function message_post(&$a) { if (!local_user()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $replyto = x($_POST, 'replyto') ? notags(trim($_POST['replyto'])) : ''; $subject = x($_POST, 'subject') ? notags(trim($_POST['subject'])) : ''; $body = x($_POST, 'body') ? escape_tags(trim($_POST['body'])) : ''; $recipient = x($_POST, 'messageto') ? intval($_POST['messageto']) : 0; $ret = send_message($recipient, $body, $subject, $replyto); switch ($ret) { case -1: notice(t('No recipient selected.') . EOL); break; case -2: notice(t('Unable to locate contact information.') . EOL); break; case -3: notice(t('Message could not be sent.') . EOL); break; case -4: notice(t('Message collection failure.') . EOL); break; default: info(t('Message sent.') . EOL); } }
function dosendMessage() { $myenid = session('user_en_id'); $itenid = I('post.en_id'); $this->itenid = $itenid; send_message($myenid, $itenid, I('post.content'), 0); //发送消息 }
public function addPost() { if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { redirect(U('Login/index')); die; } if (!$this->isPost()) { $category = M('category')->select(); $this->category = $category; $this->display(); die; } $category_id = $this->_post('category_id'); $parent_id = $this->_post('parent_id'); //p($_POST);die; $post = array('category_id' => $category_id, 'parent_id' => $parent_id, 'title' => $this->_post('title'), 'body' => $this->_post('body'), 'time' => time(), 'update_time' => time(), 'user_id' => session('user_id')); //检测category_id是否存在 if (!M('category')->where(array('category_id' => $category_id))->find()) { $this->error('请选择分类失败'); } //p($post);die; $db = M('post'); $post_id = $db->add($post); if ($post_id) { //消息发送处理 if ($parent_id != 0) { //不等于0说明是跟帖,发送消息 $user_id = M('post')->where(array('post_id' => $parent_id))->getField('user_id'); //获取楼主的ID if ($user_id != session('user_id')) { //不是自己跟帖 $text = $this->_post('body'); send_message($user_id, $post_id, $text); } //更新楼主帖子的更新时间 $update_time = array('post_id' => $parent_id, 'update_time' => time()); M('post')->save($update_time); } //保存图片路径 if (isset($_POST['picture'])) { $db = M('picture'); $picture = array(); foreach ($_POST['picture'] as $key => $value) { $picture = array('post_id' => $post_id, 'picture' => $value); $db->add($picture); } } if ($parent_id == 0) { $this->success('发表成功', U('Post/index', array('post_id' => $post_id))); } else { $this->success('发表成功', U('Post/index', array('post_id' => $parent_id))); } } else { $this->error('发表失败' . $db->getDbError()); } }
function edit($post) { global $DT_PRE, $_username, $DT_TIME, $GROUP, $L; $item = $this->get_one(); $user = $item['username'] ? userinfo($item['username']) : array(); $gsql = $msql = $csql = ''; $gsql = "edittime={$DT_TIME},editor='{$_username}',status={$post['status']},note='{$post['note']}'"; if ($post['status'] == 1) { //reject if ($user) { if ($post['message'] && $post['content']) { send_message($user['username'], lang($L['grade_fail'], array($GROUP[$item['groupid']]['groupname'])), nl2br($post['content'])); $gsql .= ",message=1"; } if ($item['amount']) { money_add($item['username'], $item['amount']); money_record($item['username'], $item['amount'], $L['in_site'], 'system', $L['grade_title'], $L['grade_return']); } } } else { if ($post['status'] == 2) { // } else { if ($post['status'] == 3) { if ($user) { if (isset($post['pay']) && $post['pay']) { if ($user['money'] < $post['pay']) { return $this->_($L['grade_pass_balance']); } else { money_add($item['username'], -$post['pay']); money_record($item['username'], -$post['pay'], $L['in_site'], 'system', $L['grade_title'], $L['grade_upto'] . $GROUP[$item['groupid']]['groupname']); } } $msql = $csql = "groupid={$item['groupid']},company='{$item['company']}'"; $vip = $GROUP[$item['groupid']]['vip']; $csql .= ",vip={$vip},vipt={$vip}"; if (isset($post['pay'])) { $csql .= ",fromtime=" . strtotime($post['fromtime']) . ",totime=" . strtotime($post['totime']) . ",validtime=" . strtotime($post['validtime']) . ",validator='{$post['validator']}',validated={$post['validated']}"; } if ($post['message'] && $post['content']) { send_message($user['username'], lang($L['grade_success'], array($GROUP[$item['groupid']]['groupname'])), nl2br($post['content'])); $gsql .= ",message=1"; } } } } } $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table} SET {$gsql} WHERE itemid={$this->itemid}"); if ($msql) { $this->db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}member SET {$msql} WHERE userid={$item['userid']}"); } if ($csql) { $this->db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}company SET {$csql} WHERE userid={$item['userid']}"); } return true; }
