function globalErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { switch ($errno) { case E_NOTICE: case E_USER_NOTICE: $errors = "Notice"; break; case E_WARNING: case E_USER_WARNING: $errors = "Warning"; break; case E_ERROR: case E_USER_ERROR: $errors = "Fatal Error"; break; default: $errors = "Unknown Error"; break; } error_log(sprintf("PHP %s: %s in %s on line %d", $errors, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)); $msg = "ERROR: [{$errno}] {$errstr}\r\n" . "{$errors} on line {$errline} in file {$errfile}\r\n"; sendErrorEmail($msg); showErrorPage(); exit(1); }
function updateRegistration($conn, $transaction_results) { $gamertag = trim($_SESSION['portal_form']['gamertag']); $melee_singles = is_null($_SESSION['portal_form']['melee_singles']) ? 0 : 1; $melee_doubles = is_null($_SESSION['portal_form']['melee_doubles']) ? 0 : 1; $melee_teammate = trim($_SESSION['portal_form']['melee_teammate'] ?: ''); $pm_singles = is_null($_SESSION['portal_form']['pm_singles']) ? 0 : 1; $pm_doubles = is_null($_SESSION['portal_form']['pm_doubles']) ? 0 : 1; $pm_teammate = trim($_SESSION['portal_form']['pm_teammate'] ?: ''); $smash4_singles = is_null($_SESSION['portal_form']['smash4_singles']) ? 0 : 1; $arcade = $_SESSION['auth']['arcade'] == 1 || $_SESSION['new_arcade'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $credits = $_SESSION['new_credits']; $transactionID = $transaction_results['PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID']; $amtPaid = $transaction_results['PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT']; if (is_null($transaction_results)) { $query = "UPDATE registration r\n LEFT JOIN teams t ON t.account_id =\n SET r.tag=?, r.melee_singles=?, r.melee_doubles=?, t.melee_partner=?, r.pm_singles=?, r.pm_doubles=?, t.pm_partner=?, r.smash4_singles=?, r.arcade=?, r.credits=r.credits+?\n WHERE"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($query); $stmt->bind_param("siisiisiiii", $gamertag, $melee_singles, $melee_doubles, $melee_teammate, $pm_singles, $pm_doubles, $pm_teammate, $smash4_singles, $arcade, $credits, $_SESSION['auth']['id']); } else { $query = "UPDATE registration r\n LEFT JOIN teams t ON t.account_id =\n SET r.tag=?, r.melee_singles=?, r.melee_doubles=?, t.melee_partner=?, r.pm_singles=?, r.pm_doubles=?, t.pm_partner=?, r.smash4_singles=?, r.arcade=?, r.credits=r.credits+?, r.paypal_transaction_id=r.paypal_transaction_id + ',' + ?, r.amount_paid=r.amount_paid+?\n WHERE"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($query); $stmt->bind_param("siisiisiiisdi", $gamertag, $melee_singles, $melee_doubles, $melee_teammate, $pm_singles, $pm_doubles, $pm_teammate, $smash4_singles, $arcade, $credits, $transactionID, $amtPaid, $_SESSION['auth']['id']); } if ($stmt->execute()) { /* UPDATE SUCCESS, re-populate user session and send e-mails to all affected doubles partners */ repopulateSession($conn); $email = $_SESSION['auth']['email']; $old_pm_teammate = $_SESSION['auth']['pm_partner']; $old_melee_teammate = $_SESSION['auth']['melee_partner']; // PROJECT M if ($pm_doubles == 1) { if ($_SESSION['auth']['pm_doubles'] == 1 && $pm_teammate != $old_pm_teammate) { // Send e-mail to old partner saying the teammate has left $message = []; $message[] = "Hey smasher,"; $message[] = "We're just letting you know that {$gamertag} has unregistered you as their Project M Doubles partner."; $message[] = "You can update your registration information, including doubles partners, by visiting the Player Portal."; $message[] = "Click <a href=''>here</a> to go there now!"; sendEmail($message, "{$gamertag} no longer wants to team!", $old_pm_teammate); // Send e-mail to new partner $status = checkPartnerStatus($conn, $email, $pm_teammate, "pm_doubles")[0]; sendTeamStatusEmail($email, $gamertag, $pm_teammate, $status['tag'], "Project: