Exemplo n.º 1
                             if (strlen($email) == 0 && isset($fax_array["email"])) {
                                 $email = $fax_array["email"];
                             mysql_query("INSERT INTO contact SET\n                    employer_id = " . db_prep($employer_id) . ",\n                    information = " . db_prep($information) . ",\n                    country_code =" . db_prep($country_code) . ",\n                    email=" . db_prep($email) . ",\n                    fax = " . db_prep($fax_array['fax']) . ",\n                    url = '{$url}',\n                    scraper_date = SYSDATE(),\n                    scraper_hour = SYSDATE()");
                             $contact_id = select_id($query);
                         if ($contact_id) {
                             if ($phone != '') {
                     if (!mysql_query("INSERT INTO job SET\n              url = " . db_prep($url) . ",\n              description = " . db_prep($description) . ",\n              employer_id = " . db_prep($employer_id) . ",\n              contact_id = " . db_prep($contact_id) . ",\n              unique_id = '{$unique_id}',\n              source_id = '{$source_id}',\n              url_search = " . db_prep($url_search) . ",\n              url_scraper_date = " . db_prep($url_scraper_date) . ",\n              url_scraper_hour = " . db_prep($url_scraper_hour) . ",\n              title_id = " . db_prep($title_id) . ",\n              starting_date = STR_TO_DATE('{$starting_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),\n              ending_date = STR_TO_DATE('{$ending_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),\n              country_code = " . db_prep($country_code) . ",\n              region_id = " . db_prep($region_id) . ",\n              minimum_salary = " . db_prep($minimum_salary_array['amount']) . ",\n              maximum_salary = " . db_prep($maximum_salary_array['amount']) . ",\n              salary_comment = " . db_prep($salary_comment) . ",\n              salary_currency_id = " . db_prep($salary_currency_id) . ",\n              salary_tax_id = " . db_prep($salary_tax_id) . ",\n              salary_period_id = " . db_prep($salary_period_id) . ",\n              hours_per_week_min = " . db_prep($hours_per_week_array['min']) . ",\n              hours_per_week_max = " . db_prep($hours_per_week_array['max']) . ",\n              contract_type_id = " . db_prep($contract_type_id) . ",\n              contract_hours_id = " . db_prep($contract_hours_id) . ",\n              accommodation_provided = " . db_prep($accommodation_provided) . ",\n              relocation_covered = " . db_prep($relocation_covered) . ",\n              meals_included = " . db_prep($meals_included) . ",\n              travel_expenses = " . db_prep($travel_expenses) . ",\n              education_skills_id = " . db_prep($education_skills_id) . ",\n              professional_qualifications_required = " . db_prep($professional_qualifications_required) . ",\n              experience_id = " . db_prep($experience_id) . ",\n              driving_license_id = " . db_prep($driving_license_id) . ",\n              minimum_age = " . db_prep($minimum_age) . ",\n              maximum_age = " . db_prep($maximum_age) . ",\n              how_to_apply_id = " . db_prep($how_to_apply_id) . ",\n              last_date_for_application = STR_TO_DATE('{$last_date_for_application}', '%d/%m/%Y'),\n              date_published = STR_TO_DATE('{$date_published}', '%d/%m/%Y'),\n              last_modification_date = STR_TO_DATE('{$last_modification_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),\n              nace_code = " . db_prep($nace_code) . ",\n              national_reference = " . db_prep($national_reference) . ",\n              eures_reference = " . db_prep($eures_reference) . ",\n              isco_code = " . db_prep($isco_code) . ",\n              number_of_posts = " . db_prep($number_of_posts) . ",\n              job_scraper_date = SYSDATE(),\n              job_scraper_hour = SYSDATE()")) {
