Exemplo n.º 1
function securefile($_params)
    global $REX;
    $myself = 'xmediapool_password';
    $m = OOMedia::getMediaByFilename($_params['filename']);
    $password = $m->getValue('med_' . $myself . '_password');
    // htaccess-Datei auslesen
    $htaccess_path = rtrim($REX['MEDIAFOLDER'], '/\\') . '/.htaccess';
    $htaccess = '';
    if (file_exists($htaccess_path)) {
        $htaccess = file_get_contents($htaccess_path);
    // RewriteBase ermitteln
    $base = trim(str_replace('\\', '/', substr(realpath($REX['MEDIAFOLDER']), strlen(realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])))), '/');
    $frontend = str_replace('//', '/', '/' . trim(str_replace('\\', '/', substr(realpath($REX['FRONTEND_PATH']), strlen(realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])))), '/') . '/');
    $lines = array();
    $lines[] = "RewriteEngine On\nRewriteBase /" . $base;
    // vorhandene Passwort geschützte Dateien auslesen
    $already_secured = false;
    if (preg_match_all('~^RewriteRule \\^(.*)\\$\\s.*$~im', $htaccess, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            // Wenn bei einer Datei ein Passwort gelöscht wurde, dann diese Datei nicht mehr schützen
            if ($match[1] == preg_quote($_params['filename'], '~')) {
                if (!strlen($password)) {
                } else {
                    $already_secured = true;
            $lines[] = sprintf('RewriteRule ^%s$ http://%%{HTTP_HOST}%s%s [R=302,L]', $match[1], $frontend, ltrim(rex_geturl($REX['ADDON']['DOWNLOAD_FORM_ARTICLE_ID'][$myself], '', array($myself . '_filename' => stripslashes($match[1])), '&'), '/'));
    // neue passwortgeschützte Datei hinzufügen
    if (!$already_secured and strlen($password)) {
        $lines[] = sprintf('RewriteRule ^%s$ http://%%{HTTP_HOST}/%s%s [R=302,L]', preg_quote($_params['filename'], '~'), $frontend, ltrim(rex_geturl($REX['ADDON']['DOWNLOAD_FORM_ARTICLE_ID'][$myself], '', array($myself . '_filename' => $_params['filename']), '&'), '/'));
    // Daten in die htaccess-Datei schreiben
    file_put_contents($htaccess_path, implode("\n", $lines));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Indexes a certain article.
  * @param int $_id
  * @param mixed $_clang
  * @return int
 function indexArticle($_id, $_clang = false)
     global $REX;
     if ($_clang === false) {
         $langs = $this->languages;
     } else {
         $langs = array(intval($_clang) => $this->languages[intval($_clang)]);
     $return = array();
     $keywords = array();
     foreach ($langs as $langID => $v) {
         if (in_array($_id, $this->excludeIDs)) {
             $return[$v] = A587_ART_EXCLUDED;
         $REX['CUR_CLANG'] = $langID;
         $delete = new rex_sql();
         $where = sprintf("ftable = '%s' AND fid = %d AND clang = %d", $delete->escape($this->tablePrefix . 'article'), $_id, $langID);
         // delete from cache
         $select = new rex_sql();
         $select->setTable($this->tablePrefix . '587_searchindex');
         $indexIds = array();
         foreach ($select->getArray() as $result) {
             $indexIds[] = $result['id'];
         // delete old
         $delete->setTable($this->tablePrefix . '587_searchindex');
         // index article
         $article = OOArticle::getArticleById(intval($_id), $langID);
         if (is_object($article) and ($article->isOnline() or $this->indexOffline)) {
             if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') and $this->indexViaHTTP) {
                 $articleText = @file_get_contents('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/redaxo/') + 1) . rex_geturl($_id, $langID, '', '&'));
             } elseif ($_id != 0 and $this->dontIndexRedirects) {
                 $rex_article = new rex_article(intval($_id), $langID);
                 $article_content_file = $this->generatedPath . '/articles/' . $_id . '.' . $langID . '.content';
                 if (!file_exists($article_content_file)) {
                     include_once $this->includePath . "/functions/function_rex_generate.inc.php";
                     $generated = rex_generateArticleContent($_id, $langID);
                     if ($generated !== true) {
                         $return[$v] = A587_ART_IDNOTFOUND;
                 if (file_exists($article_content_file) and preg_match($this->encodeRegex('~(header\\s*\\(\\s*["\']\\s*Location\\s*:)|(rex_redirect\\s*\\()~is'), rex_get_file_contents($article_content_file))) {
