Exemplo n.º 1
 public function failedLogin()
     global $whmcs;
     $remote_ip = $whmcs->get_user_ip();
     if ($this->isWhitelistedIP($remote_ip)) {
         return false;
     $loginfailures = unserialize($whmcs->get_config("LoginFailures"));
     if (!is_array($loginfailures[$remote_ip])) {
         $loginfailures[$remote_ip] = array();
     if ($loginfailures[$remote_ip]['expires'] < time()) {
         $loginfailures[$remote_ip]['count'] = 0;
     $loginfailures[$remote_ip]['expires'] = time() + 30 * 60;
     if (3 <= $loginfailures[$remote_ip]['count']) {
         insert_query("tblbannedips", array("ip" => $remote_ip, "reason" => "3 Invalid Login Attempts", "expires" => $this->getLoginBanDate()));
     $whmcs->set_config("LoginFailures", serialize($loginfailures));
     if (isset($this->admindata['username'])) {
         $username = $this->admindata['username'];
         sendAdminNotification("system", "WHMCS Admin Failed Login Attempt", "<p>A recent login attempt failed.  Details of the attempt are below.</p><p>Date/Time: " . date("d/m/Y H:i:s") . ("<br>Username: "******"<br>IP Address: " . $remote_ip . "<br>Hostname: ") . gethostbyaddr($remote_ip) . "</p>");
         logActivity("Failed Admin Login Attempt - Username: "******"system", "WHMCS Admin Failed Login Attempt", "<p>A recent login attempt failed.  Details of the attempt are below.</p><p>Date/Time: " . date("d/m/Y H:i:s") . "<br>Username: "******"<br>IP Address: " . $remote_ip . "<br>Hostname: ") . gethostbyaddr($remote_ip) . "</p>");
     logActivity("Failed Admin Login Attempt - IP: " . $remote_ip);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function updateClient()
     global $whmcs;
     $exinfo = getClientsDetails($this->getID());
     if (defined("ADMINAREA")) {
         $updatefieldsarray = array();
     } else {
         $updatefieldsarray = array("firstname" => "First Name", "lastname" => "Last Name", "companyname" => "Company Name", "email" => "Email Address", "address1" => "Address 1", "address2" => "Address 2", "city" => "City", "state" => "State", "postcode" => "Postcode", "country" => "Country", "phonenumber" => "Phone Number", "billingcid" => "Billing Contact");
         if ($whmcs->get_config("AllowClientsEmailOptOut")) {
             $updatefieldsarray['emailoptout'] = "Newsletter Email Opt Out";
     $changelist = array();
     $updateqry = array();
     foreach ($updatefieldsarray as $field => $displayname) {
         if ($this->isEditableField($field)) {
             $value = $whmcs->get_req_var($field);
             if ($field == "emailoptout" && !$value) {
                 $value = "0";
             $updateqry[$field] = $value;
             if ($value != $exinfo[$field]) {
                 $changelist[] = "" . $displayname . ": '" . $exinfo[$field] . "' to '" . $value . "'";
     update_query("tblclients", $updateqry, array("id" => $this->getID()));
     $old_customfieldsarray = getCustomFields("client", "", $this->getID(), "", "");
     $customfields = getCustomFields("client", "", $this->getID(), "", "");
     foreach ($customfields as $v) {
         $k = $v['id'];
         $customfieldsarray[$k] = $_POST['customfield'][$k];
     saveCustomFields($this->getID(), $customfieldsarray);
     $paymentmethod = $whmcs->get_req_var("paymentmethod");
     clientChangeDefaultGateway($this->getID(), $paymentmethod);
     if ($paymentmethod != $exinfo['defaultgateway']) {
         $changelist[] = "Default Payment Method: '" . getGatewayName($exinfo['defaultgateway']) . "' to '" . getGatewayName($paymentmethod) . "'<br>\n";
     run_hook("ClientEdit", array_merge(array("userid" => $this->getID(), "olddata" => $exinfo), $updateqry));
     if (!defined("ADMINAREA") && $whmcs->get_config("SendEmailNotificationonUserDetailsChange")) {
         foreach ($old_customfieldsarray as $values) {
             if ($values['value'] != $_POST['customfield'][$values['id']]) {
                 $changelist[] = $values['name'] . ": '" . $values['value'] . "' to '" . $_POST['customfield'][$values['id']] . "'";
         if (0 < count($changelist)) {
             $adminurl = $whmcs->get_config("SystemSSLURL") ? $whmcs->get_config("SystemSSLURL") : $whmcs->get_config("SystemURL");