                         write_log("not_imported_job.logs", array($unique_id, $source_id, mysql_error()));
                     } else {
                         $job_id = select_id("SELECT id FROM job where unique_id = '{$unique_id}' AND source_id = '{$source_id}'");
                         if ($required_languages) {
     } else {
         die("Could not open directory: " . $dir);
 } else {
     echo "Directory does not exist: " . $dir . PHP_EOL;
 mysql_query("INSERT INTO update_service SET date = SYSDATE(), hour = SYSDATE(), type='job'");
Exemplo n.º 2
    $level2OfState = $_POST['level2OfState'];
    $_SESSION['3-3-16'] = $level2OfState;
    $ID = 'ST_NO,N,2';
    $TabelName = 'state';
    $ColumnName = 'ST_NAME,C,22';
    $Condition = $level2OfState;
    $level2OfState = select_id($ID, $TabelName, $ColumnName, $Condition);
    $level2OfPin = $_POST['level2OfPin'];
    $_SESSION['3-3-17'] = $level2OfPin;
    $level2OfCoun = $_POST['level2OfCoun'];
    $_SESSION['3-3-18'] = $level2OfCoun;
    $ID = 'CNT_NO,N,3';
    $TabelName = 'country';
    $ColumnName = 'CNT_NAME,C,45';
    $Condition = $level2OfCoun;
    $level2OfCoun = select_id($ID, $TabelName, $ColumnName, $Condition);
    $sql = "UPDATE `cust_address_info_l2` SET \r\n                        \r\n                        `ADDR_FLAG,C,1` = '{$addresscomlevel2}',\r\n                            \r\n                        `RES_ADDR1,C,25` = '{$level2ReFlat}',\r\n                        `RES_ADDR2,C,25` = '{$level2ReBuid}',\r\n                        `RES_ADDR3,C,25` = '{$level2ReRoad}',\r\n                        `RES_ADDR4,C,25` = '{$level2ReArea}', \r\n                        `RES_DIST,C,25` = '{$level2ReTown}',\t\t\t\r\n                        `RES_STATE,C,2` = '{$level2ReState}',\r\n                        `RES_PIN,C,6` = '{$level2RePin}',\r\n                        `RES_CNTRY,C,3` = '{$level2ReCoun}',\r\n                            \r\n                        `OFF_NAME,C,75` = '{$level2NameOffice}',\r\n                        `OFF_ADDR1,C,25` = '{$level2OfFlat}',\r\n                        `OFF_ADDR2,C,25` = '{$level2OfBuil}',\r\n                        `OFF_ADDR3,C,25` = '{$level2OfRoad}',   \r\n                        `OFF_ADDR4,C,25` = '{$level2OfArea}', \r\n                            \r\n                        `OFF_DIST,C,25` = '{$level2OfTown}',      \r\n                        `OFF_STATE,C,2` = '{$level2OfState}',\r\n                        `OFF_PIN,C,6` = '{$level2OfPin}',\r\n                        `OFF_CNTRY,C,3` = '{$level2OfCoun}',\r\n                        `TEL_ISD,C,7` = '',\r\n                        `TEL_STD,C,7` = '',\r\n                        `TEL_NO,C,13` = '',\r\n                        `E_MAIL_ID,C,41` ='',\r\n                        `STATUS,N,1`='1',\r\n                        `flag1` = '',\r\n                        `flag2` = '',\r\n                        `flag3` = '',\r\n                        `flag4` = '',\r\n                        `flag5` = ''\r\n\t\r\n                        WHERE `FORM_ID,C,18` = '{$_SESSION['Batch_ID']}';";
    if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) {
        $_SESSION['ContactStatuslevel2'] = '1';
        echo '<script>
                        alert("Contact level2 Info Submitted Successfully!");
        $ID = 'DOB_DOC_ID,N,2';
        $TabelName = 'dob_doc';
        $ColumnName = 'DOB_DOC,C,2';
        $Condition = $Pdob;
        $Pdob = select_id($ID, $TabelName, $ColumnName, $Condition);
        $NOD = $_POST['NOD'];
        $_SESSION['2-6-6'] = $NOD;
        $Aname = $_POST['Aname'];