function message_to_clan($p_message) { $error = null; $user_id = self_char_id(); $clan_id = get_clan_by_player_id($user_id)->getID(); $clan_members = query_resultset("SELECT player_id, uname\n\t FROM clan JOIN clan_player ON _clan_id = clan_id JOIN players ON player_id = _player_id\n\t WHERE clan_id = :clan", array(':clan' => $clan_id)); $messaged_to = array(); foreach ($clan_members as $loop_member) { send_message($user_id, $loop_member['player_id'], $p_message, $type = 1); $messaged_to[] = $loop_member['uname']; } return implode(', ', $messaged_to); }
function broadcast() { $num_sent = 0; for ($n = 0; $n < 20;) { $regIDs = ''; foreach (get_regIDs() as $k => $v) { $regIDs .= ',"' . $k . '"'; } $regIDs = substr($regIDs, 1); if (send_message(API_KEY, $regIDs)) { $n++; } sleep(15); } }
function message_post(&$a) { if (!local_user()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $replyto = x($_REQUEST, 'replyto') ? notags(trim($_REQUEST['replyto'])) : ''; $subject = x($_REQUEST, 'subject') ? notags(trim($_REQUEST['subject'])) : ''; $body = x($_REQUEST, 'body') ? escape_tags(trim($_REQUEST['body'])) : ''; $recipient = x($_REQUEST, 'messageto') ? intval($_REQUEST['messageto']) : 0; // Work around doubled linefeeds in Tinymce 3.5b2 /* $plaintext = intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'system','plaintext') && !feature_enabled(local_user(),'richtext')); if(! $plaintext) { $body = fix_mce_lf($body); }*/ $plaintext = intval(!feature_enabled(local_user(), 'richtext')); if (!$plaintext) { $body = fix_mce_lf($body); } $ret = send_message($recipient, $body, $subject, $replyto); $norecip = false; switch ($ret) { case -1: notice(t('No recipient selected.') . EOL); $norecip = true; break; case -2: notice(t('Unable to locate contact information.') . EOL); break; case -3: notice(t('Message could not be sent.') . EOL); break; case -4: notice(t('Message collection failure.') . EOL); break; default: info(t('Message sent.') . EOL); } // fake it to go back to the input form if no recipient listed if ($norecip) { $a->argc = 2; $a->argv[1] = 'new'; } else { goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/' . $_SESSION['return_url']); } }
public function addComment() { if (!$this->isPost()) { $this->error('不给你看'); } $body = $this->_post('body'); $post_id = $this->_post('post_id'); $comment = array('post_id' => $post_id, 'body' => $body, 'time' => time(), 'user_id' => session('user_id')); //p($comment);die; if (M('comment')->add($comment)) { //消息发送处理 $user_id = M('post')->where(array('post_id' => $post_id))->getField('user_id'); //获帖子主人的ID if (isset($_POST['get_message_user_id']) && $_POST['get_message_user_id'] != $user_id && $_POST['get_message_user_id'] && $_POST['get_message_user_id'] != session('user_id')) { //点击了回复某人,并且不是层主 if ($user_id != $_SESSION['user_id'] && $_POST['get_message_user_id'] != session('user_id')) { send_message($user_id, $post_id, $body); } send_message($_POST['get_message_user_id'], $post_id, $body); } else { if ($user_id != $_SESSION['user_id'] && $_POST['get_message_user_id'] != session('user_id')) { send_message($user_id, $post_id, $body); } } //更新楼主帖子的更新时间 $post = M('post')->where(array('post_id' => $post_id))->find(); $parent_post_id = M('post')->where(array('post_id' => $post['parent_id']))->getField('post_id'); $update_time = array('post_id' => $parent_post_id, 'update_time' => time()); M('post')->save($update_time); $user = M('user')->where(array('user_id' => session('user_id')))->find(); $html = ''; $html .