Exemplo n.º 1
  * Callback for RegEx replacement of shortcodes.
  * Calls and wraps all shortcodes in the content.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @access private
  * @global array $render_shortcode_data Extra data supplied from JS.
  * @global array $shortcode_tags        WP registered shortcodes.
  * @param array  $matches               Matches supplied from preg_replace_callback(),
  * @return string The substituted output.
 public static function _replace_shortcodes($matches)
     global $render_shortcode_data, $shortcode_tags;
     // "Extract" some of the found matches
     $entire_code = $matches[0];
     $code = $matches[2];
     $atts = $matches[3];
     $_content = $matches[5];
     // Get our shortcode data
     $data = $render_shortcode_data[$code];
     // Get our atts
     $atts = shortcode_parse_atts($atts);
     // Nested shortcode children
     if (isset($data['nested']['parent'])) {
         // Don't allow this shortcode to be edited
         $data['hideActions'] = true;
         // Set default dummy content
         if (!isset($data['dummyContent'])) {
             $data['dummyContent'] = '(Enter section content)';
     // Search again for any nested shortcodes (loops infinitely)
     if (!empty($_content)) {
         $pattern = get_shortcode_regex();
         $content = preg_replace_callback("/{$pattern}/s", array(__CLASS__, '_replace_shortcodes'), $_content);
     // If the shortcode explicitely said to leave alone, completely pass over
     if (isset($data['ignore']) && ($data['ignore'] == true || $data['ignore'] == 'true')) {
         return $entire_code;
     // If this is a wrapping code, but no content is provided, use dummy content
     if (empty($content) && isset($data['wrapping']) && $data['wrapping'] === 'true') {
         if (isset($data['dummyContent'])) {
             $content = $data['dummyContent'];
         } else {
             $content = __('No content selected.', 'Render');
     // Properly wrap the content
     if (!empty($content)) {
         // Wrap the content in a special element, but first decide if it needs to be div or span
         $tag = preg_match(render_block_regex(), $content) ? 'div' : 'span';
         // Override tag
         $tag = isset($data['displayBlock']) ? 'div' : $tag;
         $editable = isset($data['contentNonEditable']) ? '' : 'render-tinymce-editable';
         $content = "<{$tag} class='render-tinymce-shortcode-content {$editable}'>{$content}</{$tag}>";
     // Replace the content with the new content
     if (!empty($content)) {
         $entire_code = str_replace("]{$_content}[", "]{$content}[", $entire_code);
     // Get the atts prepared for JSON
     if (!empty($atts)) {
         $atts = json_encode($atts);
     // Check for tinymce callback
     if (is_callable($shortcode_tags[$code] . '_tinymce')) {
         $shortcode_tags[$code] = $shortcode_tags[$code] . '_tinymce';
     // Get the shortcode output (if rendering set)
     if (!isset($data)) {
         $shortcode_output = $entire_code;
     } elseif (isset($data['useText'])) {
         $shortcode_output = $data['useText'];
     } else {
         $shortcode_output = do_shortcode($entire_code);
         // Un-escape the output
         $shortcode_output = render_sc_attr_unescape($shortcode_output);
         // Make sure images are non-editable (unless told otherwise)
         if (!isset($data['wrapping']) || $data['wrapping'] == 'false' || $data['wrapping'] == false) {
             $shortcode_output = preg_replace('/<img/', '<img data-mce-placeholder="1" style="outline: none !important;"', $shortcode_output);
     // If the output contains any block tags, make sure the wrapper tag is a div
     $tag = preg_match(render_block_regex(), $shortcode_output) ? 'div' : 'span';
     // Override tag
     $tag = isset($data['displayBlock']) ? 'div' : $tag;
     $classes = array();
     // The code
     $classes[] = $code;
     // Whether or not to style the code
     $classes[] = !isset($data['noStyle']) ? 'styled' : '';
     // If the code should be forced as displayBlock
     $classes[] = isset($data['displayBlock']) ? 'block' : '';
     // If the shortcode is a nested child
     $classes[] = isset($data['nested']['parent']) ? 'nested-child' : '';
     // Hidden tooltip
     $classes[] = isset($data['hideActions']) ? 'hide-actions' : '';
      * Allows external filtering of the wrapper classes.
      * @since 1.1-beta-2
     $classes = apply_filters("render_tinymce_shortcode_wrapper_classes_{$code}", $classes);
     // Parse the atts
     if (!empty($atts)) {
         $atts = htmlentities(preg_replace('/<br.*?\\/>/', '::br::', $atts));
     $output = '';
     // Start the wrapper
     $output .= "<{$tag} class='render-tinymce-shortcode-wrapper render-tinymce-noneditable " . implode(' ', $classes) . "' data-code='{$code}' data-atts='{$atts}'>";
     $output .= !empty($shortcode_output) ? $shortcode_output : '<span class="render-shortcode-no-output">(no output)</span>';
     // Close the wrapper
     // Delete notification
     $output .= '<span class=\'render-tinymce-shortcode-wrapper-delete render-tinymce-tooltip\'>' . __('Press again to delete', 'Render') . "</span>";
     // Action button
     if (!isset($data['hideActions'])) {
         $output .= '<span class="render-tinymce-shortcode-wrapper-actions render-tinymce-tooltip">';
         $output .= '<span class="render-tinymce-tooltip-spacer"></span>';
         $output .= '<span class="render-tinymce-shortcode-wrapper-edit dashicons dashicons-edit">edit</span>';
         $output .= '<span class="render-tinymce-shortcode-wrapper-remove dashicons dashicons-no">remove</span>';
         $output .= '</span>';
     $output .= "</{$tag}>";
     return $output;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Wraps content appropriately based on its existence, for use within the TinyMCE.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param string $content    The content output.
 * @param string $visibility Whether to hide or show content. Accepts 'hidden' or 'visible'.
 * @return string The appropriately wrapped content.
function render_tinymce_visibility_wrap($content = '', $visibility = 'visible')
    $tag = preg_match(render_block_regex(), $content) ? 'div' : 'span';
    return "<{$tag} class='render-content-{$visibility}'>" . do_shortcode($content) . "<span class='render-visibility-icon dashicons dashicons-" . ($visibility == 'visible' ? 'visibility' : 'no') . "'></span></{$tag}>";