        $_SESSION['2-6-7'] = $Aname;
        $Capacity = $_POST['Capacity'];
        $_SESSION['2-6-8'] = $Capacity;
        $ID = 'CAP_NO,N,1';
        $TabelName = 'capacity';
        $ColumnName = 'CAP_NAME,C,23';
        $Condition = $Capacity;
        $Capacity = select_id($ID, $TabelName, $ColumnName, $Condition);
        $Place = $_POST['Place'];
        $_SESSION['2-6-9'] = $Place;
        $dateofbirth = $_POST['Vdate'];
        $_SESSION['2-6-10'] = $dateofbirth;
        $sql = " UPDATE `cust_verification_info` SET \r\n\t\r\n\t\t`PHOTO_FLAG,C,1` = '{$Photo}', \r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t`SIG_FLAG,C,1` = '{$Sign}', \r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t`IDENT_DOC,C,2` = '{$POI}',\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t`RES_DOC,C,2` = '{$POA}',\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t`DOB_DOC,C,2` = '{$Pdob}',\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t`NoOfDoc` = '{$NOD}',\r\n\t\r\n\t\t`VER_NAME,C,75` = '{$Aname}',\r\n                    \r\n\t\t`VER_CAP,C,2` = '{$Capacity}',\r\n                    \t\t\r\n\t\t`VER_PLACE,C,30` = '{$Place}',\r\n                                   \r\n\t\t`DOA,D` = '{$dateofbirth}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t`STATUS,N,1` = '2',\r\n\t\t`flag1` = '',\r\n\t\t`flag2` = '',\r\n                                `flag3` = ''\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tWHERE `FORM_ID,C,18` = '{$_SESSION['Level1_Form_ID']}';";
        if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) {
            $_SESSION['VerificationStatus'] = '1';
            echo '<script>
			alert("Verification Details Info Submitted Successfully!");
Exemplo n.º 4
    if ($contact != '' || $email != '' || $information != '' || $phone != '' || $fax != '') {
        if ($email != '') {
            $query = "SELECT id FROM contact WHERE email = '{$email}'";
        } elseif ($information != '' && $phone != '' && $fax != '') {
            $query = "SELECT id FROM contact WHERE information LIKE '{$information}' AND fax LIKE '{$fax}' AND phone LIKE '{$phone}' AND country_id = '{$address_array['country_id']}'";
        } elseif ($information != '' && $phone != '') {
            $query = "SELECT id FROM contact WHERE information LIKE '{$information}' AND phone LIKE '{$phone}' AND country_id = '{$address_array['country_id']}'";
        } elseif ($information != '' && $fax != '') {
            $query = "SELECT id FROM contact WHERE information LIKE '{$information}' AND fax LIKE '{$fax}' AND country_id = '{$address_array['country_id']}'";
        } elseif ($phone != '' && $fax != '') {
            $query = "SELECT id FROM contact WHERE phone LIKE '{$phone}' AND fax LIKE '{$fax}' AND country_id = '{$address_array['country_id']}'";
        } else {
            $query = "SELECT id FROM contact WHERE email = '{$email}' AND information LIKE '{$information}' AND phone LIKE '{$phone}' AND fax LIKE '{$fax}' AND country_id = '{$address_array['country_id']}'";
        $contact_id = select_id($query);
        if ($contact_id == '') {
            mysql_query("INSERT INTO contact SET \n\t\t\t\t\temployer_id = '{$employer_id}',\n\t\t\t\t\tcontact = '{$contact}',\n\t\t\t\t\tinformation = '{$information}',\n\t\t\t\t\tphone = '{$phone}',\n\t\t\t\t\temail='{$email}',\n\t\t\t\t\tfax = '{$fax}',\n\t\t\t\t\tcountry_id ='{$address_array['country_id']}',\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\turl = '{$url}',\n\t\t\t\t\tscraper_date = SYSDATE(),\t \n\t\t\t\t\tscraper_hour = SYSDATE()") or die(mysql_error());
            $contact_id = select_id("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM contact");
    ## UPDATING JOB ##