= "<div class='row'>\n <br><div class='col-xs-1'></div>\n <div class='col-xs-1 qianhui'>"; if ($user['face']) { $html .= "<a target='_blank' href='" . U('User/index', array('user_id' => $user['user_id'])) . "'>\n <img src='" . __ROOT__ . "/Uploads/face/" . $user['face'] . "' width='50px' height='50px' alt=''></a>"; } else { $html .= "<a target='_blank' href='" . U('User/index', array('user_id' => $user['user_id'])) . "'>\n \t<img src='" . __ROOT__ . "/Public/Index/images/no_face.jpg' width='50px' height='50px' alt=''>\n \t</a>"; } $time = time_format(time()); $html .= " </div>\n <div class='col-xs-10 qianhui'>\n <p>\n <a target='_blank' href='" . U('User/index', array('user_id' => $user['user_id'])) . "'>" . $user['username'] . "</a>:" . $body . "</p>\n <p class='text-muted text-right'>\n " . $time . " \n <span class='glyphicon glyphicon glyphicon-comment'></span>\n </p>\n </div>\n <hr>\n </div>"; echo $html; die; } else { echo 0; } }
function message_to_clan($message) { global $sql; $error = null; $user_id = get_user_id(); $username = get_username(); $clan = getClan($username); $sql->Query("SELECT player_id, uname from players where clan = '" . sql($clan) . "'"); $clan_members = $sql->fetchAll(); $messaged_to = ''; $comma = ''; foreach ($clan_members as $loop_member) { send_message($user_id, $loop_member['player_id'], "CLAN: " . $message); $messaged_to .= $comma . $loop_member['uname']; $comma = ', '; } return $messaged_to; }
function render_clan_join($process = null, $username, $clan_name) { $sql = new DBAccess(); if ($process == 1) { $confirm = $sql->QueryItem("SELECT confirm FROM players WHERE uname = '{$username}'"); $url = message_url("clan_confirm.php?clan_joiner=" . rawurlencode($username) . "&confirm={$confirm}&clan_name=" . rawurlencode($clan_name), 'Confirm Request'); $join_request_message = "CLAN JOIN REQUEST: {$username} has sent you a clan request.\n If you wish to allow this ninja into your clan click the following link:\n {$url}"; send_message(get_user_id($username), get_user_id($clan_name), $join_request_message); echo "<div>***Your request to join this clan has been sent to {$clan_name}***</div>\n"; } else { //Clan Join list of available Clans $clan_leaders = $sql->FetchAll("SELECT uname,level,clan,clan_long_name FROM players\n WHERE lower(uname) = lower(clan) AND clan_long_name != '' AND confirmed = 1"); echo "<p>Clans Available to Join</p>\n <p>To send a clan request click on that clan leader's name.</p>\n <ul>"; foreach ($clan_leaders as $leader) { echo "<li><a href=\"clan.php?command=join&clan_name={$leader['clan']}&process=1\">\n Join {$leader['clan_long_name']}</a>.\n Its leader is <a href=\"player.php?player=" . rawurlencode($leader['uname']) . "\">\n {$leader['uname']}</a>, level {$leader['level']}.\n <a href=\"clan.php?command=view&clan_name={$leader['clan']}\">View This Clan</a>\n </li>\n"; } echo "</ul>"; } }
public function send_message() { $recipient = 1; if (isset($_POST['recipient'])) { $recipient = $_POST['recipient']; } if (isset($_POST['author'])) { $author = $_POST['author']; } else { //if sent username instead if (isset($_POST['username'])) { $author_data = get_user_by('login', $_POST['username']); $author = $author_data->ID; } else { return array("result" => "NOK", "message" => "Missing parameters"); } } send_message($author, $_POST['message_string'], $recipient); return array("result" => "OK", "message" => "Message sent!"); }
function send_to_recipients($recipients, $message, $sch_id) { global $scheduler_id; global $complete; $results = array(); $scheduler_id = $sch_id; //die( json_encode($recipients) ); if (isset($recipients->values)) { foreach ($recipients->values as $recipient) { $result = send_message($recipient, $message); array_push($results, $result); } if ($complete) { complete_schedule($sch_id, "CMP"); } else { complete_schedule($sch_id, "FLD"); } //If all number(s) fail, scheduler status is failed return $results; } }
