Exemplo n.º 1

require_once "../../phplib/util.php";
$reports = array(array('text' => 'Definiții nemoderate', 'url' => 'admin/viewPendingDefinitions', 'count' => Model::factory('Definition')->where('status', ST_PENDING)->count(), 'privilege' => PRIV_EDIT), array('text' => 'Definiții cu greșeli de tipar', 'url' => 'admin/viewTypos', 'count' => Model::factory('Typo')->select('definitionId')->distinct()->count(), 'privilege' => PRIV_EDIT), array('text' => 'Definiții cu abrevieri ambigue', 'url' => 'admin/randomAbbrevReview', 'count' => Definition::countAmbiguousAbbrevs(), 'privilege' => PRIV_EDIT), array('text' => 'Definiții OCR neverificate', 'url' => 'admin/definitionEdit', 'count' => sprintf("%d (disponibile: %d)", Model::factory('OCR')->where('status', 'raw')->count(), OCR::countAvailable(session_getUserId())), 'privilege' => PRIV_EDIT), array('text' => 'Definiții neasociate cu niciun lexem', 'url' => 'admin/viewUnassociatedDefinitions', 'count' => Definition::countUnassociated(), 'privilege' => PRIV_EDIT), array('text' => 'Lexeme neasociate cu nicio definiție', 'url' => 'admin/viewUnassociatedLexems', 'count' => Lexem::countUnassociated(), 'privilege' => PRIV_EDIT), array('text' => 'Lexeme cu comentarii', 'url' => 'admin/viewLexemsWithComments', 'count' => Model::factory('Lexem')->where_not_null('comment')->count(), 'privilege' => PRIV_EDIT), array('text' => 'Lexeme fără accent', 'url' => 'admin/viewLexemsWithoutAccents', 'count' => Model::factory('Lexem')->where('consistentAccent', 0)->count(), 'privilege' => PRIV_EDIT), array('text' => 'Lexeme ambigue', 'url' => 'admin/viewAmbiguousLexems', 'count' => 'numărătoare dezactivată', 'privilege' => PRIV_EDIT), array('text' => 'Lexeme fără paradigme', 'url' => 'admin/viewTemporaryLexems', 'count' => Model::factory('LexemModel')->where('modelType', 'T')->count(), 'privilege' => PRIV_EDIT));
SmartyWrap::assign('recentLinks', RecentLink::loadForUser());
SmartyWrap::assign("allStatuses", util_getAllStatuses());
SmartyWrap::assign('structStatusNames', Lexem::$STRUCT_STATUS_NAMES);
SmartyWrap::assign('reports', $reports);
SmartyWrap::assign('sectionTitle', 'Pagina moderatorului');
SmartyWrap::addCss('jqueryui', 'select2');
SmartyWrap::addJs('jquery', 'jqueryui', 'select2', 'select2Dev', 'modelDropdown');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Saves the data
  * @access protected
  * @return error string (empty for success)
  * */
 protected function doSave()
     if ($this->id != null) {
         $wotd = WordOfTheDay::get_by_id($this->id);
     } else {
         $wotd = Model::factory('WordOfTheDay')->create();
         $wotd->userId = session_getUserId();
     $today = date('Y-m-d', time());
     $isPast = $wotd->displayDate && $wotd->displayDate < $today;
     if ($isPast && $this->displayDate != $wotd->displayDate) {
         return 'Nu puteți modifica data pentru un cuvânt al zilei deja afișat';
     if (!$this->refId) {
         return 'Trebuie să alegeți o definiție';
     $wotd->displayDate = $this->displayDate ? $this->displayDate : null;
     $wotd->priority = $this->priority;
     $wotd->image = $this->image;
     $wotd->description = $this->description;
     $wotdr = WordOfTheDayRel::get_by_wotdId($wotd->id);
     if (!$wotdr) {
         $wotdr = Model::factory('WordOfTheDayRel')->create();
     $wotdr->refId = $this->refId;
     $wotdr->refType = $this->refType ? $this->refType : 'Definition';
     $wotdr->wotdId = $wotd->id;
     return '';
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static function loadForUser()
