Exemplo n.º 1
 public function show($condition = '', $orderby = '', $limit = '')
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "section  WHERE 1 " . $condition . $orderby . $limit;
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     $info = array();
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         $r['name'] = seekhelp_clean_value($r['name']);
         $info[] = $r;
     return $info;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * comment详情
 public function comment_detail($id)
     $info = array();
     $member_ids = array();
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'comment WHERE 1 AND id IN(' . $id . ')';
     $query = $this->db->query($sql);
     while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) {
         $member_ids[] = $row['member_id'];
         $row['content'] = seekhelp_clean_value(stripcslashes(urldecode($row['content'])));
         $info[] = $row;
     if (!empty($member_ids)) {
         $member_ids = implode(',', $member_ids);
         if (defined('SEEKHELP_NEW_MEMBER') && SEEKHELP_NEW_MEMBER) {
             if ($this->settings['App_members']) {
                 $userInfor = array();
                 $temp_members = $this->members->get_newUserInfo_by_ids($member_ids);
                 if ($temp_members && !empty($temp_members) && is_array($temp_members)) {
                     foreach ($temp_members as $val) {
                         $userInfor[$val['member_id']] = $val;
         } else {
             $userInfor = $this->get_userinfo_by_id($member_ids);
     if (!empty($info)) {
         foreach ($info as $key => $val) {
             if (defined('SEEKHELP_NEW_MEMBER') && SEEKHELP_NEW_MEMBER) {
                 if ($userInfor[$val['member_id']]['member_name']) {
                     $info[$key]['member_name'] = IS_HIDE_MOBILE ? hg_hide_mobile($userInfor[$val['member_id']]['nick_name']) : $userInfor[$val['member_id']]['nick_name'];
                 if ($userInfor[$val['member_id']]['avatar']['host']) {
                     $info[$key]['member_avatar'] = array('host' => $userInfor[$val['member_id']]['avatar']['host'], 'dir' => $userInfor[$val['member_id']]['avatar']['dir'], 'filepath' => $userInfor[$val['member_id']]['avatar']['filepath'], 'filename' => $userInfor[$val['member_id']]['avatar']['filename']);
                     $info[$key]['member_level'] = intval($userInfor[$val['member_id']]['digital']);
             } else {
                 if ($userInfor[$val['member_id']]['nick_name']) {
                     $info[$key]['member_name'] = IS_HIDE_MOBILE ? hg_hide_mobile($userInfor[$val['member_id']]['nick_name']) : $userInfor[$val['member_id']]['nick_name'];
                 if ($userInfor[$val['member_id']]['host']) {
                     $info[$key]['member_avatar'] = array('host' => $userInfor[$val['member_id']]['host'], 'dir' => $userInfor[$val['member_id']]['dir'], 'filepath' => $userInfor[$val['member_id']]['filepath'], 'filename' => $userInfor[$val['member_id']]['filename']);
     return $info;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * 创建评论
  * cid 
  * @see outerUpdateBase::create()
 public function create()
     if ($this->input['app_id']) {
         $blackInfo = $this->blacklist->check_blackByappId($this->input['app_id']);
         if ($blackInfo && $blackInfo['deadline'] == -1) {
     $data = array('cid' => intval($this->input['cid']), 'member_id' => intval($this->user['user_id']), 'comment_type' => trim($this->input['comment_type']), 'comment_fid' => intval($this->input['comment_fid']), 'location' => trim($this->input['location']), 'status' => 0, 'content' => $this->input['content'], 'create_time' => TIMENOW, 'ip' => $this->user['ip']);
     //comment_type默认值 此处兼容老社区
     if (!$this->input['comment_type']) {
         $data['comment_type'] = 'main';
         $data['status'] = 1;
     if ($this->input['app_id'] && $data['comment_type'] == 'main') {
         $app_id = $this->input['app_id'];
         $appconfig = $this->appconfig->detail($app_id);
         if ($appconfig['comment_audit'] == 0) {
             $data['status'] = 1;
         } else {
             $data['status'] = 0;
     if (!$data['cid'] || !$data['member_id'] || !$data['content']) {
     // 		if(!$data['comment_type'])
     // 		{
     // 			$this->errorOutput(NO_COMMENT_TYPE);
     // 		}
     include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/members.class.php';
