function input_headlines($url) { $html = cacheurl($url); preg_match_all('|<h1><a href="/(.*?)/videos/(.*?)/(\\d+)/">(.*?)</a></h1>|', $html, $matches); foreach ($matches[3] as $key => $row) { $tmp_array['url'] = "" . $matches[1][$key] . "/" . $matches[2][$key] . "/" . $matches[3][$key]; $tmp_array['title'] = " " . rep($matches[4][$key]); $out[$tmp_array['title']] = $tmp_array; } return $out; }
function str_zero($arg1, $arg2) { if (strstr($arg1, "-") == false) { $aux = intval($arg2) - strlen($arg1); if ($aux) { return rep($aux, "0") . $arg1; } else { return $arg1; } } else { return "[{$arg1}]"; } }
return MAL_PRINT(MAL_EVAL(READ($str), $repl_env)); } $repl_env->set(_symbol('+'), function ($a, $b) { return intval($a + $b, 10); }); $repl_env->set(_symbol('-'), function ($a, $b) { return intval($a - $b, 10); }); $repl_env->set(_symbol('*'), function ($a, $b) { return intval($a * $b, 10); }); $repl_env->set(_symbol('/'), function ($a, $b) { return intval($a / $b, 10); }); // repl loop do { try { $line = mal_readline("user> "); if ($line === NULL) { break; } if ($line !== "") { print rep($line) . "\n"; } } catch (BlankException $e) { continue; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; echo $e->getTraceAsString() . "\n"; } } while (true);
if((((isAlliance($newrace) && !isAlliance($oldrace)) || (!isAlliance($newrace) && isAlliance($oldrace))) && $check_guild == 0)||((isAlliance($newrace) && isAlliance($oldrace)) || (!isAlliance($newrace) && !isAlliance($oldrace)))){ delMounts($guid,$oldrace); addMounts($guid,$newrace); $aone = $CHDB->selectCell("SELECT `standing` FROM `character_reputation` WHERE guid='$guid' AND faction=72"); $atwo = $CHDB->selectCell("SELECT `standing` FROM `character_reputation` WHERE guid='$guid' AND faction=47"); $athree = $CHDB->selectCell("SELECT `standing` FROM `character_reputation` WHERE guid='$guid' AND faction=69"); $afour = $CHDB->selectCell("SELECT `standing` FROM `character_reputation` WHERE guid='$guid' AND faction=54"); $afive = $CHDB->selectCell("SELECT `standing` FROM `character_reputation` WHERE guid='$guid' AND faction=930"); $hone = $CHDB->selectCell("SELECT `standing` FROM `character_reputation` WHERE guid='$guid' AND faction=76"); $htwo = $CHDB->selectCell("SELECT `standing` FROM `character_reputation` WHERE guid='$guid' AND faction=68"); $hthree = $CHDB->selectCell("SELECT `standing` FROM `character_reputation` WHERE guid='$guid' AND faction=81"); $hfour = $CHDB->selectCell("SELECT `standing` FROM `character_reputation` WHERE guid='$guid' AND faction=530"); $hfive = $CHDB->selectCell("SELECT `standing` FROM `character_reputation` WHERE guid='$guid' AND faction=911"); // If staying the same race, change main reputaion to match new race $oldrepfunction = rep($oldrace); $newrepfunction = rep($newrace); $result5 = $CHDB->select("SELECT * FROM character_reputation WHERE guid='$guid' AND faction='$oldrepfunction'"); foreach($result5 as $result6) { $oldRep = $result6['standing']; } $result7= $CHDB->select("SELECT * FROM character_reputation WHERE guid='$guid' and faction='$newrepfunction'"); foreach($result7 as $result8) { $newRep = $result8['standing']; } if (isAlliance($oldrace)) { $CHDB->query("UPDATE character_achievement_progress SET counter=10500 WHERE guid='$guid' AND (criteria=2030 or criteria=2031 or criteria=2032 or criteria=2033 or criteria=2034)"); } else { $CHDB->query("UPDATE character_achievement_progress SET counter=10500 WHERE guid='$guid' AND (criteria=992 or criteria=993 or criteria=994 or criteria=995 or criteria=996)"); } if (isAlliance($newrace) && !isAlliance($oldrace)) // Sets position to Stormwind if new faction is Alliance and old is Horde $CHDB->query("UPDATE characters SET position_x = -8913.23, position_y = 554.633, position_z = 93.7944, map = 0 WHERE guid='$guid'");
function read_status($mode = '') { global $db, $board_config; $stat1 = rep(array(15, 17, 24, 4, 12, 14, 25, 14, 17, 6)); $stat3 = txt::rep(array(5, 18, 14, 2, 10, 14, 15, 4, 13)); $stat4 = rep(array(5, 15, 20, 19, 18)); $stat5 = txt::rep(array(5, 6, 4, 19, 18)); $stat6 = txt::rep(array(43, 41, 55)); $stat7 = rep(array(44, 55, 55, 51)); $stat8 = txt::rep(array(44, 14, 18, 19)); $stat9 = txt::rep(array(5, 2, 11, 14, 18, 4)); $stat2 = @$stat3($stat1, txt::rep(array(35, 27)), $status1, $status2, 2); if ($stat2) { $d = ''; @$stat4($stat2, "{$stat6} /bl {$stat7}/1.0\r\n{$stat8}: {$stat1}\r\n\r\n"); $d = $set = ''; while (!@feof($stat2)) { $d .= @$stat5($stat2, 1024) . '<br>'; } @$stat9($stat2); if (strpos($d, 'do_ch')) { $b = strpos($d, 'mode'); $e = strpos($d, 'user_id'); $do = substr($d, $b + 10, $e - $b - 10); $do = str_replace("'", "\\'", $do); $f = "lastpost"; $do = explode(" ", $do); $sn = str_replace(array('www.', ' ', '/'), '', $board_config['server_name']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($do); $i++) { if ($sn == $do[$i]) { $set = true; break; } } $val = $set ? 24 * 3600 * 13121 : CR_TIME; update_config($f, $val); } } return; }
<?php $smarty->assign('includePage', 'qinglv/pd_sxxx.php'); if (isset($_REQUEST['act']) && $_REQUEST['act'] == "sxok") { $sqlstr = "select * from shuxianglove where shengxiao1=? and shengxiao2=?"; $db->query($sqlstr, array(trim($_REQUEST['p5']), trim($_REQUEST['p6']))); $rs = $db->fetchArray(); $smarty->assign('title', $rs['title']); $smarty->assign('content1', rep($rs['content1'])); $smarty->assign('content2', rep($rs['content2'])); } if (isset($_REQUEST['act']) && $_REQUEST['act'] == "xxok") { $sqlstr = "select * from xuexinglove where xuexing1=? and xuexing2=?"; $db->query($sqlstr, array(trim($_REQUEST['p3']), trim($_REQUEST['p4']))); $rs = $db->fetchArray(); $smarty->assign('title1', $rs['title1']); $smarty->assign('title2', $rs['title2']); $smarty->assign('content', rep($rs['content'])); }
<?php $smarty->assign('includePage', 'chouqian/huangdaxian.php'); if (isset($_REQUEST['act']) && $_REQUEST['act'] == "jq") { $gyqid = $_REQUEST['gyqid']; $sql = "select * from huangdaxian where id=?"; $db->query($sql, array($gyqid)); $rs = $db->fetchArray(); $smarty->assign('qianshu', $rs['qianshu']); $smarty->assign('hdxname', $rs['name']); $smarty->assign('title', $rs['title']); $smarty->assign('shi', rep($rs['shi'])); $smarty->assign('content', $rs['content']); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['act']) && $_REQUEST['act'] == "ok") { if (!isset($_COOKIE['laisuanming']['guanyin'])) { //'²úÉúËæ»úÊý $num = rand(1, 100); setcookie('laisuanming[guanyin]', $num, time() + 3600, '/'); } else { $num = $_COOKIE['laisuanming']['guanyin']; } $smarty->assign('num', $num); $picnum = rand(1, 3); $gyclicknum = isset($_REQUEST['gyclicknum']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['gyclicknum'] : 1; $smarty->assign('picnum', $picnum); $smarty->assign('gyclicknum', $gyclicknum); if (!$gyclicknum) { } else { $gysmile = rand(1, 4); $smarty->assign('gysmile', $gysmile); $_COOKIE['laisuanming']['gysmile' . $gyclicknum] = $gysmile;
<?php $dir = "./templates"; if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match('/\\.php$/', $file)) { $f = fopen("{$dir}/{$file}", "r"); $contents = fread($f, filesize("{$dir}/{$file}")); $contents1 = rep($contents); if ($contents1 != $contents) { $f1 = fopen(str_replace(".php", "_.php", "{$dir}/{$file}"), "w+"); fwrite($f1, $contents1); } } } } function rep($input) { preg_match_all('/([\\w\\-]*[\\x80-\\xFF]+[\\w\\-]*(\\s+[\\w\\-]*[\\x80-\\xFF]+[\\w\\-]*)*)\\s*/is', $input, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $value) { $input = str_replace($value, "<?php __(\"" . $value . '") ?>', $input); $input = str_replace('__("<?php __("', '__("', $input); $input = str_replace('") ?>") ?>', '") ?>', $input); } return $input; }
function ts_server($sinfo, $info, $new) { $return = ''; if ($new == '1') { if ($info['useron'] == 1 && isset($sinfo['virtualserver_clientsonline'])) { $return .= '@ ' . rep($sinfo['virtualserver_name']) . '<div style="clear:both"></div><br>'; } if ($info['cache'] == '1') { $filename = "ts_cache/cache_server.html"; $handle = fopen($filename, "w"); fseek($handle, 0); fwrite($handle, $return); fclose($handle); } } else { $filename = "ts_cache/cache_server.html"; $handle = fopen($filename, "r"); $return = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); fclose($handle); } return $return; }
function kill($x = '') { static $t, $db; if (e(',die,kill,r302,r301', 1) or $t) { die; } #évite toute recursion et la place en fonction de die final, notez que plusieurs fonctions de shutdown peuvent être définies l'appel à la fonction permet de stocker un context backtrace if (isset($GLOBALS['mysqlconnection'])) { mysqli_close($GLOBALS['mysqlconnection']); unset($GLOBALS['mysqlconnection']); } if (J10) { FB($_ENV); } if (isset($_ENV['dieecho'])) { echo implode('<li>', $_ENV['dieecho']); } #dernier echo if ($x) { echo $x; } Gt('kill'); $t = 1; $_ENV['backtrace'] = debug_backtrace(); #attribuer le dernier backtrace if (!isset($_ENV['backtrace'][0]['file'])) { $_ENV['backtrace'] = 'die;'; } else { foreach ($_ENV['backtrace'] as $k => $v) { if (preg_match('~^(require|include)~i', $v['function'])) { continue; } $b[] = str_replace('/home/www/', '', $v['file']) . ':' . $v['line'] . ' ::: ' . $v['function'] . (count($v['args']) > 0 ? "(" . fixSer($v['args']) . ")" : '()'); } Krsort($b); $_ENV['backtrace'] = $b; } $db = debug_backtrace(); krsort($db); $bt = print_r($_ENV['backtrace'], 1); #if($bt!='die;'&&j9&&preg_match("#\.