             $adminurl .= "/" . $whmcs->get_admin_folder_name() . "/clientssummary.php?userid=" . $this->getID();
             sendAdminNotification("account", "WHMCS User Details Change", "<p>Client ID: <a href=\"" . $adminurl . "\">" . $this->getID() . " - " . $exinfo['firstname'] . " " . $exinfo['lastname'] . "</a> has requested to change his/her details as indicated below:<br><br>" . implode("<br />\n", $changelist) . "<br>If you are unhappy with any of the changes, you need to login and revert them - this is the only record of the old details.</p>");
             logActivity("Client Profile Modified - " . implode(", ", $changelist) . " - User ID: " . $this->getID());
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
function namecheap_SaveContactDetails($params)
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/namecheapapi.php";
    $testmode = (bool) $params['TestMode'];
    $username = $testmode ? $params['SandboxUsername'] : $params['Username'];
    $password = $testmode ? $params['SandboxPassword'] : $params['Password'];
    $tld = $params['tld'];
    $sld = $params['sld'];
    $oIDNA = new NamecheapRegistrarIDNA($sld, $tld);
    $sld = $oIDNA->getEncodedSld();
    $response = '';
    $result = $request_params = $values = array();
    try {
        $request_params = array('DomainName' => $sld . '.' . $tld);
        // see namecheap_GetContactDetails for data format
        foreach ($params['contactdetails'] as $k => $v) {
            if (in_array($k, array('Registrant', 'Admin', 'Tech', 'AuxBilling'))) {
                $request_params[$k . 'FirstName'] = $v['First Name'];
                $request_params[$k . 'LastName'] = $v['Last Name'];
                $request_params[$k . 'OrganizationName'] = $v['Organization Name'];
                $request_params[$k . 'Address1'] = $v['Address'];
                $request_params[$k . 'Address2'] = $v['Address1'];
                $request_params[$k . 'City'] = $v['City'];
                $request_params[$k . 'StateProvince'] = $v['State'];
                $request_params[$k . 'PostalCode'] = $v['Postcode'];
                $request_params[$k . 'Country'] = $v['Country'];
                $request_params[$k . 'Phone'] = $v['Phone'];
                $request_params[$k . 'Fax'] = !empty($v['Fax']) ? $v['Fax'] : $v['Phone'];
                $request_params[$k . 'EmailAddress'] = $v['Email'];
        $api = new NamecheapRegistrarApi($username, $password, $testmode);
        $response = $api->request("namecheap.domains.setContacts", $request_params);
        $result = $api->parseResponse($response);
        if (isset($result['DomainSetContactResult']['Warnings']['Warning'])) {
            $message = "Saving Contact Details warning<br />" . "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />" . $result['DomainSetContactResult']['Warnings']['Warning']['@value'] . "<br /" . "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />" . "Domain: " . $sld . "." . $tld;
            sendAdminNotification("system", "WHMCS Namecheap Domain Registrar Module", $message);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $values['error'] = "An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage();
        logModuleCall('namecheap', 'SaveContactDetails', array('command' => "namecheap.domains.setContacts") + $request_params, $response, $result, array($password));
    return $values;
Exemplo n.º 4
function Namecheapssl_hook_report()
    // create html for report
    $dateEnd = date('Y-m-d H:i:00');
    $dateStart = date('Y-m-d H:i:59', mktime(date('H'), date('i'), date('s'), date('n'), date('d') - 1));
    $query = "SELECT log.*,c.email FROM mod_namecheapssl_log log LEFT JOIN tblclients AS c ON (log.userid=c.id AND user='******') WHERE log.date BETWEEN '{$dateStart}' AND '{$dateEnd}' AND `debug`=0 ";
    $r = mysql_query($query);
    if (mysql_num_rows($r)) {
        $html = "Namecheap SSL Module Cron Job Report for {$dateStart}-{$dateEnd} <br><br>";
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) {
