$background_image = get_sub_field('background_image');
 $background_align = get_sub_field('image_align');
 $background_size = get_sub_field('image_size');
 $background_repeat = get_sub_field('background_repeat');
 $image_overlay_active = get_sub_field('image_overlay_active');
 $image_overlay = get_sub_field('image_overlay');
 $image_overlay_opacity = get_sub_field('image_overlay_opacity') / 100;
 $content = get_sub_field('content');
 $content_color = get_sub_field('content_color');
 $content_align = get_sub_field('content_align');
 |   Card block.
 echo '<div class="card col-md-4 col no-padding" style="' . set_background_style($background, $background_color, $background_image, $background_align, $background_size, $background_repeat) . '">';
 echo '<div class="card-inner">';
 |   Title/Divider/Subtitle.
 |   If the '$content' isn't empty display it.
 if (!empty($content)) {
     echo '<div class="content-wrapper" style="color: ' . $content_color . '; text-align: ' . $content_align . ';">' . $content . '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 2
 |   Get the slide fields and put them in variables for easy usage.
 $background = get_sub_field('background');
 $background_color = get_sub_field('background_color');
 $background_image = get_sub_field('background_image');
 $background_align = get_sub_field('image_align');
 $background_size = get_sub_field('image_size');
 $background_repeat = get_sub_field('image_repeat');
 |   Slide.
 echo '<li class="slide" style="' . set_background_style($background, $background_color, $background_image, $background_align, $background_size, $background_repeat) . '" data-slide-index="' . $i . '">';
 echo '<div class="slide-content">';
 |   If there are row's on content.
 if (have_rows('content')) {
     |   While there are row's on content.
     while (have_rows('content')) {
         switch (get_row_layout()) {
$padding_title = get_sub_field('padding_title');
$title_subtitle_width = get_sub_field('title_subtitle_width');
$background = get_sub_field('background');
$background_color = get_sub_field('background_color');
$background_image = get_sub_field('background_image');
$background_align = get_sub_field('image_align');
$background_size = get_sub_field('image_size');
$background_repeat = get_sub_field('image_repeat');
$margin_container = get_sub_field('margin_container');
$padding_container = get_sub_field('padding_container');
|   The call to action block.
echo '<div id="call-to-action" class="container-fluid container-capped same-col-height" style="' . set_background_style($background, $background_color, $background_image, $background_align, $background_size, $background_repeat) . ' margin: ' . $margin_container . '; padding: ' . $padding_container . '; ">';
echo '<div class="row on-top-overlay">';
|   Title/Divider/Subtitle.
echo '<div class="' . set_col_size($title_subtitle_width) . ' col-sm-12 col-xs-12 col" style="margin: ' . $margin_title . '; padding: ' . $padding_title . '">';
echo '</div>';
|   If the field is filled, get the row layout.
if (get_sub_field('action_type')) {
$background = get_sub_field('background');
$background_color = get_sub_field('background_color');
$background_image = get_sub_field('background_image');
$background_align = get_sub_field('image_align');
$background_size = get_sub_field('image_size');
$contact_form_shortcode = get_sub_field('contact_form_7_id');
$contact_form_style = get_sub_field('contact_form_style');
$contact_form_align = get_sub_field('contact_form_align');
$contact_form_width = get_sub_field('contact_form_width');
$contact_form_max_width = get_sub_field('contact_form_max_width');
|   The Contact Form Block
echo '<div id="contact-form" class="container-fluid container-capped" style="' . set_background_style($background, $background_color, $background_image, $background_align, $background_size, $background_repeat) . ' margin: ' . $margin . '; padding: ' . $padding . ';">';
echo '<div class="row contact-form ' . $contact_form_style . ' on-top-overlay">';
|   Title/Divider/Subtitle.
|   Contact Form.
echo '<div class="' . set_col_size($contact_form_width) . '" style="' . align_left_right_center($contact_form_align) . '">';
echo do_shortcode($contact_form_shortcode);
echo '</div>';
$margin = get_sub_field('margin');
$padding = get_sub_field('padding');
$background = get_sub_field('background');
$background_color = get_sub_field('background_color');
$background_image = get_sub_field('background_image');
$background_align = get_sub_field('image_align');
$background_size = get_sub_field('image_size');
$background_repeat = get_sub_field('image_repeat');
|   Text with image block.
echo '<div id="text-with-image" class="container-fluid no-padding same-col-height" style="' . set_background_style($background, $background_color, $background_image, $background_align, $background_size, $background_repeat) . ' margin: ' . $margin . '; padding: ' . $padding . ';">';
|   If the field is filled, get the row layout.
if (get_sub_field('content')) {
    while (has_sub_field('content')) {
        switch (get_row_layout()) {
            |   If row layout is text block.
            case 'text_block':
Exemplo n.º 6
        switch (get_row_layout()) {
            case 'cards_normal':
                $card_type = 'no-padding';
            case 'cards_with_icon':
                $card_type = 'container-capped';
|   The Cards block.
echo '<div id="cards" class="container-fluid ' . $card_type . ' same-col-height" style="' . set_background_style($background, $background_color, $background_image, $background_align, $background_size, $background_repeat) . ' margin: ' . $margin_container . '; padding: ' . $padding_container . ';">';
|   If the field is filled, get the row layout.
if (get_sub_field('card_type')) {
    while (has_sub_field('card_type')) {
        switch (get_row_layout()) {
            |   If row layout is cards normal.
            case 'cards_normal':