<?php $pageName = "statusdata.php"; include "inc.config.php"; error_reporting($reportLevel); include "inc.common.php"; include "inc.mysqli.conn.php"; include "inc.requests.php"; echo "<table class='status'>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='center' colspan='2'>" . $siteName . "</td></tr>\n"; $ServerStats = sqlGetServerStats($mySQLiConn); if ($ServerStats["ServerState"] == 0) { echo "<tr><td class='center' colspan='2'><img src='./img/Offline.png' alt='OFFLINE'></td></tr>\n"; } else { echo "<tr><td class='center' colspan='2'><img src='./img/Online.png' alt='ONLINE'></td></tr>\n"; } $SessionStatus = ""; if ($ServerStats["MaxLaps"] < 2147483647) { $SessionStatus = " (" . $ServerStats["CurLaps"] . "/" . $ServerStats["MaxLaps"] . " Laps)"; } echo "<tr><td class='right'>Venue</td><td>" . $ServerStats["TrackName"] . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='right'>Start</td><td>" . formatStartTime($ServerStats["SessionStart"]) . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='right'>Session</td><td>" . setSessionName($ServerStats["SessionID"], $ServerStats["GameID"]) . " (" . setSessionState($ServerStats["SessionState"]) . ")</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='right'>Status</td><td>" . formatSessionTime($ServerStats["SessionEnd"] - $ServerStats["SessionTime"]) . $SessionStatus . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='right'>Vehicles</td><td>" . $ServerStats["NumVehicles"] . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='right'>Ambient</td><td>" . sprintf("%.1f", $ServerStats["AmbientTemp"]) . " °C</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='right'>Track</td><td>" . sprintf("%.1f", $ServerStats["TrackTemp"]) . " °C</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='right'>Date</td><td>" . date("d.m.Y (H:i:s) T") . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='right'>Live View</td><td><a href='" . $siteURL . "/monitor.php' target='_blank'>Monitor</a> © <a href='http://vortex-motorsports.de/' target='_blank'>VorteX-Motorsports</a></td></tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n";
// $MonitorData .= "<fieldset class='sessioninfo'>\n"; while ($rowSessionInfos = $resultSessionInfos->fetch_assoc()) { // -- set session infos $siLoaderVersion = $rowSessionInfos["LoaderVersion"]; $siGameID = $rowSessionInfos["GameID"]; $siGameVersion = $rowSessionInfos["GameVersion"]; $siPluginVersion = $rowSessionInfos["PluginVersion"]; $siServerStart = $rowSessionInfos["ServerStart"]; $siServerState = $rowSessionInfos["ServerState"]; $siSessionStart = $rowSessionInfos["SessionStart"]; $siSessionID = $rowSessionInfos["SessionID"]; $siSessionState = $rowSessionInfos["SessionState"]; $siSessionTime = $rowSessionInfos["SessionTime"]; $siSessionEnd = $rowSessionInfos["SessionEnd"]; $siSessionTimeLeft = formatSessionTime($siSessionEnd - $siSessionTime); $siSessionName = setSessionName($siSessionID, $siGameID); $siSessionLaps = $rowSessionInfos["CurLaps"]; $siMaxLaps = $rowSessionInfos["MaxLaps"]; $siTrackName = $rowSessionInfos["TrackName"]; $siTrackLength = $rowSessionInfos["TrackLength"]; $siInGameStart = $rowSessionInfos["InGameStart"]; $siAmbientTemp = formatTemp($rowSessionInfos["AmbientTemp"]); $siTrackTemp = formatTemp($rowSessionInfos["TrackTemp"]); $siDarkClouds = formatWetness($rowSessionInfos["DarkCloud"]); $siRaining = formatWetness($rowSessionInfos["Raining"]); $siWetOnTrack = formatWetness($rowSessionInfos["OnPathWetness"]); $siTrackState = setTrackState($rowSessionInfos["YellowFlagState"]); // -- set session top lap times $siTopS1 = $rowSessionInfos["TopS1"]; if ($siTopS1 >= 2147483647) { $siTopS1 = 0;