            $html .= "{$row['date']}; {$row['description']}; " . ('client' == $row['user'] ? ' User(client): ' . $row['email'] : ' Admin user: '******'user']) . "({$row['userid']});" . (!empty($row['serviceid']) ? "Service id: {$row['serviceid']}; " : '');
            $html .= '<br>';
        sendAdminNotification('system', "SSL Actions Report", $html);
Exemplo n.º 5
function resellerclub_DomainSync($registrar)
    $lcregistrar = strtolower($registrar);
    $cronreport = "" . $registrar . " Domain Sync Report<br>\n---------------------------------------------------<br>\n";
    $params = getRegistrarConfigOptions($lcregistrar);
    $postfields['auth-userid'] = $params['ResellerID'];
    $postfields['api-key'] = $params['APIKey'];
    $testmode = $params['TestMode'];
    $queryresult = select_query("tbldomains", "id,domain,status", "registrar='" . $lcregistrar . "' AND (status='Pending Transfer' OR status='Active')");
    while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($queryresult)) {
        $domainid = $data['id'];
        $domainname = $data['domain'];
        $status = $data['status'];
        $postfields['domain-name'] = $domainname;
        $orderid = resellerclub_getOrderID($postfields, $params);
        if (!is_numeric($orderid)) {
            $cronreport .= "Error for " . $domainname . ": " . $orderid . "<br>\n";
        $postfields['auth-userid'] = $params['ResellerID'];
        $postfields['api-key'] = $params['APIKey'];
        $postfields['order-id'] = $orderid;
        $postfields['options'] = "All";
        $result = resellerclub_SendCommand("details", "domains", $postfields, $params, "GET");
        if ($result['status'] == "ERROR") {
            $cronreport .= "Error for " . $domainname . ": " . $result['message'] . "<br>\n";
        $expirytime = $currentstatus = "";
        $expirytime = $result['endtime'];
        $currentstatus = $result['currentstatus'];
        if ($expirytime) {
            $updateqry = array();
            if ($currentstatus == "Active") {
                $updateqry['status'] = "Active";
            $expirydate = date("Y-m-d", $expirytime);
            $updateqry['expirydate'] = $expirydate;
            if (count($updateqry)) {
                update_query("tbldomains", $updateqry, array("id" => $domainid));
            if ($status == "Pending Transfer" && $currentstatus == "Active") {
                sendMessage("Domain Transfer Completed", $domainid);
                $cronreport .= "Processed Domain Transfer Completion of " . $domainname . " - Updated expiry to " . fromMySQLDate($expirydate) . "<br>\n";
            $cronreport .= "Updated " . $domainname . " expiry to " . fromMySQLDate($expirydate) . "<br>\n";
        $cronreport .= "Error for " . $domainname . ": No expiry date returned<br>\n";
    echo $cronreport;
    logActivity("" . $registrar . " Domain Sync Run");
    sendAdminNotification("system", "WHMCS " . $registrar . " Domain Syncronisation Report", $cronreport);
Exemplo n.º 6
            $buttoncode = str_replace("<form", "<form target=\"3dauth\"", $buttoncode);
            $smartyvalues['code'] = $buttoncode;
            $smartyvalues['width'] = "400";
            $smartyvalues['height'] = "500";
            if ($buttoncode == "success" || $buttoncode == "declined") {
                $result = $buttoncode;
            } else {
                $templatefile = "3dsecure";
        } else {
            $result = captureCCPayment($invoiceid, $cccvv, true);
        if ($params['paymentmethod'] == "offlinecc") {
            sendAdminNotification("account", "Offline Credit Card Payment Submitted", "<p>An offline credit card payment has just been submitted.  Details are below:</p><p>Client ID: " . $_SESSION['uid'] . "<br />Invoice ID: " . $invoiceid . "</p>");
            redir("id=" . $invoiceid . "&offlinepaid=true", "viewinvoice.php");
        if ($result == "success") {
            redir("id=" . $invoiceid . "&paymentsuccess=true", "viewinvoice.php");
        } else {
            $errormessage = "<li>" . $_LANG['creditcarddeclined'];
            $action = "";
            if ($ccinfo == "new") {
                updateCCDetails($_SESSION['uid'], "", "", "", "", "");
$clientsdetails = getClientsDetails($_SESSION['uid'], "billing");
Exemplo n.º 7
    if ($CONFIG['DomainSyncNotifyOnly']) {