M Doubles", $status['status']); } else { if ($_SESSION['auth']['pm_doubles'] == 0) { // Send e-mail to new partner $status = checkPartnerStatus($conn, $email, $pm_teammate, "pm_doubles")[0]; sendTeamStatusEmail($email, $gamertag, $pm_teammate, $status['tag'], "Project: M Doubles", $status['status']); } } } else { if ($pm_doubles == 0 && $_SESSION['auth']['pm_doubles'] == 1) { // Send e-mail to old partner saying the teammate has unregistered from doubles $message = []; $message[] = "Hey smasher,"; $message[] = "We're just letting you know that {$gamertag} is no longer playing in Project M Doubles."; $message[] = "You can update your registration information, including doubles partners, by visiting the Player Portal."; $message[] = "Click <a href=''>here</a> to go there now!"; sendEmail($message, "{$gamertag} is no longer playing in doubles!", $old_pm_teammate); } } // MELEE if ($melee_doubles == 1) { if ($_SESSION['auth']['melee_doubles'] == 1 && $melee_teammate != $old_melee_teammate) { // Send e-mail to old partner saying the teammate has left $message = []; $message[] = "Hey smasher,"; $message[] = "We're just letting you know that {$gamertag} has unregistered you as their Melee Doubles partner."; $message[] = "You can update your registration information, including doubles partners, by visiting the Player Portal."; $message[] = "Click <a href=''>here</a> to go there now!"; sendEmail($message, "{$gamertag} no longer wants to team!", $old_melee_teammate); // Send e-mail to new partner $status = checkPartnerStatus($conn, $email, $melee_teammate, "melee_doubles")[0]; sendTeamStatusEmail($email, $gamertag, $melee_teammate, $status['tag'], "Melee Doubles", $status['status']); } else { if ($_SESSION['auth']['melee_doubles'] == 0) { // Send e-mail to new partner $status = checkPartnerStatus($conn, $email, $melee_teammate, "melee_doubles")[0]; sendTeamStatusEmail($email, $gamertag, $melee_teammate, $status['tag'], "Melee Doubles", $status['status']); } } } else { if ($melee_doubles == 0 && $_SESSION['auth']['melee_doubles'] == 1) { // Send e-mail to old partner saying the teammate has unregistered from doubles $message = []; $message[] = "Hey smasher,"; $message[] = "We're just letting you know that {$gamertag} is no longer playing in Melee Doubles."; $message[] = "You can update your registration information, including doubles partners, by visiting the Player Portal."; $message[] = "Click <a href=''>here</a> to go there now!"; sendEmail($message, "{$gamertag} is no longer playing in doubles!", $old_melee_teammate); } } // After update is complete, send user back to portal header('Location: /?portal'); } else { // TODO: registration error page if (is_null(transaction_results)) { echo "Oops. Something went wrong. Please contact and we'll get it sorted out."; } else { echo "Oops. Something went wrong. Please contact with your paypal transaction ID and we'll get it sorted out."; } // TODO: more detailed error email $message = $stmt->error; $message .= "\r\n"; if (!is_null($transaction_results)) { $message .= print_r($transaction_results, true); } $message .= "\r\n"; $message .= print_r($_SESSION, true); sendErrorEmail($message); } $stmt->close(); $conn->close(); }
