function themify_import() { if (!empty($_FILES)) { if (!is_dir(TEMPLATEPATH . '/themify/temp')) { mkdir(TEMPLATEPATH . '/themify/temp', 0777); } if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], TEMPLATEPATH . '/themify/temp/' . basename($_FILES['Filedata']['name']))) { $file = basename($_FILES['Filedata']['name']); $ext = substr(strrchr($file, '.'), 1); $dir = "temp/"; if ($ext == 'zip' || $ext == 'rar') { themify_extract_zip(TEMPLATEPATH . '/themify/' . $dir . $file); } else { if ($ext == 'txt') { $handler = fopen($dir . $file, 'r'); if (filesize($dir . $file) > 0) { $data = fread($handler, filesize($dir . $file)); set_data(unserialize($data)); } fclose($fh); } } $handle = opendir("temp/"); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { unlink("temp/" . $file); } } rmdir("temp/"); echo "true"; } else { echo "false"; } } }
function set_queData($list) { $data = ''; foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $choices = set_data(parse_config($value['a_choices'])); $typedata = set_data(parse_config($value['a_typedata'])); $data .= "{\n \t quesid: '{$value['id']}',\n titletype: '{$value['q_titletype']}',\n title: '{$value['q_title']}',\n typedata: [{$typedata}],\n choices: [{$choices}],\n type:'{$value['a_type']}',\n rightIndex: '{$value['q_right']}'\n },"; } return $data; }
function jsondb_data($db_name, $table_name, $mapper_key, $data = null) { if ($data) { if ($data === 'remove') { return del_data($db_name, $table_name, $mapper_key); } else { return set_data($db_name, $table_name, $mapper_key, $data); } } else { return get_data($db_name, $table_name, $mapper_key); } }
/** * This page serves as the registration page for new users. */ require_once 'db_connection.php'; require 'set_data.php'; require 'validate.php'; require 'db_functions.php'; // check if photo's file name is present in the session if (!isset($_SESSION['photo'])) { $photo = ""; } // if the user has submitted the form if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // set submitted data to an array $record $record = set_data($_POST, $_FILES, $connection); // set session to store the name of the photo so that we can have the photo during resubmission // (in case of validation errors) $_SESSION['photo'] = $record['photo']; // validate data in $record $errors = validate($record, $connection, "register"); // if no error exists after validation then encrypt the passwords and // enter the details to the database. if (!$errors) { $record['password'] = md5($record['password']); $status = insert_record($record, $connection); if ($status == 1) { header("Location: mail.php"); } else { $errors .= $status; }
function send_and_set_data($snt, $commenter_info, $msg) { send_commenter($snt, $commenter_info, $msg); set_data($snt, $commenter_info); }
function show_list() { # message after add or edit $this->content_saved = $_SESSION['content_saved']; $_SESSION['content_saved'] = ''; # default sort (a = ascending) $ad = 'a'; if ($_GET['sort'] && in_array($_GET['sort'], $this->fields_in_list_view)) { if ($_GET['ad'] == 'a') { $asc_des = 'ASC'; } if ($_GET['ad'] == 'd') { $asc_des = 'DESC'; } $order_by = "ORDER by " . $_GET['sort'] . ' ' . $asc_des; } else { $order_by = "ORDER by {$this->primary_key} DESC"; } # navigation 1/3 $start = $_GET["start"]; if (!$start) { $start = 0; } else { $start *= 1; } // build query_string // query_joomla_component (joomla) if ($this->query_joomla_component) { $query_string = '&option=' . $this->query_joomla_component; } // navigation $query_string .= '&start=' . $start; // sorting $query_string .= '&ad=' . $_GET['ad'] . '&sort=' . $_GET['sort']; // searching $query_string .= '&s=' . $_GET['s'] . '&f=' . $_GET['f']; //table $query_string .= '&table=' . $_GET['table'] . ''; # search if ($_GET['s'] && $_GET['f']) { $in_search = addslashes(stripslashes($_GET['s'])); $in_search_field = $_GET['f']; if ($in_search_field == $this->primary_key) { $where_search = "WHERE {$in_search_field} = '{$in_search}' "; } else { $where_search = "WHERE {$in_search_field} LIKE '%{$in_search}%' "; } } # select $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->table}` {$where_search} {$order_by}"; /* * if sorting by distance */ if ($_GET['sort'] && $_GET['sort'] == "distance") { if ($_GET['ad'] == 'a') { $asc_des = 'DESC'; } if ($_GET['ad'] == 'd') { $asc_des = 'ASC'; } // figure out what coords to calculate from $usable_coords = usable_coords(); $rusex = $usable_coords["x"]; $rusey = $usable_coords["y"]; $rusez = $usable_coords["z"]; $res2 