                     $return[$v] = A587_ART_REDIRECT;
                 if ($this->indexWithTemplate) {
                     $articleText = $rex_article->getArticleTemplate();
                 } else {
                     $articleText = $rex_article->getArticle();
                 if ($this->ep_outputfilter) {
                     $tmp = array('artid' => $REX['ARTICLE_ID'], 'clang' => $REX['CUR_CLANG']);
                     $REX['ARTICLE_ID'] = $_id;
                     $REX['CUR_CLANG'] = $langID;
                     $articleText = rex_register_extension_point('OUTPUT_FILTER', $articleText, array('environment' => 'frontend', 'sendcharset' => false));
                     $REX['ARTICLE_ID'] = $tmp['artid'];
                     $REX['CUR_CLANG'] = $tmp['clang'];
             $insert = new rex_sql();
             $articleData = array();
             $articleData['texttype'] = 'article';
             $articleData['ftable'] = $this->tablePrefix . 'article';
             $articleData['fcolumn'] = NULL;
             $articleData['clang'] = $article->getClang();
             $articleData['fid'] = intval($_id);
             $articleData['catid'] = $article->getCategoryId();
             $articleData['unchangedtext'] = $insert->escape($articleText);
             $articleData['plaintext'] = $insert->escape($plaintext = $this->getPlaintext($articleText));
             if (array_key_exists($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'article', $this->includeColumns)) {
                 $additionalValues = array();
                 $select->setTable($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'article');
                 $select->setWhere('id = ' . $_id . ' AND clang = ' . $langID);
                 $select->select('`' . implode('`,`', $this->includeColumns[$REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'article']) . '`');
                 foreach ($this->includeColumns[$REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'article'] as $col) {
                     $additionalValues[$col] = $select->getValue($col);
                 $articleData['values'] = $insert->escape(serialize($additionalValues));
             foreach (preg_split($this->encodeRegex('~[[:punct:][:space:]]+~ism'), $plaintext) as $keyword) {
                 if ($this->significantCharacterCount <= mb_strlen($keyword, 'UTF-8')) {
                     $keywords[] = array('search' => $keyword, 'clang' => $langID);
             $articleData['teaser'] = $insert->escape($this->getTeaserText($plaintext));
             $insert->setTable($this->tablePrefix . '587_searchindex');
             $return[$langID] = A587_ART_GENERATED;
     $this->storeKeywords($keywords, false);
     return $return;
 $value = $values[$nummer];
 $zaehler = $zaehler + 1;
 $outback .= '<div class="bereichswrapper"><h2>Bereich ' . $zaehler . '</h2>' . PHP_EOL;
 *     Link
 $link = '';
 $linkanfang = '';
 $linkende = '';
 $outback_link = '';
 if ($value['link_intern'] or $value['link_extern'] != '') {
     $outback_link .= '<h3>Link</h3>' . PHP_EOL;
     if ($value['link_intern'] != 0) {
         $linkanfang = '<a href="' . rex_geturl($value['link_intern'], rex_clang::getCurrentId()) . '">';
         $article = rex_article::get($value['link_intern']);
         $name = $article->getName();
         $outback_link .= '
     <div class="form-group">
      <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">Link intern</label>
      <div class="col-sm-9">
        <a href="index.php?page=content&article_id=' . $value['link_intern'] . '&mode=edit">' . $name . ' (ID = ' . $value['link_intern'] . ')</a>
     </div>' . PHP_EOL;
     if ($value['link_extern'] != '') {
         $linkanfang = '<a class="extern" href="' . $value['link_extern'] . '">';
         $outback_link .= '
     <div class="form-group">
       <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">Link extern</label>
 * gbook_form_output
 * @param Admin-EMail
 * @param Danke-Text
 * @param DebugLevel  Verschiedene Stufen zur Debugausgabe (vorerst nur per EMail)
function gbook_form_output($notificationEmail, $danke_text, $debuglevel, $formular_an_aus)
    global $REX;
    // vordefinieren einiger Variablen
    $error = '';
    $name = '';
    $email = '';
    $url = 'http://';
    $city = '';
    $text = '';
    if (!isset($danke_text)) {
        $danke_text = '';
     * Um Spameinträge zu erschweren wurden die Feldnamen 'email' und 'url'
     * im Formular untereinander getauscht. Diese müssen nun zurückgetauscht werden.
