$sql_totavg = "SELECT idtktinPK,timereported,timeclosed FROM tktin \n\t\t\t\tWHERE date(tktin.timereported)>='" . $_SESSION['timestart'] . "' \n\t\t\t\tAND date(tktin.timereported)<='" . $_SESSION['timestop'] . "' \n\t\t\t\tAND (tktstatus_idtktstatus=4 OR tktstatus_idtktstatus=5)\n\t\t\t\tAND timeclosed!='0000-00-00 00:00:00'"; $res_totavg = mysql_query($sql_totavg); $fet_totavg = mysql_fetch_array($res_totavg); $num_totavg = mysql_num_rows($res_totavg); if ($num_totavg > 0) { $differenceInSeconds_total_2 = 0; do { $differenceInSeconds_2 = 0; $timereported_2 = strtotime($fet_totavg['timereported']); $timeclosed_2 = strtotime($fet_totavg['timeclosed']); $differenceInSeconds_2 = $timeclosed_2 - $timereported_2; $differenceInSeconds_total_2 = $differenceInSeconds_total_2 + $differenceInSeconds_2; } while ($fet_totavg = mysql_fetch_array($res_totavg)); //Get the average number of seconds for the closed tickets $differenceInSeconds_avg_2 = $differenceInSeconds_total_2 / $num_totavg; echo seconds2human($differenceInSeconds_avg_2); } else { echo "--"; } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td width="5%"> </td> <td width="40%" valign="top"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="border:1px solid #999999"> <tr> <td width="30%" class="tbl_h">Legend Title</td> <td width="70%" class="tbl_h" style="color:#cccccc">-</td>
if (isset($p->port->service['banner'])) { $banner = $p->port->service['banner']; } else { $banner = ''; } $title = ''; } } else { $service = ''; $banner = ''; $title = ''; } $state = (string) $p->port->state['state']; $reason = (string) $p->port->state['reason']; $reason_ttl = (string) $p->port->state['reason_ttl']; $q = "INSERT INTO data SET id = null,\n ip = " . $ip . ",\n port_id = " . (int) $port . ",\n scanned_ts = '" . DB::escape($scanned_ts) . "',\n protocol = '" . DB::escape($protocol) . "',\n state = '" . DB::escape($state) . "',\n reason = '" . DB::escape($reason) . "',\n reason_ttl = '" . (int) $reason_ttl . "',\n service = '" . DB::escape($service) . "',\n banner = '" . DB::escape($banner) . "',\n title = '" . DB::escape($title) . "'"; $total++; if (DB::execute($q)) { $inserted++; } } } $end_ts = time(); echo PHP_EOL; echo "Summary:"; echo PHP_EOL; echo "Total records:" . $total . "\n"; echo "Inserted records:" . $inserted . "\n"; $secs = $end_ts - $start_ts; echo "Took about:" . seconds2human($secs); echo PHP_EOL;
<?php theme::header_start('Cache', 'Manage "' . $current_cache . '" cache.'); Plugin_search_sort::field(); o_dialog::confirm_button($controller_path . '/clear', 'All', 'trash', 'Cached Entries', 'Do you want to delete all cached entries?', ['redirect' => 'true']); theme::header_end(); theme::table_start(['Name', 'Size' => 'text-center', 'Created', 'Expires', 'Actions' => 'text-center'], [], $records); foreach ($records as $record) { $record = (object) $record; theme::table_start_tr(); theme::e($record->name); theme::table_row('text-center'); theme::e(byte_format($record->size)); $total_bytes += $record->size; theme::table_row(); theme::e(date('m/d/y g:ia', $record->date)); theme::table_row(); theme::e(date('m/d/y g:ia', $record->date + $ttl_txt)); theme::table_row('actions text-center'); o_dialog::confirm_a_delete($this->controller_path . '/delete/' . urlencode($record->name)); theme::table_end_tr(); } theme::table_end(); theme::return_to_top(); if ($total_bytes > 0) { echo '<p><strong>Total Size <span class="badge">' . byte_format($total_bytes) . '</span></strong></p>'; } if ($ttl_txt > 0) { echo '<p><strong>Time to live <span class="badge">~' . seconds2human($ttl_txt) . '</span></strong></p>'; }
<?php theme::header_start('Lockouts', 'Login Max Attempts <span class="badge badge-info">' . $attempts . '</span> Login Attempts Expire After <span class="badge badge-info">' . seconds2human($expire) . '</span>'); Plugin_search_sort::field(); if (count($records) > 0) { o_dialog::confirm_button($controller_path . '/clear', 'All', 'trash', 'Login Attempts', 'Do you want to remove all login attempts?', ['redirect' => 'true']); } theme::header_end(); theme::table_start(['IP Address', 'Login', 'Time', 'Actions' => 'text-center'], [], $records); foreach ($records as $record) { theme::table_start_tr(); theme::e($record->ip_address); theme::table_row(); theme::e($record->login); theme::table_row(); theme::date($record->time); theme::table_row('actions text-center'); o_dialog::confirm_a_delete($this->controller_path . '/delete/' . $record->id); theme::table_end_tr(); } theme::table_end(); theme::return_to_top();