$tr2 = ''; $cpClass1 = 1; $cpClass2 = 1; $cpClass3 = 1; $cpClass4 = 1; $bestLap = 0; $gapBest = 0; if (!$mySQLiConn->connect_error) { $selectSessionInfos = "SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `sessioninfos` WHERE `ID` = '1' LIMIT 1"; if ($resultSessionInfos = $mySQLiConn->query($selectSessionInfos)) { if ($resultSessionInfos->num_rows == 1) { while ($rowSessionInfos = $resultSessionInfos->fetch_assoc()) { $siGameID = $rowSessionInfos["GameID"]; $siSessionStart = $rowSessionInfos["SessionStart"]; $siTrackName = $mySQLiConn->real_escape_string($rowSessionInfos["TrackName"]); $siSessionName = setSessionName($rowSessionInfos["SessionID"], $siGameID); $siSessionState = setSessionState($rowSessionInfos["SessionState"], $siGameID); } } $resultSessionInfos->free(); } else { writeErrorLog($pageName, "selectSessionInfos", "SQL ERROR: (" . $mySQLiConn->error . ") QUERY: (" . $selectSessionInfos . ")"); } if ($siSessionStart == "0") { $MarqueeData = '<table><tr><td class="NoData">No Session Data</td></tr></table>'; } else { $selectSlots = "SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `slots` ORDER BY `Place` ASC"; if ($resultSlots = $mySQLiConn->query($selectSlots)) { if ($resultSlots->num_rows > 0) { while ($rowSlots = $resultSlots->fetch_assoc()) { $slotPos = $rowSlots["Place"];
* So, we have defined main paths and loaded configs. * Now define and configure all other options (for php, session, etc) * */ /* setting php configuration options, session lifetime and error_reporting level */ ini_set('max_execution_time', 500); ini_set('short_open_tag', 'off'); // upload params ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '200M'); ini_set('post_max_size', '200M'); ini_set('max_file_uploads', '20'); ini_set('memory_limit', '400M'); // session params $sessionLifetime = (IS_DEBUG_HOST ? 0 : Config::get('session.lifetime', 4320)) * 60; ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime", $sessionLifetime); ini_set("session.gc_divisor", "100"); ini_set("session.gc_probability", "1"); session_set_cookie_params($sessionLifetime, '/' . $cfg['core_name'] . '/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']), true); session_name(setSessionName()); //error reporting params error_reporting(IS_DEBUG_HOST ? E_ALL : E_ERROR); // mb encoding config mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); mb_detect_order('UTF-8,UTF-7,ASCII,EUC-JP,SJIS,eucJP-win,SJIS-win,JIS,ISO-2022-JP,WINDOWS-1251,WINDOWS-1250'); mb_substitute_character("none"); // timezone date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); /* end of setting php configuration options, session lifetime and error_reporting level */ //clear debug_log for each request when on debug host if (IS_DEBUG_HOST) { // @unlink(Config::get('debug_log')); }
$ClassName = "<span style='color:" . $class3Color . ";'>" . $class3DisplayName . "</span>"; $LapTime = "<span style='color:" . $class3Color . ";'>" . formatLapTime($Row["LapTime"]) . "</span>"; $GapToNextLap = "<span style='color:" . $class3Color . ";'>" . $GapToNextLap . "</span>"; break; case $class4RealName: $ClassName = "<span style='color:" . $class4Color . ";'>" . $class4DisplayName . "</span>"; $LapTime = "<span style='color:" . $class4Color . ";'>" . formatLapTime($Row["LapTime"]) . "</span>"; $GapToNextLap = "<span style='color:" . $class4Color . ";'>" . $GapToNextLap . "</span>"; break; default: $ClassName = "<span class='classUC'>" . $Row["VehicleClass"] . "</span>"; $LapTime = "<span class='classUC'>" . formatLapTime($Row["LapTime"]) . "</span>"; $GapToNextLap = "<span class='classUC'>" . $GapToNextLap . "</span>"; break; } $SessionName = setSessionName($Row["SessionID"], $GameID); $trClass = "'bg0'"; if ($HotlapRank % 2 == 0) { $trClass = "'bg1'"; } if (isset($admitLaps) && $admitLaps > 0) { if ($Row["TimedLaps"] < $admitLaps) { $trClass = "'bg2'"; } } if (isset($admitTime) && $admitTime > 0) { if (isset($admitTimePerClass) && $admitTimePerClass == 1) { if ($Row["LapTime"] > $ClassBestLap * $admitTime) { $trClass = "'bg3'"; } } else {