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "\tSHOW COLUMNS\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `{$this->table}`") or write_log(mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]), __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($rij3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res2)) { $fields[] = $this->table . '.' . $rij3["Field"]; } $fieldss = join(",", $fields); if ($asc_des == "DESC") { $order_by = "ORDER BY -(sqrt(pow((ritem_coordx-(" . $rusex . ")),2)+pow((ritem_coordy-(" . $rusey . ")),2)+pow((ritem_coordz-(" . $rusez . ")),2)))" . $asc_des; } else { $order_by = "ORDER BY sqrt(pow((ritem_coordx-(" . $rusex . ")),2)+pow((ritem_coordy-(" . $rusey . ")),2)+pow((ritem_coordz-(" . $rusez . ")),2)) DESC"; } if ($this->table == "edtb_systems") { $sql = "SELECT " . $fieldss . ",edtb_systems.x AS ritem_coordx,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tedtb_systems.y AS ritem_coordy,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tedtb_systems.z AS ritem_coordz\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$this->table}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$order_by}"; } elseif ($this->table == "edtb_stations") { $sql = "SELECT " . $fieldss . ",edtb_systems.x AS ritem_coordx,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tedtb_systems.y AS ritem_coordy,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tedtb_systems.z AS ritem_coordz\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$this->table}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN edtb_systems ON {$this->table}.system_id =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$order_by}"; } else { $sql = "SELECT " . $fieldss . ",IFNULL(edtb_systems.x, user_systems_own.x) AS ritem_coordx,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIFNULL(edtb_systems.y, user_systems_own.y) AS ritem_coordy,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIFNULL(edtb_systems.z, user_systems_own.z) AS ritem_coordz\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$this->table}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN edtb_systems ON {$this->table}.system_name =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_systems_own ON {$this->table}.system_name =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$order_by}"; } //write_log($sql); } $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql); # navigation 2/3 $hits_total = mysqli_num_rows($result); $sql .= " LIMIT {$start}, {$this->num_rows_list_view}"; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql) or write_log(mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]), __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { $result2 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$this->table}`") or write_log(mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]), __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($rij2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2)) { extract($rij2); $field_type[$Field] = $Type; } $count = 0; while ($rij = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $count++; $this_row = ''; if ($background == '#38484F') { $background = '#273238'; } else { $background = '#38484F'; } $dist = false; $dist1 = false; $exact = ""; $d_x = ""; $d_y = ""; $d_z = ""; if (array_key_exists("x", $rij) && array_key_exists("y", $rij) && array_key_exists("z", $rij) || array_key_exists("system_name", $rij) || array_key_exists("system_id", $rij)) { $dist = true; $dist1 = true; if (isset($rij["x"]) && isset($rij["y"]) && isset($rij["z"])) { $d_x = $rij["x"]; $d_y = $rij["y"]; $d_z = $rij["z"]; } elseif (isset($rij["system_id"])) { $sys_res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "\tSELECT x, y, z\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM edtb_systems\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id = '" . $rij["system_id"] . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1"); $found = mysqli_num_rows($sys_res); if ($found > 0) { $sys_arr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sys_res); $d_x = $sys_arr["x"]; $d_y = $sys_arr["y"]; $d_z = $sys_arr["z"]; } } elseif (isset($rij["system_name"]) || $found == 0) { if (valid_coordinates($rij["ritem_coordx"], $rij["ritem_coordy"], $rij["ritem_coordz"])) { $d_x = $rij["ritem_coordx"]; $d_y = $rij["ritem_coordy"]; $d_z = $rij["ritem_coordz"]; } else { $sys_res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "\tSELECT x, y, z\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM edtb_systems\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE name = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $rij["system_name"]) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1"); $found = mysqli_num_rows($sys_res); if ($found > 0) { $sys_arr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sys_res); $d_x = $sys_arr["x"]; $d_y = $sys_arr["y"]; $d_z = $sys_arr["z"]; } else { $sys_own_res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "\tSELECT x, y, z\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM user_systems_own\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE name = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $rij["system_name"]) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1"); $own_found = mysqli_num_rows($sys_own_res); if ($own_found > 0) { $sys_own_arr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sys_own_res); $d_x = $sys_own_arr["x"]; $d_y = $sys_own_arr["y"]; $d_z = $sys_own_arr["z"]; } else { $d_x = ""; $d_y = ""; $d_z = ""; } } } } else { $d_x = ""; $d_y = ""; $d_z = ""; } } $ii = 0; foreach ($rij as $key => $value) { $field_kind = $field_type[$key]; $enum = false; $align = ""; if ($field_kind == "enum('','0','1')" || $field_kind == "enum('0','1')") { $align = "text-align:center;"; $enum = true; } //echo $field_kind; $sort_image = ''; if (in_array($key, $this->fields_in_list_view)) { if ($count == 1) { // show nice text of a value if ($this->show_text[$key]) { $show_key = $this->show_text[$key]; } else { $show_key = $key; } // sorting if ($_GET['sort'] == $key && $_GET['ad'] == 'a') { $sort_image = "<img src='/style/img/sort_a.png' style='width:9px;height:8px;border:none' alt=''>"; $ad = 'd'; } if ($_GET['sort'] == $key && $_GET['ad'] == 'd') { $sort_image = "<img src='/style/img/sort_d.png' style='width:9px;height:8px;border:none' alt=''>"; $ad = 'a'; } // remove sort and ad and add new ones $query_sort = preg_replace('/&(sort|ad)=[^&]*/', '', $query_string) . "&sort={$key}&ad={$ad}"; // if (isset($this->skip)) { if (!in_array($key, $this->skip)) { $head .= "<td style='white-space:nowrap;padding:10px;" . $align . "'><a data-replace='true' data-target='.rightpanel' href='{$this->url_script}?{$query_sort}' class='mte_head'>{$show_key}</a> {$sort_image}</td>"; } } else { $head .= "<td style='white-space:nowrap;padding:10px;" . $align . "'><a data-replace='true' data-target='.rightpanel' href='{$this->url_script}?{$query_sort}' class='mte_head'>{$show_key}</a> {$sort_image}</td>"; } // add distance if x,y,z are defined if ($dist1 !== false) { if ($_GET['sort'] == "distance" && $_GET['ad'] == 'a') { $sort_image = "<img src='/style/img/sort_a.png' style='width:9px;height:8px;border:none' alt=''>"; $ad = 'd'; } if ($_GET['sort'] == "distance" && $_GET['ad'] == 'd') { $sort_image = "<img src='/style/img/sort_d.png' style='width:9px;height:8px;border:none' alt=''>"; $ad = 'a'; } $query_sort_d = preg_replace('/&(sort|ad)=[^&]*/', '', $query_string) . "&sort=distance&ad={$ad}"; $head .= "<td style='white-space:nowrap;padding:10px'><a data-replace='true' data-target='.rightpanel' href='{$this->url_script}?{$query_sort_d}' class='mte_head'>Distance</a> {$sort_image}</td>"; $dist1 = false; } } if ($key == $this->primary_key) { if (substr($this->table, 0, 4) == "edtb") { $buttons = "<td style='width:1%;white-space:nowrap;padding:10px;vertical-align:middle'></td>"; } else { $buttons = "<td style='width:1%;white-space:nowrap;padding:10px;vertical-align:middle'><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='del_confirm({$value})' title='Delete {$this->show_text[$key]} {$value}'><img src='/style/img/del.png' style='width:16px;height:16px;border:none' alt=''></a> <a href='?{$query_string}&mte_a=edit&id={$value}' title='Edit {$this->show_text[$key]} {$value}'><img src='/style/img/edit.png' style='width:16px;height:16px;border:none' alt='Edit'></a></td>"; } if ($key == "id" && $this->table == "edtb_systems") { $this_row .= "<td style='width:1%;padding:10px;vertical-align:middle'><a href='/system.php?system_id=" . $value . "'>" . $value . "</a></td>"; } else { $this_row .= "<td style='width:1%;padding:10px;vertical-align:middle'>{$value}</td>"; } } else { if (isset($this->skip)) { if (!in_array($key, $this->skip)) { $this_row .= set_data($key, $value, $d_x, $d_y, $d_z, $dist, $this->table, $enum); } } else { $this_row .= set_data($key, $value, $d_x, $d_y, $d_z, $dist, $this->table, $enum); } } $ii++; } } $rows .