    mysql_query("UPDATE job SET \n\t\t\temployer_id = " . db_prep($employer_id) . ",\n\t\t\tcontact_id = " . db_prep($contact_id) . ",    \n\t\t\ttitle_id = " . db_prep($title_id) . ",       \n\t\t\tstarting_date = STR_TO_DATE('{$starting_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),\n\t\t\tending_date = STR_TO_DATE('{$ending_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),\n\t\t\tcountry_id = " . db_prep($country_id) . ",  \n\t\t\tregion_id = " . db_prep($region_id) . ",  \n\t\t\tminimum_salary = " . db_prep($minimum_salary) . ",  \n\t\t\tmaximum_salary = " . db_prep($maximum_salary) . ",  \n\t\t\tsalary_currency_id = " . db_prep($salary_currency_id) . ",  \n\t\t\tsalary_tax_id = " . db_prep($salary_tax_id) . ",  \n\t\t\tsalary_period_id = " . db_prep($salary_period_id) . ",   \n\t\t\thours_per_week = " . db_prep($hours_per_week) . ",  \n\t\t\tcontract_type_id = " . db_prep($contract_type_id) . ",   \n\t\t\tcontract_hours_id = " . db_prep($contract_hours_id) . ",   \n\t\t\taccommodation_provided = " . db_prep($accommodation_provided) . ",   \n\t\t\trelocation_covered = " . db_prep($relocation_covered) . ",   \n\t\t\tmeals_included = " . db_prep($meals_included) . ",   \n\t\t\ttravel_expenses = " . db_prep($travel_expenses) . ",   \n\t\t\teducation_skills_id = " . db_prep($education_skills_id) . ",   \n\t\t\tprofessional_qualifications_required = " . db_prep($professional_qualifications_required) . ",   \n\t\t\texperience_id = " . db_prep($experience_id) . ",   \n\t\t\tdriving_license_id = " . db_prep($driving_license_id) . ",   \n\t\t\tminimum_age = " . db_prep($minimum_age) . ",   \n\t\t\tmaximum_age = " . db_prep($maximum_age) . ",   \n\t\t\thow_to_apply_id = " . db_prep($how_to_apply_id) . ",   \n\t\t\tlast_date_for_application = STR_TO_DATE('{$last_date_for_application}', '%d/%m/%Y'),\n\t\t\tdate_published = STR_TO_DATE('{$date_published}', '%d/%m/%Y'),\n\t\t\tlast_modification_date = STR_TO_DATE('{$last_modification_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),\n\t\t\tnace_code = " . db_prep($nace_code) . ",   \n\t\t\tnational_reference = " . db_prep($national_reference) . ",   \n\t\t\teures_reference = " . db_prep($eures_reference) . ",   \n\t\t\tisco_code = " . db_prep($isco_code) . ",   \n\t\t\tisco_unit_code = " . db_prep($isco_unit_code) . ",   \n\t\t\tisco_minor_code = " . db_prep($isco_minor_code) . ",   \n\t\t\tisco_submajor_code = " . db_prep($isco_submajor_code) . ",   \n\t\t\tisco_major_code = " . db_prep($isco_major_code) . ",   \n\t\t\tnumber_of_posts = " . db_prep($number_of_posts) . ",   \n\t\t\tjob_scraper_date = SYSDATE(),\t \n\t\t\tjob_scraper_hour = SYSDATE()\n\t\t\n\t\tWHERE url = '{$url}'") or die(mysql_error());
    if ($cont_job > 1) {
        unset($title, $required_languages, $starting_date, $ending_date, $country, $region, $minimum_salary, $maximum_salary, $salary_currency, $salary_tax, $salary_period, $hours_per_week, $contract, $contract_type, $contract_hours, $accommodation_provided, $relocation_covered, $meals_included, $travel_expenses, $education_skills_required, $professional_qualifications_required, $experience_required, $driving_license_required, $minimum_age, $maximum_age, $name, $information, $address, $phone, $email, $fax, $how_to_apply, $contact, $last_date_for_application, $date_published, $national_reference, $last_modification_date, $nace_code, $isco_code, $isco_unit_code, $isco_minor_code, $isco_submajor_code, $isco_major_code, $number_of_posts, $other_value, $eures_reference, $contract_type_id, $contract_hours_id, $education_skills_id, $experience_id, $driving_license_id, $contact_id, $employer_id, $address_array, $how_to_apply_id, $title_id, $homepage, $dom, $text, $data, $sql, $query, $row, $salary_currency_id, $salary_period_id, $salary_tax_id, $salary, $salary['amount']);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO update_service SET date = SYSDATE(), hour = SYSDATE(), type='job'");