     $obj = new members();
     $res = $obj->check_blacklist($data['member_id']);
     if ($res[$data['member_id']]['isblack']) {
         //$this->addItem_withkey('error', "您的评论被屏蔽,请联系管理员!");
         //$this->addItem_withkey('msg', "您的评论被屏蔽,请联系管理员!");
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "seekhelp WHERE id = " . $data['cid'];
     $seekhelp = $this->db->query_first($sql);
     $sort_id = $seekhelp['sort_id'];
     $data['sort_id'] = $sort_id;
     if ($this->settings['App_banword']) {
         require_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/banword.class.php';
         $this->banword = new banword();
         $str = $data['content'];
         $banword = $this->banword->exists($str);
         if ($banword && is_array($banword)) {
             $banword_content = '';
             foreach ($banword as $key => $val) {
                 $banword_content .= $val['banname'] . ',';
             $data['banword'] = $banword_content ? rtrim($banword_content, ',') : '';
             $data['status'] = 0;
     $data['content'] = urlencode($data['content']);
     $ret = $this->comment->create($data);
     if ($ret) {
         if ($data['status']) {
             if ($data['comment_type'] == 'vice') {
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "comment WHERE id = " . $data['comment_fid'];
                 $comment = $this->db->query_first($sql);
                 $this->SetCommentNum($data['comment_type'], $ret);
                 $this->SetTimeline($ret['id'], $comment, 'comment');
             } else {
                 $this->SetCommentNum($data['comment_type'], $ret);
                 $this->SetTimeline($ret['id'], $seekhelp, 'seekhelp');
             if ($data['comment_type'] == 'main') {
                 $this->updateMemberCount($data['member_id'], 'create');
     if ($this->settings['App_members']) {
         $memberInfo = $this->members->get_newUserInfo_by_ids($data['member_id']);
     $ret['member_avatar'] = $memberInfo[0]['avatar'];
     $ret['member_name'] = IS_HIDE_MOBILE ? hg_hide_mobile($memberInfo[0]['nick_name']) : $memberInfo[0]['nick_name'];
     $ret['content'] = seekhelp_clean_value(stripcslashes(urldecode($ret['content'])));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * 更新版块
 public function update()
     $data = $this->get_condition();
     $avatar = $this->uploadimg('avatar');
     if ($avatar) {
         $data['avatar'] = $avatar;
     if (!$data['id']) {
     if ($data['type']) {
         $data['type'] = $data['type'];
     } else {
     $result = $this->api->update($data['id'], $data);
     if (!$result) {
     if ($avatar) {
         $data['avatar'] = unserialize($data['avatar']);
     } else {
         $sectionInfo = $this->api->detail($data['id']);
         $data['avatar'] = unserialize($sectionInfo['avatar']);
     if ($data['name']) {
         $data['name'] = seekhelp_clean_value($data['name']);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function detail($id, $member_id = 0)
     $sql = 'SELECT sh.*, c.content,
             a.name AS account_name, a.avatar AS account_avatar, 
             s.name AS sort_name,
             r.content AS reply, r.create_time AS reply_time, r.user_id AS reply_user_id 
             FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'seekhelp sh 
             LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'content c ON sh.id = c.id
             LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'account a ON sh.account_id = a.id
             LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sort s ON sh.sort_id = s.id
             LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'reply r ON sh.reply_id = r.id 
             WHERE sh.id = ' . $id;
     $ret = $this->db->query_first($sql);
     if (!$ret) {
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'content WHERE id=' . $id . '';
         $ret = $this->db->query_first($sql);
     $ret['format_create_time'] = date('Y-m-d', $ret['create_time']);
     $ret['account_avatar'] = $ret['account_avatar'] ? unserialize($ret['account_avatar']) : '';
     $ret['title'] = stripcslashes($ret['title']);
     $ret['content'] = seekhelp_clean_value(stripcslashes(urldecode($ret['content'])));
     $ret['banword'] = $ret['banword'] ? unserialize($ret['banword']) : '';
     $ret['is_joint'] = 0;
     $ret['is_attention'] = 0;