     $userId = session_getUserId();
     $recentLinks = Model::factory('RecentLink')->where('userId', $userId)->order_by_desc('visitDate')->find_many();
     while (count($recentLinks) > MAX_RECENT_LINKS) {
         $deadLink = array_pop($recentLinks);
     return $recentLinks;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static function mapDefinitionArray($definitionArray)
     if (empty($definitionArray)) {
         return array();
     $results = array();
     $defIds = array();
     $sourceIds = array();
     $userIds = array();
     foreach ($definitionArray as $definition) {
         $defIds[] = $definition->id;
         $sourceIds[] = $definition->sourceId;
         $userIds[] = $definition->userId;
     $userMap = self::mapById(Model::factory('User')->where_in('id', array_unique($userIds))->find_many());
     $sourceMap = self::mapById(Model::factory('Source')->where_in('id', array_unique($sourceIds))->find_many());
     foreach ($definitionArray as $definition) {
         $result = new SearchResult();
         $result->definition = $definition;
         $result->user = $userMap[$definition->userId];
         $result->source = $sourceMap[$definition->sourceId];
         $result->typos = array();
         $result->comment = null;
         $result->wotd = false;
         $result->bookmark = false;
         $results[$definition->id] = $result;
     $typos = Model::factory('Typo')->where_in('definitionId', $defIds)->find_many();
     foreach ($typos as $t) {
         $results[$t->definitionId]->typos[] = $t;
     $comments = Model::factory('Comment')->where_in('definitionId', $defIds)->where('status', ST_ACTIVE)->find_many();
     foreach ($comments as $c) {
         $results[$c->definitionId]->comment = $c;
         // We still run one query per comment author, but there are very few comments
         $results[$c->definitionId]->commentAuthor = User::get_by_id($c->userId);
     if ($suid = session_getUserId()) {
         $defIdString = implode(',', $defIds);
         // This actually requires a stronger condition: that the user has PRIV_WOTD privileges; but that check would require a DB hit.
         // So we check that the user is logged in, which is cheap. The admin permission is checked in the template.
         $wotdStatuses = ORM::for_table('WordOfTheDay')->raw_query("select R.refId, W.displayDate from WordOfTheDay W join WordOfTheDayRel R on W.id = R.wotdId " . "where R.refId in ({$defIdString}) and refType = 'Definition'")->find_many();
         foreach ($wotdStatuses as $w) {
             $results[$w->refId]->wotd = $w->displayDate ? $w->displayDate : true;
         $bookmarks = Model::factory('UserWordBookmark')->where('userId', $suid)->where_in('definitionId', $defIds)->find_many();
         foreach ($bookmarks as $b) {
             $results[$b->definitionId]->bookmark = true;
     return $results;
Exemplo n.º 5
 static function createFromFile($fileName)
     $v = Model::factory('Visual')->create();
     $v->path = $fileName;
     $v->userId = session_getUserId();
     $url = Config::get('static.url') . self::STATIC_DIR . $fileName;
     $dim = getimagesize($url);
     $v->width = $dim[0];
     $v->height = $dim[1];
     return $v;
Exemplo n.º 6
         if (StringUtil::isSpam($def)) {
             $errorMessage = 'Definiția dumneavoastră este spam.';
 if ($errorMessage) {
     smarty_assign('lexemNames', $lexemNames);
     smarty_assign('sourceId', $sourceId);
     smarty_assign('def', $def);
     smarty_assign('previewDivContent', AdminStringUtil::htmlize($def, $sourceId));
 } else {