     * Der normale Benutzer sollte davon nichts bemerken.
    if (isset($_POST['email']) and $_POST['email'] != '') {
        $url_temp = $_POST['email'];
    } else {
        $url_temp = '';
    if (isset($_POST['url']) and $_POST['url'] != '') {
        $email_temp = $_POST['url'];
    } else {
        $email_temp = '';
    // gib den POST-Variablen die richtigen Werte
    $_POST['url'] = $url_temp;
    $_POST['email'] = $email_temp;
    // Wird true, wenn eine Eintrag erfolgreich geschrieben wurde
    $Eintrag_geschrieben = false;
    if (!isset($_POST['name'])) {
        $_POST['name'] = '';
    if (!isset($_POST['text'])) {
        $_POST['text'] = '';
    if (!isset($_POST['url'])) {
        $_POST['url'] = '';
    if (!isset($_POST['email'])) {
        $_POST['email'] = '';
    if (!isset($_POST['city'])) {
        $_POST['city'] = '';
    // gbook_formularPostCheck($postvars, $domainname = false)
    if (($errorfields = validFields()) === true and gbook_formularPostCheck(array($_POST['name'], $_POST['text'], $_POST['url'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['city']))) {
        $author_value = checkPostVarForMySQL($_POST['name']);
        $message_value = checkPostVarForMySQL($_POST['text']);
        // wurde keine URL angegeben, entferne die "HTTP://"-Vorgabe
        if ($_POST['url'] == 'http://') {
            $_POST['url'] = '';
        $url_value = checkPostVarForMySQL($_POST['url'], 'NULL');
        $email_value = checkPostVarForMySQL($_POST['email'], 'NULL');
        $city_value = checkPostVarForMySQL($_POST['city'], 'NULL');
        // Thema Sicherheit:
        // $status ist endweder 1, 0 oder false
        // die Funktion gbook_readStatusFromFile() läßt keine andere Rückgabe zu
        $status = gbook_readStatusFromFile();
        if ($status === false) {
            echo 'Fehler bei Statusermittlung des Eintrages aufgetreten. Setze Defaultwert 0. ';
            $status_db = 'status = "0",';
        } else {
            $status_db = 'status = "' . $status . '",';
        //$qry = 'INSERT INTO '.TBL_GBOOK.' SET  author = "'.$author.'", message = "'.$message.'", url ="'.$url.'", email="'.$email.'", city="'.$city.'", created = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()';
        $qry = 'INSERT INTO ' . TBL_GBOOK . ' SET ' . $status_db . ' author = ' . $author_value . ', message = ' . $message_value . ',
            url = ' . $url_value . ', email = ' . $email_value . ', city = ' . $city_value . ',
            created = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()';
        $sql = new rex_sql();
        //$sql->debugsql = true;
        $Eintrag_geschrieben = true;
        // EMail an Admin
        if ($notificationEmail != '') {
            // DEBUG-Informationen zusammenstellen
            $debug_inhalt = '';
            if ($debuglevel == 1) {
                $debug_inhalt = "\r\n\r\n ==== DEBUG-INFORMATIONEN ==== \r\n";
                if (isset($_POST) and count($_POST) != 0) {
                    $debug_inhalt .= "\n === POST ===\n";
                    foreach ($_POST as $key => $wert) {
                        $debug_inhalt .= $key . ': ' . $wert . "\n";
                if (isset($_GET) and count($_GET) != 0) {
                    $debug_inhalt .= "\n === GET ===\n";
                    foreach ($_GET as $key => $wert) {
                        $debug_inhalt .= $key . ': ' . $wert . "\n";
                if (isset($_SERVER) and count($_SERVER) != 0) {
                    $debug_inhalt .= "\n === SERVER ===\n";