= "<tr style='border-bottom:1px solid #000;background:{$background}'>{$buttons} {$this_row}</tr>"; } } else { $head = "<td style='padding:40px'>{$this->text['Nothing_found']}...</td>"; } # navigation 3/3 # remove start= from url $query_nav = preg_replace('/&(start|mte_a|id)=[^&]*/', '', $query_string); # this page $this_page = ($this->num_rows_list_view + $start) / $this->num_rows_list_view; # last page $last_page = ceil($hits_total / $this->num_rows_list_view); # navigatie numbers if ($this_page > 10) { $vanaf = $this_page - 10; } else { $vanaf = 1; } if ($last_page > $this_page + 10) { $tot = $this_page + 10; } else { $tot = $last_page; } for ($f = $vanaf; $f <= $tot; $f++) { $nav_toon = $this->num_rows_list_view * ($f - 1); if ($f == $this_page) { $navigation .= "<td class='mte_nav' style='color:#fffffa;background-color:#808080;font-weight:bold'>{$f}</td> "; } else { $navigation .= "<td class='mte_nav' style='background-color:#0e0e11'><a data-replace='true' data-target='.rightpanel' class='mtelink' href='{$this->url_script}?{$query_nav}&start={$nav_toon}'>{$f}</a></td>"; } } if ($hits_total < $this->num_rows_list_view) { $navigation = ''; } # Previous if if ($this_page > 1) { $last = ($this_page - 1) * $this->num_rows_list_view - $this->num_rows_list_view; $last_page_html = "<a data-replace='true' data-target='.rightpanel' href='{$this->url_script}?{$query_nav}&start={$last}' class='mte_nav_prev_next'>{$this->text['Previous']}</a>"; } # Next if: if ($this_page != $last_page && $hits_total > 1) { $next = $start + $this->num_rows_list_view; $next_page_html = "<a data-replace='true' data-target='.rightpanel' href='{$this->url_script}?{$query_nav}&start={$next}' class='mte_nav_prev_next'>{$this->text['Next']}</a>"; } $this->nav_bottom = '<span class="right" style="padding-top:6px">Number of entries: '; $this->nav_bottom .= number_format($hits_total); $this->nav_bottom .= '</span>'; if ($navigation) { $nav_table = "\n\t\t\t\t<table style='border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:5px;margin-left:35%;margin-right:auto'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td style='padding-right:6px;vertical-align:middle'>{$last_page_html}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$navigation}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td style='padding-left:6px;vertical-align:middle'>{$next_page_html}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t"; $this->nav_top = "\n\t\t\t\t<div style='margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:-20px;width:{$this->width_editor}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$nav_table}\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t"; $this->nav_bottom .= "\n\t\t\t\t<div style='margin-top:20px;width:100%;text-align:center'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$nav_table}\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t"; } # Search form + Add Record button foreach ($this->fields_in_list_view as $option) { if ($this->show_text[$option]) { $show_option = $this->show_text[$option]; } else { $show_option = $option; } if ($option == $in_search_field) { $options .= "<option selected value='{$option}'>{$show_option}</option>"; } else { $options .= "<option value='{$option}'>{$show_option}</option>"; } } $in_search_value = htmlentities(trim(stripslashes($_GET['s'])), ENT_QUOTES); $seach_form = "\n\t\t\t<table style='margin-left:0;padding-left:0;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0'>\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td style='white-space:nowrap;padding-bottom:20px'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<form method=get action='{$this->url_script}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='table' value='" . $_GET["table"] . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<select class='selectbox' name='f'>{$options}</select>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input class='textbox' type='text' name='s' value='{$in_search_value}' style='width:220px'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input class='button' type='submit' value='{$this->text['Search']}' style='width:80px'>\n\t\t\t\t"; if ($this->query_joomla_component) { $seach_form .= "<input type='hidden' value='{$this->query_joomla_component}' name='option'>"; } $seach_form .= "</form>"; if ($_GET['s'] && $_GET['f']) { if ($this->query_joomla_component) { $add_joomla = '?option=' . $this->query_joomla_component; } $seach_form .= "<button class='button' style='margin-left:0;margin-top:6px' onclick='window.location=\"{$this->url_script}{$add_joomla}\"' style='margin: 0 0 10px 10px'>{$this->text['Clear_search']}</button>"; } $seach_form .