//<a href=''></a> for further assistance."; } elseif ($exprianErrors == 'customError') { sendErrorEmail($exprianErrors, $score_id); $errorToDispaly = "Sorry! </br></br>We seem to be facing an technical problem. \n\t\tPlease try again later or contact 9599814083 or if the problem still persists. \n\t\tWe apologise for any inconvenience caused."; // $errorToDispaly = "We are unable to authenticate you at this time. Please email scanned copy of your PAN card and address proof to our Consumer Support //<a href=''></a> for further assistance."; } elseif ($exprianErrors == 'voucherExpired') { sendErrorEmail($exprianErrors, $score_id); $errorToDispaly = "Sorry! </br></br>We seem to be facing an technical problem. \n\t\tPlease try again later or contact 9599814083 or if the problem still persists. \n\t\tWe apologise for any inconvenience caused."; } elseif ($exprianErrors == 'Error inserting data in database. Please verify data.') { sendErrorEmail($exprianErrors, $score_id); $errorToDispaly = "Sorry! </br></br>We seem to be facing an technical problem. \n\t\tPlease try again later or contact 9599814083 or if the problem still persists. \n\t\tWe apologise for any inconvenience caused."; // $errorToDispaly = "Error inserting data in database with experian server. Please verify data."; } else { $errorToDispaly = $experian_response['errorMessage']; sendErrorEmail($exprianErrors, $score_id); } //if($responseMap=='') { $exprianErrors='Some Error'; $errorToDispaly ="Some error occurred. Please contact our customer care..";} if ($exprianErrors != '') { $msg_register = "<div id='gt-formfeedback'>{$errorToDispaly}</div>"; } $questionHeading = $experian_response['responseMap']['questionToCustomer']['question']; $optionsSet1 = $experian_response['responseMap']['questionToCustomer']['optionsSet1']; $optionsSet2 = $experian_response['responseMap']['questionToCustomer']['optionsSet2']; $qid = $experian_response['responseMap']['questionToCustomer']['qid']; $toolTip = $experian_response['responseMap']['questionToCustomer']['toolTip']; $stgOneHitId = $experian_response['responseMap']['stgOneHitId']; $stgTwoHitId = $experian_response['responseMap']['stgTwoHitId']; $jsessionId2 = $experian_response['responseMap']['jsessionId2']; if ($exprianErrors == 'Success') { $xmlResponse = $experian_response['xmlResponse'];
checklogin(); $score_id = $_GET["score_id"]; if ($_GET["msg"] == 2) { $msg = 2; } elseif ($_GET["msg"] == 3) { $msg = 3; } else { $msg = 1; } if (isset($_GET["redirect"])) { $msg = ""; $redirect = $_GET['redirect']; if ($redirect == "ques") { sendErrorEmail("redirect kyc after checking question", $score_id); } else { sendErrorEmail("redirect kyc through pop up", $score_id); } } $user_id = $_SESSION['GTUserID']; // send sms and email $check_owner = "SELECT firstname, mobile, email, owner FROM `tbl_userdetails` WHERE `id` ='{$user_id}'"; $check_owner_data = mysql_query_with_throw($check_owner); $user_set = mysql_fetch_assoc($check_owner_data); $file_list = array(); $subject = "KYC Upload - Clearmydues"; $body = ' <p> Dear ' . $user_set['firstname'] . ',<br><br> Sorry we could not authenticate you based upon your responses. Please upload your KYC (ID & Address proof) at or email us at to validate your identity & get your Credit Report. </p>'; $to = array($user_set['email']); $cc = array("");
$mail->AddAddress($to); // Recipient email address $mail->IsHTML(true); // Set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $message; if (!$mail->Send()) { error_log("cron.php: Message could not be sent.", 0); error_log("cron.php: PHPMailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo, 0); } $update_user_process_sql = "UPDATE VOCAB_DOWNLOAD.VOCABULARY_USER SET FILE_CREATION_JOB_RUNNING_FLAG = 'N' WHERE PROCESS_ID = '" . $item["PROCESS_ID"] . "'"; $stid_update_user_process = oci_parse($conn, $update_user_process_sql); if (!$stid_update_user_process) { $e = oci_error($conn); sendErrorEmail("cron.php: oci_parse UPDATE VOCAB_DOWNLOAD.VOCABULARY_USER SET FILE_CREATION_JOB_RUNNING_FLAG = 'N' WHERE PROCESS_ID = '" . $item["PROCESS_ID"] . "'" . " failed, sql=" . $update_user_process_sql . ", error message=" . $e['message']); die; } $returnvalue = oci_execute($stid_update_user_process); if (!$returnvalue) { $e = oci_error($stid_update_user_process); // For oci_execute errors pass the statement handle sendErrorEmail("cron.php: oci_execute UPDATE VOCAB_DOWNLOAD.VOCABULARY_USER SET FILE_CREATION_JOB_RUNNING_FLAG = 'N' WHERE PROCESS_ID = '" . $item["PROCESS_ID"] . "'" . " failed, sql=" . $e['sqltext'] . ", error message=" . $e['message']); die; } } } } // free all statement identifiers and close the database connection oci_free_statement($stid_user_process); oci_free_statement($stid_update_user_process); oci_close($conn);
