<?php require_once 'includes/travel-setup.inc.php'; include 'includes/functions.php'; if (isset($_GET['delete-all-image'])) { unset($_SESSION['favoriteImageList']); } elseif (isset($_GET['delete-all-post'])) { unset($_SESSION['favoritePostList']); } elseif (isset($_GET['delete-image'])) { removeSingleItem('favoriteImageList', $_GET['delete-image'], 'imageID'); } elseif (isset($_GET['delete-post'])) { removeSingleItem('favoritePostList', $_GET['delete-post'], 'postID'); } header('Location: browse-favorites.php');
$shipping = 5; } elseif ($frameC <= 10) { $shipping = 15; } elseif ($frameC > 10) { $shipping = 30; } else { } } } //adds the new shipping cost to the JSON return object. $shipping = number_format((double) $shipping, 2, '.', ''); $serArr["shipCost"] = $shipping; } if (isset($_POST["remove"]) && $_POST["remove"] == "yes") { $remove = $_POST["remove"]; removeSingleItem("Cart", $_POST["serial"], "serial"); $serArr[$_POST["serial"]] = $_POST["serial"]; } //calculates the new total and adds it to the JSON return object. $total = $sub + $shipping; $total = number_format((double) $total, 2, '.', ''); $serArr["total"] = $total; //adds the new subtotal to the JSON return object. $sub = number_format($sub, 2, '.', ''); $serArr["sub"] = $sub; //returns the JSON object back to the user for an asynchronous update of the page. echo json_encode($serArr); //required for the counting the frames when calculating the shipping cost. function frameCount() { $frameCount = 0;