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<td style='text-align:right;width:{$this->width_editor}'>"; if (substr($this->table, 0, 4) != "edtb") { $seach_form .= "<button class='button' onclick='window.location=\"{$this->url_script}?{$query_string}&mte_a=new\"' style='margin: 0 0 10px 10px'>{$this->text['Add_Record']}</button>"; } else { $seach_form .= " "; } $seach_form .= "</td>\n\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t"; // $this->javascript = " // function del_confirm(id) { // if (confirm('{$this->text['Delete']} record {$this->show_text[$this->primary_key]} ' + id + '...?')) { // window.location='$this->url_script?$query_string&mte_a=del&id=' + id // } // } // "; $this->javascript = "\n\t\t\tfunction del_confirm(id) {\n\t\t\t\tif (confirm('{$this->text['Delete']} record {$this->show_text[$this->primary_key]} ' + id + '...?')) {\n\t\t\t\t\twindow.location=window.location.href + '&mte_a=del&id=' + id\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t"; # page content $this->content = "\n\t\t\t<div style='width: {$this->width_editor};background:transparent;margin:0;border:none'>{$seach_form}</div>\n\t\t\t<table style='text-align:left;margin:0;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;width:{$this->width_editor}'>\n\t\t\t\t<tr style='background:#0e0e11; color: #fff'><td></td>{$head}</tr>\n\t\t\t\t{$rows}\n\t\t\t</table>\n\n\t\t\t{$this->nav_bottom}\n\t\t"; }
array_push($values, $_POST['data']['latlng']['lat']); } if (isset($_POST['data']['latlng']['lng'])) { array_push($idx, 'lng'); array_push($values, $_POST['data']['latlng']['lng']); } } if (isset($_POST['data']['options']['minLevel'])) { array_push($idx, 'min_zoom'); array_push($values, $_POST['data']['options']['minLevel']); } if (isset($_POST['data']['options']['maxLevel'])) { array_push($idx, 'max_zoom'); array_push($values, $_POST['data']['options']['maxLevel']); } set_data('project_marker', 'project_id', $_POST['data']['id'], $idx, $values); } } if ($_POST['req'] == "delData") { if ($_POST['data']['options']['type'] == "project") { del_data('project', 'project_id', $_POST['data']['id']); removeDir("project/{$_POST['data']['id']}"); } if ($_POST['data']['options']['type'] == "layer") { del_data('layer', 'layer_id', $_POST['data']['id']); } if ($_POST['data']['options']['type'] == "vtour") { del_data('vtour', 'vtour_id', $_POST['data']['id']); } if ($_POST['data']['options']['type'] == "pvr") { del_data('pvr', 'pvr_id', $_POST['data']['id']);
function set_pk($entity_class, $data = array()) { return set_data($entity_class, $data, 'pk'); }
$old_id = $marker['marker_id']; $new_id = alloc_new_marker_id(); $trans_id_table['marker'][$old_id] = $new_id; //transform old data into new data $marker['layer_id'] = $trans_id_table['layer'][$marker['layer_id']]; $marker['icon_id'] = $trans_id_table['marker_icon'][$marker['icon_id']]; //delete id from array to save data correctly unset($marker['marker_id']); //save data to DB $fields = array(); $values = array(); foreach ($marker as $field => $value) { $fields[] = $field; $values[] = $value; } set_data('marker', 'marker_id', $new_id, $fields, $values); } } if (array_key_exists('m_link_inform', $pano_video_data)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($pano_video_data['m_link_inform']); $i++) { $m_link_inform = $pano_video_data['m_link_inform'][$i]; $old_id = $m_link_inform['marker_id']; $new_id = $trans_id_table['marker'][$m_link_inform['marker_id']]; //delete keys from field array $keys = array(); $keys['marker_id'] = $new_id; unset($m_link_inform['marker_id']); //save data to DB set_data_with_comp_pk('m_link_inform', $keys, $m_link_inform); } }
function themify_extract_zip($file) { $zip = zip_open($file); $dir = "temp/"; if (is_resource($zip)) { while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { // echo $dir.basename(zip_entry_name($zip_entry)); $fp = fopen($dir . basename(zip_entry_name($zip_entry)), "w"); if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) { $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); fwrite($fp, "{$buf}"); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); fclose($fp); } } zip_close($zip); } else { echo zipFileErrMsg($zip); } if (file_exists($dir . "custom-config.xml")) { unlink("../custom-config.xml"); rename($dir . "custom-config.xml", "../custom-config.xml"); } if (file_exists($dir . "custom-modules.php")) { unlink("../custom-modules.php"); rename($dir . "custom-modules.php", "../custom-modules.php"); } if (file_exists($dir . "custom-functions.php")) { unlink("../custom-functions.php"); rename($dir . "custom-functions.php", "../custom-functions.php"); } if (file_exists($dir . "data_export.txt")) { $handler = fopen($dir . "data_export.txt", "r"); $data = fread($handler, filesize($dir . "data_export.txt")); set_data(unserialize($data)); fclose($handler); } }