     $ret['comment_num'] = 0;
     $ret['attention_num'] = 0;
     $ret['joint_num'] = 0;
     $ret['pic'] = '';
     $ret['video'] = '';
     $ret['vodeo_audio'] = '';
     $ret['member_name'] = '';
     $ret['member_avatar'] = '';
     $ret['reply_user_name'] = '';
     $ret['reply_avatar'] = '';
     $ret['reply_pass_time'] = '';
     $ret['reply_pic'] = '';
     $ret['reply_video'] = '';
     $ret['reply_video_audio'] = '';
     $ret['recommend_answer'] = '';
     $ret['recommend_user_id'] = '';
     $ret['recommend_user_name'] = '';
     $ret['recommend_avatar'] = '';
     $ret['recommend_time'] = '';
     $ret['recommend_pass_time'] = '';
     $comment_num = $this->comment_num($id);
     $attention_num = $this->attention_num($id);
     $joint_num = $this->joint_num($id);
     $ret['comment_num'] = $comment_num[$id] ? $comment_num[$id] : 0;
     $ret['attention_num'] = $attention_num[$id] ? $attention_num[$id] : 0;
     $ret['joint_num'] = $joint_num[$id] ? $joint_num[$id] : 0;
     if ($ret['reply_user_id'] && $this->settings['App_auth']) {
         $curl = new curl($this->settings['App_auth']['host'], $this->settings['App_auth']['dir']);
         $curl->addRequestData('a', 'getMemberById');
         $curl->addRequestData('id', $ret['reply_user_id']);
         $userInfor = $curl->request('member.php');
         $userInfor = $userInfor[0][0];
         if ($userInfor) {
             $ret['reply_user_name'] = IS_HIDE_MOBILE ? hg_hide_mobile($userInfor['user_name']) : $userInfor['user_name'];
             $ret['reply_avatar'] = $userInfor['avatar'];
     if ($ret['is_reply']) {
         $ret['comment_num'] += 1;
         if ($ret['reply']) {
             $ret['reply_pass_time'] = TIMENOW - $ret['reply_time'];
     if ($member_id) {
         $is_joint = $this->check_is_joint($member_id, $id);
         $is_attention = $this->check_is_attention($member_id, $id);
         $ret['is_joint'] = $is_joint ? 1 : 0;
         $ret['is_attention'] = $is_attention ? 1 : 0;
     $memberIds = array();
     $memberIds[] = $ret['member_id'];
     if ($ret['is_recommend'] && $ret['comment_id']) {
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'comment
                 WHERE id = ' . $ret['comment_id'] . ' AND status = 1 AND is_recommend = 1';
         $commentInfor = $this->db->query_first($sql);
         if ($commentInfor) {
             $ret['recommend_answer'] = $commentInfor['content'];
             $ret['recommend_user_id'] = $commentInfor['member_id'];
             $ret['recommend_time'] = $commentInfor['create_time'];
             $ret['recommend_pass_time'] = TIMENOW - $commentInfor['create_time'];
             $memberIds[] = $commentInfor['member_id'];
         if ($this->settings['App_members'] && !empty($memberIds)) {
             $memberIds = implode(',', $memberIds);
             $member = array();
             $temp_members = $this->members->get_newUserInfo_by_ids($memberIds);
             if ($temp_members && !empty($temp_members) && is_array($temp_members)) {
                 foreach ($temp_members as $val) {
                     $member[$val['member_id']] = $val;
         if ($member && $ret['member_id']) {
             $ret['member_name'] = IS_HIDE_MOBILE ? hg_hide_mobile($member[$ret['member_id']]['nick_name']) : $member[$ret['member_id']]['nick_name'];
             $ret['member_avatar'] = array('host' => $member[$ret['member_id']]['avatar']['host'], 'dir' => $member[$ret['member_id']]['avatar']['dir'], 'filepath' => $member[$ret['member_id']]['avatar']['filepath'], 'filename' => $member[$ret['member_id']]['avatar']['filename']);
         if ($member && $ret['recommend_user_id']) {
             $ret['recommend_user_name'] = IS_HIDE_MOBILE ? hg_hide_mobile($member[$ret['recommend_user_id']]['member_name']) : $member[$ret['recommend_user_id']]['member_name'];
             $ret['recommend_avatar'] = array('host' => $member[$ret['recommend_user_id']]['avatar']['host'], 'dir' => $member[$ret['recommend_user_id']]['avatar']['dir'], 'filepath' => $member[$ret['recommend_user_id']]['avatar']['filepath'], 'filename' => $member[$ret['recommend_user_id']]['avatar']['filename']);
     } else {
         if ($this->settings['App_member'] && !empty($memberIds)) {
             $memberIds = implode(',', $memberIds);
             $member = $this->member->getMemberByIds($memberIds);
             $member = $member[0];