function send_notice($username, $subject, $body) { global $DT, $msg, $eml, $sms, $wec; if (!$username || !$subject || !$body) { return; } if (isset($msg)) { send_message($username, $subject, $body); } if (isset($wec)) { send_weixin($username, $subject); } if (isset($eml) || isset($sms)) { $user = userinfo($username); if (isset($eml)) { send_mail($user['email'], $subject, $body); } if (isset($sms)) { send_sms($user['mobile'], $subject . $DT['sms_sign']); } } }
/** * Create a new user instance after a valid registration. * * @param array $data * @return User */ public function create(array $data) { User::unguard(); $user = User::create(['name' => $data['name'], 'email' => $data['email'], 'phone' => $data['phone'], 'password' => bcrypt($data['password'])]); User::reguard(); $role = new UserRole(); $role->user_id = $user->id; $role->role_id = 2; $role->save(); /** * Send a welcome message */ $message = "Hi " . $data['name'] . ". Your account has been activated. Have a good day"; send_message($data['phone'], $message); /** * Send email for account creation */ Mail::send('emails.register', compact('user'), function ($message) use($user) { $message->from(get_option('sent_from'), get_option('app')); $message->to($user->email, $user->name)->subject(get_option('app') . ' Registration Successful'); }); return $user; }
//ensure don't go over the limit if ($this_ship['is_warship'] == 1) { $target_ship_count['warships']++; } else { $target_ship_count['other_ships']++; } $transfer_counter++; } } $text .= sprintf($st[747], $transfer_counter, $num_ships) . "<p />" . $loop_txt; if ($transfer_counter > 0) { $total_cost = $cost_per_transfer * $transfer_counter; $text .= "<p />{$st['7480']} {$total_cost} " . $cw['credits']; take_cash($total_cost); post_news("<b class='b1'>" . sprintf($st[748], $user[login_name], $transfer_counter, $target[login_name]), "ship"); send_message($target['login_id'], sprintf($st[749], $transfer_counter, $user[login_name])); insert_history($user['login_id'], sprintf($st[750], $transfer_counter, $target[login_name])); } } print_page($cw['transfer_ship'], $text); } $text .= sprintf($st[751], $target[login_name]) . "<br /><br />"; $text .= "<b class='b1'>" . $st[752] . "<br />"; $text .= "<form action=send_ship.php method=POST name=transfer_ships><table>"; db("select ship_name, class_name, location, fighters, max_fighters, shields, max_shields, armour, max_armour, config, ship_id from {$db_name}_ships where login_id = '{$user['login_id']}' && ship_id != '{$user['ship_id']}' order by class_name"); $ships = dbr(1); if (!isset($ships)) { #ensure there are some ships to display $text .= $st[753]; } else { $text .= make_table(array("Nom du vaisseau", "Type de vaisseau", "Emplacement", "Chasseurs", "Boucliers", "Coques", "Configuration"));
//判断该笔订单是否在商户网站中已经做过处理(可参考“集成教程”中“3.4返回数据处理”) //如果没有做过处理,根据订单号(out_trade_no)在商户网站的订单系统中查到该笔订单的详细,并执行商户的业务程序 //如果有做过处理,不执行商户的业务程序 if ($td['status'] == 3) { $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}mall_order SET status=4,updatetime={$DT_TIME} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); //更新商品数据 $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}mall SET orders=orders+1,sales=sales+{$td['number']},amount=amount-{$td['number']} WHERE itemid={$mallid}"); $myurl = userurl($td['buyer']); $_username = $td['seller']; //send message $touser = $td['seller']; $title = lang($L['trade_message_t4'], array($itemid)); $url = $memberurl . 'trade.php?itemid=' . $itemid; $content = lang($L['trade_message_c4'], array($myurl, $_username, $timenow, $url)); $content = ob_template('messager', 'mail'); send_message($touser, $title, $content); message('交易成功', $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . 'trade.php?action=order&itemid=' . $itemid); } } else { if ($_GET['trade_status'] == 'WAIT_BUYER_PAY') { message('订单创建成功,请尽快通过支付宝付款', $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . 'trade.php?action=order&itemid=' . $itemid); } else { //echo "trade_status=".$_GET['trade_status']; } } } } message('验证成功(Code:000)', $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . 'trade.php?error=0'); //echo "验证成功<br />"; //echo "trade_no=".$trade_no; //――请根据您的业务逻辑来编写程序(以上代码仅作参考)――