/** * Show records */ private function show_list() { // message after add or edit $this->content_saved = $_SESSION["content_saved"]; $_SESSION["content_saved"] = ""; // default sort (a = ascending) $ad = "a"; if ($_GET["sort"] && in_array($_GET["sort"], $this->fields_in_list_view)) { if ($_GET["ad"] == "a") { $asc_des = "ASC"; } if ($_GET["ad"] == "d") { $asc_des = "DESC"; } $this->order_by = "ORDER by " . $_GET["sort"] . " " . $asc_des; } else { $this->order_by = "ORDER by {$this->primary_key} DESC"; } // navigation 1/3 $start = $_GET["start"]; if (!$start) { $start = 0; } else { $start *= 1; } /** * build query_string */ // navigation $query_string .= "&start=" . $start; // sorting $query_string .= "&ad=" . $_GET["ad"] . "&sort=" . $_GET["sort"]; // searching $query_string .= "&s=" . $_GET["s"] . "&f=" . $_GET["f"]; //table $query_string .= "&table=" . $_GET["table"]; /** * search */ if ($_GET["s"] && $_GET["f"]) { $in_search = addslashes(stripslashes($_GET["s"])); $in_search_field = $_GET["f"]; if ($in_search_field == $this->primary_key) { $this->where_search = "WHERE {$in_search_field} = '{$in_search}' "; } else { $this->where_search = "WHERE {$in_search_field} LIKE '%{$in_search}%' "; } } /** * get sql query */ $sql = $this->get_sql(); $hits = $this->mysqli->query($sql) or write_log($this->mysqli->error, __FILE__, __LINE__); // navigation 2/3 $hits_total = $hits->num_rows; $hits->close(); $sql .= " LIMIT {$start}, {$this->num_rows_list_view}"; $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql) or write_log($this->mysqli->error, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$this->table}`"; $cols = $this->mysqli->query($query) or write_log($this->mysqli->error, __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($obj = $cols->fetch_object()) { $Field = $obj->Field; $Type = $obj->Type; $field_type[$Field] = $Type; } $cols->close(); $count = 0; while ($data = $result->fetch_object()) { $count++; $this_row = ""; $background = $background == "#38484f" ? "#273238" : "#38484f"; $dist = false; $dist1 = false; $d_x = ""; $d_y = ""; $d_z = ""; $esc_sys_name = $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($data->system_name); if (property_exists($data, "x") && property_exists($data, "y") && property_exists($data, "z") || property_exists($data, "system_name") || property_exists($data, "system_id")) { $dist = true; $dist1 = true; if (isset($data->x) && isset($data->y) && isset($data->z)) { $d_x = $data->x; $d_y = $data->y; $d_z = $data->z; } elseif (isset($data->system_id)) { $query = " SELECT x, y, z\n FROM edtb_systems\n WHERE id = '{$data->system_id}'\n LIMIT 1"; $coord_result = $this->mysqli->query($query); $found = $coord_result->num_rows; if ($found > 0) { $obj = $coord_result->fetch_object(); $d_x = $obj->x; $d_y = $obj->y; $d_z = $obj->z; } $coord_result->close(); } elseif (isset($data->system_name) || $found == 0) { if (valid_coordinates($data->ritem_coordx, $data->ritem_coordy, $data->ritem_coordz)) { $d_x = $data->ritem_coordx; $d_y = $data->ritem_coordy; $d_z = $data->ritem_coordz; } else { $query = " SELECT x, y, z\n FROM edtb_systems\n WHERE name = '{$esc_sys_name}'\n LIMIT 1"; $coord_result = $this->mysqli->query($query); $found = $coord_result->num_rows; if ($found > 0) { $obj = $coord_result->fetch_object(); $d_x = $obj->x; $d_y = $obj->y; $d_z = $obj->z; } else { $query = " SELECT x, y, z\n FROM user_systems_own\n WHERE name = '{$esc_sys_name}'\n LIMIT 1"; $coord_result = $this->mysqli->query($query); $own_found = $coord_result->num_rows; if ($own_found > 0) { $obj = $coord_result->fetch_object(); $d_x = $obj->x; $d_y = $obj->y; $d_z = $obj->z; } else { $d_x = ""; $d_y = ""; $d_z = ""; } } $coord_result->close(); } } else { $d_x = ""; $d_y = ""; $d_z = ""; } } $ii = 0; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $field_kind = $field_type[$key]; $enum = false; $align = ""; if ($field_kind == "enum('','0','1')" || $field_kind == "enum('0','1')") { $align = "text-align:center;"; $enum = true; } //echo $field_kind; $sort_image = ""; if (in_array($key, $this->fields_in_list_view)) { if ($count == 1) { // show nice text of a value if ($this->show_text[$key]) { $show_key = $this->show_text[$key]; } else { $show_key = $key; } // sorting if ($_GET["sort"] == $key && $_GET["ad"] == "a") { $sort_image = "<img src='/style/img/sort_a.png' style='width:9px;height:8px;border:none' alt='Asc' id='sort_a'>"; $ad = "d"; } if ($_GET["sort"] == $key && $_GET["ad"] == "d") { $sort_image = "<img src='/style/img/sort_d.png' style='width:9px;height:8px;border:none' alt='Desc' id='sort_d'>"; $ad = "a"; } // remove sort and ad and add new ones $query_sort = preg_replace('/&(sort|ad)=[^&]*/', '', $query_string) . "&sort={$key}&ad={$ad}"; // if (isset($this->skip)) { if (!in_array($key, $this->skip)) { $head .= "<td style='white-space:nowrap;padding:10px;" . $align . "'><a data-replace='true' data-target='.rightpanel' href='{$this->url_script}?{$query_sort}' class='mte_head'>{$show_key}</a> {$sort_image}</td>"; } } else { $head .= "<td style='white-space:nowrap;padding:10px;" . $align . "'><a data-replace='true' data-target='.rightpanel' href='{$this->url_script}?{$query_sort}' class='mte_head'>{$show_key}</a> {$sort_image}</td>"; } // add distance if x,y,z are defined if ($dist1 !== false) { if ($_GET["sort"] == "distance" && $_GET["ad"] == "a") { $sort_image = "<img src='/style/img/sort_a.png' style='width:9px;height:8px;border:none' alt=''>"; $ad = "d"; } if ($_GET["sort"] == "distance" && $_GET["ad"] == "d") { $sort_image = "<img src='/style/img/sort_d.png' style='width:9px;height:8px;border:none' alt=''>"; $ad = "a"; } $query_sort_d = preg_replace('/&(sort|ad)=[^&]*/', '', $query_string) . "&sort=distance&ad={$ad}"; $head .= "<td style='white-space:nowrap;padding:10px'><a data-replace='true' data-target='.rightpanel' href='{$this->url_script}?{$query_sort_d}' class='mte_head'>Distance</a> {$sort_image}</td>"; $dist1 = false; } } if ($key == $this->primary_key) { if (substr($this->table, 0, 4) == "edtb") { $buttons = "<td style='width:1%;white-space:nowrap;padding:10px;vertical-align:middle'></td>"; } else { $buttons = "<td style='width:1%;white-space:nowrap;padding:10px;vertical-align:middle'><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='del_confirm({$value})' class='delete_record' title='Delete {$this->show_text[$key]} {$value}' id='delete_" . $value . "'><img src='/style/img/del.png' style='width:16px;height:16px;border:none' alt='Delete' class='data_point_delete'></a> <a href='?{$query_string}&mte_a=edit&id={$value}' class='edit_record' title='Edit {$this->show_text[$key]} {$value}' id='edit_" . $value . "'><img src='/style/img/edit.png' style='width:16px;height:16px;border:none' alt='Edit' class='data_point_edit'></a></td>"; } if ($key == "id" && $this->table == "edtb_systems") { $this_row .= "<td style='width:1%;padding:10px;vertical-align:middle'><a href='/System?system_id=" . $value . "'>" . $value . "</a></td>"; } else { $this_row .= "<td style='width:1%;padding:10px;vertical-align:middle'>{$value}</td>"; } } else { if (isset($this->skip)) { if (!in_array($key, $this->skip)) { $this_row .= set_data($key, $value, $d_x, $d_y, $d_z, $dist, $this->table, $enum); } } else { $this_row .= set_data($key, $value, $d_x, $d_y, $d_z, $dist, $this->table, $enum); } } $ii++; } } unset($value); $rows .= "<tr style='border-bottom:1px solid #000;background:{$background}'>{$buttons} {$this_row}</tr>"; } } else { $head = "<td style='padding:40px'>{$this->text['Nothing_found']}...</td>"; } // navigation 3/3 // remove start= from url $query_nav = preg_replace('/&(start|mte_a|id)=[^&]*/', '', $query_string); // this page $this_page = ($this->num_rows_list_view + $start) / $this->num_rows_list_view; // last page $last_page = ceil($hits_total / $this->num_rows_list_view); // navigatie numbers if ($this_page > 10) { $vanaf = $this_page - 10; } else { $vanaf = 1; } if ($last_page > $this_page + 10) { $tot = $this_page + 10; } else { $tot = $last_page; } for ($f = $vanaf; $f <= $tot; $f++) { $nav_toon = $this->num_rows_list_view * ($f - 1); if ($f == $this_page) { $navigation .= "<td class='mte_nav' style='color:#fffffa;background-color:#808080;font-weight:700'>{$f}</td> "; } else { $navigation .= "<td class='mte_nav' style='background-color:#0e0e11'><a data-replace='true' data-target='.rightpanel' class='mtelink' href='{$this->url_script}?{$query_nav}&start={$nav_toon}'>{$f}</a></td>"; } } if ($hits_total < $this->num_rows_list_view) { $navigation = ""; } // Previous if if ($this_page > 1) { $last = ($this_page - 1) * $this->num_rows_list_view - $this->num_rows_list_view; $last_page_html = "<a data-replace='true' data-target='.rightpanel' href='{$this->url_script}?