$test = '/' . $not_anchor . $not_http . $domain . $subdir . '/i'; $ret = preg_replace($test, "<a href='http://\$0' title='http://\$0'>\$0</a>", $ret); return $ret; } function tagExtLinks2($str, $activ = null, $repl = "(*)") { if ($activ == null) { $test = "/(<a href=)" . "(\"|\\')" . "(http|https|ftp)" . "(:\\/\\/)" . "(?!" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ")" . "(.*)" . "(<\\/a>)/isU"; // 7: Match the closing anchor tag return preg_replace($test, " \${0}" . $repl, $str); } else { $test = "/(<a href=)" . "(\"|\\')" . "(http|https|ftp)" . "(:\\/\\/)" . "(?!" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ")" . "(.*)" . "(\"|\\')" . "(.*)" . "<\\/a>/isU"; // 9: Match the closing anchor //return preg_replace($test, " \${0} xxxxxxxx" . $repl."</a>", $str); return preg_replace($test, " \${0}<a href=\"\${3}\${4}\${5}\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . $repl . "</a>", $str); } } function removeLinks($str) { $test = "/(<a\\s+href=)" . "([\"\\'])" . "(.*[\"'])" . "(.*>)" . "(.+)" . "(<\\/a>)" . "/isU"; //Make it case insensitive (i), treat across newlines (s) //and make it Ungreedy (U) return preg_replace($test, "\$5", $str); } //if ($matches[1][0] == "http://localhost" || "localhost" || "") { do something } if ($matches[1][0] !== "http://localhost" || "localhost" || "") { Do something else } $str = "Hello there everyone. I hope you are having a good day. \n Please come to http://dog.cat/ for more information or visit\n <a href=\"http://www.google.com\">google</a> now which you ca find\n at www.google.com. On the other\n hand, <a href=\"http://sdasdas/fish.html\" class=\"someclass\">asdas</a>.\n This is test of <a href=\"http://test/\">this thing</a> but it does not \n tag <a href=\"http://localhost/something.php\">localhost</a>."; echo activateLinks($str) . "<br /><br />"; echo tagExtLinks2(activateLinks($str), True) . "<br /><br />"; echo removeLinks(tagExtLinks2(activateLinks($str), True)) . "<br /><br />"; //echo "<br/>http://www.google.com " . isValidFormedUrl("http://www.google.com")."<br />"; //echo "<br/>htp://www.google.com " . isValidFormedUrl("htp://www.google.com")."<br />";
function prev_next_link($prevnext, $option) { $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $jdate = JFactory::getDate(); $act = JRequest::getCmd('act', '', 'post'); $link_id = JRequest::getInt('link_id', '', 'post'); $post = JRequest::get('post'); $database->setQuery('SELECT link_id FROM #__mt_links WHERE link_approved <= 0 ORDER BY link_created ASC, link_modified DESC'); $links = $database->loadResultArray(); if (array_key_exists(array_search($link_id, $links) + 1, $links)) { $next_link_id = $links[array_search($link_id, $links) + 1]; } else { $next_link_id = 0; } if (array_key_exists(array_search($link_id, $links) - 1, $links)) { $prev_link_id = $links[array_search($link_id, $links) - 1]; } else { $prev_link_id = 0; } if ($prevnext == "next") { if ($next_link_id > 0) { $post['returntask'] = "editlink&link_id=" . $next_link_id; } else { $post['returntask'] = "listpending_links"; } } elseif ($prevnext == "prev") { if ($prev_link_id > 0) { $post['returntask'] = "editlink&link_id=" . $prev_link_id; } else { $post['returntask'] = "listpending_links"; } } switch ($act) { case "ignore": savelink($option, $post); break; case "discard": removeLinks(array($link_id), $option, $post); break; case "approve": $post['publishing']['link_approved'] = 1; $post['publishing']['link_published'] = 1; $post['publishing']['link_created'] = $jdate->toMySQL(); savelink($option, $post); break; } }
$tag = getTag($_GET["tag"]); // if a tag is an equation we remove its number function isNotLineWithLabel($line) { return strncmp($line, "\\label", 6); } if ($tag["type"] == "equation") { $tag["value"] = implode("\n", array_filter(explode("\n", $tag["value"]), "isNotLineWithLabel")); } if (isset($_GET["format"]) and $_GET["format"]) { switch ($type) { case "full": print removeLinks($tag["value"]); break; case "statement": print removeLinks(removeProofs($tag["value"])); break; } } else { $output = ""; switch ($type) { case "full": $output .= convertLaTeX($_GET["tag"], $tag["file"], $tag["value"]); break; case "statement": $output .= convertLaTeX($_GET["tag"], $tag["file"], removeProofs($tag["value"])); break; } // handle footnotes global $footnotes; if (sizeof($footnotes) > 0) {