connect::selectDB('webdb'); $realm = explode("*", $character_realm); $result = mysql_query("SELECT price FROM shopitems WHERE entry='" . $entry . "'"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $account_id = account::getAccountIDFromCharId($realm[0], $realm[1]); $account_name = account::getAccountName($account_id); if ($type == 'vote') { if (account::hasVP($account_name, $row['price']) == FALSE) { die('<b class="red_text">You do not have enough Vote Points</b>'); } account::deductVP($account_id, $row['price']); } elseif ($type == 'donate') { if (account::hasDP($account_name, $row['price']) == FALSE) { die('<b class="red_text">You do not have enough ' . $GLOBALS['donation']['coins_name'] . '</b>'); } account::deductDP($account_id, $row['price']); } shop::logItem($type, $entry, $realm[0], $account_id, $realm[1], 1); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM realms WHERE id='" . $realm[1] . "'"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if ($row['sendType'] == 'ra') { require '../misc/ra.php'; require '../classes/character.php'; sendRa("send items " . character::getCharname($realm[0]) . " \"Your requested item\" \"Thanks for supporting us!\" " . $entry . " ", $row['rank_user'], $row['rank_pass'], $row['host'], $row['ra_port']); } elseif ($row['sendType'] == 'soap') { require '../misc/soap.php'; require '../classes/character.php'; sendSoap("send items " . character::getCharname($realm[0]) . " \"Your requested item\" \"Thanks for supporting us!\" " . $entry . " ", $row['rank_user'], $row['rank_pass'], $row['host'], $row['soap_port']); } } }
$command = "rename"; $info = "Character rename"; break; case 'faction': $command = "changefaction"; $info = "Faction change"; break; case 'race': $command = "changerace"; $info = "Race change"; break; } connect::selectDB('webdb'); $getRA = mysql_query("SELECT sendType,host,ra_port,soap_port,rank_user,rank_pass FROM realms WHERE id='" . $realm_id . "'"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getRA); if ($row['sendType'] == 'ra') { require '../misc/ra.php'; sendRa("character " . $command . " " . character::getCharname($guid, $realm_id), $row['rank_user'], $row['rank_pass'], $row['host'], $row['ra_port']); } elseif ($row['sendType'] == "soap") { require '../misc/soap.php'; sendSoap("character " . $command . " " . character::getCharname($guid, $realm_id), $row['rank_user'], $row['rank_pass'], $row['host'], $row['soap_port']); } if ($GLOBALS['service'][$serviceX]['currency'] == 'vp') { account::deductVP(account::getAccountID($_SESSION['cw_user']), $GLOBALS['service'][$serviceX]['price']); } if ($GLOBALS['service'][$serviceX]['currency'] == 'dp') { account::deductDP(account::getAccountID($_SESSION['cw_user']), $GLOBALS['service'][$serviceX]['price']); } account::logThis("Performed a " . $info . " on " . character::getCharName($guid, $realm_id), $serviceX, $realm_id); echo true; }