$newSocket = socket_accept($socket); $clients[] = $newSocket; $header = socket_read($newSocket, 1024); perform_handshaking($header, $newSocket, $host, $port); socket_getpeername($newSocket, $ip); $found_socket = array_search($socket, $changed); unset($changed[$found_socket]); } foreach ($changed as $changed_socket) { while (socket_recv($changed_socket, $buf, 1024, 0) >= 1) { $received_text = unmask($buf); $tst_msg = json_decode($received_text); $posx = $tst_msg->posx; $posy = $tst_msg->posy; $response_text = mask(json_encode(array('posx' => $posx, 'posy' => $posy))); send_message($response_text); break 2; } $buf = @socket_read($changed_socket, 1024, PHP_NORMAL_READ); if ($buf === false) { $found_socket = array_search($changed_socket, $clients); socket_getpeername($changed_socket, $ip); unset($clients[$found_socket]); } } } socket_close($sock); function send_message($msg) { global $clients; foreach ($clients as $changed_socket) {
if (!$mail->SendFromFile($filePath)) { printf("error: %s\n", $mail->ErrorInfo); } else { printf("success: sent\n"); } } /* Pseudo main() */ if ($cargc < 1) { print_version(); exit; } switch ($cargv[1]) { case "-h": case "--help": print_help(); break; case "-V": case "--version": print_version(); break; case "-s": case "--send": send_message($cargv[2]); break; default: print_help(); } return 0; // return success
function api_direct_messages_new(&$a, $type) { if (api_user() === false) { return false; } if (!x($_POST, "text") or !x($_POST, "screen_name") and !x($_POST, "user_id")) { return; } $sender = api_get_user($a); if ($_POST['screen_name']) { $r = q("SELECT `id`, `nurl`, `network` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid`=%d AND `nick`='%s'", intval(api_user()), dbesc($_POST['screen_name'])); // Selecting the id by priority, friendica first api_best_nickname($r); $recipient = api_get_user($a, $r[0]['nurl']); } else { $recipient = api_get_user($a, $_POST['user_id']); } $replyto = ''; $sub = ''; if (x($_REQUEST, 'replyto')) { $r = q('SELECT `parent-uri`, `title` FROM `mail` WHERE `uid`=%d AND `id`=%d', intval(api_user()), intval($_REQUEST['replyto'])); $replyto = $r[0]['parent-uri']; $sub = $r[0]['title']; } else { if (x($_REQUEST, 'title')) { $sub = $_REQUEST['title']; } else { $sub = strlen($_POST['text']) > 10 ? substr($_POST['text'], 0, 10) . "..." : $_POST['text']; } } $id = send_message($recipient['cid'], $_POST['text'], $sub, $replyto); if ($id > -1) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `mail` WHERE id=%d", intval($id)); $ret = api_format_messages($r[0], $recipient, $sender); } else { $ret = array("error" => $id); } $data = array('$messages' => $ret); switch ($type) { case "atom": case "rss": $data = api_rss_extra($a, $data, $user_info); } return api_apply_template("direct_messages", $type, $data); }
<?php include "config/config.php"; include "admin/include/function.php"; $from = $_POST["from"]; $to = $_POST["to"]; $title = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST["title"])); $message = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST["message"])); send_message($from, $to, $title, $message, "");
$target_id = $to ? get_user_id($to) : null; $user_id = get_user_id(); $username = get_username(); $clan = getClan($username); $has_clan = $clan ? true : false; $page = in('page', 1, 'toInt'); $limit = 25; $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; $delete = in('delete'); $message_sent_to = null; // Sending mail section. if ($message && $messenger) { if ($to_clan && $has_clan) { $message_sent_to = message_to_clan($message); } elseif (!!$target_id) { send_message($user_id, $target_id, $message); $message_sent_to = $to; // ( } } if ($delete) { delete_messages(); } $messages = get_messages($user_id, $limit, $offset); $message_count = message_count(); $pages = ceil($message_count / $limit); // Total pages. //$current_page = floor(($message_count/$limit) - $limit); // $nav = render_message_nav($page, $pages, $limit); read_messages($user_id); // mark messages as read for next viewing.
