Exemplo n.º 1
  * Gets a list of database backups
  * @return array Objects of backups
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public static function index()
     if (!is_readable(BACKUPS)) {
         throw new InternalErrorException(__d('database_backup', 'File or directory {0} not readable', rtr(BACKUPS)));
     //Gets all files
     $files = array_values((new Folder(BACKUPS))->read()[1]);
     //Parses files
     $files = array_filter(array_map(function ($file) {
         preg_match('/(\\d{14})?\\.(sql|sql\\.gz|sql\\.bz2)$/i', $file, $matches);
         if (empty($matches[2])) {
             return false;
         //If it cannot detect the date from the filename, it tries to find
         //  the last modified date of the file
         if (!empty($matches[1])) {
             $datetime = preg_replace('/(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})/', '$1-$2-$3 $4:$5:$6', $matches[1]);
         } else {
             $datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime(BACKUPS . DS . $file));
         return (object) ['filename' => $file, 'extension' => $matches[2], 'size' => filesize(BACKUPS . DS . $file), 'compression' => getCompression($matches[2]), 'datetime' => new FrozenTime($datetime)];
     }, $files));
     if (empty($files)) {
         return [];
     //Re-orders, using the datetime value
     usort($files, function ($a, $b) {
         return $b->datetime >= $a->datetime;
     return $files;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Internal method to download a file
  * @param string $path File path
  * @param bool $force If `true`, it forces the download
  * @return \Cake\Network\Response
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 protected function _download($path, $force = true)
     if (!is_readable($path)) {
         throw new InternalErrorException(__d('me_tools', 'File or directory {0} not readable', rtr($path)));
     $this->response->file($path, ['download' => !empty($force)]);
     return $this->response;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Gets all static pages
  * @return array Static pages
  * @uses MeCms\Core\Plugin::all()
  * @uses title()
 public static function all()
     //Adds all plugins to paths, adding first MeCms
     $paths = array_map(function ($plugin) {
         return firstValue(App::path('Template', $plugin)) . 'StaticPages';
     }, Plugin::all());
     //Adds APP to paths
     array_unshift($paths, firstValue(App::path('Template')) . 'StaticPages');
     $pages = [];
     //Gets all static pages
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $pages = am($pages, array_map(function ($file) use($path) {
             return (object) ['filename' => pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME), 'path' => rtr($file), 'slug' => preg_replace('/\\.ctp$/', '', preg_replace(sprintf('/^%s/', preg_quote($path . DS, DS)), null, $file)), 'title' => self::title(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME)), 'modified' => new FrozenTime(filemtime($file))];
         }, (new Folder($path))->findRecursive('^.+\\.ctp$', true)));
     return $pages;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Creates a symbolic link
  * @param string $origin Origin file or directory
  * @param string $target Target link
  * @return bool
 public function createLink($origin, $target)
     //Checks if the origin file/directory is readable
     if (!is_readable($origin)) {
         $this->err(__d('me_tools', 'File or directory {0} not readable', rtr($origin)));
         return false;
     //Checks if the link already exists
     if (file_exists($target)) {
         $this->verbose(__d('me_tools', 'File or directory {0} already exists', rtr($target)));
         return false;
     //Checks if the target directory is writeable
     if (!is_writable(dirname($target))) {
         $this->err(__d('me_tools', 'File or directory {0} not writeable', rtr(dirname($target))));
         return false;
     return symlink($origin, $target);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Called after the controller's `beforeFilter()` method, but before the
  *  controller executes the current action handler
  * @param \Cake\Event\Event $event Event instance
  * @return void
  * @uses configure()
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public function startup(\Cake\Event\Event $event)
     //Checks for KCFinder
     if (!is_readable(WWW_ROOT . 'vendor' . DS . 'kcfinder' . DS . 'index.php')) {
         throw new InternalErrorException(__d('me_tools', '{0} is not available', 'KCFinder'));
     //Checks for the files directory (`APP/webroot/files`)
     if (!folderIsWriteable(UPLOADED)) {
         throw new InternalErrorException(__d('me_tools', 'File or directory {0} not writeable', rtr(UPLOADED)));
     //Configures KCFinder
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Deletes a log.
