include '../../../include/authenticate.php'; if (!checkperm('u')) { exit('Permission denied.'); } include '../../../include/general.php'; if ($_POST) { $email_to = getvalescaped('users', NULL); $email_to = str_replace(array('\\n', '\\r', '\\t'), ',', $email_to); $email_to = explode(',', $email_to); $email_to = array_map('trim', $email_to); $email_to = array_filter($email_to); $email_to = implode(', ', $email_to); $email_subject = getvalescaped('email_subject', 'Asset Manager Client Approval Submission'); $email_message = getvalescaped('email_message', ''); $settings = array('email_to' => $email_to, 'email_subject' => $email_subject, 'email_message' => $email_message); set_plugin_config('approval', $settings); } $settings = get_plugin_config('approval'); if (empty($settings)) { $settings = array(); } $settings = $settings + array('email_to' => NULL, 'email_subject' => 'Client Approval Submission', 'email_message' => ''); ?> <?php include '../../../include/header.php'; ?> <div class="BasicsBox"> <h2> </h2> <h1>Client Approval Settings</h1>
/** * Generate the first half of the "guts" of a plugin setup page from a page definition array. This * function deals with processing the POST that comes (usually) as a result of clicking on the Save * Configuration button. * * The page definition array is typically constructed by a series of calls to config_add_xxxx * functions (see below). See the setup page for the sample plugin for information on how to use * this and the associated functions. * * @param $page_def mixed an array whose elements are generated by calls to config_add_xxxx functions * each of which describes how one of the plugin's configuration variables. * @param $plugin_name string the name of the plugin for which the function is being invoked. * @return string containing a status message if the post was of an .rsc file. */ function config_gen_setup_post($page_def,$plugin_name) { if (getval('upload','')!='') { return handle_rsc_upload($plugin_name); } elseif ((getval('submit','')!='') || (getval('save','')!='')) { $config=array(); foreach ($page_def as $def) { $omit = false; switch ($def[0]) { case 'section_header': $omit = true; break; case 'text_list': $GLOBALS[$def[1]] = explode(',', getval($def[1], '')); break; case 'hidden_param': break; default: $GLOBALS[$def[1]] = getval($def[1], is_array($GLOBALS[$def[1]])?array():''); break; } if (!$omit) { $config[$def[1]]=$GLOBALS[$def[1]]; } } set_plugin_config($plugin_name,$config); if (getval('submit','')!=''){redirect('pages/team/team_plugins.php');} } }
$ldapauth['newusergroup'] = $_POST['newusergroup']; $ldapauth['ldapusercontainer'] = $_POST['ldapusercontainer']; $ldapauth['ldaptype'] = $_POST['ldaptype']; $ldapauth['rootdn'] = $_POST['rootdn']; $ldapauth['rootpass'] = $_POST['rootpass']; $ldapauth['addomain'] = $_POST['addomain']; $ldapauth['ldapgroupcontainer'] = $_POST['ldapgroupcontainer']; if (isset($_POST['ldapGroupName'])) { $ldapGroupCount = count($_POST['ldapGroupName']); for ($ti = 0; $ti < $ldapGroupCount; $ti++) { $grpName = $_POST['ldapGroupName'][$ti]; $ldapauth['groupmap'][$grpName]['rsGroup'] = $_POST['ldapmaptors'][$grpName]; $ldapauth['groupmap'][$grpName]['enabled'] = isset($_POST['ldapGroupEnable'][$grpName]); } } set_plugin_config("posixldapauth", $ldapauth); redirect("pages/team/team_home.php"); } else { $ldapauth = get_plugin_config("posixldapauth"); if ($ldapauth == null) { $ldapauth['enable'] = false; $ldapauth['ldapserver'] = 'localhost'; $ldapauth['port'] = '389'; $ldapauth['basedn'] = 'dc=mydomain,dc=net'; $ldapauth['loginfield'] = 'uid'; $ldapauth['usersuffix'] = ''; $ldapauth['createusers'] = true; $ldapauth['groupbased'] = false; $ldapauth['newusergroup'] = '2'; $ldapauth['ldapusercontainer'] = 'cn=users'; $ldapauth['ldaptype'] = 0;