         if ($member && $ret['member_id']) {
             $ret['member_name'] = IS_HIDE_MOBILE ? hg_hide_mobile($member[$ret['member_id']]['nick_name']) : $member[$ret['member_id']]['nick_name'];
             $ret['member_avatar'] = array('host' => $member[$ret['member_id']]['host'], 'dir' => $member[$ret['member_id']]['dir'], 'filepath' => $member[$ret['member_id']]['filepath'], 'filename' => $member[$ret['member_id']]['filename']);
         if ($member && $ret['recommend_user_id']) {
             $ret['recommend_user_name'] = IS_HIDE_MOBILE ? hg_hide_mobile($member[$ret['recommend_user_id']]['nick_name']) : $member[$ret['recommend_user_id']]['nick_name'];
             $ret['recommend_avatar'] = array('host' => $member[$ret['recommend_user_id']]['host'], 'dir' => $member[$ret['recommend_user_id']]['dir'], 'filepath' => $member[$ret['recommend_user_id']]['filepath'], 'filename' => $member[$ret['recommend_user_id']]['filename']);
     if ($ret['reply_id'])
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_PREFIX.'materials WHERE cid = '.$id.' OR rid = '.$ret['reply_id'];
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_PREFIX.'materials WHERE cid = '.$id;
     $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'materials WHERE flag = 1';
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'materials WHERE cid = ' . $id . ' ORDER BY id DESC';
     $query = $this->db->query($sql);
     $content_materials = array();
     $reply_materials = array();
     $vodIds = array();
     $id_original_id = array();
     while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) {
         if ($row['mark'] == 'video') {
             $vodIds[] = $row['original_id'];
             $id_original_id[$row['original_id']] = $row['id'];
         if ($row['cid'] == $id && !$row['rid']) {
             if ($row['mark'] == 'img') {
                 $content_materials['pic'][] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'host' => $row['host'], 'dir' => $row['dir'], 'filepath' => $row['filepath'], 'filename' => $row['filename'], 'imgwidth' => $row['imgwidth'], 'imgheight' => $row['imgheight']);
             if ($row['mark'] == 'video') {
                 $content_materials['vodid'][] = $row['original_id'];
         if ($ret['reply_id'] && $row['rid'] == $ret['reply_id']) {
             if ($row['mark'] == 'img') {
                 $reply_materials['pic'][] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'host' => $row['host'], 'dir' => $row['dir'], 'filepath' => $row['filepath'], 'filename' => $row['filename'], 'imgwidth' => $row['imgwidth'], 'imgheight' => $row['imgheight']);
             if ($row['mark'] == 'video') {
                 $reply_materials['vodid'][] = $row['original_id'];
     if (!empty($content_materials['pic'])) {
         $ret['pic'] = $content_materials['pic'];
     if (!empty($reply_materials['pic'])) {
         $ret['reply_pic'] = $reply_materials['pic'];
     if (!empty($vodIds)) {
         $vod_ids = implode(',', $vodIds);
         $vodInfor = $this->livmedia->get_video($vod_ids);
         if ($vodInfor) {
             if (!empty($content_materials['vodid']) && is_array($content_materials['vodid'])) {
                 foreach ($content_materials['vodid'] as $vodid) {
                     if ($vodInfor[$vodid]['is_audio'] == 0) {
                         $vodInfor[$vodid]['id'] = $id_original_id[$vodid];
                         $ret['video'][] = $vodInfor[$vodid];
                     if ($vodInfor[$vodid]['is_audio']) {
                         $vodInfor[$vodid]['id'] = $id_original_id[$vodid];
                         $ret['vodeo_audio'][] = $vodInfor[$vodid];
             if (!empty($reply_materials['vodid']) && is_array($reply_materials['vodid'])) {
                 foreach ($reply_materials['vodid'] as $vodid) {
                     if ($vodInfor[$vodid]['is_audio'] == 0) {
                         $vodInfor[$vodid]['id'] = $id_original_id[$vodid];
                         $ret['reply_video'][] = $vodInfor[$vodid];
                     if ($vodInfor[$vodid]['is_audio']) {
                         $vodInfor[$vodid]['id'] = $id_original_id[$vodid];
                         $ret['reply_video_audio'][] = $vodInfor[$vodid];
     $ret['show_other_data'] = false;
     if (defined('SHOW_OTHER_DATA')) {
         $ret['show_other_data'] = SHOW_OTHER_DATA;
     return $ret;