  * If there's even a serialized log copy, it also deletes that.
  * @param string $filename Filename
  * @return \Cake\Network\Response|null
  * @throws InternalErrorException
  * @uses _path()
 public function delete($filename)
     $this->request->allowMethod(['post', 'delete']);
     $log = $this->_path($filename);
     if (!is_writeable($log)) {
         throw new InternalErrorException(__d('me_tools', 'File or directory {0} not writeable', rtr($log)));
     $success = (new File($log))->delete();
     $serialized = $this->_path($filename, true);
     //It also deletes the serialized log copy, where such exists
     if (file_exists($serialized)) {
         if (!is_writeable($serialized)) {
             throw new InternalErrorException(__d('me_tools', 'File or directory {0} not writeable', rtr($serialized)));
         if (!(new File($serialized))->delete()) {
             $success = false;
     if ($success) {
         $this->Flash->success(__d('me_cms', 'The operation has been performed correctly'));
     } else {
         $this->Flash->error(__d('me_cms', 'The operation has not been performed correctly'));
     return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * System checkup
  * @return void
  * @uses MeCms\Core\Plugin::all()
  * @uses MeCms\Core\Plugin::path()
  * @uses MeTools\Utility\Apache::module()
  * @uses MeTools\Utility\Apache::version()
 public function checkup()
     $checkup['apache'] = ['expires' => Apache::module('mod_expires'), 'rewrite' => Apache::module('mod_rewrite'), 'version' => Apache::version()];
     $checkup['backups'] = ['path' => rtr(Configure::read('MysqlBackup.target') . DS), 'writeable' => folderIsWriteable(Configure::read('MysqlBackup.target'))];
     $checkup['cache'] = Cache::enabled();
     //Checks for PHP's extensions
     foreach (['exif', 'imagick', 'mcrypt', 'zip'] as $extension) {
         $checkup['phpExtensions'][$extension] = extension_loaded($extension);
     $checkup['plugins'] = ['cakephp' => Configure::version(), 'mecms' => trim(file_get_contents(Plugin::path(MECMS, 'version')))];
     //Gets plugins versions
     foreach (Plugin::all(['exclude' => MECMS]) as $plugin) {
         $file = Plugin::path($plugin, 'version', true);
         if ($file) {
             $checkup['plugins']['plugins'][$plugin] = trim(file_get_contents($file));
         } else {
             $checkup['plugins']['plugins'][$plugin] = __d('me_cms', 'n.a.');
     //Checks for temporary directories
     foreach ([LOGS, TMP, Configure::read('Assets.target'), CACHE, LOGIN_LOGS, Configure::read('Thumbs.target')] as $path) {
         $checkup['temporary'][] = ['path' => rtr($path), 'writeable' => folderIsWriteable($path)];
     //Checks for webroot directories
     foreach ([BANNERS, PHOTOS, WWW_ROOT . 'files', WWW_ROOT . 'fonts'] as $path) {
         $checkup['webroot'][] = ['path' => rtr($path), 'writeable' => folderIsWriteable($path)];
     array_walk($checkup, function ($value, $key) {
         $this->set($key, $value);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Sets permissions on directories
  * @param bool $force Forces settings
  * @return void
  * @uses $paths
 public function setPermissions($force = false)
     $error = false;
     foreach ($this->paths as $path) {
         if ((new Folder())->chmod($path, 0777, true)) {
             $this->verbose(__d('me_tools', 'Setted permissions on {0}', rtr($path)));
         } else {
             $this->err(__d('me_tools', 'Failed to set permissions on {0}', rtr($path)));
             $error = true;
     //In case of error, asks for sudo
     if ($error && which('sudo')) {
         $command = sprintf('sudo chmod -R 777 %s', implode(' ', $this->paths));
         if ($this->param('force') || $force) {
         $ask = $this->in(__d('me_tools', 'Some directories were not created. Try again using {0}?', 'sudo'), ['Y', 'n'], 'Y');
         if (in_array($ask, ['Y', 'y'])) {