$sql3 .= ",content='" . addslashes($E['content']) . "'"; } $ECK = array('thumb' => '形象图片', 'areaid' => '所在地区', 'type' => '公司类型', 'business' => '经营范围', 'regyear' => '成立年份', 'capital' => '注册资本', 'address' => '公司地址', 'telephone' => '联系电话', 'content' => '公司介绍'); $title = '会员资料修改审核结果'; $content = '尊敬的会员:<br/>您的会员资料修改已经审核,现将结果通知如下:<br/>'; foreach ($E as $k => $v) { if (!isset($ECK[$k])) { continue; } $content .= $ECK[$k] . ' ---------- ' . (in_array($k, $pass) ? '<span style="color:green;">已通过</span>' : '<span style="color:red;">未通过</span>') . '<br/>'; } if ($reason) { $content .= '操作原因:' . nl2br($reason) . '<br/>'; } if ($msg) { send_message($username, $title, $content); } if ($eml) { send_mail($U['email'], $title, $content); } if ($sms) { send_sms($U['mobile'], '您的会员资料修改审核结果已通过站内信发送,请注意查阅'); } if ($wec) { send_weixin($username, '您的会员资料修改审核结果已通过站内信发送,请注意查阅'); } if ($sql1) { $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}member SET " . substr($sql1, 1) . " WHERE userid={$userid}"); } if ($sql2) { $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}company SET " . substr($sql2, 1) . " WHERE userid={$userid}");
function send_clan_join_request($user_id, $clan_id) { DatabaseConnection::getInstance(); $clan_obj = new Clan($clan_id); $leader = $clan_obj->getLeaderInfo(); $leader_id = $leader['player_id']; $username = get_username($user_id); $confirmStatement = DatabaseConnection::$pdo->prepare('SELECT verification_number FROM players WHERE player_id = :user'); $confirmStatement->bindValue(':user', $user_id); $confirmStatement->execute(); $confirm = $confirmStatement->fetchColumn(); // These ampersands get encoded later. $url = message_url("clan.php?joiner={$user_id}&command=review&confirmation={$confirm}", 'Confirm Request'); $join_request_message = 'CLAN JOIN REQUEST: ' . htmlentities($username) . " has sent a request to join your clan.\n\t\tIf you wish to allow this ninja into your clan click the following link:\n\t\t{$url}"; send_message($user_id, $leader_id, $join_request_message); }
<div id = "wrapper"> <div id = "header"> <h1><a href = "../">feel it</a></h1> <p>let it all out.</p> <ul class = "nav"> <?php require_once '../scripts/functions.php'; if (isset($_SESSION['logged_in'])) { $msg_count = get_message_count($_SESSION['username']); echo "<a onclick = \"pop_window('../changepass')\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t href = 'javascript:void(0)'><li>" . $_SESSION['username'] . " -</li></a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><a href = '../messages'> messages (" . $msg_count . ") </a> - </li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><a href = '#' onclick = 'logout()'>sign out</a></li>"; } else { echo "<li><a href = '../'><div class = 'log_in'>log in</div></a></li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <li><a href = '../signup'><div class = 'sign_up'>sign up</div></a></li>"; } ?> </ul> <!-- ul class nav --> </div> <!-- header --> <?php require_once "../scripts/functions.php"; $to = $_POST['r_user']; $from = $_SESSION['username']; $subj = $_POST['subj']; $body = $_POST['body']; if (send_message($from, $to, $subj, $body)) { echo "<div style = 'font-size: 1.2em; color: #00CC00; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 64px; text-align: center;'>Message sent successfully!</div>"; } else { echo "<div style = 'font-size: 1.2em; color: #FF0000; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 64px; text-align: center;'> There was an error processing your request.</div>"; } ?> </div> <!-- wrapper --> </body> </html>
