Exemplo n.º 1
 } else {
     if ($_GET['action'] == removeRoomLocation && $_SESSION['access'] >= 50) {
         //get the client ID and remove that
         $location = new Location($_GET['locationID']);
     } else {
         if ($_GET['action'] == removeRoom && $_SESSION['access'] >= 50) {
             //get the client ID and remove that
             $room = new Room($_GET['roomID']);
         } else {
             if ($_GET['action'] == removeLocation && $_SESSION['access'] >= 50) {
                 //get the client ID and remove that
                 $location = new Location($_GET['locationID']);
             } else {
                 if ($_GET['action'] == removeLocationType && $_SESSION['access'] >= 50) {
                     //get the client ID and remove that
                     $locationType = new LocationType($_GET['locationTypeID']);
                 } else {
                     if ($_GET['action'] == 'showRoomTypes') {
                     } else {
                         if ($_GET['action'] == 'showLocationTypes') {
                         } else {
                             if ($_GET['action'] == 'showArchivedLocation') {
                             } else {
Exemplo n.º 2
function parseInputs($user)
    if (isset($_POST['func'])) {
        $func = $_POST['func'];
        // getters ===============================
        if ($func === "getGoals") {
            echo json_encode(getGoals($user));
        if ($func === "getIndustries") {
            echo json_encode(getIndustries($user));
        if ($func === "getLocations") {
            echo json_encode(getLocations($user));
        if ($func === "getPostings") {
        if ($func === "getContacts") {
            echo json_encode(getContacts($user));
        if ($func === "getSchedules") {
            echo json_encode(getSchedules($user));
        if ($func === "getCompanies") {
            echo getCompanies($user);
        if ($func === "getBlogId") {
            echo json_encode(getBlogId($user, $_POST['title'], $_POST['text']));
        if ($func === "getBlog") {
            echo json_encode(getBlog($user));
        if ($func === "getNotesOnPosting") {
            $postingId = $_POST['postingId'];
            echo json_encode(getNotesOnPosting($user, $postingId));
        // inserters ===============================
        if ($func === "insertGoal") {
            if (isset($_POST["goal"]) && $_POST["goal"] !== '') {
                echo json_encode(insertGoal($user, $_POST["goal"]));
        if ($func === "insertIndustry") {
            if (isset($_POST["industry"]) && $_POST["industry"] !== '') {
                echo json_encode(insertIndustry($user, $_POST["industry"]));
        if ($func === "insertCompany") {
            $url = urldecode($_POST["url"]);
            $companyName = $_POST["company"];
            insertCompany($user, $companyName);
        if ($func === "insertLocation") {
            if (isset($_POST["location"]) && $_POST["location"] !== '') {
                echo json_encode(insertLocation($user, $_POST["location"]));
        if ($func === "insertPosting") {
            echo json_encode(insertPosting($user));
        if ($func === "insertContact") {
            // more complex.  will be responsible for getting $_POST
            echo json_encode(insertContact($user));
        if ($func === "insertSchedule") {
            // more complex.  will be responsible for getting $_POST
            // echo json_encode(insertSchedule($user));
            echo insertSchedule($user);
        if ($func === "addSchedule") {
            // more complex.  will be responsible for getting $_POST
            // echo json_encode(insertSchedule($user));
            // echo "adding ZSchecdule";
            $name = $_POST["name"];
            $description = $_POST["description"];
            $contact = $_POST["contact"];
            $start = $_POST["start"];
            $end = $_POST["end"];
            // addSchedule($name,$description,$contact,$start,$end)
            if (addSchedule($name, $description, $contact, $start, $end)) {
                $scheduleId = getScheduleId($name, $description, $contact, $start, $end);
                if ($scheduleId > 0) {
                    // echo $scheduleId;
                    // insert schedule id and user id to user_schedule
                    $query = "insert into user_schedule ";
                    $query .= "(user,schedule) ";
                    $query .= "values ( {$user}, ";
                    $query .= "{$scheduleId} ) ";
                    //return $query;
                    echo booleanEcho($query);
                } else {
                    echo "error getting schedule id.";
            } else {
                echo "error inserting schedule.";
        if ($func === "insertBlog") {
            echo json_encode(insertBlog($user));
        if ($func === "insertNotesPostingUser") {
            // insertBlog, then insertNotesPostingUser
            $noteId = insertBlog($user);
            // $noteId = $_POST["noteId"];
            $postingId = $_POST["postingId"];
            echo json_encode(insertNotesPostingUser($noteId, $postingId, $user));
        // removers ===============================
        if ($func === "removeGoal") {
            // url is the id for user_goals
            if (isset($_POST["url"]) && $_POST["url"] !== '') {
                echo json_encode(removeGoal($user, $_POST["url"]));
        if ($func === "removeIndustry") {
            // url is the id for user_industries
            if (isset($_POST["url"]) && $_POST["url"] !== '') {
                echo json_encode(removeIndustry($user, $_POST["url"]));
        if ($func === "removeLocation") {
            // url is the id for locations
            if (isset($_POST["url"]) && $_POST["url"] !== '') {
                echo json_encode(removeLocation($user, $_POST["url"]));
        if ($func === "removeContact") {
            // url is the id for user_contacts
            if (isset($_POST["url"]) && $_POST["url"] !== '') {
                echo json_encode(removeUserContact($user, $_POST["url"]));
        if ($func === "removePosting") {
            if (isset($_POST["url"]) && $_POST["url"] !== '') {
                removePosting($user, $_POST["url"]);
        if ($func === "removeCompany") {
            $companyId = $_POST["url"];
            // companyID is stored here
            removeCompany($user, $companyId);
        if ($func === "removeSchedule") {
            $scheduleId = $_POST["url"];
            // scheduleID is stored here
            echo json_encode(removeSchedule($user, $scheduleId));
        if ($func === "removeBlog") {
            $userNoteId = $_POST["url"];
            // need to get noteId from userNoteId
            $noteId = getNoteIdFromUserNoteId($userNoteId);
            if (removeNoteUser($user, $userNoteId) === true) {
                if (removeNote($noteId) === true) {
                    echo json_encode(true);
                } else {
                    echo json_encode("Error removing from notes.");
            } else {
                echo json_encode("Error removing from NoteUser.");
        // updaters ===============================
        if ($func === "updateGoal") {
            echo json_encode(updateGoal($user));
        if ($func === "updateIndustry") {
            echo json_encode(updateIndustry($user));
        if ($func === "updatePosting") {
            // returns on its own
        if ($func === "updateContact") {
            echo json_encode(updateContact($user));