<?php // $Id: sendPass.php 23863 2015-09-14 00:27:14Z 1070356 $ require_once 'functions.php'; if (isset($_POST['id'])) { $id = $_POST['id']; $result = sql("SELECT mail, name FROM users WHERE id={$id}"); if ($result->num_rows) { $row = $result->fetch_row(); $pass = sendPass($row[0], $row[1]); // 비밀번호를 만들어 메일로 보낸다 if ($pass) { $pass = escapeString(getHash($pass)); sql("UPDATE users SET pass='******' WHERE id = {$id}"); echo affectedRows(); // 반환 값이 1이면 정상이다 } } $result->close(); }
$stmnt2->bind_param('s', $userId); $stmnt2->execute(); $stmnt2->store_result(); $amount = $stmnt2->num_rows; if ($amount == 0) { echo "user does not exists "; return false; } $stmnt2->close(); $stmnt = $conn->prepare("SELECT USER_EMAIL FROM USERS2 WHERE USER_UID = ?;"); $stmnt->bind_param('s', $userId); $stmnt->execute(); $stmnt->bind_result($email); $stmnt->fetch(); $subject = "Change Password From Who R U"; $message = "fill out the form at this link to create a new passord for your account\n141.210.25.46/changepass.php?USERNAME={$userId}"; $from = "-f your@email.here"; if (mail($email, $subject, $message)) { $stmnt->close(); return true; } else { echo "unable to send mail "; $stmnt->close(); return false; } } if (sendPass($_POST["USERNAME"])) { echo "True"; } else { echo "False"; }