<div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12 text-center"> <h2 class="section-heading">コンタクト</h2> <h3 class="section-subheading"> <?php display_message(); ?> </h3> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <form name="sentMessage" id="contactForm" method="post"> <?php send_message(); ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" name="name" class="form-control" placeholder="お名前" id="name" required data-validation-required-message="お名前を入力してください。"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="email" name="email" class="form-control" placeholder="メールアドレス" id="email" required data-validation-required-message="メールアドレスを入力してください。"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" name="subject" class="form-control" placeholder="件名" id="subject" required data-validation-required-message="件名を入力してください。"> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="form-group">
if ($sary->uid == $USER->uid) { // ny tompony no mamafa $message = "Miarahaba an'i {$USER->user},\n\nAraka ny fangatahanao dia nesorina ny sarinao iray.\n\nRaha mbola te hampiditra sary dia ao amin'ny\n\n\nMisaotra betsaka."; $subject = "Sary nesorina"; send_mail($USER->user . "<" . $USER->email . ">", $subject, $message); $message = "Nesorin'i {$USER->user} ny sariny"; $subject = "[Admin sary] Sary nesorina"; send_mail("<*****@*****.**>", $subject, $message); $x_body .= "Voafafa ny sary."; } else { // admin no mamafa if ($tompony = $DB->get_row("SELECT * FROM #__namana_user_profile WHERE uid='" . $sary->uid . "' LIMIT 1")) { $x_body .= "Voafafa ny sary. Nandefasana hafatra ny tompon'ny sary."; $message = "Miarahaba an'i {$tompony->user},\n\nIalana tsiny fa voatery nofafain'i {$USER->user} ny sarinao.\nIty ambany ity ny antony nanesorany azy :\n\n[b]" . $antony . "[/b]\n\nRaha mbola te hampiditra sary dia ao amin'ny\n\n\nMisaotra betsaka."; $subject = "Sary nesorina"; send_message($tompony->user, $subject, $message, $USER->username); $tatitra .= "<b>{$subject}</b>\n\n"; $tatitra .= "- Nesorin'i <b>{$USER->user}</b> ny sarin'i <b>{$tompony->user}</b>. Ny antony dia\n\n" . $antony; $message = "Nesorin'i {$USER->user} ny sarin'i {$tompony->user} satria {$antony}"; $subject = "Sary nesorina"; send_mail("<*****@*****.**>", $subject, $message); } } } else { $x_body .= "Tsy ao intsony ny sary tianao hofafaina"; } } else { $x_body .= "Tsy voafafa ny sary."; } } else { $x_body .= "Tsy afaka mamafa sary fa niveau " . $admin[sary][level];
function _send($message) { global $DT_TIME; if (!$this->_is_message($message)) { return false; } clear_upload($message['content']); $message['title'] = htmlspecialchars(trim($message['title'])); $message['content'] = dsafe(addslashes(save_remote(save_local(stripslashes($message['content']))))); if ($message['type']) { $message['groupids'] = implode(',', $message['groupids']); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO {$this->pre}message(title,content,fromuser,touser,addtime,status,groupids) values('{$message['title']}','{$message['content']}','{$this->username}','','{$DT_TIME}','0','{$message['groupids']}')"); } else { foreach (explode(' ', $message['touser']) as $touser) { send_message($touser, $message['title'], stripslashes($message['content'])); } } return true; }