     $definition = Model::factory('Definition')->create();
     $definition->displayed = 0;
     $definition->status = ST_PENDING;
     $definition->userId = session_getUserId();
     $definition->sourceId = $sourceId;
     $definition->internalRep = $def;
     $definition->htmlRep = AdminStringUtil::htmlize($def, $sourceId);
     $definition->lexicon = AdminStringUtil::extractLexicon($definition);
     $definition->abbrevReview = count($ambiguousMatches) ? ABBREV_AMBIGUOUS : ABBREV_REVIEW_COMPLETE;
     log_userLog("Added definition {$definition->id} ({$definition->lexicon})");
     $ldms = array();
     foreach ($lexemNames as $lexemName) {
         $lexemName = addslashes(AdminStringUtil::formatLexem($lexemName));
         if ($lexemName) {
             $matches = Lexem::loadByExtendedName($lexemName);
             if (count($matches) >= 1) {
                 foreach ($matches as $match) {
                     LexemDefinitionMap::associate($match->id, $definition->id);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function save()
     $this->modUserId = session_getUserId();
     return parent::save();
Exemplo n.º 8
function util_isModerator($type)
    // Check the actual database, not the session user
    $userId = session_getUserId();
    $user = $userId ? User::get_by_id($userId) : null;
    return $user ? $user->moderator & $type : false;
Exemplo n.º 9

require_once "../../phplib/util.php";
$definitionId = util_getRequestParameter('definitionId');
$response = array();
$userId = session_getUserId();
if (!$userId) {
    $response['status'] = 'redirect';
    $response['url'] = 'login';
    echo json_encode($response);
$bookmarks = UserWordBookmarkDisplayObject::getByUser($userId);
if (count($bookmarks) < Config::get('global.maxBookmarks')) {
    $existing = Model::factory('UserWordBookmark')->where('userId', $userId)->where('definitionId', $definitionId)->find_one();
    if (!$existing) {
        $bookmark = Model::factory('UserWordBookmark')->create();
        $bookmark->userId = $userId;
        $bookmark->definitionId = $definitionId;
        log_userLog("Added to favorites: {$bookmark->id} - the definition with the id {$bookmark->definitionId} for user {$bookmark->userId}");
    $response['status'] = 'success';
} else {
    $response['status'] = 'error';
    $response['msg'] = 'Ați depășit limita de cuvinte favorite. Limita este ' . Config::get('global.maxBookmarks') . ' cuvinte favorite.';
echo json_encode($response);
Exemplo n.º 10
 static function saveTree($meanings, $lexem)
     $seenMeaningIds = array();
     // Keep track of the previous meaning ID at each level. This allows us to populate the parentId field
     $meaningStack = array();
     $displayOrder = 1;
     foreach ($meanings as $tuple) {
         $m = $tuple->id ? self::get_by_id($tuple->id) : Model::factory('Meaning')->create();
         $m->parentId = $tuple->level ? $meaningStack[$tuple->level - 1] : 0;
         $m->displayOrder = $displayOrder++;
         $m->breadcrumb = $tuple->breadcrumb;
         $m->userId = session_getUserId();
         $m->lexemId = $lexem->id;
         $m->internalRep = $tuple->internalRep;
         $m->htmlRep = AdminStringUtil::htmlize($m->internalRep, 0);
         $m->internalEtymology = $tuple->internalEtymology;
         $m->htmlEtymology = AdminStringUtil::htmlize($m->internalEtymology, 0);
         $m->internalComment = $tuple->internalComment;
         $m->htmlComment = AdminStringUtil::htmlize($m->internalComment, 0);
         $meaningStack[$tuple->level] = $m->id;
         $sourceIds = StringUtil::explode(',', $tuple->sourceIds);