                    foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $wert) {
                        $debug_inhalt .= $key . ': ' . $wert . "\n";
            // if ($debuglevel == 1)
            $mail_host = !strstr($REX['SERVER'], 'http://') && !strstr($REX['SERVER'], 'https://') ? 'http://' . $REX['SERVER'] : $REX['SERVER'];
            if ($mail_host[strlen($mail_host) - 1] != '/') {
                $mail_host .= '/';
            $mail_server = $mail_host . '/redaxo';
            /*      $mail_author = htmlspecialchars(rex_post('name', 'string'));
                  $mail_message = htmlspecialchars(rex_post('text', 'string'));
                  $mail_url = htmlspecialchars(rex_post('url', 'string'));
                  $mail_email = htmlspecialchars(rex_post('email', 'string'));
                  $mail_city = htmlspecialchars(rex_post('city', 'string'));
            $mail_author = strip_tags(rex_post('name', 'string'));
            $mail_message = strip_tags(rex_post('text', 'string'));
            $mail_url = strip_tags(rex_post('url', 'string'));
            $mail_email = strip_tags(rex_post('email', 'string'));
            $mail_city = strip_tags(rex_post('city', 'string'));
            $mail_betreff = 'Neuer Gästebucheintrag für ' . $mail_host;
            $mail_nachricht = 'Im Gästebuch für die Webseite "' . $mail_host . '" wurde ein neuer Eintrag erstellt.' . "\r\n\r\n";
            $mail_nachricht .= 'Name: ' . $mail_author . "\r\n";
            $mail_nachricht .= 'Homepage: ' . $mail_url . "\r\n";
            $mail_nachricht .= 'eMail: ' . $mail_email . "\r\n";
            $mail_nachricht .= 'Wohnort: ' . $mail_city . "\r\n\r\n";
            $mail_nachricht .= 'Nachricht: ' . $mail_message . "\r\n\r\n\r\n";
            //$nachricht .= 'Hinweis: Dieser Eintrag wurde bei der Einstellung "Ver�ffentlichung nach Freigabe" deaktiviert gespeichert und erscheint erst dann in Ihren G�stebuch, wenn Sie den Eintrag aktiviert haben. Zum Log-In Bereich geht es unter '.$server."\r\n";
            // DebugInfo anhängen, falls gewünscht
            $mail_nachricht .= $debug_inhalt;
            $header = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
            //$header .= 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1'."\r\n";
            $header .= 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n";
            $header .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' . "\r\n";
            $header .= 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion() . "\r\n";
            $header .= 'From: ' . $notificationEmail . "\r\n";
            //      $header .= 'Bcc: foo@david.koala'."\r\n";
            if (class_exists('rex_mailer')) {
                $mail = new rex_mailer();
                $mail->Sender = $notificationEmail;
                $mail->From = $notificationEmail;
                //$mail->FromName = "REX_VALUE[8] |".$REX['SERVERNAME'];
                $mail->Subject = $mail_betreff;
                $mail->Body = $mail_nachricht;
                // Versenden
            } else {
                // Fallback
                mail($notificationEmail, $mail_betreff, $mail_nachricht, $header);
    } else {
        // if (($errorfields = validFields()) === true)
        // der Danke-Text erscheint nur nach dem erfolgreichen absenden des Formulares
        $danke_text = '';
        // Wurde eine falsche Eingabe festgestellt, fülle die Eingabefelder wieder
        // mit den ursprünglichen Werten und gibt eine Fehlernachricht aus.
