Exemplo n.º 1
 protected function getResultText(SMWQueryResult $res, $outputmode)
     if (!is_callable('renderGraphviz')) {
         wfWarn('The SRF Graph printer needs the GraphViz extension to be installed.');
         return '';
     global $wgGraphVizSettings;
     $this->isHTML = true;
     $graphInput = "digraph {$this->m_graphName} {";
     if ($this->m_graphSize != '') {
         $graphInput .= "size=\"{$this->m_graphSize}\";";
     if ($this->m_nodeShape) {
         $graphInput .= "node [shape={$this->m_nodeShape}];";
     $graphInput .= "rankdir={$this->m_rankdir};";
     while ($row = $res->getNext()) {
         $graphInput .= $this->getGVForItem($row, $outputmode);
     $graphInput .= "}";
     // Calls renderGraphViz function from MediaWiki GraphViz extension
     $result = renderGraphviz($graphInput);
     if ($this->m_graphLegend && $this->m_graphColor) {
         $arrayCount = 0;
         $arraySize = count($this->m_graphColors);
         $result .= "<P>";
         foreach ($this->m_labelArray as $m_label) {
             if ($arrayCount >= $arraySize) {
                 $arrayCount = 0;
             $color = $this->m_graphColors[$arrayCount];
             $result .= "<font color={$color}>{$color}: {$m_label} </font><br />";
             $arrayCount += 1;
         $result .= "</P>";
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 2
	 *	This method renders the result set provided by SMW according to the printer
	 *  @param res				SMWQueryResult, result set of the ask query provided by SMW
	 *  @param outputmode		?
	 *  @return				String, rendered HTML output of this printer for the ask-query
	protected function getResultText( SMWQueryResult $res, $outputmode ) {
		if ( !is_callable( 'renderGraphviz' ) ) {
			wfWarn( 'The SRF Graph printer needs the GraphViz extension to be installed.' );
			return '';

		global $wgContLang; // content language object

		//	GraphViz settings
		global $wgGraphVizSettings;
		$this->isHTML 		= true;

		//	Iterate all rows in result set

		$row = $res->getNext(); // get initial row (i.e. array of SMWResultArray)

		while ( $row !== false ) {
			$subject = $row[0]->getResultSubject(); // get Subject of the Result
			// creates a new node if $val has type wikipage
			if ( $subject->getTypeID() == '_wpg' ) {
				$val = $subject->getShortWikiText();
				$node  = $this->m_process->makeNode( $val, $val );

			//	Iterate all colums of the row (which describe properties of the proces node)

			foreach ( $row as $field ) {

				// check column title
				$req = $field->getPrintRequest();
				switch ( ( strtolower( $req->getLabel() ) ) ) {

					case strtolower( $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_CATEGORY ) ):

						foreach ( $field->getContent() as $value ) {
							$val = $value->getShortWikiText();
							if ( $val == ( $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_CATEGORY ) . ':' . $this->m_processCategory ) ) $node->setAtomic( false );


	 				case "haslabel":
	 					$value = current($field->getContent()); // save only the first
							if (($value !== false)) {
							$val = $value->getLongWikiText();
							if ($this->m_process->getUseOtherLabels()) {
								$val = str_replace("&","and",$val);

					case "hasrole":
						foreach ( $field->getContent() as $value ) {
							$val = $value->getShortWikiText();
							$role = $this->m_process->makeRole( $val, $val );
							$node->addRole( $role );

					case "usesresource":
						foreach ( $field->getContent() as $value ) {
							$val = $value->getShortWikiText();
							$xres = $this->m_process->makeRessource( $val, $val );
							$node->addUsedRessource( $xres );

					case "producesresource":
						foreach ( $field->getContent() as $value ) {
							$val = $value->getShortWikiText();
							$xres = $this->m_process->makeRessource( $val, $val );
							$node->addProducedRessource( $xres );

					case "hassuccessor":

						if ( count( $field->getContent() ) > 1 ) {

							// SplitParallel
							$edge = new SplitParallelEdge();
							$edge->setFrom( $node );
							foreach ( $field->getContent() as $value ) {
								$val = $value->getShortWikiText();
								$edge->addTo( $this->m_process->makeNode( $val, $val ) );

						} else {

							// Sequence
							foreach ( $field->getContent() as $value ) {
								$val = $value->getShortWikiText();
								$edge = new SequentialEdge();
								$edge->setFrom( $node );
								$edge->setTo( $this->m_process->makeNode( $val, $val ) );


					case "hasorsuccessor":

						if ( count( $field->getContent() ) > 0 ) {

							// SplitExclusiveOr
							$edge = new SplitExclusiveOrEdge();
							$edge->setFrom( $node );
							foreach ( $field->getContent() as $value ) {
								$val = $value->getShortWikiText();
								$edge->addTo( $this->m_process->makeNode( $val, $val ) );


					case "hascontruesuccessor":

						if ( count( $field->getContent() ) > 0 ) {

							// SplitConditional
							if ( !isset( $cond_edge ) ) {
								$cond_edge = new SplitConditionalOrEdge();
								$cond_edge->setFrom( $node );

							// should be only one
							foreach ( $field->getContent() as $value ) {
								$val = $value->getShortWikiText();
								$cond_edge->setToTrue( $this->m_process->makeNode( $val, $val ) );



					case "hasconfalsesuccessor":

						if ( count( $field->getContent() ) > 0 ) {

					 		// SplitConditional
							if ( !isset( $cond_edge ) ) {
								$cond_edge = new SplitConditionalOrEdge();
								$cond_edge->setFrom( $node );

							// should be only one
							foreach ( $field->getContent() as $value ) {
								$val = $value->getShortWikiText();
								$cond_edge->setToFalse( $this->m_process->makeNode( $val, $val ) );


					case "hascondition":

						if ( count( $field->getContent() ) > 0 ) {

					 		// SplitConditional
							if ( !isset( $cond_edge ) ) {
								$cond_edge = new SplitConditionalOrEdge();
								$cond_edge->setFrom( $node );

							// should be only one
							foreach ( $field->getContent() as $value ) {
								$val = $value->getShortWikiText();
								$cond_edge->setConditionText( $val );



					case "hasstatus":

						// should be only one
						foreach ( $field->getContent() as $value ) {
							$val = $value->getShortWikiText();
							$node->setStatus( $val );



						// TODO - redundant column in result


			// reset row variables
			unset( $node );
			unset( $cond_edge );

		  	$row = $res->getNext();		// switch to next row

		// generate graphInput
		$graphInput = $this->m_process->getGraphVizCode();

		// render graphViz code
		$result = renderGraphviz( $graphInput );

		$debug = '';
		if ( $this->m_isDebugSet ) $debug = '<pre>' . $graphInput . '</pre>';

		return $result . $debug;