$shell_exec_string = 'nohup ' . $perl_dump_script_dir . ' ' . $Cred . ' ' . $CDMVersion . ' ' . $zip_file_output_dir . $FName . ' ' . $VocIds . ' > /dev/null & echo $!'; $PID = shell_exec($shell_exec_string); if (!$PID) { $e = oci_error($stid); sendErrorEmail("downloads.php shell_exec failed, exec_string=" . $shell_exec_string); header("Location:error.php?errorMessage=" . urlencode("Error: unable to generate export file")); die; } $insert_user_process_sql = "INSERT INTO VOCAB_DOWNLOAD.VOCABULARY_USER (\n EMAIL_ADDRESS,\n NAME,\n ORGANIZATION,\n ADDRESS,\n CITY_NAME,\n COUNTRY_NAME,\n PHONE_NUMBER,\n VOCABULARY_LIST,\n PROCESS_ID,\n TITLE,\n STATE,\n ZIP_CODE,\n\tFILE_NAME,\n FILE_CREATION_JOB_RUNNING_FLAG\n ) VALUES (\n '" . $email . "',\n '" . $name . "',\n '" . $Organization . "',\n '" . $Address . "',\n '" . $City . "',\n '" . $Country . "',\n '" . $Phone . "',\n '" . $VocIds . "',\n " . $PID . ",\n '" . $Title . "',\n '" . $State . "',\n '" . $Zip . "',\n '" . $FName . "',\n 'Y'\n )"; $stid_add_user_process = oci_parse($conn, $insert_user_process_sql); if (!$stid_add_user_process) { $e = oci_error($conn); sendErrorEmail("downloads.php: oci_parse INSERT INTO VOCAB_DOWNLOAD.VOCABULARY_USER table failed, sql=" . $insert_user_process_sql . ", error message=" . $e['message']); header("Location:error.php?errorMessage=" . urlencode("Error: unable to log export file request")); die; } $returnvalue = oci_execute($stid_add_user_process); if (!$returnvalue) { $e = oci_error($stid_add_user_process); // For oci_execute errors pass the statement handle sendErrorEmail("downloads.php: oci_execute INSERT INTO VOCAB_DOWNLOAD.VOCABULARY_USER table failed, sql=" . $e['sqltext'] . ", error message=" . $e['message']); header("Location:error.php?errorMessage=" . urlencode("Error: unable to execute INSERT INTO VOCAB_DOWNLOAD.VOCABULARY_USER table")); die; } // free all statement identifiers and close the database connection oci_free_statement($stid); oci_free_statement($stid0); oci_free_statement($stid_add_user_process); oci_close($conn); header("Location: download-process.php"); exit;
$message[] = $line; $message[] = "You will receive an email in the following weeks with a link to the Summit account portal where you will be able to edit your registration information."; $message[] = "If you registered in any doubles brackets you will also receive an e-mail when your teammate(s) have confirmed."; sendEmail($message, "Summit Registration Confirmation", $email); // Attendees page displays registration success message $_SESSION['new_registrant'] = $_SESSION['registration_form']['gamertag']; header('Location: /?attendees'); } else { // TODO: registration error page echo "Oops. Something went wrong. Please contact with your paypal transaction ID and we'll get it sorted out."; // TODO: more detailed error email $message = $stmt->error; $message .= "\r\n"; $message .= print_r($transaction_results, true); $message .= "\r\n"; $message .= print_r($_SESSION, true); sendErrorEmail($message); } $stmt->close(); $conn->close(); } else { echo "Paypal transaction processing failed. Summit staff has been notified, please check your paypal payment sources or try again later. Sorry for the inconvenience."; $message .= print_r($transaction_results, true); $message .= "\r\n"; $message .= print_r($_SESSION, true); sendErrorEmail($message); } } else { header('Location:'); } }