        $updateqry = array("synced" => "1");
    update_query("tbldomains", $updateqry, array("id" => $domainid));
    $cronreport .= " - " . $domain . ": ";
    if (!count($response)) {
        $cronreport .= "Sync Not Supported by Registrar Module";
    } else {
        if ($response['error'] && strtolower(substr($response['error'], 0, 4)) == "curl") {
            if (!in_array($registrar, $curlerrorregistrars)) {
                $curlerrorregistrars[] = $registrar;
            $cronreport .= "Error: " . $response['error'];
        } else {
            if ($response['error']) {
                $cronreport .= "Error: " . $response['error'];
            } else {
                if (!function_exists($registrar . "_TransfersSync") && $status == "Pending Transfer" && $response['active']) {
                    sendMessage("Domain Transfer Completed", $domainid);
                $cronreport .= count($synceditems) ? ($CONFIG['DomainSyncNotifyOnly'] ? "Out of Sync " : "Updated ") . implode(", ", $synceditems) : "In Sync";
    $cronreport .= "<br />\n";
echo $cronreport;
logActivity("Domain Sync Cron: Completed");
sendAdminNotification("system", "WHMCS Domain Syncronisation Cron Report", $cronreport);
Exemplo n.º 8
function makeDomainPayment($func_domainid, $type = "")
    global $whmcs;
    $result = select_query("tbldomains", "", array("id" => $func_domainid));
    $data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $userid = $data['userid'];
    $orderid = $data['orderid'];
    $registrationperiod = $data['registrationperiod'];
    $registrationdate = $data['registrationdate'];
    $nextduedate = $data['nextduedate'];
    $recurringamount = $data['recurringamount'];
    $domain = $data['domain'];
    $paymentmethod = $data['paymentmethod'];
    $registrar = $data['registrar'];
    $status = $data['status'];
    $year = substr($nextduedate, 0, 4);
    $month = substr($nextduedate, 5, 2);
    $day = substr($nextduedate, 8, 2);
    $newnextduedate = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year + $registrationperiod));
    update_query("tbldomains", array("nextduedate" => $newnextduedate), array("id" => $func_domainid));
    $domaintype = substr($type, 6);
    $domainparts = explode(".", $domain, 2);
    $sld = $domainparts[0];
    $tld = $domainparts[1];
    $params = array();
    $params['domainid'] = $func_domainid;
    $params['sld'] = $sld;
    $params['tld'] = $tld;
    if (!function_exists("getRegistrarConfigOptions")) {
        require ROOTDIR . "/includes/registrarfunctions.php";
    if ($domaintype == "Register" || $domaintype == "Transfer") {
        $result = select_query("tbldomainpricing", "autoreg", array("extension" => "." . $tld));
        $data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $autoreg = $data[0];
        if ($status == "Pending") {
            if (getNewClientAutoProvisionStatus($userid)) {
                if ($autoreg) {
                    update_query("tbldomains", array("registrar" => $autoreg), array("id" => $func_domainid));
                    $params['registrar'] = $autoreg;
                    if ($domaintype == "Register") {
                        logActivity("Running Automatic Domain Registration on Payment", $userid);
                        $result = RegRegisterDomain($params);
                        $emailmessage = "Domain Registration Confirmation";
                    } else {
                        if ($domaintype == "Transfer") {
                            logActivity("Running Automatic Domain Transfer on Payment", $userid);
                            $result = RegTransferDomain($params);
                            $emailmessage = "Domain Transfer Initiated";
                    $result = $result['error'];
                    if ($result) {
                        sendAdminMessage("Automatic Setup Failed", array("client_id" => $userid, "domain_id" => $func_domainid, "domain_type" => $domaintype, "domain_name" => $domain, "error_msg" => $result), "account");
                        if ($whmcs->get_config("DomainToDoListEntries")) {
                            if ($domaintype == "Register") {
