Exemplo n.º 1
                } else {
                    $input = trim($input);
                    if (!@socket_write($client, "You said: {$input}\n")) {
                if ($input == 'exit') {
                    $abort = true;
            // END IF in_array
        // END FOREACH
        send_Message($client_sockets, $master, $input_f);
    // END IF ($num_changed)
    $read = $client_sockets;
    $read[] = $master;
function send_Message($allclient, $socket, $buf)
    echo 'sending message to ' . count($allclient) . " clients: \n";
    $msg = "<mbFeed>{$buf}</mbFeed>\n";
    foreach ($allclient as $client) {
        socket_write($client, $msg, 1024);
Exemplo n.º 2
            } else {
                array_push($read_sockets, $client);
        } else {
            // socket_recv just receives data from $socket as $buffer, with an integer length of 2048, and a mystery flag set to 0
            // that mystery flag has no real documentation so setting it to 0 will solve it as others have done.
            // we've also set it as a var $bytes in case we need to ensure data sending with socket_write, which is optional
            $bytes = socket_recv($socket, $buffer, 2048, 0);
            // if the $bytes we have is 0, then it is a disconnect message from the socket
            // we will just search for it as an index and unset that socket from our $read_sockets and
            // finish up with using socket_close to ensure it is closed off
            if ($bytes == 0) {
                $index = array_search($socket, $read_sockets);
            } else {
                // we need to make sure $read_sockets isn't messed with, so setting up a new variable called $allclients
                // will ensure this. We then shift the array so that our $master socket is not included to the count when
                // we send our data to all the other sockets in $allclients.
                $allclients = $read_sockets;
                // just a simple call on our premade function 'send_Message' with $allclients, $socket (current one), and $buffer (the message)
                send_Message($allclients, $socket, $buffer);
Exemplo n.º 3
        if (!empty($rate) && $rate < 76 && $item->{"Availability"} != "Sold Out" && !empty($info->{'LegoID'})) {
            $ret = publish_SaleMessage("toysrus.com", $ToysrusID, $price, $info->{'LegoID'});
            if (!$ret->{'Status'}) {
                echo "[Info][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] " . $info->{'LegoID'} . " on sale for \$" . $price . " (" . $rate . "% off from reg. \$" . $info->{'MSRP'} . ") www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=" . $ToysrusID . "\n";
            } else {
                echo "[Warning][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] Failed to publish tweet due to " . $ret->{'Message'} . ": " . $info->{'LegoID'} . " on sale for \$" . $price . " (" . $rate . "% off from reg. \$" . $info->{'MSRP'} . ")\n";
    } elseif (!empty($item->{'LegoID'})) {
        $legoID = $item->{'LegoID'};
        db_insert("Toysrus_Item", array("LegoID" => $legoID, "ToysrusID" => $ToysrusID), null, true);
        echo "[Info][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] New item added by legoid: " . $legoID . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=" . $ToysrusID . "\n";
        send_Message(NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT, "New Toysrus_Item " . $legoID . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " listed on www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=" . $ToysrusID);
    } else {
        // try to match the legoid by title.
        $ret = search_legoid(array("Title" => $item->{'Title'}));
        if (isset($ret->{'MatchID'})) {
            $legoID = $ret->{'MatchID'};
            db_insert("Toysrus_Item", array("LegoID" => $legoID, "ToysrusID" => $ToysrusID), null, true);
        } else {
            $legoID = null;
            db_insert("Toysrus_Item", array("LegoID" => "", "ToysrusID" => $ToysrusID), null, true);
        echo "[Info][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] New item added by title: " . $legoID . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=" . $ToysrusID . "\n";
        send_Message(NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT, "New Toysrus_Item " . $legoID . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " listed on www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=" . $ToysrusID);
if (!empty($arrNoupdate)) {
    $ret = db_update("Toysrus_Item", array("LastUpdateTime" => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')), "ToysrusID IN (" . implode(",", $arrNoupdate) . ")");
    echo "[Info][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] No update for " . count($arrNoupdate) . " items\n";
Exemplo n.º 4
        if (!empty($rate) && $rate < 76 && ($item->{"Availability"} == "Pickup Only" || $item->{"Availability"} == "Available") && !empty($info->{'LegoID'})) {
            $ret = publish_SaleMessage("amazon.com", $ASIN, $price, $info->{'LegoID'});
            if (!$ret->{'Status'}) {
                echo "[Info][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] " . $info->{'LegoID'} . " on sale for \$" . $price . " (" . $rate . "% off from reg. \$" . $info->{'MSRP'} . ") on www.amazon.com/gp/product/" . $ASIN . "\n";
            } else {
                echo "[Warning][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] Failed to publish tweet due to " . $ret->{'Message'} . ": " . $info->{'LegoID'} . " on sale for \$" . $price . " (" . $rate . "% off from reg. \$" . $info->{'MSRP'} . ")\n";
    } elseif (!empty($item->{'LegoID'})) {
        $legoID = $item->{'LegoID'};
        db_insert("Amazon_Item", array("LegoID" => $legoID, "ASIN" => $ASIN), null, true);
        echo "[Info][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] New item added by legoid: " . $legoID . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " www.amazon.com/gp/product/" . $ASIN . "\n";
        send_Message(NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT, "New Amazon_Item " . $legoID . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " listed on www.amazon.com/gp/product/" . $ASIN);
    } else {
        // try to match the legoid by title.
