$result = bookmark_and_tag_record_ids($data); break; case 'add_detail': $result = add_detail($data); break; case 'replace_detail': $result = replace_detail($data); break; case 'delete_detail': $result = delete_detail($data); break; case 'set_ratings': $result = set_ratings($data); break; case 'save_search': $result = save_search($data); break; case 'bookmark_tag_and_ssearch': //from saveCollectionPopup.html NOT USED SINCE 2012-02-13 $result = bookmark_tag_and_save_search($data); break; case 'set_wg_and_vis': $result = set_wg_and_vis($data); break; } } else { $result = array("problem" => "'data' parameter is missing for search result action '" . @$_REQUEST['action'] ? $_REQUEST['action'] : "action missing" . "'"); } header('Content-type: text/javascript'); if ($result) { print json_format($result);
case 'remove_tags': $res = remove_tags($data); break; case 'bookmark_reference': $res = bookmark_references($data); break; case 'bookmark_and_tag': case 'bookmark_and_tags': //save collection of ids with some tag $res = bookmark_and_tag_record_ids($data); break; case 'set_ratings': $res = set_ratings($data); break; case 'save_search': $res = save_search($data); break; case 'bookmark_tag_and_ssearch': //from saveCollectionPopup.html NOT USED SINCE 2012-02-13 $res = bookmark_tag_and_save_search($data); break; case 'set_wg_and_vis': $res = set_wg_and_vis($data); break; } } else { $res = array("problem" => "Parameter 'data' is missed for action script"); } header('Content-type: text/javascript'); if ($res) { print json_format($res);
//PULL DATA FOR ITEMS TO DISPLAY FROM DATABASE $limited_result = array(); if (!empty($result_array)) { save_export_files($result_array); $limited_result = array_slice($result_array, $from, $limit); $result_string = join(",", $limited_result); $result_string = "id IN ({$result_string})"; $result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT id,file,authors,title,journal,secondary_title,year,volume,pages,abstract,uid,doi,url,addition_date,rating FROM library WHERE {$result_string} ORDER BY {$orderby} COLLATE NOCASE {$ordering}"); $result = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $dbHandle = null; } //SAVE SEARCH IN CACHE if ($_GET['select'] != 'clipboard' && !isset($searches[$md5_query])) { $searches[$md5_query]['result'] = $result_array; $searches[$md5_query]['query_time'] = time(); save_search($searches_file, $searches); } //TRUNCATE SHELF FILES ARRAY TO ONLY DISPLAYED FILES IMPROVES PERFROMANCE FOR LARGE SHELVES if (count($shelf_files) > 5000) { $shelf_files = array_intersect((array) $limited_result, (array) $shelf_files); } //PRE-FETCH CATEGORIES, PROJECTS FOR DISPLAYED ITEMS IN A BATCH INTO TEMP DATABASE TO OFFLOAD THE MAIN DATABASE if (!empty($result_array)) { $display_files2 = join(",", $limited_result); try { $tempdbHandle = new PDO('sqlite::memory:'); } catch (PDOException $e) { print "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>"; die; } $quoted_path = $tempdbHandle->quote($database_path . 'library.sq3');
UI::show_header(); /** * action switch */ switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'search': $browse = new Browse(); require_once AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/templates/show_search.inc.php'; require_once AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/templates/show_search_options.inc.php'; $results = Search::run($_REQUEST); $browse->set_type($_REQUEST['type']); $browse->show_objects($results); $browse->store(); break; case 'save_as_track': $playlist_id = save_search($_REQUEST); $playlist = new Playlist($playlist_id); show_confirmation(T_('Search Saved'), sprintf(T_('Your Search has been saved as a track in %s'), $playlist->name), AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/search.php"); break; case 'save_as_smartplaylist': $playlist = new Search(); $playlist->parse_rules(Search::clean_request($_REQUEST)); $playlist->save(); break; case 'descriptor': // This is a little special we don't want header/footers so trash what we've got in the OB ob_clean(); require_once AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/templates/show_search_descriptor.inc.php'; exit; default: require_once AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/templates/show_search.inc.php';