/** * Generate the first half of the "guts" of a plugin setup page from a page definition array. This * function deals with processing the POST that comes (usually) as a result of clicking on the Save * Configuration button. * * The page definition array is typically constructed by a series of calls to config_add_xxxx * functions (see below). See the setup page for the sample plugin for information on how to use * this and the associated functions. * * If wishing to store array of values in one config option, in your setup page have something like the * following which adds a single definition for each key of your config option: * foreach($usergroups as $k => $group) * { * global $usergroupemails; * if(!isset($usergroupemails[$group["ref"]])){$usergroupemails[$group["ref"]]=array();} // Define any missing keys * $page_def[] = config_add_text_list_input("usergroupemails[".$group["ref"]."]",$group["name"]); //need to pass a string that looks like: "$configoption["key"]" * } * The key can consist of numbers, letters or an underscore contained within "" or ''. If using numbers you don't need the quote marks * * * @param $page_def mixed an array whose elements are generated by calls to config_add_xxxx functions * each of which describes how one of the plugin's configuration variables. * @param $plugin_name string the name of the plugin for which the function is being invoked. * @return string containing a status message if the post was of an .rsc file. */ function config_gen_setup_post($page_def, $plugin_name) { if (getval('upload', '') != '') { return handle_rsc_upload($plugin_name); } elseif (getval('submit', '') != '' || getval('save', '') != '') { $config = array(); foreach ($page_def as $def) { $array_offset = ""; if (preg_match("/\\[[\"|']?\\w+[\"|']?\\]/", $def[1], $array_offset)) { $array = preg_replace("/\\[[\"|']?\\w+[\"|']?\\]/", "", $def[1]); preg_match("/[\"|']?\\w+[\"|']?/", $array_offset[0], $array_offset); } $omit = false; if (!empty($array_offset)) { $curr_post = getval($array, ""); if ($curr_post == "") { continue; } //Ignore if Array already handled or blank foreach ($curr_post as $key => $val) { $config[$array][$key] = explode(',', $val); $GLOBALS[$array][$key] = explode(',', $val); } unset($_POST[$array]); //Unset once array has been handled to prevent duplicate changes $omit = true; } else { switch ($def[0]) { case 'html': $omit = true; break; case 'section_header': $omit = true; break; case 'text_list': $GLOBALS[$def[1]] = explode(',', getval($def[1], '')); break; case 'hidden_param': break; default: $GLOBALS[$def[1]] = getval($def[1], is_array($GLOBALS[$def[1]]) ? array() : ''); break; } } if (!$omit) { $config[$def[1]] = $GLOBALS[$def[1]]; } } set_plugin_config($plugin_name, $config); if (getval('submit', '') != '') { redirect('pages/team/team_plugins.php'); } } }
} if (getval("submit", "") != "") { $viewInFinder = array(); if ($useMultiples) { $arrRef = 0; foreach ($staticSyncDirs as $tDir) { $postName = "afpServerPath" . $tDir['syncdir']; $viewInFinder['multiafpServerPath'][$tDir['syncdir']] = $_POST[$postName]; $arrRef++; } } $viewInFinder['afpServerPath'] = $_POST['afpServerPath']; $viewInFinder['usePerms'] = $_POST['usePerms']; //print_r($_POST); //exit; set_plugin_config("view_in_finder", $viewInFinder); } else { $viewInFinder = get_plugin_config("view_in_finder"); if ($viewInFinder == null) { $viewInFinder['afpServerPath'] = "afp://"; $viewInFinder['usePerms'] = 0; } if (!array_key_exists('afpServerPath', $viewInFinder)) { $viewInFinder['afpServerPath'] = "afp://"; } if (!array_key_exists("usePerms", $viewInFinder)) { $viewInFinder['usePerms'] = 0; } if (!array_key_exists('multiafpServerPath', $viewInFinder)) { $viewInFinder['multiafpServerPath'] = array(); }
if (count($ldapgroups) > 0){ sql_query('delete from simpleldap_groupmap where rsgroup is not null'); } for ($i=0; $i < count($ldapgroups); $i++){ if ($ldapgroups[$i] <> '' && $rsgroups[$i] <> '' && is_numeric($rsgroups[$i])){ $query = "replace into simpleldap_groupmap (ldapgroup,rsgroup,priority) values ('" . escape_check($ldapgroups[$i]) . "','" . $rsgroups[$i] . "' ,'" . $priority[$i] ."')"; sql_query($query); } } $config['simpleldap'] = $simpleldap; set_plugin_config("simpleldap",$config); redirect("pages/team/team_plugins.php"); } // retrieve list if groups for use in mapping dropdown $rsgroups = sql_query('select ref, name from usergroup order by name asc'); include "../../../include/header.php"; // if some of the values aren't set yet, fudge them so we don't get an undefined error // this may be important for updates to the plugin that introduce new variables foreach (array('ldapserver','domain','port','basedn','loginfield','usersuffix','emailsuffix','fallbackusergroup','email_attribute','phone_attribute','update_group') as $thefield){ if (!isset($simpleldap[$thefield])){ $simpleldap[$thefield] = '';