function yay_parse(string $source, Directives $directives = null, BlueContext $blueContext = null) : string { if ($gc = gc_enabled()) { gc_disable(); } // important optimization! static $globalDirectives = null; if (null === $globalDirectives) { $globalDirectives = new ArrayObject(); } $directives = $directives ?: new Directives(); $blueContext = $blueContext ?: new BlueContext(); $cg = (object) ['ts' => TokenStream::fromSource($source), 'directives' => $directives, 'cycle' => new Cycle($source), 'globalDirectives' => $globalDirectives, 'blueContext' => $blueContext]; foreach ($cg->globalDirectives as $d) { $cg->directives->add($d); } traverse(midrule(function (TokenStream $ts) use($directives, $blueContext) { $token = $ts->current(); tail_call: if (null === $token) { return; } // skip when something looks like a new macro to be parsed if ('macro' === (string) $token) { return; } // here we do the 'magic' to match and expand userland macros $directives->apply($ts, $token, $blueContext); $token = $ts->next(); goto tail_call; }), consume(chain(token(T_STRING, 'macro')->as('declaration'), optional(repeat(rtoken('/^·\\w+$/')))->as('tags'), lookahead(token('{')), commit(chain(braces()->as('pattern'), operator('>>'), braces()->as('expansion')))->as('body'), optional(token(';'))), CONSUME_DO_TRIM)->onCommit(function (Ast $macroAst) use($cg) { $scope = Map::fromEmpty(); $tags = Map::fromValues(array_map('strval', $macroAst->{'tags'})); $pattern = new Pattern($macroAst->{'declaration'}->line(), $macroAst->{'body pattern'}, $tags, $scope); $expansion = new Expansion($macroAst->{'body expansion'}, $tags, $scope); $macro = new Macro($tags, $pattern, $expansion, $cg->cycle); $cg->directives->add($macro); // allocate the userland macro // allocate the userland macro globally if it's declared as global if ($macro->tags()->contains('·global')) { $cg->globalDirectives[] = $macro; } }))->parse($cg->ts); $expansion = (string) $cg->ts; if ($gc) { gc_enable(); } return $expansion; }
/** * 字符串补位. * @param val 字符串 . * @param type r右补位l左补位 . * @param size 补足长度 . * @param delim 补位用字符串 . * @return String . */ function pad($val, $type, $size, $delim) { if (empty($val)) { return val; } if ("r" == $type) { if (strlen($val) >= $size) { return substr($val, 0, $size); } else { return $val . repeat('r', $delim, $size - strlen($val)); } } else { if (strlen($val) >= $size) { return substr($val, strlen($val) - $size); } else { return repeat('l', $delim, $size - strlen($val)) . $val; } } }
function xset_with_review() { return exercise_set(name('exercise set 1'), number(2), exercise(name('exercise 1'), filename('bolt_sample_exercise.php?n=1')), exercise(name('exercise 2'), filename('bolt_sample_exercise.php?n=2')), exercise(name('exercise 3'), filename('bolt_sample_exercise.php?n=3')), repeat(0.3, basic_review(), REVIEW), repeat(0.7, int_review(), REVIEW | REPEAT), repeat(1, null, REPEAT | NEXT), refresh(array(7, 14, 28))); }
/** * Repeat the string n times * * @param string $input * @param int $n * * @return string * * @author Lucantis Swann <*****@*****.**> */ function times($input, $n) { return repeat($input, $n); }
/** * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage Number of repetitions must be non-negative */ public function testRepeatNegativeNumError() { toArray(repeat(1, -1)); }
<pre><?php require_once 'MongoPlus.php'; require_once 'optional_helpers.php'; $_start = microtime(1); $mongo = new MongoPlus(); #var_dump($mongo); $db = $mongo->testdb; #var_dump($db); $collection = $db->testtable; #var_dump($collection); // start over // drop table $collection->drop(); // insert 5 random records repeat(5, function () use($collection) { $collection->insert(array('name' => array('first' => 'Voor' . rand(0, 999) . 'naamz', 'last' => 'Lastest ' . rand(0, 999)), 'email' => 'user-' . rand(0, 999) . '', 'some_number' => rand(0, 999))); }); // query, alter & query new data // show pre $all = $collection->find()->limit(2); #var_dump($all->count()); var_dump($all); print_r($pre = iterator_to_array($all)); // do manual 'correct' update if (0) { $id = key($pre); var_dump($id); var_dump($collection->update(array('_id' => new MongoId($id)), array('a' => 'b'), array('multiple' => false))); } // do updates if (0) {
public function testRepeat() { $this->assertSame([1, 1, 1, 1, 1], toArray(repeat(1, 5))); $this->assertSame([], toArray(repeat(1, 0))); }