        if (!empty($_POST['gbook_save'])) {
            // var_dump($_POST);
            // Felder mit Werten füllen
            $name = $_POST['name'];
            $email = $_POST['email'];
            $url = $_POST['url'];
            $city = $_POST['city'];
            $text = $_POST['text'];
            $error = '<ul class="error">';
            foreach ($errorfields as $fieldname) {
                $error .= '<li>Pflichtfeld "' . ucwords($fieldname) . '" bitte korrekt ausf&uuml;llen!</li>';
            $error .= '</ul>';
        // if (!empty ($_POST['gbook_save']))
    // else { // if (($errorfields = validFields()) === true)
    // AUSGABE der Seite
    // wenn Template-Klasse noch nicht eingebunden, dann hole sie jetzt rein
    if (!class_exists('Template')) {
        include_once $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/addons/guestbook/classes/template.inc.php';
    //$_ROOT['template'] = $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'].'/addons/guestbook/templates/';
    /* create Template instance called $t */
    $t = new Template(GBOOK_TEMPLATEPATH, "remove");
    //$t->debug = 7;
    $danketext_templ = 'gb_frontend_danketext.html';
    $formular_templ = 'gb_frontend_form.html';
    $frontend_templ = 'gb_frontend.html';
    /* lese Template-Datei */
    $t->set_file(array('danketext' => $danketext_templ, 'formular' => $formular_templ, 'start' => $frontend_templ));
    // Danketext
    $t->set_var(array("DANKE_TEXT_VALUE" => $danke_text));
    // Formular
    //$adresse = rex_geturl($GLOBALS['article_id']);
    $adresse = rex_geturl(&$REX['ARTICLE_ID']);
    $t->set_var(array("FEHLERMELDUNG_VALUE" => $error, "ADRESSE_VALUE" => $adresse, "NAME_VALUE" => $name, "EMAIL_VALUE" => $email, "URL_VALUE" => $url, "WOHNORT_VALUE" => $city, "TEXT_VALUE" => $text));
    // Teilseite zusammensetzen
    if (trim($danke_text) != '') {
        $danke_text_value = $t->parse("output", "danketext");
    } else {
        $danke_text_value = '';
    // soll nur der Danke-Text ausgegeben werden, erstelle keine Formularseite
    if ($formular_an_aus == 0 and $Eintrag_geschrieben) {
        $formular_value = '';
    } else {
        // Teilseite zusammensetzen
        $formular_value = $t->parse("output", 'formular');
    // Seite zusammensetzen
    $t->set_var(array("DANKE_TEXT" => $danke_text_value, 'FORMULAR' => $formular_value));
    /* create Template instance called $t */
    //    $t = new Template(GBOOK_TEMPLATEPATH, "remove");
    //$t->debug = 7;
    //    $start_dir = 'gb_frontend_form.html';
    /* lese Template-Datei */
    /*    $t->set_file(array("start" => $start_dir));
        $t->set_var(array("DANKE_TEXT_VALUE" => $danke_text,
                          "FEHLERMELDUNG_VALUE" => $error,
                          "ARTICLE_ID_VALUE" => $GLOBALS['article_id'],
                          "CLANG_VALUE" => $GLOBALS['clang'],
                          "NAME_VALUE" => $name,
                          "EMAIL_VALUE" => $email,
                          "URL_VALUE" => $url,
                          "WOHNORT_VALUE" => $city,
                          "TEXT_VALUE" => $text
    // komplette Seite ausgeben
    $t->pparse("output", "start");