                                addToDoItem("Manual Domain Registration", "Client ID " . $userid . " has paid for the registration of domain " . $domain . " and the automated registration attempt has failed with the following error: " . $result);
                                return null;
                            if ($domaintype == "Transfer") {
                                addToDoItem("Manual Domain Transfer", "Client ID " . $userid . " has paid for the transfer of domain " . $domain . " and the automated transfer attempt has failed with the following error: " . $result);
                                return null;
                    } else {
                        sendMessage($emailmessage, $func_domainid);
                        sendAdminMessage("Automatic Setup Successful", array("client_id" => $userid, "domain_id" => $func_domainid, "domain_type" => $domaintype, "domain_name" => $domain, "error_msg" => ""), "account");
                        return null;
                if ($whmcs->get_config("DomainToDoListEntries")) {
                    if ($domaintype == "Register") {
                        addToDoItem("Manual Domain Registration", "Client ID " . $userid . " has paid for the registration of domain " . $domain);
                        return null;
                    if ($domaintype == "Transfer") {
                        addToDoItem("Manual Domain Transfer", "Client ID " . $userid . " has paid for the transfer of domain " . $domain);
                        return null;
            } else {
                logActivity("Automatic Domain Registration on Payment Suppressed for New Client", $userid);
                return null;
        if ($autoreg) {
            logActivity("Automatic Domain Registration Suppressed as Domain Is Already Active", $userid);
            return null;
    } else {
        if ($status != "Pending" && $status != "Cancelled" && $status != "Fraud") {
            if ($whmcs->get_config("AutoRenewDomainsonPayment") && $registrar) {
                if ($whmcs->get_config("FreeDomainAutoRenewRequiresProduct") && $recurringamount <= 0 && !get_query_val("tblhosting", "COUNT(*)", array("userid" => $userid, "domain" => $domain, "domainstatus" => "Active"))) {
                    logActivity("Surpressed Automatic Domain Renewal on Payment Due to Domain Being Free and having No Active Associated Product", $userid);
                    sendAdminNotification("account", "Free Domain Renewal Manual Action Required", "The domain " . $domain . " (ID: " . $func_domainid . ") was just invoiced for renewal and automatically marked paid due to it being free, but because no active Product/Service matching the domain was found in order to qualify for the free domain offer, the renewal has not been automatically submitted to the registrar.  You must login to review & process this renewal manually should it be desired.");
                    return null;
                logActivity("Running Automatic Domain Renewal on Payment", $userid);
                $params['registrar'] = $registrar;
                $result = RegRenewDomain($params);
                $result = $result['error'];
                if ($result) {
                    sendAdminMessage("Domain Renewal Failed", array("client_id" => $userid, "domain_id" => $func_domainid, "domain_name" => $domain, "error_msg" => $result), "account");
                    if ($whmcs->get_config("DomainToDoListEntries")) {
                        addToDoItem("Manual Domain Renewal", "Client ID " . $userid . " has paid for the renewal of domain " . $domain . " and the automated renewal attempt has failed with the following error: " . $result);
                        return null;
                } else {
                    sendMessage("Domain Renewal Confirmation", $func_domainid);
                    sendAdminMessage("Domain Renewal Successful", array("client_id" => $userid, "domain_id" => $func_domainid, "domain_name" => $domain, "error_msg" => ""), "account");
                    return null;
            if ($whmcs->get_config("DomainToDoListEntries")) {
                addToDoItem("Manual Domain Renewal", "Client ID " . $userid . " has paid for the renewal of domain " . $domain);