         MeaningSource::updateList(array('meaningId' => $m->id), 'sourceId', $sourceIds);
         $meaningTagIds = StringUtil::explode(',', $tuple->meaningTagIds);
         MeaningTagMap::updateList(array('meaningId' => $m->id), 'meaningTagId', $meaningTagIds);
         foreach ($tuple->relationIds as $type => $lexemIdString) {
             if ($type) {
                 $lexemIds = StringUtil::explode(',', $lexemIdString);
                 Relation::updateList(array('meaningId' => $m->id, 'type' => $type), 'lexemId', $lexemIds);
         $seenMeaningIds[] = $m->id;
     self::deleteNotInSet($seenMeaningIds, $lexem->id);
Exemplo n.º 11
function handleLexemActions()
    $lexemId = util_getRequestParameter('lexemId');
    $lexem = Lexem::get_by_id($lexemId);
    $associateDefinitionId = util_getRequestParameter('associateDefinitionId');
    if ($associateDefinitionId) {
        LexemDefinitionMap::associate($lexem->id, $associateDefinitionId);
    $dissociateDefinitionId = util_getRequestParameter('dissociateDefinitionId');
    if ($dissociateDefinitionId) {
        LexemDefinitionMap::dissociate($lexem->id, $dissociateDefinitionId);
    $createDefinition = util_getRequestParameter('createDefinition');
    $miniDefTarget = util_getRequestParameter('miniDefTarget');
    if ($createDefinition) {
        $def = Model::factory('Definition')->create();
        $def->userId = session_getUserId();
        $def->sourceId = Source::get_by_shortName('Neoficial')->id;
        $def->lexicon = $lexem->formNoAccent;
        $def->internalRep = '@' . mb_strtoupper(AdminStringUtil::internalize($lexem->form, false)) . '@ v. @' . $miniDefTarget . '.@';
        $def->htmlRep = AdminStringUtil::htmlize($def->internalRep, $def->sourceId);
        $def->status = Definition::ST_ACTIVE;
        LexemDefinitionMap::associate($lexem->id, $def->id);
    $deleteLexem = util_getRequestParameter('deleteLexem');
    if ($deleteLexem) {
        $homonyms = Model::factory('Lexem')->where('formNoAccent', $lexem->formNoAccent)->where_not_equal('id', $lexem->id)->find_many();
        SmartyWrap::assign('lexem', $lexem);
        SmartyWrap::assign('homonyms', $homonyms);
    $cloneLexem = util_getRequestParameter('cloneLexem');
    if ($cloneLexem) {
        $newLexem = $lexem->cloneLexem();
        log_userLog("Cloned lexem {$lexem->id} ({$lexem->form}), new id is {$newLexem->id}");
    $mergeLexem = util_getRequestParameter('mergeLexem');
    $mergeLexemId = util_getRequestParameter('mergeLexemId');
    if ($mergeLexem) {
        $other = Lexem::get_by_id($mergeLexemId);
        if ($lexem->form != $other->form) {
            FlashMessage::add('Nu pot unifica lexemele deoarece accentele diferă. Rezolvați diferența și încercați din nou.');
        $defs = Definition::loadByLexemId($lexem->id);
        foreach ($defs as $def) {
            LexemDefinitionMap::associate($other->id, $def->id);
        // Add lexem models from $lexem to $other if the form is the same. Exclude T-type models.
        $displayOrder = count($other->getLexemModels());
        foreach ($lexem->getLexemModels() as $lm) {
            if ($lm->modelType != 'T' && !$other->hasModel($lm->modelType, $lm->modelNumber)) {
                $lm->lexemId = $other->id;
                $lm->displayOrder = ++$displayOrder;
        // Add meanings from $lexem to $other and renumber their displayOrder and breadcrumb
        // displayOrders are generated sequentially regardless of level.
        // Breadcrumbs follow levels so only their first part changes.
