Exemplo n.º 1
 // Include the Stripe library:
 // set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production
 // see your keys here https://manage.stripe.com/account
 $charge = array();
     # We will charge the customer later so we will create the customer at first and will charge the customer later.
     # We will check whether there are any customer already available in database or not.
     $customerId = getStripeCustomerId($_SESSION['FBID']);
     error_log("Got Customer ID [" . $customerId . "]");
     if ($customerId == "") {
         # Create a Customer if the customer is already not in database.
         $customer = Stripe_Customer::create(array("card" => $token, "description" => $_SESSION['FBID']));
         // Save the customer ID in your database so you can use it later
         saveStripeCustomerId($_SESSION['FBID'], $customer->id);
         error_log("Saving Customer [" . $_SESSION['FBID'] . "] [" . $customer->id . "]");
         $customerId = $customer->id;
     if ($customerId != "") {
         // Save the Transaction details in your database so you can use it later
         ## The default card is the 1st card
         list($fullName, $email) = getFullName($_SESSION['FBID']);
         $sid = $_SESSION['FBID'];
         ## Get current Card ID from Token
         $retrieve_token = Stripe_Token::retrieve($token);
         $card_id = $retrieve_token->card->id;
         error_log("token :: [" . $token . "]");
         error_log("card_id :: [" . $card_id . "]");
         ## To check whether the Card is already in Customer Base if not we will add this now.
Exemplo n.º 2
function createStripeCustomer($token, $user)
    try {
        $customer = \Stripe\Customer::create(array("source" => $token, "email" => $user["email"], "description" => "user_id=" . $user["user_id"] . ": " . $user["fname"] . " " . $user["lname"]));
        saveStripeCustomerId($user["user_id"], $customer->id);
    } catch (\Stripe\Error\ApiConnection $e) {
        // Network error. Try again?
        $e_json = $e->getJsonBody();
        $err = $e_json['error'];
        return $err['message'];
    } catch (\Stripe\Error\InvalidRequest $e) {
        // You screwed up in your programming. This shouldn't happen!
        $e_json = $e->getJsonBody();
        $err = $e_json['error'];
        return $err['message'];
    } catch (\Stripe\Error\Api $e) {
        // Stripe's servers are down!
        $e_json = $e->getJsonBody();
        $err = $e_json['error'];
        return $err['message'];
    } catch (\Stripe\Error\Base $e) {
        // Something else that's not the customer's fault.
        $e_json = $e->getJsonBody();
        $err = $e_json['error'];
        return $err['message'];
    return $customer->id;