Exemplo n.º 1
if ($folders = array_filter(preg_grep('/^(\\.|users$|themes$|lib$)/', scandir('.'), PREG_GREP_INVERT), 'is_dir')) {
    //get the dummy list-item to repeat (removes it and takes a copy)
    $item = $template->repeat('.nnf_folder');
    foreach ($folders as $FOLDER) {
        //the sorting (below) requires we be in the directory at hand to use `filemtime`
        //check if / how the forum is locked
        $lock = trim(@file_get_contents('locked.txt'));
        //get a list of files in the folder to determine which one is newest
        $files = preg_grep('/\\.rss$/', scandir('.'));
        //order by last modified date
        array_multisort(array_map('filemtime', $files), SORT_DESC, $files);
        //read the newest thread (folder could be empty though)
        $last = ($xml = @simplexml_load_file($files[0])) ? $xml->channel->item[0] : '';
        //start applying the data to the template
        $item->set(array('a.nnf_folder-name' => $FOLDER, 'a.nnf_folder-name@href' => PATH_URL . safeURL($FOLDER) . '/'))->remove(array('.nnf_lock-threads' => $lock != 'threads', '.nnf_lock-posts' => $lock != 'posts'));
        //is there a last post in this sub-forum?
        if ((bool) $last) {
            $item->set(array('.nnf_post-author' => $last->author, 'time.nnf_post-time' => date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($last->pubDate)), 'time.nnf_post-time@datetime' => date('c', strtotime($last->pubDate)), 'a.nnf_post-link@href' => substr($last->link, strpos($last->link, '/', 9))));
            //is the last author a mod?
            if (isMod($last->author)) {
                $item->addClass('.nnf_post-author', 'mod');
        } else {
            //no last post, remove the template for it
        //attach the templated sub-forum item to the list
Exemplo n.º 2
function indexRSS()
    /* create an RSS feed
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    $rss = new DOMTemplate(file_get_contents(FORUM_LIB . 'rss-template.xml'));
    $rss->set(array('/rss/channel/title' => FORUM_NAME . (PATH ? str_replace('/', ' / ', PATH) : ''), '/rss/channel/link' => FORUM_URL . url(PATH_URL)))->remove('/rss/channel/category');
    //get list of threads, sort by date; most recently modified first
    $threads = preg_grep('/\\.rss$/', scandir('.'));
    array_multisort(array_map('filemtime', $threads), SORT_DESC, $threads);
    $items = $rss->repeat('/rss/channel/item');
    //get the last post made in each thread as an RSS item
    foreach (array_slice($threads, 0, FORUM_THREADS) as $thread) {
        if ($xml = @simplexml_load_file($thread)) {
            //if the RSS feed is valid
            if ($item = @$xml->channel->item[0]) {
                //if the feed has any items
                $items->set(array('./title' => $item->title, './link' => $item->link, './author' => $item->author, './pubDate' => gmdate('r', strtotime($item->pubDate)), './description' => $item->description))->remove(array('./category[.="deleted"]' => !$item->xpath('category[.="deleted"]')))->next();
    file_put_contents('index.xml', $rss);
    /* sitemap
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    //we’re going to use the RSS files as sitemaps
    //get list of sub-forums and include the root too
    $folders = array('') + array_filter(preg_grep('/^(\\.|users$|themes$|lib$)/', scandir(FORUM_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), PREG_GREP_INVERT), 'is_dir');
    //start the XML file. this template has an XMLNS, so we have to prefix all our XPath queries :(
    $xml = new DOMTemplate(file_get_contents(FORUM_LIB . 'sitemap-template.xml'), array('x' => 'http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9'));
    //generate a sitemap index file, to point to each index RSS file in the forum:
    $sitemap = $xml->repeat('//x:sitemap');
    foreach ($folders as $folder) {
        //get the time of the latest item in the RSS feed
        //(the RSS feed may be missing as they are not generated in new folders until something is posted)
        if (@($rss = simplexml_load_file(FORUM_ROOT . ($folder ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $folder : '') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.xml'))) {
            //if you delete the last thread in a folder, there won’t be anything in the RSS index file!
            if (@$rss->channel->item[0]) {
                $sitemap->set(array('./x:loc' => FORUM_URL . FORUM_PATH . ($folder ? safeURL("{$folder}/", false) : '') . 'index.xml', './x:lastmod' => gmdate('r', strtotime($rss->channel->item[0]->pubDate))))->next();
    file_put_contents(FORUM_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sitemap.xml', $xml);
    //you saw nothing, right?