        $ret = search_legoid(array("Title" => $item->{'Title'}));
        if (isset($ret->{'MatchID'})) {
            $legoID = $ret->{'MatchID'};
            db_insert("Amazon_Item", array("LegoID" => $legoID, "ASIN" => $ASIN), null, true);
        } else {
            $legoID = null;
            db_insert("Amazon_Item", array("LegoID" => "", "ASIN" => $ASIN), null, true);
        echo "[Info][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] New item added by title: " . $legoID . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " www.amazon.com/gp/product/" . $ASIN . "\n";
        send_Message(NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT, "New Amazon_Item " . $legoID . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " listed on www.amazon.com/gp/product/" . $ASIN);
if (!empty($arrNoupdate)) {
    $ret = db_update("Amazon_Item", array("LastUpdateTime" => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')), "ASIN IN (" . implode(",", $arrNoupdate) . ")");
    echo "[Info][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] No update for " . count($arrNoupdate) . " items\n";
Exemplo n.º 5
                $arrfields["Provider"] = $newsResult->{'Provider'};
                $arrfields["Type"] = $newsResult->{'Type'};
                $arrProp = array("Hash", "Title", "Link", "PicPath", "Publish", "Review");
                foreach ($arrProp as $prop) {
                    $arrfields[$prop] = $news->{$prop};
                $arrfields["PubDate"] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $news->{'PubDate'});
                $ret = db_insert("Twitter_News", $arrfields, null, true);
                if ($news->{'Publish'} == true && $news->{'Review'} == false) {
                    //publish directly
                } elseif ($news->{'Publish'} == true && $news->{'Review'} == true) {
                    //send review notification
                    $mesg = "News pending on review: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $news->{'PubDate'}) . "(" . $news->{'PubDate'} . ")[" . $news->{'Hash'} . "] " . $news->{'Title'};
                    echo "[" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] " . $mesg . "\n";
                    send_Message(NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT, $mesg . " http://www.lelemeng.com/review.php?id=" . $news->{'Hash'});
            } elseif ($NewsHash["{$hash}"] == "Y") {
function define_source()
    $newsSources = array();
    $source = new stdClass();
    $source->{'Provider'} = "TheBrothersBrick";
    $source->{'Url'} = "http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheBrothersBrick";
    $source->{'Type'} = "News-RSS";
    array_push($newsSources, $source);
Exemplo n.º 6
                        } else {
                            $arrfields['ThemeID'] = 0;
                $arrProp = array("USPrice", "Year", "Pieces", "Minifigs", "Age", "Weight", "Length", "Width", "Height", "UPC", "EAN", "USItemSN", "EUItemSN");
                foreach ($arrProp as $prop) {
                    if (!empty($bkinfo->{$prop}) && $bkinfo->{$prop} != $item->{$prop}) {
                        $arrfields[$prop] = $bkinfo->{$prop};
                $arrfields['LastSync'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                $ret = db_update("DB_Set", $arrfields, array("LegoID" => $item->{'LegoID'}));
                if (count($arrfields) > 1 || $ret->{'Status'}) {
                    echo $ret->{'Query'} . "\n";
                    $strupdate = "";
                    foreach ($arrfields as $prop => $value) {
                        $strupdate .= $prop . "[" . $item->{$prop} . "=>" . $value . "], ";
                    $strupdate = trim($strupdate, ", ");
                    send_Message(NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT, "DB_Set updated: " . $item->{'LegoID'} . " " . $strupdate);
    } else {
} else {
Exemplo n.º 7
    //generate the csv
    echo $item->{'LegoID'} . ",\"" . $item->{'Availability'} . "\"," . $price . "," . $salePrice . ",\"" . $item->{'Title'} . "\"\n";
    //update DB_Set
