* get_series_posts() - use to call up the list of posts in a supplied series id.  The style of the outputted display is determined by the PostList template on the Series Options page in the WordPress admin.
* AUTOTAG - is part of the postlist_template call [autotag option - "Display list of series on post pages"
* @package Organize Series WordPress Plugin
* @since 2.0
* @uses is_single() - checks if this is a single post page being displayed.
* @uses  get_the_series() - returns the series ids of a post.
* @uses get_option() - calls up the 'org_series_options' field from the _options table.
* @uses get_objects_in_term() - WordPress core function for accessing the taxonomy tables and pulling up all the posts associated with the supplied taxonomy id and taxonomy.
* @uses get_series_order() - Takes the array of posts in a series and returns it sorted by post order.
* @uses series_post_title() - Finds and displays the title of a post that is part of the series.
* @uses token_replace() - utility function to replace %tokens% in the template as set by the user in the series->options page.
* @param int $ser_ID The ID of the series we want to list the posts from.
* @param bool|string  $referral  options are 'widget' | false.  Indicates what the referring location for calling this function is.  If 'widget' then widget specific code is applied. Defaults to false.
* @param bool $display Indicates whether to return the post list (false) or to echo the post list (true).  Defaults to false.
* @param bool|string $serieswidg_title The title for a list of other posts in the series displayed in widget.
* @return string The post list as a assembled string ready for display (if $display is false)
function get_series_posts($ser_ID = array(), $referral = false, $display = false, $serieswidg_title = false)
    global $post, $orgseries;
    if (is_single()) {
        $cur_id = $post->ID;
    } else {
        $cur_id = -1;
    if (!is_single() && !isset($ser_ID)) {
        return false;
    if (!empty($ser_ID)) {
        $ser_ID = is_array($ser_ID) ? $ser_ID : array($ser_ID);
    if (!isset($ser_ID) || empty($ser_ID)) {
        $serarray = get_the_series();
        if (!empty($serarray)) {
            foreach ($serarray as $series) {
                $ser_ID[] = $series->term_id;
    $series_post = array();
    $posts_in_series = array();
    $settings = $orgseries->settings;
    $result = '';
    foreach ($ser_ID as $ser) {
        $series_post = get_objects_in_term($ser, 'series');
        $is_unpub_template = TRUE;
        $is_unpub_template = apply_filters('unpublished_post_template', $is_unpub_template);
        $posts_in_series = get_series_order($series_post, 0, $ser, FALSE, $is_unpub_template);
        if ('widget' == $referral) {
            if ($serieswidg_title != false) {
                $result .= '<h4>' . __($serieswidg_title, 'organize-series') . '</h4>';
            $result .= '<ul>';
        foreach ($posts_in_series as $seriespost) {
            $short_title = get_post_meta($seriespost['id'], SPOST_SHORTTITLE_KEY, true);
            if ($cur_id == $seriespost['id']) {
                if ('widget' == $referral) {
                    $result .= '<li class="serieslist-current-li">' . series_post_title($seriespost['id'], true, $short_title) . '</li>';
                } else {
                    $result .= token_replace(stripslashes($settings['series_post_list_currentpost_template']), 'other', $seriespost['id'], $ser);
            $post_status = get_post_status($seriespost['id']);
            if (in_array($post_status, array('publish', 'private'))) {
                if ('widget' == $referral) {
                    $result .= '<li>' . series_post_title($seriespost['id']) . '</li>';
                } else {
                    $result .= token_replace(stripslashes($settings['series_post_list_post_template']), 'other', $seriespost['id'], $ser);
            } else {
                $result .= apply_filters('unpublished_post_template', $settings, $seriespost, $ser);
        if ('widget' == $referral) {
            $result .= '</ul>';
    if (!$display) {
        return $result;
    } else {
        echo $result;
Exemplo n.º 2
/** NOTE: %postcontent% is NOT replaced with this function...it happens in the content filter function **/
function token_replace($replace, $referral = 'other', $id = 0, $ser_ID = 0)
    global $post, $orgseries;
    $p_id = $id == 0 ? $post->ID : $id;
    $ser_id = $ser_ID == 0 ? $id : $ser_ID;
    //$p_id = (empty($post->ID) || $post->ID == '') ? $id : $post->ID;
    $settings = $orgseries->settings;
    $replace = apply_filters('pre_orgseries_token_replace', $replace, $referral, $id, $p_id, $ser_id);
    if ('post-list' == $referral) {
        $ser_width = $settings['series_icon_width_post_page'];
    } elseif ('latest_series' == $referral) {
        $ser_width = $settings['series_icon_width_latest_series'];
    } else {
        $ser_width = $settings['series_icon_width_series_page'];
    if ('series-toc' == $referral || 'latest_series' == $referral) {
        $replace = str_replace('%total_posts_in_series%', wp_postlist_count($ser_id), $replace);
    } else {
        $replace = str_replace('%total_posts_in_series%', wp_postlist_count($ser_id), $replace);
    if (stristr($replace, '%series_icon%')) {
        $replace = str_replace('%series_icon%', get_series_icon('fit_width=' . $ser_width . '&link=0&series=' . $ser_id . '&display=0'), $replace);
    if (stristr($replace, '%series_icon_linked%')) {
        $replace = str_replace('%series_icon_linked%', get_series_icon('fit_width= ' . $ser_width . '&series=' . $ser_id . '&display=0'), $replace);
    if (stristr($replace, '%series_title%')) {
        $replace = str_replace('%series_title%', the_series_title($ser_id, FALSE), $replace);
    if (stristr($replace, '%series_title_linked%')) {
        $replace = str_replace('%series_title_linked%', the_series_title($ser_id), $replace);
    if (stristr($replace, '%post_title_list%')) {
        $replace = str_replace('%post_title_list%', get_series_posts($id, $referral), $replace);
    if (stristr($replace, '%post_title%')) {
        $replace = str_replace('%post_title%', series_post_title($id, FALSE), $replace);
    if (stristr($replace, '%post_title_linked%')) {
        $replace = str_replace('%post_title_linked%', series_post_title($id), $replace);
    if (stristr($replace, '%series_part%')) {
        $replace = str_replace('%series_part%', wp_series_part($p_id, $ser_id), $replace);
    if (stristr($replace, '%series_description%')) {
        $replace = str_replace('%series_description%', series_description($ser_id), $replace);
    if (stristr($replace, '%next_post%')) {
        $replace = str_replace('%next_post%', wp_series_nav($id), $replace);
    if (stristr($replace, '%previous_post%')) {
        $replace = str_replace('%previous_post%', wp_series_nav($id, FALSE), $replace);
    if (stristr($replace, '%next_post_custom%')) {
        $replace = str_replace('%next_post_custom%', wp_series_nav($id, TRUE, TRUE), $replace);
    if (stristr($replace, '%previous_post_custom%')) {
        $replace = str_replace('%previous_post_custom%', wp_series_nav($id, FALSE, TRUE), $replace);
    $replace = apply_filters('post_orgseries_token_replace', $replace, $referral, $id, $p_id, $ser_id);
    return $replace;