{$query_nav}&start={$last}' class='mte_nav_prev_next'>{$this->text['Previous']}</a>"; } // Next if: if ($this_page != $last_page && $hits_total > 1) { $next = $start + $this->num_rows_list_view; $next_page_html = "<a data-replace='true' data-target='.rightpanel' href='{$this->url_script}?{$query_nav}&start={$next}' class='mte_nav_prev_next'>{$this->text['Next']}</a>"; } $this->nav_bottom = '<span class="right" style="padding-top:6px">Number of entries: '; $this->nav_bottom .= number_format($hits_total); $this->nav_bottom .= "</span>"; if ($navigation) { $nav_table = "\n <table style='border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:5px;margin-left:35%;margin-right:auto'>\n <tr>\n <td style='padding-right:6px;vertical-align:middle'>{$last_page_html}</td>\n {$navigation}\n <td style='padding-left:6px;vertical-align:middle'>{$next_page_html}</td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n "; $this->nav_top = "\n <div style='margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:-20px;width:{$this->width_editor}'>\n {$nav_table}\n </div>\n "; $this->nav_bottom .= "\n <div style='margin-top:20px;width:100%;text-align:center'>\n {$nav_table}\n </div>\n "; } /** * Search form + Add Record button */ foreach ($this->fields_in_list_view as $option) { $show_option = $this->show_text[$option] ? $this->show_text[$option] : $option; $options .= $option == $in_search_field ? '<option selected value="' . $option . '">' . $show_option . '</option>' : '<option value="' . $option . '">' . $show_option . '</option>'; } unset($option); $in_search_value = htmlentities(trim(stripslashes($_GET["s"])), ENT_QUOTES); $seach_form = "\n <table style='margin-left:0;padding-left:0;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;width:100%'>\n <tr>\n <td style='white-space:nowrap;padding-bottom:20px'>\n <form method=get action='{$this->url_script}' id='search_form'>\n <input type='hidden' name='table' value='" . $_GET["table"] . "'>\n <select class='selectbox' name='f'>{$options}</select>\n <input class='textbox' type='text' name='s' value='{$in_search_value}' style='width:220px'>\n <input class='button' type='submit' value='{$this->text['Search']}' style='width:80px'>\n "; $seach_form .= "</form>"; if ($_GET["s"] && $_GET["f"]) { $seach_form .= "<button class='button button_clear' onclick='window.location=\"{$this->url_script}\"' style='margin: 0 0 10px 10px'>{$this->text['Clear_search']}</button>"; } $seach_form .= ' </td> <td style="text-align:right">'; if (substr($this->table, 0, 4) != "edtb") { $seach_form .= "<button class='button button_add' onclick='window.location=\"{$this->url_script}?{$query_string}&mte_a=new\"' style='margin: 0 0 10px 10px'>{$this->text['Add_Record']}</button>"; } else { $seach_form .= " "; } $seach_form .= "</td>\n\n </tr>\n </table>\n "; $this->javascript = "\n function del_confirm(id) {\n if (confirm('{$this->text['Delete']} record {$this->show_text[$this->primary_key]} ' + id + '...?')) {\n window.location=window.location.href + '&mte_a=del&id=' + id\n }\n }\n "; // page content $this->content = "\n <div style='width: {$this->width_editor};background:transparent;margin:0;border:none'>{$seach_form}</div>\n <table style='text-align:left;margin:0;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;width:{$this->width_editor}'>\n <tr style='background:#0e0e11; color: #fff'><td></td>{$head}</tr>\n {$rows}\n </table>\n\n {$this->nav_bottom}\n "; }
/** * This page serves as the edit page for the users profile. */ require_once 'db_connection.php'; require 'set_data.php'; require 'validate.php'; require 'db_functions.php'; // check if photo's file name is present in the session if (!isset($_SESSION['photo'])) { $photo = ""; } // if the user has submitted the form if (isset($_POST['update'])) { $userId = $_SESSION['id']; // set the submitted data to the array $row $row = set_data($_POST, $_FILES, $connection); // validate $row $errors = validate($row, $connection, "update"); // if no error exists after validation then update the details of the user if (!$errors) { $status = update_record($userId, $connection, $row); if ($status == 1) { $_SESSION['message'] = "Your changes have been saved successfully"; header("Location: home.php"); } else { $_SESSION['message'] = "Sorry! Unable to save your changes"; header("Location: home.php"); } } } else { // populate the fields for editing if user is logged in