    if (isset($LegoDB[$item->{'LegoID'}])) {
        $dbitem = $LegoDB[$item->{'LegoID'}];
        $arrfields = array();
        if ($price > 0 && $dbitem->{'USPrice'} != $price) {
            $arrfields['USPrice'] = $item->{'Price'};
        if ($item->{'Title'} != $dbitem->{'ETitle'}) {
            $arrfields['ETitle'] = $item->{'Title'};
        if ($dbitem->{'Availability'} != $item->{'Availability'}) {
            $arrfields['Availability'] = $item->{'Availability'};
            if (!empty($dbitem->{'Badge'}) && $dbitem->{'Badge'} != "New") {
                send_Message(NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT, $item->{'LegoID'} . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " (" . $dbitem->{'Badge'} . "): Availability changed from '" . $dbitem->{'Availability'} . "' to '" . $item->{'Availability'} . "' " . $item->{'URL'});
        if ($dbitem->{'Badge'} != $item->{'Badge'}) {
            $arrfields['Badge'] = $item->{'Badge'};
        if (count($arrfields)) {
            update_DBSet(array("LegoID" => $item->{'LegoID'}), $arrfields);
    } else {
        send_Message(NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT, "New item listed on Official Lego Shop: " . $item->{'LegoID'} . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " at \$" . $item->{'Price'} . " " . $item->{'URL'});
        new_tweet("New item listed on Official Lego Shop: " . $item->{'LegoID'} . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " at \$" . $item->{'Price'} . " " . $item->{'URL'});
        insert_DBSet(array("LegoID" => $item->{'LegoID'}, "ETitle" => $item->{'Title'}, "USPrice" => $item->{'Price'}, "Badge" => $item->{'Badge'}));
Exemplo n.º 8
            $ret = publish_SaleMessage("walmart.com", $walmartID, $price, $info->{'LegoID'});
            if (!$ret->{'Status'}) {
                echo "[Info][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] " . $info->{'LegoID'} . " on sale for \$" . $price . " (" . $rate . "% off from reg. \$" . $info->{'MSRP'} . ") www.walmart.com/ip/" . $walmartID . "\n";
            } else {
                echo "[Warning][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] Failed to publish tweet due to " . $ret->{'Message'} . ": " . $info->{'LegoID'} . " on sale for \$" . $price . " (" . $rate . "% off from reg. \$" . $info->{'MSRP'} . ")\n";
    } elseif (!empty($item->{'LegoID'})) {
        $legoID = $item->{'LegoID'};
        db_insert("Walmart_Item", array("LegoID" => $legoID, "WalmartID" => $walmartID), null, true);
        echo "[Info][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] New item added by legoid: " . $legoID . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " www.walmart.com/ip/" . $walmartID . " \n";
        send_Message(NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT, "New Walmart_Item " . $legoID . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " listed on www.walmart.com/ip/" . $walmartID);
    } else {
        // try to match the legoid by title.
        $ret = search_legoid(array("Title" => $item->{'Title'}));
        if (isset($ret->{'MatchID'})) {
            $legoID = $ret->{'MatchID'};
            db_insert("Walmart_Item", array("LegoID" => $legoID, "WalmartID" => $walmartID), null, true);
        } else {
            $legoID = null;
            db_insert("Walmart_Item", array("LegoID" => "", "WalmartID" => $walmartID), null, true);
        echo "[Info][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] New item added by title: " . $legoID . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " www.walmart.com/ip/" . $walmartID . " \n";
        send_Message(NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT, "New Walmart_Item " . $legoID . " - " . $item->{'Title'} . " listed on www.walmart.com/ip/" . $walmartID);
if (!empty($arrNoupdate)) {
    $ret = db_update("Walmart_Item", array("LastUpdateTime" => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')), "WalmartID IN (" . implode(",", $arrNoupdate) . ")");
    echo "[Info][" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] No update for " . count($arrNoupdate) . " items\n";