Exemplo n.º 3
define('FORUM_URL', 'http' . (FORUM_HTTPS || @$_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
//is the htaccess working properly?
//('.htaccess' sets this variable for us)
define('HTACCESS', (bool) @$_SERVER['HTTP_HTACCESS']);
//if '.htaccess' is missing or disabled, and the 'users' folder is in an insecure location, warn the site admin to move it
if (!HTACCESS && FORUM_USERS == 'users') {
    require FORUM_LIB . 'error_htaccess.php';
/* common input
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//most pages allow for a page number; note that this is merely the user-input, it is not necessarily a valid page number!
define('PAGE', preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]*$/', @$_GET['page']) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : false);
//all our pages use 'path' (often optional) to specify the sub-forum being viewed, so this is done here
define('PATH', preg_match('/^(?:[^\\.\\/&]+\\/)+$/', @$_GET['path']) ? $_GET['path'] : '');
//a shorthand for when PATH is used in URL construction for HTML use
define('PATH_URL', safeURL(PATH));
//for serverside use, like `chdir` / `unlink` (must replace the URL forward-slashes with backslashes on Windows)
//if we are in nested sub-folders, the name of the current sub-forum, exluding the rest
//(not used in URLs, so we use `PATH` instead of `PATH_URL`)
define('SUBFORUM', @end(explode('/', trim(PATH, '/'))));
//deny access to some folders
//TODO: this should generate a 403, but we don't have a 403 page designed yet
foreach (array('users/', 'lib/', 'themes/', 'cgi-bin/') as $_) {
    if (stripos($_, PATH) === 0) {
//we have to change directory for `is_dir` to work, see <uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.is-dir.php#70005>
//being in the right directory is also assumed for reading 'mods.txt' and when generating the RSS (`indexRSS`)
//(oddly with `chdir` the path must end in a slash)
Exemplo n.º 4
/* constants: some stuff we don’t expect to change
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
define('FORUM_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__));
//full server-path for absolute references
define('FORUM_PATH', str_replace(array('\\', '//'), '/', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . '/'));
define('FORUM_URL', 'http' . (FORUM_HTTPS || @$_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
//load the user’s theme configuration, if it exists
@(include FORUM_ROOT . '/themes/' . FORUM_THEME . '/theme.config.php');
//include the theme defaults
@(include FORUM_ROOT . '/themes/' . FORUM_THEME . '/theme.config.default.php') or die('theme.config.default.php missing!');
/* common input
   ====================================================================================================================== */
//all our pages use 'path' (often optional) to specify the sub-forum being viewed, so this is done here
define('PATH', preg_match('/^(?:[^\\.\\/&]+\\/)+$/', @$_GET['path']) ? $_GET['path'] : '');
//these two get used an awful lot
define('PATH_URL', !PATH ? FORUM_PATH : safeURL(FORUM_PATH . PATH, false));
//when outputting as part of a URL
define('PATH_DIR', !PATH ? '/' : '/' . PATH);
//serverside, like `chdir` / `unlink`
//if we are in nested sub-folders, the name of the current sub-forum, exluding the rest
define('SUBFORUM', @end(explode('/', trim(PATH, '/'))));
//we have to change directory for `is_dir` to work, see <uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.is-dir.php#70005>
//being in the right directory is also assumed for reading 'mods.txt' and when generating the RSS (`indexRSS`)
//(oddly with `chdir` the path must end in a slash)
@chdir(FORUM_ROOT . PATH_DIR) or die('Invalid path');
/* access control
   ====================================================================================================================== */
/* name / password authorisation:
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//for HTTP authentication (sign-in):
//- CGI workaround <orangejuiceliberationfront.com/http-auth-with-php-in-cgi-mode-e-g-on-dreamhost/>