function testastNestedAst() { $ts = TokenStream::fromSource('<?php interface Foo { public abstract function foo(); public abstract static function bar(); function baz(); } '); $modifier = either(token(T_PUBLIC), token(T_STATIC), token(T_PRIVATE)); $modifiers = optional(either(chain($modifier, $modifier), $modifier)); $ast = chain(token(T_OPEN_TAG), chain(token(T_INTERFACE), token(T_STRING)->as('name'), token('{'), optional(repeat(chain(optional(either(repeat(either(token(T_PUBLIC)->as('public'), token(T_STATIC)->as('static'), token(T_ABSTRACT)->as('abstract'))), always(new Token(T_PUBLIC, 'public'))->as('public')))->as('is'), token(T_FUNCTION), token(T_STRING)->as('name'), token('('), token(')'), token(';')), token('}')))->as('methods'), token('}'))->as('interface'))->parse($ts); $this->assertEquals('Foo', (string) $ast->{'interface name'}); $this->assertEquals('foo', (string) $ast->{'interface methods 0 name'}); $this->assertEquals('public', (string) $ast->{'interface methods 0 is public'}); $this->assertEquals('abstract', (string) $ast->{'interface methods 0 is abstract'}); $this->assertEmpty($ast->{'interface methods 0 is static'}); $this->assertEquals('bar', (string) $ast->{'interface methods 1 name'}); $this->assertEquals('public', (string) $ast->{'interface methods 1 is public'}); $this->assertEquals('abstract', (string) $ast->{'interface methods 1 is abstract'}); $this->assertEquals('static', (string) $ast->{'interface methods 1 is static'}); $this->assertEquals('baz', (string) $ast->{'interface methods 2 name'}); $this->assertEquals('public', (string) $ast->{'interface methods 2 is public'}); $this->assertNull($ast->{'interface methods 2 is abstract'}); $this->assertNull($ast->{'interface methods 2 is static'}); }
function findall($password, $rx) { $matches = array(); while (TRUE) { $count = preg_match_all($rx, $password, $captures); if (!$count) { break; } for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $match = array(); foreach ($captures as $m) { $match[] = $m[$i]; } $match['index'] = strpos($password, $match[0]); $match['input'] = $password; $match['length'] = strlen($match[0]); $match['i'] = $match['index']; #$match['j'] = $match['length']; $match['j'] = $match['index'] + ($match['length'] - 1); $matches[] = $match; $password = str_replace($match[0], repeat(' ', $match['length']), $password); } } return $matches; }
$cities = City::all(); start("Select each by ID"); foreach ($cities as $city) { City::get($city->id); } finish(); // ---------------------------------------------- start("Select each by name"); foreach ($cities as $city) { City::get($city->id); } finish(); // ----------------------------------------------z start("Update all"); repeat(20, function () { City::objects()->update(['population' => 1]); }); finish(); // ----------------------------------------------z $cities = City::all(); start("Update each (update)"); foreach ($cities as $city) { $city->population += 1; $city->update(); } finish(); // ----------------------------------------------z $cities = City::all(); start("Update each (save)"); foreach ($cities as $city) { $city->population += 1;
$href = isset($data) ? path($this->application . "/cpanel/{$action}/{$ID}/") : path($this->application . "/cpanel/add/"); print div("add-form", "class"); print formOpen($href, "form-add", "form-add"); print p(__(_(ucfirst(whichApplication()))), "resalt"); print isset($alert) ? $alert : NULL; print formInput(array("name" => "title", "class" => "input required", "field" => __(_("Question")), "p" => TRUE, "value" => $title)); print div("answers"); print formField(NULL, __(_("Answers")) . " (" . __(_("Empty answers not be added")) . "))"); if (is_array($answers)) { foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) { print p(TRUE, "field panswer"); print span("count", $key + 1 . ".-"); print formInput(array("name" => "answers[]", "class" => "input required", "value" => $answer)); print p(FALSE); } } else { print p(TRUE, "field panswer"); print span("count", "1.-"); print formInput(array("name" => "answers[]", "class" => "input required", "value" => $answers)); print p(FALSE); } print div(FALSE); print span(NULL, repeat(" ", 4), "add-img"); $options = array(0 => array("value" => "Simple", "option" => __(_("Simple")), "selected" => $type === "Simple" ? TRUE : FALSE), 1 => array("value" => "Multiple", "option" => __(_("Multiple")), "selected" => $type === "Inactive" ? TRUE : FALSE)); print formSelect(array("name" => "type", "class" => "select", "p" => TRUE, "field" => __(_("Type"))), $options); $options = array(0 => array("value" => "Active", "option" => __(_("Active")), "selected" => $situation === "Active" ? TRUE : FALSE), 1 => array("value" => "Inactive", "option" => __(_("Inactive")), "selected" => $situation === "Inactive" ? TRUE : FALSE)); print formSelect(array("name" => "situation", "class" => "select", "p" => TRUE, "field" => __(_("Situation"))), $options); print formSave($action); print formInput(array("name" => "ID", "type" => "hidden", "value" => $ID)); print formClose(); print div(FALSE);