        $counter = Model::factory('Meaning')->where('lexemId', $other->id)->count();
        $numRoots = Model::factory('Meaning')->where('lexemId', $other->id)->where('parentId', 0)->count();
        $meanings = Model::factory('Meaning')->where('lexemId', $lexem->id)->order_by_asc('displayOrder')->find_many();
        foreach ($meanings as $m) {
            $m->lexemId = $other->id;
            $m->displayOrder = ++$counter;
            $parts = explode('.', $m->breadcrumb, 2);
            $parts[0] += $numRoots;
            $m->breadcrumb = implode('.', $parts);
        // Add images and image tags from $lexem to $other
        $visuals = Visual::get_all_by_lexemeId($lexem->id);
        foreach ($visuals as $v) {
            $v->lexemeId = $other->id;
        $visualTags = VisualTag::get_all_by_lexemeId($lexem->id);
        foreach ($visualTags as $vt) {
            $vt->lexemeId = $other->id;
Exemplo n.º 12
$createDefinition = util_getRequestParameter('createDefinition');
$lexem = Lexem::get_by_id($lexemId);
$oldModelType = $lexem->modelType;
$oldModelNumber = $lexem->modelNumber;
if ($associateDefinitionId) {
    LexemDefinitionMap::associate($lexem->id, $associateDefinitionId);
if ($dissociateDefinitionId) {
    LexemDefinitionMap::dissociate($lexem->id, $dissociateDefinitionId);
if ($createDefinition) {
    $def = Model::factory('Definition')->create();
    $def->displayed = 0;
    $def->userId = session_getUserId();
    $def->sourceId = Source::get_by_shortName('Neoficial')->id;
    $def->lexicon = $lexem->formNoAccent;
    $def->internalRep = '@' . mb_strtoupper(AdminStringUtil::internalize($lexem->form, false)) . '@ v. @' . $miniDefTarget . '.@';
    $def->htmlRep = AdminStringUtil::htmlize($def->internalRep, $def->sourceId);
    $def->status = ST_ACTIVE;
    LexemDefinitionMap::associate($lexem->id, $def->id);
if ($deleteLexem) {
    $homonyms = Model::factory('Lexem')->where('formNoAccent', $lexem->formNoAccent)->where_not_equal('id', $lexem->id)->find_many();
    smarty_assign('lexem', $lexem);
    smarty_assign('homonyms', $homonyms);
Exemplo n.º 13
        $commend->status = ST_ACTIVE;
        $comment->definitionId = $definitionId;
    $newContents = AdminStringUtil::internalizeDefinition($commentContents, $sourceId);
    if ($newContents != $comment->contents) {
        $comment->contents = $newContents;
        $comment->htmlContents = AdminStringUtil::htmlize($comment->contents, $sourceId);
        if (!$preserveCommentUser) {
            $comment->userId = session_getUserId();
} else {
    if ($comment) {
        // User wiped out the existing comment, set status to DELETED.
        $comment->status = ST_DELETED;
        $comment->userId = session_getUserId();
if (($acceptButton || $moveButton) && !$hasErrors) {
    // The only difference between these two is that but_move also changes the
    // status to Active
    if ($moveButton) {
        $definition->status = ST_ACTIVE;
    // Accept the definition and delete the typos associated with it.
    db_execute("delete from Typo where definitionId = {$definition->id}");
    if ($comment) {
    if ($definition->status == ST_DELETED) {
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Saves the data
  * @access protected
  * @return void
  * */
 protected function doSave()
     if ($this->id != null) {
         $wotd = WordOfTheDay::get_by_id($this->id);
         // $wotd->oldDefinitionId = $this->oldDefinitionId;
     } else {
         $wotd = Model::factory('WordOfTheDay')->create();
         $wotd->userId = session_getUserId();
     $wotd->displayDate = $this->displayDate ? $this->displayDate : null;
     $wotd->priority = $this->priority;
     $wotd->image = $this->image;
     $wotd->description = $this->description;
     $wotdr = WordOfTheDayRel::get_by_wotdId($wotd->id);
     if (!$wotdr) {
         $wotdr = Model::factory('WordOfTheDayRel')->create();
     $wotdr->refId = $this->refId ? $this->refId : $this->oldDefinitionId;
     // No idea what's going on here, but this fixes it -- cata
     $wotdr->refType = $this->refType ? $this->refType : 'Definition';
     $wotdr->wotdId = $wotd->id;
     return '';
Exemplo n.º 15

require_once "../phplib/util.php";
$defId = util_getRequestParameter('defId');
$status = WordOfTheDay::getStatus($defId);
if (is_null($status)) {
    $wotd = Model::factory('WordOfTheDay')->create();
    $wotd->userId = session_getUserId();
    $wotd->priority = 0;
    $wotdr = Model::factory('WordOfTheDayRel')->create();
    $wotdr->refId = $defId;
    $wotdr->refType = 'Definition';
    $wotdr->wotdId = $wotd->id;
    log_userLog("Added new word of the day: {$wotd->id} - the definition with the id {$wotdr->refId}");
$where_to_go = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '/';
header("Location: {$where_to_go}");