/** * 发送子进程 * @param unknown_type $id */ function proc_worker($id) { global $queue; $msg_type = 0; $msg_pkt = ''; $errCode = 0; while (1) { $ret = msg_receive($queue, 0, $msg_type, 8192, $msg_pkt, false, $errCode); if ($ret) { error_log("[WORKER {$id}] msg_receive:[" . $msg_pkt . "]\n", 3, RUNTIME_LOG_PATH); send_message(SERVER_URL, $msg_pkt); } else { error_log("[ERROR]: msg_receive:[{$errCode}]\n", 3, RUNTIME_LOG_PATH); } usleep(SLEEP_MICRO_SECONDS); } }
function api_direct_messages_new(&$a, $type) { if (api_user() === false) { return false; } if (!x($_POST, "text") || !x($_POST, "screen_name")) { return; } $sender = api_get_user($a); require_once "include/message.php"; // in a decentralised world the screen name is ambiguous $r = q("SELECT `abook_id` FROM `abook` left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash WHERE `abook_channel`=%d and xchan_addr like '%s'", intval(api_user()), dbesc($_POST['screen_name'] . '@%')); $recipient = api_get_user($a, $r[0]['abook_id']); $replyto = ''; $sub = ''; if (x($_REQUEST, 'replyto')) { $r = q('SELECT `parent_mid`, `title` FROM `mail` WHERE `uid`=%d AND `id`=%d', intval(api_user()), intval($_REQUEST['replyto'])); $replyto = $r[0]['parent_mid']; $sub = $r[0]['title']; } else { if (x($_REQUEST, 'title')) { $sub = $_REQUEST['title']; } else { $sub = strlen($_POST['text']) > 10 ? substr($_POST['text'], 0, 10) . "..." : $_POST['text']; } } $id = send_message(api_user(), $recipient['guid'], $_POST['text'], $sub, $replyto); if ($id > -1) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `mail` WHERE id=%d", intval($id)); $ret = api_format_message($r[0], $recipient, $sender); } else { $ret = array("error" => $id); } $data = array('$messages' => $ret); switch ($type) { case "atom": case "rss": $data = api_rss_extra($a, $data, $user_info); } return api_apply_template("direct_messages", $type, $data); }
$row['doc_number'] = docnumber($row['number'], $row['template'] ? $row['template'] : '%N/LMS/%Y', $row['cdate']); $recipient_mail = $debug_email ? $debug_email : $row['email']; if (!$quiet) { printf("[deadline] %s (%04d) %s: %s\n", $row['name'], $row['id'], $row['doc_number'], $recipient_mail); } if (!$debug) { send_message($msgid, $row['id'], $recipient_mail, $row['name'], $deadline_subject, parse_data($deadline_message, $row), $host, $port, $user, $pass, $auth); } } } } // Debit notes created up to 24 hours ago if ($notes_message && (empty($types) || in_array('notes', $types))) { $documents = $DB->GetAll("SELECT AS docid,,,,\n\t\td.number, n.template, d.cdate,,\n\t\tCOALESCE(ca.balance, 0) AS balance, v.value\n\t\tFROM documents d\n\t\tJOIN customers c ON ( = d.customerid)\n\t\tJOIN (SELECT SUM(value) * -1 AS value, docid\n\t\t\tFROM cash\n\t\t\tGROUP BY docid\n\t\t) v ON (v.docid =\n\t\tLEFT JOIN numberplans n ON (d.numberplanid =\n\t\tLEFT JOIN (SELECT SUM(value) AS balance, customerid\n\t\t\tFROM cash\n\t\t\tGROUP BY customerid\n\t\t) ca ON (ca.customerid = d.customerid)\n\t\tWHERE <> '' AND d.type = 5\n\t\t\tAND d.cdate > ?NOW? - 86400"); if (!empty($documents)) { if (!$debug) { $msgid = create_message($notes_subject, $notes_message); } foreach ($documents as $row) { $row['doc_number'] = docnumber($row['number'], $row['template'] ? $row['template'] : '%N/LMS/%Y', $row['cdate']); $recipient_mail = $debug_email ? $debug_email : $row['email']; if (!$quiet) { printf("[new debit note] %s (%04d) %s: %s\n", $row['name'], $row['id'], $row['doc_number'], $recipient_mail); } if (!$debug) { send_message($msgid, $row['id'], $recipient_mail, $row['name'], $notes_subject, parse_data($notes_message, $row), $host, $port, $user, $pass, $auth); } } } } $DB->Destroy();