] = $v3['fid']; } } $fid_in[] = $vv['fid']; $fid_in2[] = $vv['fid']; $sub[$kk]['fid_in'] = implode(',', $fid_in2); } } $fid_in[] = $v['fid']; $channel[$k]['fid_in'] = implode(',', $fid_in); if ($sub) { $channel[$k]['sub'] = $sub; } } if (count($tmps) > 0) { foreach ($tmps as $k => $v) { if (!array_key_exists($k)) { $v[fid_in] = $v[fid]; $channel[$k] = $v; } } } $cache_data = $channel; break; case 'setting': set_setting('time', TIMESTAMP); $st = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('setting')); foreach ($st as $k => $v) { $setting[$v['name']] = $v['value']; } if ($setting['qq']) { $setting['qq'] = explode(',', $setting['qq']); } if ($setting['flag']) { $setting['flag'] = explode(',', $setting['flag']); $setting['flag'] = array_filter($setting['flag']); } if ($setting['shop_tag']) { $setting['shop_tag'] = explode(',', $setting['shop_tag']); $setting['shop_tag'] = array_filter($setting['shop_tag']); } if ($setting['goods_tag']) { $setting['goods_tag'] = explode(',', $setting['goods_tag']); $setting['goods_tag'] = array_filter($setting['goods_tag']); } if ($setting['article_tag']) { $setting['article_tag'] = explode(',', $setting['article_tag']); $setting['article_tag'] = array_filter($setting['article_tag']); } if ($setting['filter_field']) { $setting['filter_field'] = explode(',', $setting['filter_field']); } if ($setting['shiyong_status']) { $setting['shiyong_status'] = explode(',', $setting['shiyong_status']); } if ($setting['duihuan_status']) { $setting['duihuan_status'] = explode(',', $setting['duihuan_status']); } if ($setting['shiyong_tags']) { $setting['shiyong_tags'] = explode(',', $setting['shiyong_tags']); } if ($setting['activity_tags']) { $setting['activity_tags'] = explode(',', $setting['activity_tags']); } if ($setting['style_tags']) { $setting['style_tags'] = explode(',', $setting['style_tags']); } if ($setting['movie_tags']) { $setting['movie_tags'] = explode(',', $setting['movie_tags']); } if ($setting['zj_tags']) { $setting['zj_tags'] = explode(',', $setting['zj_tags']); } if ($setting['shishang_flag']) { $setting['shishang_flag'] = explode(',', $setting['shishang_flag']); } if ($setting['tags']) { $setting['tags'] = explode(',', $setting['tags']); $tags = array(); foreach ($setting['tags'] as $k => $v) { $uname = urlencode_utf8($v); $tags[$uname] = $v; } $setting['tags'] = $tags; } if ($setting['sign_jf']) { $setting['sign_jf'] = (array) dunserialize($setting['sign_jf']); } if ($setting['sign_tb']) { $setting['sign_tb'] = (array) dunserialize($setting['sign_tb']); } if ($setting['syn_table']) { $setting['syn_table'] = explode(',', $setting['syn_table']); } if ($setting['syn_domain']) { $setting['syn_domain'] = explode("\r\n", $setting['syn_domain']); } if ($setting['uz_tag']) { $setting['uz_tag'] = explode(',', $setting['uz_tag']); } if ($setting['uz_type']) { $setting['uz_type'] = explode(',', $setting['uz_type']); } $setting['time'] = TIMESTAMP; if ($setting['email']) { $setting['email'] = (array) dunserialize($setting['email']); } $cache_data = $setting; break; case 'friend_link': //友情链接 $friend_link = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('friend_link') . " ORDER BY sort DESC,id DESC", 'id'); foreach ($friend_link as $k => $v) { $friend_link[$k]['dateline'] = dgmdate($v['dateline'], 'u'); } $cache_data = $friend_link; break; case 'pics_type': $cache_data = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('pics_type') . " ORDER BY id DESC", 'id'); break; case 'pics': $pics_type = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('pics_type') . " ORDER BY id DESC", 'id'); $pics_tmp = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('pics') . " ORDER BY sort ASC,id DESC ", 'id'); $pics = array(); foreach ($pics_type as $k => $v) { $pics[$k] = array(); foreach ($pics_tmp as $k1 => $v1) { $v1['org_dateline'] = $v1['dateline']; $v1['dateline'] = dgmdate($v1['dateline'], 'u'); if ($v1['fup'] == $k) { $pics[$k][$k1] = $v1; } } } $cache_data = set_key($pics); break; case 'ad': $ad = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('ad') . " ORDER BY id DESC ", 'id'); foreach ($ad as $k => $v) { $ad[$k]['org_dateline'] = $v[dateline]; $ad[$k]['dateline'] = dgmdate($v[dateline], 'u'); $ad[$k]['start_time'] = dgmdate($v[start_time], 'dt'); $ad[$k]['end_time'] = dgmdate($v[end_time], 'dt'); $ad[$k]['show'] = false; $ad[$k]['show_html'] = ''; //先判断是否在显示时间内 $show = 0; if ($v['start_time'] < TIMESTAMP && ($v['end_time'] == 0 || $v['end_time'] > TIMESTAMP)) { $show = 1; } if ($show == true && $v['hide'] == 0) { $html = ''; if ($v['type'] == 1) { $html = $v['content']; } elseif ($v['type'] == 2) { $width = $v['width'] > 0 ? "width='" . $v['width'] . "'" : ''; $height = $v['height'] > 0 ? "height='" . $v['height'] . "'" : ''; $img = "<img class='ads_" . $k . "' src='" . $v['picurl'] . "' " . $width . "" . $height . " />"; if ($v['url']) { $target = $v['target'] == 1 ? "target='_blank'" : ''; $html = "<a href='" . $v['url'] . "' " . $target . " >" . $img . "</a>"; } else { $html = $img; } } else { $html = $v['html']; } if (!empty($html)) { $ad[$k]['show'] = true; $ad[$k]['show_html'] = $html; } else { $ad[$k]['show_html'] = ''; } } } $cache_data = set_key($ad); break; case 'goods_cate': $cate = new cate('goods', 'goods'); $cache_data = $cate->get_cate(); break; case 'shop': $shop = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('shop') . " ORDER BY sort DESC,id DESC", 'id'); foreach ($shop as $k => $v) { $shop[$k] = parse('shop', $v); } $cache_data = $shop; break; case 'shop_cate': $cate = new cate('shop', 'shop'); $cache_data = $cate->get_cate(); break; case 'prize': $rs = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('prize') . " ORDER BY sort DESC ,id DESC ", 'id'); foreach ($rs as $k => $v) { //统计每个分类,还未中奖的中奖码.. $rs[$k][num] = $rs[$k][count] = getcount('ticket', "prizeid = " . $v[id] . " AND is_use=0"); $rs[$k][total] = getcount('ticket', "prizeid = " . $v[id]); } $cache_data = $rs; break; case 'table': $cache_data = update_table(); break; case 'group': $rs = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('group') . " ORDER BY id ASC", 'id'); foreach ($rs as $k => $v) { $rs[$k][power] = dunserialize($v['power']); } $cache_data = $rs; break; case 'rank': $rs = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('rank') . " ORDER BY id ASC", 'id'); $cache_data = $rs; break; default: $sys = false; $cache_data = ''; break; } if ($sys == true) { $this->set($cachename, $cache_data, true, 1); } return $cache_data; }
require "auth-admin.php"; /** * XHTML functions */ include "../functions/functions.xhtml.php"; /** * Display functions */ include "../functions/functions.display.php"; /** * Input functions */ include "../functions/functions.input.php"; global $db; if (isset($_POST['dtime_zone'])) { set_setting('DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE', $_POST['dtime_zone']); } if (isset($_GET['time_zone'])) { //need to add sample to questionnaire $tz = $db->qstr($_GET['time_zone'], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $sql = "INSERT INTO timezone_template(Time_zone_name)\r\n\t\tVALUES({$tz})"; $db->Execute($sql); } if (isset($_GET['tz'])) { //need to remove rsid from questionnaire $tz = $db->qstr($_GET['tz'], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $sql = "DELETE FROM timezone_template\r\n\t\tWHERE Time_zone_name = {$tz}"; $db->Execute($sql); } xhtml_head(T_("Set Timezones"), true, array("../include/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css", "../css/custom.css"), array("../js/window.js")); //,"../include/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css"