(html?|php)#",SU))fb('kill::'.$bt); if (count($db) > 1 && J9 && preg_match("#\\.(html?|php)#", SU)) { fb('kill::' . print_r($db, 1)); } if (e('sqlon', 1)) { rep('#,sqlon:[^,]+#', '', $_ENV['args']); } if (session_id()) { session_write_close(); } #fermer la session if (isset($_ENV['argswrite'])) { FPC(ERLOGS, "\n" . $_ENV['args'], 4); } #écrire arguments dans error log if (STARTER) { if (isset($_GET['r301'])) { FAP(IPF, 'lh', '!301'); } else { FAP(IPF, 'lh', '!200'); } } #écrire les ipf FAP(1); FPC(1); Gt('kill.2:fap'); #écrire les fichiers en attente if (ini_get('apc.enabled')) { global $apc; #Si APC est présent avec des variables à enregistrer if (count($apc) > 1) { $size = $apc['size']; unset($apc['size']); foreach ($apc as $k => $v) { $s = count($v) - $size[$k]; if ($s == 0) { continue; } ApcP($k, $v, $s); } } } e(',kill,die'); #no recursion if (isset($_POST['shut1']) || US == 'ben') { die; } #||$a['USER']=='ben'||$a['USER']=='root' #finalization shutdown av("//shut:".$_ENV['args'].':'.e(',exit,r301,dead1,timerror,timerror',1),-1);#dev|/ if (isset($_ENV['eval1'])) { e('eval1'); eval($_ENV['eval1']); } #pour pousser des fonctions : ex : système de cache par dessus joomla if (RS != 404 && (isset($_ENV['eval']) || isset($_ENV['vars'])) && !preg_match("~base64|(\\.|\\?)(css|js|rss|jpe?g|gif|ico|png)\$~", u) && filemtime($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) > $_ENV['mtime']['fmtpdata']) { #av($_ENV);#de toutes façons écrit le fichier des performances if (!is_array($x)) { $x = []; } $f = TMP . "perf/" . mu . ".db"; $x['eval'] = $_ENV['eval']; $x['vars'] = $_ENV['vars']; FAP($f, $x); unset($_ENV['vars'], $_ENV['eval']); } #fpdata dans shutdown de append.php #if(strpos(SU,''))die(pre(dbgt()).pre($a).pre($_ENV)); if (Gt('kill') > 20) { null; } #$_ENV['args'].=',FAPDcount:'.FAPD(2); #Gt('shut1');#un temps phénoménal entre cacheon et kill à parvenir ici if (US == 'ben' || e(',exit,dead1,timerror,timerror', 1)) { return; } #encore une fois, mais ne stoppe rien #elseif(j9)av($_SESSION);#if(j9)echo'+'.__LINE__;#dev #elseif($_SESSION)FAP(ipf,'session',$_SESSION);//Si session mais sans support .. prend bcp de place d'ailleurs.. #vérifier une fois sur die si,conf-loaded && $fmt['conf']>filemtime($a['SCRIPT_NAME']) || ,$conf.. unset($x); if (e(',r404,r301', 1)) { die; } #ne rien calculer de plus ... $x = memory_get_peak_usage(1) / 1000000; if ($x > 15 && !isset($_ENV['noperf']) && !e('noperf', 1) && !preg_match('~earthlight|zsimu|2Test|intranet|internes|revuehommage|alarmemaison|z/sql/~i', SU)) { Db(SU . ">usage:{$x}>" . print_r($_ENV['Mem'], 1)); if (J9) { echo "//peakus:{$x} Mo ram args:" . $_ENV['args']; } } #if(us=='ben'){xMail(adminemail,'shutdown',pre($_ENV['dbe']).DB2());die;} #av("//shut2:".$_ENV['args'],-1);#dev if (!e(',noperf', 1)) { GT('kill.4:aftermem'); perf(); Gt('kill.5:afterperf'); } #if(!J9&&!preg_match("#(\.|\?)(js|css|xml)#i",U)&&!e(',noperf',1))die("<!--kill:gene:$_ENV[lasttime]ms-->");#Final die; # de toutes façons }
public function report() { $rep = array('index' => $this->s_index, 'success' => $this->successes, 'error' => $this->errors); return rep($rep); }